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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
I will destroy the Red Legion so thoroughly that they will be forgotten from even the Grimoire Cards.
~ Mirai explaining her plan to her Ghost


No Destiny is WHYNAUT's take on the game Destiny. No Destiny ignores most of Destiny's lore and focuses mainly on in-game events and elements that were added by WHYNAUT.

Mirai is the protagonist in Destiny 2 and is the "Chosen One" according to her master. To actually become the "Chosen One" she needs to break her curse, every new enemy she faces is stronger than the previous one.

When the Red Legion attacks the Last City and imprisons the Traveler, all Guardians are cut off from the Light. Mirai struggles to survive, but she soon finds a shard of the Traveler through which she gets her Light back.

Having reattained her Light she begins waging war on the Red Legion and anyone who gets in her way. She undergoes a long adventure in which she fights of parts of the Red Legion on earth, the Hive on Titan, the Vex on Nessus, the Taken on Io, the Fallen who are almost everywhere and finally the leader of the Red Legion, Dominus Ghaul.

After this she goes on many more adventures in the forms of The Curse of Osiris, Warmind and Forsaken DLCs.


Mirai is a non social person who prefers to be alone. She has a strong hatred towards most known aliens and this drives her to go overboard when fighting them. She's a sadistic psychopath that rarely takes a liking to other people, but despite this she treats Humans, Exos and Awoken well and she tries to protect them. She likely does this because they all were or still are humans and because they're not enemies of the Last City. However if someone were to anger her, they should always looks over their shoulder. Mirai often tries to perform repetetive tasks as efficiently as possible and always tries become more powerful. Her thirst for blood and power have gotten in her way of seeing the bigger picture on several occasions.

After Cayde-6 was killed during the events of Forsaken she became even more merciless and her hunger for power was greater than ever before. Because of this she played right along with the plans of Riven of a Thousand Voices and Savathûn the Witch Queen causing a powerful curse to be put upon the Dreaming City.

Personal Statistics[]

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Name: Mirai, Hunter, Guardian, The Chosen One

Origin: No Destiny

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human, Lightbearer, A.E.G.I.S. (Alien Exterminating Guardian In Service)

Birthplace: Europe

Weight: 130 lbs

Height: 5'5

Likes: Loot, Killing aliens, fighting, Eating and drinking, listening to music, Dancing

Dislikes: Aliens, Insects, Swimming

Eye Color: Tiger orange

Hair Color: Blonde

Values: Promises, Style, Skill, Efficiency, Power

Martial Status: Is single

Status: Alive

Affiliation: Her master, Cayde-6, Ikora Rey, Zavala, The Drifter, Amanda Holliday, Petra Venj, Eris Morn, Ana Bray, Rasputin, Failsafe

Previous Affiliation: Unknown

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: 9-B | 9-A | 8-C. 5-C with Celestial Nighthawk | At least 8-C, likely High 8-C. 5-C with Celestial Nighthawk

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Stealth Mastery (Has snuck past enemies even when there was barely any cover on multiple occasions), Immortality (Type 3), Regeneration (At least Mid-Low), Self-Sustenance (Type 2), Weapon Mastery (Has mastered any kind of firearm, sword, spear, staff, knife and bow), Martial Arts, Electricity Manipulation (With arc weapons), Hacking (Her Ghost can hack almost anything), Resistance to Fire Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Existence Erasure and Cold

Same as before to a higher degree plus Immortality (Types 1, 3, 4 and 8; can regenerate and come back to life as long as her Ghost persists), Regeneration (Low-Godly), Resurrection, Non-Physical Interaction (Is able to destroy constructs made of void, solar energy or arc energy), Light Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Fire Manipulation (With solar weapons), Void Manipulation, Existence Erasure (With void weapons), Statistics Amplification, Homing Attack, Double and Triple Jump, Teleportation, Healing, Status Effect Inducement, Magnetism Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation (With various abilities and weapons), Forcefield Creation (All Guardians have a protective shield around them), Information Analysis (She can see how strong someone is and her ghost can analyze almost any kind of phenomenon), Immortality Negation, Regeneration Negation (With Crimson), Resistance to Mind Manipulation (Unaffected by the mental attacks from Psions), Magic (Hive rituals have been unsuccessful against her), Poison Manipulation (poison clouds from Hive Wizards are a mere inconvenience to her), Pain Manipulation (Hive Wizards and weapons are unable to inflict pain upon her), Life Manipulation (Hive Wizards can't rip out her life force), Immortality Negation, Regeneration Negation (The Crimson hand cannon can't permanently kill her) and Soul Manipulation (Her soul is stored in her Ghost)

Same as before to a higher degree plus Spatial Manipulation, Black Hole Creation (The Graviton Lance shoots small black holes that rip through space), Law Manipulation (With Whisper of the Worm), Energy Projection, Power Nullification, Resistance Negation (With Tractor Cannon), Resistance to Spatial Manipulation, Black Hole Creation (Is able to tank attacks from the Graviton Lance), Information Analysis, Precognition (the Vex are not able to simulate or predict her), Biological Manipulation, Absorption (Vex radiolarian fluids only do minor harm), Radiation Manipulation (Was only slightly affected by cosmic rays) and Law Manipulation (The Whisper of the Worm's effects don't work on her)

Same as before to a higher degree plus Invisibility, Intangibility (While using Vanishing Step she's intangible), Statistics Reduction, Smoke Manipulation (With smoke bombs), Absorption (Can absorb leftover Light of her attacks), Danmaku (With Hard Light), Darkness Manipulation, Nanotechnology (With The Colony)

Attack Potency: Wall Level+ (Superior to Cabal that can easily break through stone walls and iron doors) | Small Building Level (Far stronger than before, can stomp enemies that could stomp her when she was weakened) | Building Level. Moon Level with Celestial Nighthawk (Far stronger than before. Can take down heavy armored vehicles that are the size of a small building. One-shot the Taken Centurion that was sustaining the process of making Io implode when she used the Celestial Nighthawk) | At least Building Level, likely Large Building Level. Moon Level with Celestial Nighthawk (Far superior to before)

Speed: Peak Human with Superhuman combat speed | Superhuman with FTL combat speed (Can dodge Sleeper Simulant shots) | Superhuman with FTL combat speed (Faster than before) | At least Superhuman with FTL combat speed (Faster than before)

Lifting Strength: At least Peak Human (Superior to Cabal Legionaries) | Presumably the same | Presumably the same | Presumably the same

Striking Strength: Wall Level+ | Small Building Level | Building Level | At least Building Level, likely Large Building Level

Durability: Wall Level+ (Survived a fall that created a crater of this size) | Small Building Level | Building Level (Can take hits from enemies with strenght comparable to that of herself) | At least Building Level, likely Large Building Level

Stamina: Very high (Traveled through the mountains for a week without resting) | Very high (Has gone on multiple dangerous missions without any rest in-between) | Same as before (Has still been going on missions without rest) | Extremely high (Has still been going on missions without rest)

Range: Extended melee range to hundreds of meters | Same as before | Extended melee range to kilometers | Same as before

Standard Equipment: Ghost, Sparrow and Ship.

  • Can summon: Should be able to summon a variety of weapons including a variety of infantry rifles, hand cannons, shotguns, fusion rifles, sniper rifles, pistols, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, swords, bows, knifes and machine guns.
Notable pieces of equipment


  • Raiden FLux: This chest piece makes it so quick successive attacks with Arc Staff increase its damage output and duration.
  • Fr0st E55: These boots grant increased ability regeneration while sprinting. Dodging increases your sprint speed.


  • Crimson: This hand cannon fires a 3-round burst and kills with this weapon heal the wielder. Precision kills also refill the magazine. This weapon is banned by the Vanguard because it can permanently kill Guardians just like its pulse rifle counterpart, Red Death.


  • Celestial Nighthawk: This helmet modifies Golden Gun to fire a single high-damage shot. Enemies eliminated by the shot explode and grant you Super energy.
  • Wormhusk Crown: When wearing this helmet dodging gives a small health and shield bump.


  • The Wardcliff Coil: This powerful weapon fires a volley of tracking rockets. It's optimized for an especially explosive payload.
  • Sleeper Simulant: The linear fusion rifle's laser overpenetrates enemies and forcefields and refracts off hard surfaces into multiple smaller lasers.
  • Telesto: This fusion rifle's fusion projectiles attach and detonate with a delayed Void blast. Multikills with this weapon immediately reload your equipped Kinetic and Energy weapons from reserves.
  • Whisper of the Worm: This sniper rifle has higher base precision damage. Rapidly landing three precision hits will refill the magazine. Missing a shot has a chance to return ammo directly to the magazine. The wielder of this weapon is able to force his/her rules upon reality.
  • Tractor Cannon: This weapon emits a powerful close range impulse that pushes enemies away, suppresses their abilities, and makes them more vulnerable to all incoming damage, especially Void. Damaging an opponent temporarily increases speed and handling.
  • Graviton Lance: This pulse rifle's second black hole shot of a burst rips a hole through space-time, doing high damage and recoil with no falloff. Kills with this weapon cause enemy targets to detonate and spawn Void projectiles that track targets.


  • Orpheus Rig: These boots provide ability energy for each enemy tethered by Deadfall anchors. Moebius Quiver has more shots.
  • Graviton Forfeit: This helmet increases the duration of any invisibility effects. Your melee recharges faster while you are invisible.


  • Hard Light: Rounds fired from this auto rifle have no damage falloff, overpenetrate targets, and ricochet off hard surfaces. Projectile damage increases after bounce. Holding changes this weapon's damage type, cycling between Solar, Arc, and Void.
  • Black Talon: Use a heavy attack with this sword to fire a powerful void projectile that tracks enemies.
  • The Colony: This weapon's grenades are insectoid robots that chase targets and explode close to them. Insectoid robot grenades quickly repopulate the magazine from reserves while the Colony is unequipped.

Intelligence: Gifted. Mirai has shown to be very intuitive and able to understand complex scientific subjects and theories. She has been able to efficiently carry out complex plans, that would normally require multiple people, on her own. Mirai has also mastered many different weapons and multiple martials arts. Ghosts are likely around Extraordinary Genius, as they are companion supercomputers capable of deciphering information incomprehensible to normal minds.

Weaknesses: If the Ghost of the Guardian is destroyed, their next death will be final.

Feats: ​​​​

  • Fell from a great height and created a sizable crater.
  • Had several broken bones, but was still able to sneak past several Cabal that were patrolling the Last City.
  • Killed a pack of warbeasts with just a knife while still weakened.
  • Wandered through the mountains for a week without rest, food or water.
  • Annihilated a large group of Fallen immediately after regaining the Light.
  • Dodged Sleeper Simulant shots.
  • Could still revive after being killed with the gun, Crimson.
  • Was not fazed by rifts in space exploding in her face.
  • Wass able to take down Fallen Walkers, which are heavy armored vehicles the size of a small building.
  • One-shot the Taken Centurion that was sustaining the process of making Io implode when using the Celestial Nighthawk.
  • Could tank shots from the Graviton Lance.
  • Could tank shots from the Whisper of the Worm.
  • Suffered no permanent effects from Vex radoiolarian fluids which have been able to permanently absorb and transformed parts of other Guardians.
  • Was barely effected by being exposed to cosmic rays.
  • One-shot Dominus Ghaul, who is superior to the aforementioned Taken Centurion by a noticeable amount, while using the Celestial Nighthawk.
  • Took down most of the leaders and important military assets of the Red Legion on her own.
  • Dodged attacks from multiple enemies at once by dancing.

Notable attacks and techniques:

All Attacks and Techniques

Subclass Arcstrider[]

  • Grenade Abilities
    • Skip grenade: A grenade which splits on impact, creating multiple projectiles which seek enemies.
    • Flux Grenade: An explosive grenade which deals additional damage when attached to enemies.
    • Arcbolt Grenade: A grenade that chains bolts of lightning to nearby enemies.
  • Movement Abilities
    • High Jump: Upgrades Double Jump with even greater height.
    • Strafe Jump: Upgrades Double Jump with better directional control while in the air.
    • Triple Jump: Upgrades Double Jump with a third jump.
  • Super Ability
    • Arc Staff: Conjure a polearm infused with Arc electricity that can be used to rapidly slice enemies while maneuvering around the battlefield. This ability increases strenght and durability several times over.
  • Class Abilities
    • Marksman Dodge: Automatically reload your equipped weapon while dodging
    • Gambler’s Dodge: Dodging near enemies generates Melee energy
  • Way Of The Warrior
    • Combat Flow: Melee kills recharge your dodge skill
    • Deadly Reach: Dodging temporarily increases melee range
    • Lethal Current: Arc Staff attacks hit twice after dodging
    • Shocking Blow: Striking an enemy with this powerful melee attack emits a deadly bolt of lightning from your fist
  • Way Of The Wind
    • Disorienting Blow: Striking an enemy with this debilitating melee attack disorients the target. Killing a target with Disorienting Blow instantly recharges it.
    • Lightning Reflexes: Take less damage while dodging when Arc Staff is active.
    • Battle Meditation: When critically wounded, melee and grenades recharge drastically faster.
    • Focused Breathing: Sprinting reduces your dodge cooldown. Increased maximum sprint speed.

Subclass Gunslinger[]

  • Grenade Abilities
    • Incendiary grenade: An explosive grenade that catches enemies on fire, causing additional damage over time.
    • Swarm Grenade: A grenade that detonates on impact, releasing multiple drones that seek nearby enemies.
    • Tripmine Grenade: An explosive grenade that sticks to surfaces and and detonates when enemies pass through its laser trigger.
  • Movement Abilities
    • High Jump: Upgrades Double Jump with even greater height.
    • Strafe Jump: Upgrades Double Jump with better directional control while in the air.
    • Triple Jump: Upgrades Double Jump with a third jump.
  • Super Ability
    • Golden Gun: Summon a flaming pistol which disintegrates enemies with Solar Light. This ability's power is far above most weapons.
  • Class Abilities
    • Marksman Dodge: Automatically reload your equipped weapon while dodging
    • Gambler’s Dodge: Dodging near enemies generates Melee energy
  • Way Of The Outlaw
    • Chains of Woe: Precision kills increase reload speed for you and nearby allies.
    • Bombs for Bullseyes: Precision hits generate grenade energy.
    • Six-Shooter: Golden Gun can be fired up to six times but has a shorter duration.
    • Explosive Knife: Throw a knife at enemies that explodes shortly after impact when melee energy is full.
  • Way Of The Sharpshooter
    • Knife-Juggler: Throw a knife at enemies when melee energy is full. A precision kill with this ability instantly recharges it.
    • Gunslinger’s Trance: Enter a trance with each precision kill, reducing the cooldown of your Golden Gun.
    • Crowd-pleaser: Precision hits with your Golden Gun generate Orbs of Light for your allies.
    • Line ‘Em Up: Precision hits with Golden Gun increase its damage and extend its duration.

Subclass Nightstalker[]

  • Grenade Abilities
    • Vortex Grenade: Creates a vortex that continuously damages enemies trapped inside.
    • Spike Grenade: Attaches to any surface and emits a damaging torrent of Void Light.
    • Voidwall Grenade: Creates a horizontal burning wall of Void Light.
  • Movement Abilities
    • High Jump: Upgrades Double Jump to reach greater height.
    • Strafe Jump: Upgrades Double Jump with better directional control.
    • Triple Jump: Upgrades Double Jump with an extra midair jump.
  • Super Ability
    • Shadowshot: Create a void bow and shoot an arrow that tethers foes to a Void Anchor, slowing, weakening and suppressing them for you and your allies. This ability can even nullify the super abilities of other Guardians.
  • Class Abilities
    • Marksman's Dodge: Dodging automatically reloads your equipped weapon.
    • Gambler's Dodge: Dodging near enemies recharges melee energy
  • Way of the Trapper
    • Snare Bomb: Throw a smoke bomb that attaches to surfaces and detonates when enemies are near, slowing and disorienting them.
    • Keen Scout: Gain increased sprint and sneak speeds, and an enhanced motion tracker. Tethered enemies are marked.
    • Deadfall: Shadowshot's Anchors have increased range and duration, and attach to surfaces to wait for prey.
    • Vanishing Step: Dodging makes you vanish for a short time.
  • Way of the Pathfinder
    • Vanish in Smoke: Throw a smoke bomb that makes you and nearby allies invisible for a short time.
    • Lockdown: Grenade and smoke bomb effects last twice as long.
    • Heart of the Pack: Killing tethered enemies creates Orbs of Light and increases Mobility, Resilience, and Recovery for you and nearby allies.
    • Moebius Quiver: Shadowshot can be fired in rapid succession and deal bonus damage to tethered enemies.

Key: Weakened | One Sublcass | Two Subclassses | Three Subclasses


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
