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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Incomplete yet finished. Distant yet familiar. Lowly yet Absolute.

A Milieu Backdrop (環境の背景 Kankyō no haikei), shortened to Milieu (環境 Kankyō), also known as Magic/Ability/Power is a metaphysical abstraction the Wielder's background/definition, referred to as a Wielder (振る舞い Furumai) and are the main source of power throughout C∅ntext.

Considering its nature, Milieus have no form or being ethereal, more so due to their Wielders having a complex and a more complicated background compared to the other Wielders. However, when a Wielder has a "simplistic" or "normal" background, then it presents itself as a figure hovering near the Wielder and possesses abilities beyond that of logic and reasoning.


Milieus are defined as metaphysical abstractions of the Wielder's background whose abilities are esoteric. The name itself comes from the fact they are the definition of the Wielder's background: abstracted from their very story. Milieus can come in many different shapes and sizes and also have many different abilities (Such as, Wing Transmutation, Damage Sharing, Tables, etc).

A Milieu can also represent the abstraction of an individual's personality and embodies their inner unconscious. However, Milieus may also derive through the exploration and acceptance of oneself, in which case, a large amount of "courage" is required.

Due to the abundance of variety, Milieus are not made equal. Some can be incomprehensibly powerful while others can be highly situational because of a defining quirk of character, or even having so many complex and complicated set of rules that it becomes detrimental to their Wielder.

The names for each Milieu can be a reference to the Wielder's own personality, with a specific song that has a distinct lyrics/tone that represents their background/definition, appearing with a design based on the Wielder's own preference.

Milieus are connected to he Great Library of Athens, which was stated to to contain all knowledge of the Ancient Gods and the Universe. Additionally, it was said that only a single person could gain power from the Great Library and that no one could wield it for the power was infinite, and only those who had reached the pinnacle of the Great Library could truly gain its power.

The Great Library contained an uncountably infinite books with each one having knowledge of everything, including stories. But behind the vast library lies a bunch of scrapped stories that are either incomplete or simply the most random and most convoluted ideas that the creators had at the back of their head. Until eventually, a certain someone began putting these pieces together, forming the Fragments of the Incomplete. In doing so, the plot began fixing itself by creating anomalies from the different stories in the hopes of bridging and merging different stories to form a coherent rhythm, those anomalies are then given the power of Milieu awakened from their respective background and personality.


Since Milieu is created from someone's background, it not only includes living creatures but also non-living ones. That individual is referred to as the Milieu Wielder. The Wielder then gives their Milieu a name and uses it for various purposes.

Unless formless or ethereal, physically-bounded Milieus are attached to their Wielder's body. In that case, any damage the Milieu sustains results in a temporal loss of power on the Wielder and may even cause them to lose said Milieu if they are destroyed, sometimes resulting in their death or the complete loss of ability. Exceptions to this rule include formless Milieus and ethereal Milieus, which exist outside their story and protects their Wielder from any possible damage.

Except for rare occasions, when a physically bounded Milieu is destroyed, the ability disappears with it. The only way to regain them back is through the Wielder acquiring more "courage", thus getting a much more stronger Milieu named "Reoccurrence".

One of the defining rules about Milieus is that someone may only have one at a time. Although exceptional circumstances may lead to someone wielding several Milieus such as an Evolution or Reoccurrence, a normal Wielder can only have a single Milieu as it represents their background and thus can only have one.

The difference between Evolved and Reoccurrences is that Evolved ones are far above the story's narrative and abstraction, removing their weaknesses whilst Reoccurrences are simply enhanced versions of the previously destroyed Milieus but still retains it's limitations despite having a new ability. Although Reoccurrences does have resistance from the manipulation of plot, Evolved ones exist far beyond that of "plot", but are scarcely familiar that there is no definite distinction between both, aside from their appearances.


Objects that are imbued with Milieu are called inanimates, these are first introduced in Maeleach's story. Although they have some semblance of sentience of sentience on their own, they are mostly controlled by a Wielder and follows orders from them. Because of this, their Milieu falls in the Physically Bound category, but would change to Formless once a Wielder absorbs them, although this only happens in rare occasions.

These beings are seen almost everywhere within each story, albeit some are hidden in plain sight or some being too unorthodox and bizarre to be considered an inanimates, such as The Walls and Train Tracks.

If the Inanimate gains sentience (as with the case of Scandaloso), they are then unable to be absorbed by Purposeless Wielders and can awaken a Formless Milieu, possibly evolving it even higher. This essentially makes them into an Anomaly, gaining the same powers and resistances that normal Wielders have.


Milieus generally have no form, they do nor bear any appearance at all. But to more "simplistic" Wielders, Milieus can adopt a humanoid form, an object/tool, or even an animal. These Milieus all share an inability to be viewed by any creatures, unless bound to physical objects.

Classification Summary
Formless Milieus in this category do not bear any appearance and exists outside the confines of the Wielder's story. They are abstract and are described to be "eldritch-like" and "beyond-otherworldly".
Physically Bound Milieus in this category can appear to be humanoid, monster-like, robotic, including vehicles, weapons, tools, and machines.
Reoccurrence This is a special category where a Millieu takes on a brand-new appearance based on the Wielder's newfound courage, basing it on their own personality which can either take form or be physically bound.
Evolved Millieus here are beyond abstract, sometimes described as a law that governs above the conception of stories. At this point the formlessness becomes so incomprehensible that anyone who "witnesses" it simply ceases to exist.

Additionally, a physically-bounded Milieu's appearance is not set in stone and can change appearances as their Wielders age. A special category of Milieus that can evolve into different forms, is also able to change form and therefore appearance. Finally, a Milieu regaining their courage can regain their power called a Reoccurrence.


Almost all Milieus possess no personality, sometimes because they do not have a form, but the majority of humanoid physically-bounded Milieus simply hover near the Wielder awaiting a command.

Within specific very specific reasons, a handful of Milieus possess an abundance of sentience from their Wielders. They can converse with them whenever they want. Although they display a variety of personalities, most still obey their Wielders to the letter.

Whenever they talks, their otherworldly nature is brought upon by their vague and very unsettling atmosphere, with their voices stated to "echo throughout every corner of creation".

Moyenne Puissance[]

Each Milieu possesses unfathomably esoteric and unique powers, granting its Wielder abilities suitable for "bridging stories and realities together":

  • In exception to Physically Bounded Types, a Milieu is completely invisible and intangible to non-wielders, yet can interact with anything. It allows the Wielder to use their Milieu unnoticed by anyone unsuspecting of their identity. Even a simple use of a Milieu has been likened to an eldritch-horror phenomenon, which can cause mass panic.
  • With the exception of formless, reoccurrence, and evolved types whom are invulnerable to any harm, physically-bounded Milieus can be harmed, as these types of Milieu are linked, and one will be hurt in the same way as the other.
  • As metaphysic abstractions, Wielders can also communicate through their Milieus and are able to speak through them, enabling a form of distant communication.

A Milieu's power can wildly vary between each one. The nature of said power can range from relatively mundane powers such as creating wings thru touch or controlling nutrients to unfathomably powerful ones such as the ability to transfer damage regardless of distance. These powers have many different subtleties, such as a limited range or a special set of rules and conditions, that can be exploited during a fight. For instance, Skyline Pigeon can create/attach wings on anything, but it has to "make contact" in order for it to activate. It simply depends to the Wielder on how to use their Milieu at their advantage.

The Wielder is also immune and/or protected against the power of their Milieu. For instance, Josei can remain intact transforming her body into multiple wings despite her Skyline Pigeon ripping everyone apart whenever she separates their body into multiple segments.

Scope of Horizon[]

A specific rule that is applied to all Physically-bounded types of Milieus is its range, defined as a predetermined scope centering around the Wielder.

From a general point of view, all Physically-bounded types Milieus can be roughly divided into two types: "Prime", and "Composite". As a trend, Prime types display great power, many of which excel at direct blows or destruction because of very simple abilities. Whilst Composite types typically have a specific set of rules and conditions that requires it's Wielder to fulfill them in order for it to activate.

Formless, Evolved, and Reoccurrence types however are above this notion, in which the principle of "power vs distance" becomes completely irrelevant. These types exist equal to or completely above infinity, stated to be an "impossible fight" if anyone were to encounter such Wielders.


A power first introduced in Maeleach's story, it allows the wielder to absorb Milieu from inanimates, which are sentient objects given Milieu.

Stated by one of the Poets, this power is only special to those without a purpose- but only allows them to absorb inanimates and not Wielders themselves. However, some exceptions could be made, such as Hisui, who uses an inanimate as his weapon, or the Poet's Monty Hall Problem, which exists even after they die.

However, the power boost gained from absorbing inanimates are phenomenal, allowing one to achieve feats equal to or higher than an Evolved Milieu Wielder. For instance, Maeleach gained a huge boost of power after absorbing the Advertisers, giving her an increase in speed and strength, which even granted her enough speed to dodge Lenz's attacks, stated to be "faster than time can flow at any period".

General Abilities[]

  • Supernatural Luck and Supernatural Willpower: All Wielders are very much lucky to have a Milieu and awaken them. This also grants them more power the more courage that they have.
  • Non-Physical Interaction: (Only Milieu Wielders could interact with other Milieus)
  • Awaken Power: This is done thru the process of Reoccurrence, which requires the Milieu Wielder (specifically a physically bounded type) to lose said Milieu and have it re-awaken again, hence the name.
  • Power Absorption: This is limited to absorbing inanimates, as it requires the Wielder prior to their Milieu awakening to have no purpose nor have any desire in the first place. Though this prerequisite could be performed after the Wielder has awakened their Milieu, but would take relatively long time to perform.
  • Genius Intelligence: Most Wielders are very intelligent and are very creative with their powers, using it to outsmart and defeat opponents that are far stronger than them.
  • Selective Intangibility and Invulnerability: Though Milieu Wielders and only hurt other Milieus, this is very specific to Formless, Evolved, and Reoccurrence types, as Physically Bounded Milieus are still vulnerable to conventional attacks to an extent. However, if one has a power that resides in the same plane of existence as the Formless, Evolved, and Reoccurrence types, then it's safe to say that they would be affected too.
  • Incorporeality and/or Abstract Existence (Type 1 and 2): This only applies to Formless, Evolved, and Reoccurrence Types of Milieu, as they do not have a physical form and is described to be "eldritch-like" or "beyond-otherworldly".
  • Immortality (Type 5 and 9): This only applies to Evolved and Reoccurrence Type Milieu Wielders. As an "Anomaly", they serve a purpose of crossing over different fictional stories and travels outside them, making them exist above the very concepts of life and death, independent on their dimension where they could only be killed.
  • Regeneration (High-Godly): Applies to Evolved and Reoccurrence Types only. Since they exist primarily above concepts, they can exist even after the erasure of body, mind, and soul, along with their aspect of existence.
  • Avatar Creation: Applies to Evolved and Reoccurrence Types only. Due to them existing above stories, they can create avatars which contain an infinitesimal percentage of their power so as to not completely destroy the fictional narrative they reside within.
  • Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 1 or 2) or Higher-Dimensional Existence/Manipulation: Once again, this only applies to Evolved and Reoccurrence Type Milieu Wielders. Due to the nature of Milieus existing above the story and narrative itself, they exist outside and are independent to space and any of its dimensions. In some cases, however, some Wielders can only reach a level of dimensional existence and may or may not go beyond it in some time in the future, meaning that other beings that reside on the same plane as theirs could easily match with their power.
  • Resistance Negation and Power Nullification: Applies to Evolved, Formless, and Reoccurrence Types only. The Majority of all Wielders can negate any resistance and powers through their Milieus, with notable exceptions.
  • Accelerated Development: As time passes by, a Wielder will get stronger and stronger either through mental, physical, spiritual, or any means of training so long as it involves the use of their Milieu. Even normal day-to-day tasks like doing the dishes of cleaning one's room with the use of their Milieu would evolved it.
  • Resistance: They are obviously resistant/immune to their own powers as Milieus do not harm the user in any way, shown when Maeleach using her Dan Dari and is unaffected by the increase of temperature or Ghittko being immune to her own virus, granting her increased speed and strength instead of weakening her.


What is "Outside Inference?"[]

  • The "outside interference" are a vague yet general description from abilities such as: energy, vectors, voids, laws, concepts, causality, probability, holy, unholy, statistics, elements, matter, antimatter, order, chaos, death, life, fate, reality, darkness, light, and so on. The reason for this is because of the existence of the Great Library and the Fragments of Incomplete, the plot of the incomplete's attempt to "make itself whole" is what allows Wielders to be virtually immune to almost every power, but could still be affected to those above Milieus. Though there are some characters above said Milieus, it still remain unknown and is yet to be shown. Examples of these "Outside Interference" include:

1.) Plot-Related Interference[]

  • This refers to abilities like Plot Manipulation and Text Manipulation, where it involves interfering with the Milieu's plot, story, and their narrative, hence the name. This infers that abilities pertaining to one's story will be resisted or nullified depending on the strength of the Wielder, the weaker the Milleu the less chance it gets resisted.

2.) Archetypical-Related Interference[]

2.1) Specific Archetypical-Related Interference[]

3.) Dual System-Related Interference[]

4.) Esoteric Interference[]


  • Some Wielders are very simplistic and sometimes have a Physically Bounded Milieu, meaning that they could be broken which disables or possibly remove their power if they do not have the courage to awaken it again. This could be done by torturing the Wielder mentally or simply traumatizing them with their memories from the past in order to subjugate them into their fear, which weakens a Milieu as it requires "courage", which is easily exploited if one were to abuse it's drawbacks.
  • If you are above their dimensionality, then you could pretty much kill them.
  • Some Milieus are extremely complex like Dan Dari, which could be exploited if you manage to prevent them from activating the set of rules provided.
  • If you are more intelligent than them, then you could beat them, although this is highly unlikely given that all characters here are extremely intelligent.