“ | The only demon on Earth is me. | „ |
~ Piccolo |
Piccolo is the reincarnation of King Piccolo, born with the simple goal of killing Son Goku and avenging his father at any cost. A wise, expert strategist, he was initially one of Goku's most ruthless enemies, but after training and bonding with his son, Gohan, in preparation for the arrival of the Saiyans, he began to become a better person, eventually joining the Z Fighters as one of their most skilled warriors. His path was forever changed however once he sorcerer Babidi attempted to take control of his mind reawaken the dormant evil that was inside him, reuniting him with his demonic heritage and truly becoming the reincarnation of his father King Piccolo.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 4-B, higher with Makankosappo
Name: Piccolo Junior, "Ma Junior", Demon King Piccolo
Origin: What if (Hyourinjutsu)
Age: 31 (physically 32)
Gender: Genderless, though referred to as male
Classification: Namekian
Powers and Abilities: Master Martial Artist, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics, Flight, Ki Manipulation (Master Level), Immortality (Types 1 and 3; Inherited his father's eternal youth), Self-Sustenance (Type 2), Regeneration (Mid; Can regenerate his lost limbs and the rest of his body as long as his head remains intact), Explosion Manipulation (Capable of detonating ki attacks), Heat Generation (Via ki attacks and aura), Bodily Weaponry (Unconventional. Has extendable finger nails that he can use to cut people), Breath Attack, Ki Sensing (Can locate others by reading their ki and sense evil intentions), Enhanced Senses (Namekians have exceptional hearing, allowing them to hear things from great distances), Fusionism (He can merge with other Namekians, also knows the Fusion Dance by the Buu Saga), Body Control (Can control his severed limbs), Elasticity (Can stretch his arms great lengths), Size Manipulation (Can greatly increase his own size), Shockwaves Generation, Afterimage Creation, Electricity Manipulation, Danmaku (Via Hellzone Grenade), Telekinesis, Magic and Creation (A member of the Dragon Clan of Namekians, which possess mystic abilities), Sealing (Via Mafuba), Telepathy (As a Namekian, Piccolo can telepathically speak to others), Cloth Manipulation and Weapon Creation (Piccolo is able to create clothes for his target along with a sword), Accelerated Development (Training; Physical Stats, Abilities), likely Limited Soul Manipulation (Due to being the fully reincarnation of Daimao Piccolo he should be once again a member of the Demon Clansmen who, by nature, banish the souls of their victims to purgatory in the mortal realm, thus preventing ascension into the afterlife). Resistance to Harsh Temperatures (Survived and trained extensively for an unknown but seemingly significant period of time within the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, which has temperatures that range from -40°F to 248°F), Mind Manipulation (Piccolo was able to resist Babidi's mind control which was attributed to the fact that Piccolo had two additional souls who lacked evil in their hearts)
Attack Potency: Solar System level (Was able to fight agienst and eventually kill Dabura, who was direly compared to Cell at his peak, despite him having the strength advantage. One shot Yakon and Pui Pui), higher with Makankosappo (Blew a hole through Dabura and Babidi, the latter was using a Forcefield which was capable of blocking attacks from Majin Buu)
Speed: Hypersonic+ flight speed, Massively FTL+ combat speed
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Solar System level
Durability: Solar System level
Stamina: Superhuman (Piccolo's stamina is one of his greatest assets, allowing him to fight against Goku even when badly injured over the course of their fight and taking his most powerful attacks. He was able to fight against Android 17 for an extended period of time despite expending much of his ki, pushing himself to his limits continuously and fighting through increasingly severe injuries)
Range: Extended Melee Range; at least Planetary to Stellar with ki blasts and attacks
Standard Equipment: His weighted clothing
- Optional Equipament: Dragon balls (item)
Intelligence: Genius (Piccolo is an incredibly skilled and experienced fighter, growing further in wisdom and knowledge after fusing with Nail and then Kami. He is a strategic, careful fighter, playing dead to bait Goku into dropping his guard in their first fight, and acting like he was defeated to get information after Cell absorbed some of his energy and disabled his arm. He's also quite skilled at judging the strength and abilities of others and analyzing their abilities, quickly detecting that Goku wasn't at his best when he was fighting Android 19 and that Vegeta would be outlasted and defeated by Android 18)
Weaknesses: Piccolo's regeneration is stamina based and he cannot regenerate if his brain is destroyed.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
The fighting power and life force of a martial artist, a tangible energy derived from the user's vigor, courage, and mind. It can be used in a number of ways, such as to surpass the limits of one's body to greatly increase in strength, and it can be fired as blasts of energy or used to create defensive barriers. Along with his Namekian heritage and Dragon Clan status, this is the source of Piccolo's superhuman capabilities and power. He is incredibly skilled in the art of ki control. He often fires powerful blasts of ki from his mouth.
- Antenna Beam: Piccolo can fire arcs of electricity from his antennae.
- Chasing Bullet: A powerful and fast blast of ki that rapidly homes in on Piccolo's target.
- Explosive Demon Wave: Inherited from his father, this is one of Piccolo's signature techniques. Supporting his leading arm with the other, he fires a powerful wave of ki straight forwards.
- Eye Lasers: Piccolo can fire lasers from his eyes.
- Hellzone Grenade: One of Piccolo's most powerful techniques. Piccolo fires a large barrage of ki blasts, which lie suspended in the air around his opponent before they fly at them from all directions, causing a massive explosion.
- Light Grenade: After bringing his hands together, Piccolo charges up and fires a high-power sphere of energy straight at his opponent, causing a massive explosion.
- Special Beam Cannon: One of Piccolo's signature attacks. After bringing his index and middle fingers to his forehead, Piccolo charges up and fires a spiraling laser that can drill through most opponents.
As a member of the Dragon Clan, Piccolo has several magical abilities.
- Magic Materialization: Piccolo can create objects and clothing, seemingly out of thin air, often using this to create his weighted clothing whenever he has a need for it.
- Mafuba: Also known as the Evil Containment Wave, the Mafuba is a mystic sealing technique designed to seal evil away by sucking them into a special container with a "demon seal" ofuda on it. Not only does Piccolo know how to use the Mafuba itself, but he also has knowledge of its counter, which allows him to reflect it when it's used against him.
Piccolo is a Namekian, a long-lived race of slug-like aliens with exceptional hearing. This grants him several abilities, most notably the power to regrow lost limbs and destroyed organs as long as his head remains intact. He can also extend his arms to great lengths to attack and grab opponents from a distance, and he can even use his regenerative powers to greatly increase his body's volume, growing significantly in size as a result.
Notable Matchups[]
Discussion threads involving Majin Piccolo (Hyourinjutsu) |