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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Once more, Grafaur is hailed for the works I contributed to in equal measure. Perhaps it is because I wield the very same draconic magic they seek to surpass, that my achievements go ignored? Or perhaps, they fail to understand the powers that I wield…

Once again, the bodiless voice has spoken to me in my dreams. She claims I am the fulcrum on which a great design must turn, and that I will be granted power beyond power if I obey its orders. My suspicion is great, but the temptation…

~ Mezoth's Diary


Having retrieved the head of Astalagan means nothing. You are powerless against the might of the Red Queen!

Mezoth is a dragonborn wizard and servant of Sharruth. Once the second in-command of the artificer Grafaur in a small faction of dragonborn researchers, he was led by the dead dragon's spirit to betray them. In the following decades, he became her right hand man, serving as a powerful summoner for the Merrow army, and receiving blessings of immortality and a lair to continue his studies in return. Eventually, he began to harbor thoughts of rebellion, but upon sensing them, Sharruth used her hold on him to force him into loyal servitude, even after his eventual death at the hands of the party. Mezoth was finally put to an end with the destruction of his undead body.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-C

Name: Mezoth, The Betrayer

Origin: Dungeons & Dragons

Gender: Male

Age: 158

Classification: Dragonborn Wizard

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic and Non-Physical Interaction (Magic can harm many creatures who are intangible or invulnerable to normal attacks), Fire Manipulation and Breath Attack (Mezoth can breathe out a cone of fire once per day), Statistics Amplification (Mezoth carries a Slumbering Dragon-Touched Focus, which allows him to act quicker in battle), Dimensional Storage (Owns a Bag of Holding), minor Purification (Owns a Cleansing Stone), minor Creation (Owns an Alchemy Jug, which can create a variety of liquids), Underwater Breathing and Bodily Weaponry (Mezoth's body has been modified by Sharruth's influence to allow him to breathe underwater and swim easily, also granting him sharpened claws in the process), Resurrection (If Mezoth dies, he will immediately resurrect as a Deathlock undead), Immortality (Type 1) and Resistance to Age Manipulation (Mezoth is magically rendered immortal, and does not age), Resistance to Fire Manipulation (As a Red Dragonborn, Mezoth is naturally resistant to fire)

Summoning (Mezoth specializes in summoning magic, with his main role in the Scale Queen's war effort being to summon powerful units, most commonly fiends and elementals, in key situations. Most notably, he has the Conjure Elemental and Conjure Minor Elemental spells prepared, and will cast it to halt those threatening him), Preparation and Temperature Manipulation (Mezoth's tower contains a great variety of contingencies intended to stop intruders: A group of mimics trained to attack intruders, a room that heats up to dangerous degrees while summoning elementals, and an encounter with a water elemental during which invaders will be ambushed by constructs disguised as statues), Mind Manipulation (If the statues in Mezoth's dungeon are destroyed before the puzzle is solved, the one to do this will suffer psychic damage), Clairvoyance (Throughout Mezoth's tower, a large amount of dragon statues constantly scry on its rooms, as if they were security cameras. He can also cast Clairvoyance, which allows him to scry locations, as well as Arcane Eye, which allows him to freely control an invisible magical eye he can see out of), Air Creation (Despite being at the bottom of the ocean, Mezoth's tower remains dry and aerated at all times), Spatial Manipulation (While Mezoth's lair appears to be a tall tower, when inside it all of its rooms are on the same floor, laid out horizontally rather than vertically), Fire Manipulation (Mezoth can cast Fire Bolt at will), minor Reconstruction (Can cast Mending, which repairs harm done to objects), Sound Manipulation (Can cast Message, which lets him send a message only a target can hear), limited Illusion Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, and Perception Manipulation (Can cast Prestidigitation, which has a variety of minor magical effects), Extrasensory Perception (Can cast Detect Magic, which lets him sense presence and school of nearby magic), Energy Projection and Homing Attack (Can cast Magic Missile, a burst of homing force bullets that invariably strike their target), Poison Manipulation (Can cast Ray of Sickness, which poisons and enfeebles targets), Forcefield Creation (Can cast Shield, which protects him with a temporary forcefield), Enhanced Senses and Power Bestowal (Can cast Darkvision, which allows him or another to see in darkness), Power Bestowal, Breath Attack, Fire, Acid, Electricity, Ice and Poison Manipulation (Can cast Dragon's Breath, which allows him or another to magically breathe a stream of acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison), Paralysis Inducement (Can cast Hold Person, which paralyzes its targets), Teleportation and minor Smoke Manipulation (Can cast Misty Step, which allows him to teleport up to 30 feet of distance, surrounded by mist), Power Nullification (Can cast Counterspell, which allows him to immediately nullify an enemy spell), Statistics Amplification (Can cast Haste, which speeds up a targeted creature), Vibration Manipulation (Can cast Pulse Wave, a 30' long and wide cone shockwave that pushes or pulls enemies or objects), BFR and Time Manipulation (Can remove opponents from the battlefield with Banishment, which forces a creature into a pocket dimension, and Temporal Shunt, which pushes an opponent forward in time), Weather Manipulation and Ice Manipulation (Can cast Ice Storm, which deals heavy damage to targets in an area)

Mezoth can no longer cast his wizard spells as a Deathlock[1], but retains all his other abilities, in addition to Immortality (Type 2, 7 and 8. Mezoth is now an undead thrall of his master), Damage Reduction (Mezoth now resists all physical damage from weapons that aren't magical or silvered), Enhanced Senses (Has Darkvision, which allows him to see through 60 ft of darkness as if there were dim light), Soul Manipulation (Can deal necrotic damage, which harms a target's soul, with his Deathly Claw attack and various spells and cantrips), Extrasensory Perception (Can now cast Detect Magic at will), Forcefield Creation (Can cast Mage Armor, which surrounds one with protective force, at will), Healing Negation (Chill Touch prevents a target from healing while active), Illusion Manipulation (Can change his appearance with Disguise Self), Energy Projection (Can fire beams of energy with Eldritch Blast), Telekinesis (Can remotely move objects with Mage Hand), Power Nullification (Can cancel an ongoing magical effect with Dispel Magic), Paralysis Inducement (Can cast Hold Person, which paralyzes its targets), Portal Creation, Void Manipulation, Temperature Manipulation and Acid Manipulation (With Hunger of Hadar, Mezoth summons a portal that creates a sphere that sucks light within it, blinding and harming foes within it with cold and acid damage), Invisibility (Can cast Invisibility), Surface Scaling (Can cast Spider Climb, which allows one to easily scale walls and ceilings), Resistance to Soul Manipulation (Resistant to Necrotic damage, which harms the soul) and Poison Manipulation (Immune to poison damage, as well as the poisoned status), Holy Manipulation (Resists Turn Undead, which normally takes divine control of undead foes)

Attack Potency: Building level (As a higher level spellcaster than any of them, Mezoth is more powerful than individual members of the party. He can also summon various fiends and elementals, and is guarded by a Flesh Golem in his lair)

Speed: Subsonic (Comparable to others capable of dodging Aidron's lightning breath)

Lifting Strength: Average Human (As a Medium creature with 9 Strength, Mezoth can only lift up to 135 pounds or 61.235 kg), higher as a Deathlock (Mezoth now has 11 strength, which allows him to lift 165 lb/74.84 kg), Below Average Human with Mage Hand (Can only move up to ten pounds or 4.5 kg)

Striking Strength: Unknown (Mezoth is below average in strength and generally unable to deal much damage in melee combat), Building level as a Deathlock

Durability: Building level

Stamina: Superhuman. Mezoth is capable of enduring great harm in combat. Infinite as a Deathlock, who can live through normally lethal wounds and has no need for rest or sustenance.

Range: Standard Melee Range, up to Dozens of Meters with magic (Knows Ice Storm, which has a range of 91 meters)

Standard Equipment: Mezoth carries with him a Slumbering Dragon-Touched Focus, and owns a variety of other magical items.

Intelligence: Genius. With an Intelligence score of 17, Mezoth is near the human peak of intelligence, and his Wisdom score is also above average, though less impressive.

Weaknesses: Mezoth is physically unimpressive and several of his spells have weaknesses such as needing to see the opponent or maintain concentration.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

  1. Mordekainen's Tome of Foes