“ | Wasting energy on fodder like you is beneath me. Why should I have to get rough and dirty with some fly on the wall? I'm Miracle Sol, after all. I only fight those who are worthy of facing me. And that worthy someone is Nova Dragon, the number 1 hero. | „ |
~ Miracle Sol before fighting Hotaru |

“ | You’re awfully pathetic and squirmy for someone so entitled. Kutai, you need to learn your place. You see, the weak ones of the world do indeed 'belong under the firm boots of the strong', just as you stated earlier. But the difference between the weak and the strong is that... You're just some incel in spandex. | „ |
~ Miracle Sol after tanking Kutai's punches with no damage |
Miracle Sol, before it fell, was one of the New Monster Association Cadre, an elite monster who answered only to Father Monster. Inteligent, cunning, and fiercely dangerous, it was decided by Puppet Master that he should be the one to face Nova Dragon, should he appear to destroy them. He worked as a strategist alongside Puppet Master and added on to the schemes the monsters made and was the first Cadre to agree that capturing Hoshi would be beneficial. He also took it upon himself to keep the other Cadre's in check whenever possible.
When the heroes invaded the New Monster Association base, Miracle Sol bided his time, hoping for Nova Draon to appear. He played around with some of the S Class heroes, like Angel Battler, who he easily beat up. Darox eventually did appear, and the two had a fierce battle which resulted in Miracle Sol deciding to run away, promising to return for a rematch with Darox on the day that he finally understood the true depths of his Eye of Ra.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least High 6-A | At least 5-C, Higher Light of Ra and Golden Buff Mode
Key: Low effort | High effort
Name: Miracle Sol
Origin: Veneficaverse
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown (is an adult)
Classification: Monster, Cadre of the New Monster Association
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses (All of his senses are vastly better than the monsters around him. He can see attacks right front of him as if they are 'a mile away' and can easily dodge foes with similar speeds based on his senses alone), Bodily Weaponry (With head tentacle, which he uses like a whip), Overwhelming Aura (His aura gives his opponents the feeling that they’re facing an impossibly strong monster), Energy Manipulation and Energy Projection (Can wield his own unique kind of energy called 'Helio Energy', which he wields for various purposes including energy beams and spheres), Analytical Prediction (Is capable of predicting how his opponent will fight based on his first interactions with them, and can judge fighting styles based solely on a single stance), Teleportation (Miracle Sol can teleport across hundreds of kilometers easily using Helio Energy), Levitation (Miracle Sol is able to levitate when using Helio Energy), Fire Manipulation (Can stream deadly 'Helio Fire', which can also be used for other attacks), Explosion Manipulation (Can implant hundreds of Helio Mines in the ground, which explode with fire like the surface of the sun), Danmaku (Can make it rain hundreds of Helio Blasts), Forcefield Creation (Can create shields of energy and fire using his 'Helio Blaze Shields'), Regeneration (High-Mid), Martial Arts (Fought on equal footing against Darox, who outskilled Orokon. Beat up Hotaru, who is a master of the Violet Ember Fist), Duplication (Can create ten phantom clones of himself with 'Helio Sunset', making them entirely out of his energy and light. The clones have High-Mid regeneration), Damage Boost (Can greatly boost physical attacks by infusing them with Helio Energy and Helio Fire), Intangibility (Can convert his physical form into phantom Helio Fire to become non-physical), Radiation Manipulation (Can release explosions of energy which have effects similar to nuclear bombs), Absorption (Can absorb energy based attacks and convert it to negate the damage they would otherwise do. Absorbed powerful beams from Darox. Passively absorbs the suns light to grow stronger and heal quickly), Electricity Manipulation (Can unleash devastating shocks with 'Helio Discharge'), Mind Manipulation (Can gain control over an opponent's mind by placing his palm over their face), Time Stop (Can stop time for up to ten seconds at a time with 'Helio Time Stop'), Immunity to Light Attacks (his body naturally absorb any and all light. Light attacks used on him make him more powerful. He cannot have his vision impaired, even by light as bright as stars), Resistance to Heat (Unaffected by his own fire and Darox's aura), Adhesive Manipulation (wasn't held down by Hotaru's adhesive spray which is meant to hold monsters in place)
All previous enhanced, Weather Manipulation (Can change the weather into a 'Helio storm' where it rains Helio Bullets and the clouds constantly bombard the enemy with Helio Lightning), Paralysis Inducement (Can wrap his opponent in an aura that blocks their movements), better Danmaku (Helio Bullets are akin to 'minor' energy blasts, accumulating tons of damage in a short time due to their frequency. Each one can crack an energy shield), Weapon Creation and Weapon Mastery (Uses Helio Chaos Sabers, which are many meters long swords made from Helio Fire and Energy. He can create them all around his opponent to impale them and explode them inside of his enemies or around them as well), better Forcefield Creation (Can now spam fireballs from inside his shield, which is also much harder to get past), better Duplication (Can create one hundred+ clones in the same way as before, with each clone being only lightly weaker than he is), Sealing (Can entrap an opponent inside the 'Eye of Ra' on his chest, keeping them within himself as a prisoner), Statistics Amplification (Can greatly increase his attack by activating Golden Buff Mode, multiplying his punching power to the point of destroying similar durability foes), Non-Physical Interaction (Able to interact with his phantoms), Vibration Manipulation and limited Durability Negation (After slamming his palm onto an enemy's chest, Miracle Sol can inflict them with inner shockwaves that mangle their bodies), Madness Manipulation (Can drive opponents insane be releasing the 'full light' of the Eye of Ra in his chest)
Attack Potency: At least Multi-Continent level (A cadre of the New Monster Association. He is one of the strongest Monsters brought in by Father Monster and is stated by Puppet Master to likely be the strongest Cadre. He describes himself as 'supreme' and looks down on everyone else. Fought Hotaru and Yojimbo's disciples without even breaking a sweat. When it was time to face the S Class heroes, Miracle Sol didn't consider eve trying until Nova Dragon arrived. One Shot Shiny Showtime. Knocked back and broke the arm of a raging Musi) | At least Moon level (Damaged Darox. While fighting against him, Darox thought about how Miracle Sol's strength compared to Orokon, describing his physical strength as 'surpassing that level'), Higher Light of Ra and Golden Buff Mode (After finally landing a punch on Darox in his buff mode, Darox was instantly winded and needed to recover. Said to be many times stronger than the other Cadres by Darox, who had previously fought them all at once without much trouble)
Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+ (Much faster than New Monster Association Arc Hotaru, who's attacks and beams are faster than this. Blitzed Kutai) | FTL+ (Sped across the sky alongside Darox. Continued to keep up with Darox, even as he amplified his speed further and further), Golden Buff Mode lowers speed.
Lifting Strength: At least Class Z (Comparable to Darox, who he grappled with during their battle. Darox previously had lifted an alien spaceship with weight comparable to the Earth's moon), Higher with Golden Buff Mode (his physical attributes are multiplied)
Striking Strength: At least Multi-Continent level | At least Moon level, Higher Light of Ra and Golden Buff Mode
Durability: At least Moon level (Unaffected by all of Hotaru and the disciples moves. Shook off Kutai's regular attacks like they were nothing, and described his powered up moves as being nothing more than 'tickles'. Smiled after being hit multiple times by Darox, claim that his blows only hurt him 'a little bit.'), Higher with Golden Buff Mode (Due to his thicker, muscly skin he can take much more attacks)
Stamina: Superhuman (Comparable to though slightly lesser than Darox's. The two fought for an extended period of time, however, Miracle Sol was the first to show signs of exhaustion, albeit they were minor. Darox was able to outlast Orokon, who had nearly infinite stamina)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended melee range with head tentacle and Helio Sabers, Hundreds of Kilometers with Energy Waves, Thousands of Kilometers with Light attacks (Enveloped the skies of multiple cities with his bright lights)
- Eye of Ra: An unknown artifact which Miracle Sol had stumbled upon one day. Although he does not understand the depths of its power, he does know how to tap into it to greatly enhance his Helio Energy. Every time he fights, he attempts to further understand just how deep the eye's power is.
Intelligence: Above Average (A fantastic fighter and fine strategist for the New Monster Association. He consistently pitched ideas and plans to Puppet Master and is an expert at assessing situations and the state of opponents. Outsmarted multiple heroes during the Cadre battles)
Standard Tactics: Miracle Sol fights while radiating confidence and arrogance, as he believes he is a supreme monster. He likes to show off his moves while defeating his opponents, and only treats enemies who command respect with their precense like he does seriously, which is why he's serious with Nova Dragon.
Weaknesses: Very arrogant. When using Golden Buff Mode, his speed is slowed.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Overwhelming Aura: When he gets into battle mode, Miracle Sol exerts an aura, which gives his opponents the feeling that they’re facing an impossible monster.
Heat/fire resistance: Because of Miracle Sol being so affiliated with the sun, any attack involving fire or heat cannot hurt him at all. Even a raging blaze would only serve as extra comfort for him.
Helio Energy: Miracle Sols body contains an immense amount of latent power called Helio Energy, which he can channel into various areas of his body to battle. Being under the sun makes sure that he never loses Helio Energy, even if he’s expending a bunch of it. Not all of his attacks require the use of Helio Energy.
- Warping: Miracle Sol is able to teleport to a limited extent. While he can’t leave the planet to other worlds like Blast could, he is able to teleport over a significant distance, although it does take up more energy than any of his individual attacks to do so.
- Levitation: Using the Helio energy, miracle Sol is able to levitate in the air while radiating a great golden glow.
Helio Fire: The signature attack of Miracle Sol. He channels his Helio Energy, and then he can perform a few different actions. It’s extremely deadly and packs a ton of energy into a concentrated, glorious flaming stream if he wants it to.
- Helio Ray: A simple beam. This attack may be considered simple, but the beam is decently large and can cause a ton of damage.
- Helio Blast: Miracle Sol forms energy blasts in his hands, and then throws them. When they explode, they really do explode.
- Helio Bombing: A barrage attack of Helio Blasts. It’s a killing move which only the most skillful and powerful could hope to block, parry, or even survive.
- Helio Blaze Barriers: Miracle Sol forms Helio Energy around his hands, making flames which can he use to block attacks with skillful hand movement.
- Helio Sunset: Miracle Sol wields his light a d creates ten clones formed from Helio Fire and Helio Light, which he describes as 'phantoms.'
- Helio Punch: Miracle Sol draws back, infuses his fist with Helio Energy, and then slams his fist into his enemy. The infusion makes it much stronger.
- Helio Explosion: Miracle Sol makes the Helio Fire explode in all directions. It can be either defensive or offensive depending on the situation. It’s also, of course, very destructive.
Energy Absorption: Miracle Sol can absorb energy attacks fired at him. While he can’t convert it into extra power for himself, it does allow him to survive the strongest beam attacks fired at him with very minimal damage. If a beam is strong enough, it could crack him slightly, but that doesn’t mean that he can simply be broken and die. He got this power from Eye of Ra.
Golden Buff Mode: Miracle Sol becomes very muscly, and much more physically powerful. He has this mode so that he may destroy enemies who may be able to survive his regular attacks with amazing durability. The only downside to this mode is that he gets slower, and his head tentacle grows short.
- Sun God Body Slam: Miracle Sol body slams his enemy as hard as he can. He only really uses this in his buff mode. He can easily obliterate enemies and make them mush with its force.
- Helio Discharge Punch: Using Helio Energy sun lightning appears around his fist. Then he punches, and explodes his enemy with the force and with the lightning.
Light of Ra: Miracle Sol channels the power of the artifact in his chest, the Eye of Ra.
- Ultimate Helio Storm: Miracle Sol casts intense Helio Lightning everywhere. The lightning is so intense that it practically melts everything it hits.
- Nova Helio Elimination Cannon: A supermassive beam fired straight from the Eye of Ra within his chest. It’s one of the strongest beam attacks in the series out of everyone, being capable of contending and perhaps surpassing Nova Dragons attack.
- Helio Hellstorm Bombing: Far advanced version of the Helio Bombing. Each blast is much larger and there’s many more, it’s basically a big carpet bombing. It’s strong enough to push the entire S class back at once, and it would literally Murder every A class hero, including shiny showtime and golden heart without much trouble.
- Helio Chaos Sabers: Using Helio fire and lightning, multiple long blades of energy generate around him. He can then telepathically command them to expertly attack any enemy he wishes for them to. They can also explode or lock on like cannons.
- Helio Celestial Boom: An unfathomably high level of Helio energy generates around him, before he unleashes it omnidirectionally.
- Helio Grand Slam: Miracle Sol shrouds himself in flaring Helio Energy before smashing himself into his enemy at full speed and force.
- Helio Perfection Blaze Barrier: Intense Helio fire appears all around his body, effectively serving as the perfect shield. He can also launch Helio fireballs from his body while using it.
- Helio True Dawn Sunset: Glowing Gloriously, Miracle Sol creates hundreds of phantoms.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: