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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Maker South
Knowledge is power.


Maker is a mad scholar of the Imperium of God who descended to the Rimworld after being cast out for his bizarre, outlandish prophecies of something known as the Archonexus, as well as other topics such as alternate dimensions. He found a home in Molokar after arriving unannounced and insisting that he be allowed to live there. Once inside, Maker proved a disruptive element, as his impressive array of skills made him valuable, and yet his eccentricities clashed with many high-ranking officials of the Accord, at one point even coming to blows with Laila and Azontr.

Ultimately, Maker achieved a very high rank for such a latecomer to the Accord, and served as an Aetherius scientist. Where some might refer to his presence as a corruption, a spreading taint in the Accord's political structure, an egomaniac intent to bend the Accord's resources towards his own insane goals, others say he has the makings of greatness, and that with his knowledge, perhaps too shall the Accord be great- perhaps even greater than the Imperium itself.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least High 8-C

Name: Zero "Maker" Tachikoma

Origin: Be My Rimworld Pawns

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Classification: Aetherius, Heretic of the Imperium

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Although not a natural-born soldier, Maker is equal to a professional level of skill with firearms, and wields his galvanic rifle with competence far above his years), Genius Intelligence (Maker is a certified genius and an apostate of the Imperium whose teachings were so radical that he was outcast from a generally fairly accepting society, forced to the lands of barbarism below), Social Influencing (So great is Maker's personal magnetism that he still has followers in the Imperium seeking to bring him back, and so great is his ability to deceive that he has found his way into the inner circles of the Molokarian Citadel), Preparation (Maker's plans for the Imperium were initiated when he was but a child, and are seemingly still ongoing), Forcefield Creation (Maker wears a shield belt of moderate strength), Electricity Manipulation, Durability Negation (Maker's galvanic rifle is the most powerful of its kind and is a relic of their first invention: it electronically charges its shots such that they can puncture enemies of far, far greater strength than Maker can otherwise compete with), Mind Manipulation (Maker is a newly-made psycaster), Statistics Amplification (Maker can psionically enhance another at the cost of weakening himself), Cyborgization (Even before Maker joined the Accord, he was laden with Archotech-originated enhancements, perhaps most notably his heart and arm), Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, and 4, Maker can resurrect upon being killed, and his brain ensures that he will indeed live forever within its archotechtic coding), Damage Reduction (He possesses the same skin glands as Romu and Grunt, rendering his flesh as hard as plasteel and capable of stopping even the most powerful attacks), Adaptation (Maker has bionics that adjust his internals to be comfortable in practically any environment), Enhanced Senses, Nanotechnology (Maker's senses, all of them, are improved by a vast network of nanites flooding his body that actively work to improve them; so great is his hearing that he can hear whispers a hundred meters away, and so incredible is his sight that he can read letters on the tips of pins, and so great is his sense of touch that he can divine the impurities of a metal, and the quality of its structure, by touching it once; he is also unaffected by darkness, seeing in it perfectly fine), Bodily Weaponry (His most daunting archotech implant is a power arm that surpasses even Crabwhale's; additionally, he has small horns atop his head for ramming), Breath Attack, Fire Manipulation (Maker comes from Impid genestock, and can breathe fire as a result), Flight (He possesses reddish-orange wings that can propel him moderate distances), Regeneration (Low-Mid, he can recover from gunshot wounds in his torso in a matter of seconds to minutes), Telepathy (Maker can communicate at planetary distances telepathically), Accelerated Development (Beyond his own incredibly quick wit, his Aetherius genes assist with him learning skills even faster, with most Aetherii becoming easy masters of a number of skills long before adulthood), Resistance to Fire Manipulation, Disease Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, Empathic Manipulation, and Biological Manipulation

Attack Potency: At least Large Building level (Maker wields the most phyiscally powerful bionic available, and though lacks any particular skill with it, is of strength surpassing the likes of Azontr or Shmooply; his rifle is one of the most powerful available to the Accord, equaling bolt snipers such as Fujiwara's Hollow Being)

Speed: Peak Human (Maker walks at a speed of approximately 10.3 m/s), Subsonic+ via Flight (By flying, he can roughly compare to the speed of Comiphor's leaps)

Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Every colonist can easily pick up and haul a Paraceratherium, which weighs over 15 metric tons)

Striking Strength: At least Large Building level

Durability: At least Building level, likely Large Building level (Maker is exceptionally durable, possessing a constitution perhaps matching that of a Bellator Knight, despite his much lighter armor loadout)

Stamina: Peak Human, Maker has a fortitude and an almost supernatural amount of willpower that places him on-par with individuals such as Comiphor

Range: Extended Melee, up to Hundreds of Meters via galvanic rifle

Standard Equipment: Relic galvanic rifle, steel knife, shield belt, recon and flak armor

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius, Maker was a genius even by Imperium standards, and while inferior to the likes of Drite and Bambu, is still an incredibly bright mind equal to the best non-enhanced humans

Weaknesses: Maker is an open and plainspoken xenophobe, and hates others not like him


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
