Mileena is a clone of Kitana infused with Tarkatan DNA, and is also a daughter of Shao Kahn. As one of the top Outworld fighters she is often a tournament participant along with her sister.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least 7-C, likely 7-A
Name: Mileena
Origin: Mortal Kombat: Elemental Realm
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Classification: Edenian/Tarkatan hybrid, Princess
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery, Teleportation
Attack Potency: At least Town Level, likely Mountain Level+ (Fought against Hinata, should be comparable to her sister)
Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Kept up with Hinata, comparable to Kitana)
Lifting Strength: Class G
Striking Strength: At least Town Level, likely Mountain Class+
Durability: At least Town Level, likely Mountain Level+
Stamina: At least superhuman
Range: Standard Melee Range, higher with sai
Standard Equipment: Two sai
Intelligence: Above average (A good martial artist and combat strategist)
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: