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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Copy Complete.
~ Metal Sonic after copying Napalm Man's powers[1]

NeoMetalSonic (1)
Finally! A worthy challenge!
~ Bass' reaction to Metal transforming into Neo Metal Sonic[1]

Custom Edited - Sonic the Hedgehog Customs - Metal Overlord Sonic Advance-Style (1) (1)
Kneel before your master!
~ Metal before he transforms into Metal Overlord[1]

~ Metal Sonic to Zero, before he transforms into Neo Metal Sonic[2]


MetalOverloard2-removebg-preview (1)
(laughs) Take this!
~ Metal Overlord to Black Zero[2]

Metal Sonic Drawn-removebg-preview (1)
(confused robotic noises)
~ Metal Sonic after Kamek uses Change Time on him[3]

NeoMetalSonicDrawn-removebg-preview (1)
It's too late.
~ Neo Metal Sonic before temporarily taking down Bowser[3]

SuperNeoMetalSonicDrawn-removebg-preview (1)
~ Super Neo Metal Sonic to Fury Bowser, after saving Eggman and Sage[3]


Metal Sonic is one of the main antagonists of the Sonic the Hedgehog series. He appeared in the 19th episode of Death Battle, Eggman VS Wily, where he, Doctor Eggman, and the rest of his army fought against Doctor Wily and the Wily Army from the Mega Man series. He returned for the 79th episode, Metal Sonic VS Zero, where he fought against Zero from the Mega Man X and Mega Man Zero series. He returned again for the 190th episode, Bowser VS Eggman, where he, Doctor Eggman, and the rest of his army fought against Bowser and his Koopa Troop from the Super Mario series.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-A, possibly 8-C, higher as Neo Metal Sonic, High 7-C as Metal Overlord | 8-A, higher as Neo Metal Sonic, Low 7-C as Metal Overlord | 8-C, likely 7-C, 6-A as Neo Metal Sonic, High 6-A as Super Neo Metal Sonic

Key: Eggman VS Wily | Metal Sonic VS Zero | Bowser VS Eggman

Name: Metal Sonic, "Metal"

Origin: DEATH BATTLE! (Originally Sonic the Hedgehog)

Gender: None, but referred as a male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Robotic Hedgehog, The Hedgehog Destroyer, Member and General of the Eggman Empire

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Small Building level,[Note 1] possibly Building level[Note 2] (Destroyed Napalm Man, leaving nothing but fire and dust behind[1]), higher as Neo Metal Sonic (Stronger than before. Easily dispatched many of Wily's minions[1]), Large Town level[Note 3] as Metal Overlord (Due to sheer size alone.[1] Completely destroyed Bass, the Death Egg Robot and the Wily Machine 9[1]) | Multi-City Block level[Note 4] (Destroyed a Skyscraper[2]), higher as Neo Metal Sonic, Small Town level[Note 5] as Metal Overlord (Due to sheer size alone[2]) | Building level,[Note 6] likely Town level[Note 7] (Overpowered both Chain Chomp and Broggy, who should be comparable to the rest of the other Koopa Troop's members, who are capable of surviving this and this with minor bruises[3]), Continent level[Note 8] as Neo Metal Sonic (In just one strike he took down Bowser[3]), Multi-Continent level[Note 9] as Super Neo Metal Sonic (Completely overpowered Fury Bowser and is powered by the seven Chaos Emeralds as initially shown and when he dies[3])

Speed: Athlete Human[Note 10] (He flies and launches attacks at these speeds[1]), Subsonic[Note 11] as Neo Metal Sonic (Attacked Wily from many directions at once.[1] Blitzed many of Wily's minions[1]), possibly higher as Metal Overlord (Wily couldn't escape him[1]) | Subsonic+[Note 12] (Flew this fast.[2] Comparable to Zero who can keep up with his attacks and flight speed[2]), higher as Neo Metal Sonic, possibly higher as Metal Overlord, Massively Hypersonic+[Note 13] attack speed via Electricity Manipulation (Can summon cloud-to-ground lightning which moves at these speed[2]) | High Hypersonic[Note 14] (Managed to dodge many projectiles as he was flying.[3] Out-sped a Bullet Bill and lightning at close range[3]), higher as Neo Metal Sonic (Faster than before), even higher, with possibly Massively Hypersonic[Note 15] reactions speed as Super Neo Metal Sonic (Faster than before. Flew around Fury Bowser at high speeds[3])

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human[Note 16] (Can support his own weight[2]), higher as Neo Metal Sonic, Class 100[Note 17] as Metal Overlord (Due to sheer size alone[1]) | Athletic Human[Note 16] (Can support his own weight), higher as Neo Metal Sonic, Class 10[Note 18] as Metal Overlord (Due to sheer size alone[2]), higher[Note 19] via telekinesis (As Neo Metal Sonic he lifted multiple cars at once[2]) | Class 25[Note 20] (Threw a Chain Chomp casually[3]), Class T[Note 21] as Neo Metal Sonic (Physically superior to Bowser[3]), Class P[Note 22] as Super Neo Metal Sonic (Halted and threw Fury Bowser,[3] should be comparable to Sage who could resist the gravitational pull of the Grand Star's black hole when she carried the Chaos Emeralds)

Striking Strength: Small Building level,[Note 1] possibly Building level,[Note 2] higher as Neo Metal Sonic, Large Town level as Metal Overlord[Note 3] | Multi-City Block level,[Note 4] higher as Neo Metal Sonic, Small Town level as Metal Overlord[Note 5] | Building level,[Note 6] likely Town level,[Note 7] Continent level[Note 8] as Neo Metal Sonic, Multi-Continent level[Note 9] as Super Neo Metal Sonic

Durability: Small Building level,[Note 1] possibly Building level[Note 2] (Can withstand the force of his blasts), higher with Black Shield, even higher as Neo Metal Sonic, Large Town level as Metal Overlord[Note 3] | Multi-City Block level (Can withstand the force of his blasts[Note 4]), higher with Black Shield, even higher as Neo Metal Sonic, Small Town level as Metal Overlord[Note 5] | Building level,[Note 6] likely Town level,[Note 7] Continent level[Note 8] as Neo Metal Sonic, higher with Black Shield (Although it was destroyed on impact, it allowed for him to survive a strike from Fury Bowser[3]), Multi-Continent level[Note 9] as Super Neo Metal Sonic

Stamina: Infinite | Infinite | Infinite

Range: Standard Melee Range physically; Several Meters with blast attacks; Hundreds of Meters as Metal Overlord | Standard Melee Range physically; Several Meters to Tens of Meters with blast attacks (Shown here[2]); Hundreds of Meters as Metal Overlord | Standard Melee Range; Several Meters to Tens of Meters with blast attacks (Shown here[3])

Standard Equipment: None | None | All 7 Chaos Emeralds

  • Optional Equipment: One Chaos Emerald | None | The Phantom Ruby

Intelligence: Gifted (He is a machine so advanced it can mimic the powers of others. Is capable of fighting multiple opponents at once. Skilled Hand-to-Hand combatant), Animalistic as Metal Overlord (Looses control of himself, killing the entire Eggman army) | Gifted (Can fight comparably to Zero, a master swordsmen. Skilled acrobatic) | Gifted (Is a skilled fighter and can multi-task while having many projectiles and enemies attacking him. Can use his abilities to their upmost, and has full mastery of the Chaos Emeralds)

Weaknesses: Becomes animalistic as Metal Overlord. | Becomes slower as Metal Overlord. | None notable.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Copycat: Metal Sonic scans the opponent, flawlessly replicating their abilities and skills, and adding their abilities onto his skillset.
  • Plasma Pulse Attack: Metal Sonic charges up energy in the compression chamber inside his torso before firing a powerful blue plasma laser from his chest engine.
  • Spin Dash: Metal Sonic rolls in place to charge up, then blasts forward at top speeds.
  • Bat Guard: Metal Sonic releases a swarm of artificial bats that act as a defensive barrier and projectiles. They will explode upon impacting an enemy.
  • V. Maximum Overdrive Attack: Metal Sonic overloads his circuitry to form a highly powerful pink energy field around his body before shooting himself forward.
  • Black Shield: Metal Sonic forms an octahedral (or sphere-like) energy shield around himself to block incoming attacks.
  • Chaos Control: An ability that allows Metal to stop time.

  • Neo Metal Sonic: After powering himself up with a Chaos Emerald, or simply just transforming, he becomes Neo Metal Sonic, where in this state his statistics increase alongside his powers and abilities.
  • Metal Overlord: A transformation that evolves past Neo Metal Sonic, which is done by absorbing many structures in the surrounding area. His gains a Kaiju-like appearance and can shoot projectiles/blasts from his mouth. This form may or may not cause him to become animalistic, depending on the key.
  • Super Neo Metal Sonic: Metal Sonic's latest form that evolves past Neo Metal Sonic. He transforms into this state via all seven Chaos Emeralds, making him a near unstoppable force that glows golden.

Notable Matchups[]

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

White (Stickman Project: Rebirth) White’s Profile (Speed Equalized, Eggman VS Willy Metal Sonic was used, The battle took place in Eggman’s Base)

Inconclusive Matches:


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 Eggman VS Wily (Sonic VS Mega Man) | DEATH BATTLE!
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 Metal Sonic VS Zero (Sega VS Mega Man) | DEATH BATTLE!
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 Bowser VS Eggman (Mario VS Sonic) | DEATH BATTLE!


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 0.0915774379 Tons of TNT
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 0.2954110899 Tons of TNT
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 109.371228489 Kilotons of TNT
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 373.793 Tons of TNT
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 6.44456548757 Kilotons of TNT
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 0.3062225 Tons of TNT
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 20.276370 Kilotons of TNT
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 760 Teratons of TNT (upscales from 611 Teratons of TNT; gap being >1.21x)
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 5.32 Petatons of TNT (one Chaos Emerald is 760 Teratons of TNT, all seven should be this value)
  10. 8.11741666665 m/s
  11. 43.6597777778 m/s
  12. Mach 0.5643614091020408
  13. Mach 1282.79883
  14. Mach 38.84
  15. Mach 263.6
  16. 16.0 16.1 0.1252 Metric Tons
  17. 93.294439 Metric Tons
  18. 5.49726 Metric Tons
  19. 7.9823185 Metric Tons
  20. 16.008944 Metric Tons
  21. 416642737326 Metric Tons (All seven Chaos Emeralds are 2.916 Metric Teratons, one should be this value)
  22. 2916499161283 Metric Tons

Note: This profile is based on feats in the fighting animation, not feats in the analysis.


Discussion threads involving Metal Sonic (DEATH BATTLE!)