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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Better Michael


Michael Myers is one of the DEATH BATTLE! season 9 combatants.

He appeared in the 168th episode of Death Battle, Jason Voorhees VS Michael Myers, where he fought against Jason Voorhees from Friday the 13th

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B

Name: Michael Myers

Origin: DEATH BATTLE! (Originally Halloween)

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human, Serial Killer

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Wall level (Shattered a gravestone which would yield this much energy. Fought on par with Jason, even overpowering him at times and could wound him as well as stab his head even when he himself had just been impaled. Easily killed a camper offscreen)[Scaling Value 1]

Speed: Superhuman (Caught up to a camper despite his victim having a head-start)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Comparable to Jason and briefly overpowered him, easily lifted a gravestone which weigh around 104 kg and swung it)

Striking Strength: Wall level (Comparable to his Attack Potency as he fights with physical strikes)

Durability: Wall level (Can withstand the force of his own blows, swings from Jason could not fully pierce him)

Stamina: Superhuman (Survived being impaled and an axe to the head)

Range: Extended Melee Range with Weapons

Standard Equipment: His knife

  • Optional Equipment: An axe

Intelligence: at least Average (Michael has shown himself to be a skilled fighter, using his surroundings and stealth to gain an upper hand against his opponents)

Standard Tactics: Michael is an aggressive and merciless fighter who usually goes for fatal blows immediately, he often sneaks up on his opponents

Weaknesses: None notable


Notable Attacks/Techniques: None notable

Notable Matchups[]




Scaling Values[]

  1. 84.950538 Kilojoules


Discussion threads involving Michael Myers (DEATH BATTLE!)