For detailed information about this franchise, visit the MUGEN Database.
About the Verse[]
M.U.G.E.N, also called MUGEN, is a fighting game that originally started out as a FPS engine, but (For reasons unknown) turned into a fighting game. It was created by Elecbyte, however, the innovative thing about M.U.G.E.N. is that the very own users create their own characters, stages and even Motifs. Because of that, technically all characters on fiction "exist" on M.U.G.E.N., although most are balanced to a relatively even playing field.
M.U.G.E.N Scaling[]
Since M.U.G.E.N is a fighting game, where all characters in fiction are used in combat and any character can be made to be basically whatever level of power, characters cannot be scaled to each other normally. Only in specific cases can they be scaled, such as in original works that were made in M.U.G.E.N and have their own stories, and character feats can be determined by these stories and/or their own movesets.
- Rare Akuma
- Year 20000 Soldier