“ | I want to wake up tomorrow to a bright blue sky, one free of conflict and cruelty. I guess it’s up to us to make that a reality. | „ |
~ Logan, talking to Isaac and Liam |
Logan is one of the three main characters in Utopia. Being in almost every arc except the latest, he has grown to be a force of nature, using his brain to outwit opponents 20x stronger than he is and never backing down from a fight. He has evolved from a bounty hunter to an angel in a quest for peace.
Logan, while not technically aligned with Heavenway, he does work with them in wars often, even becoming the elected president for a short time. But while he does work with them, he never follows any earthly rules, always following his morals to the end. He will never waiver from these morals no matter what.
Power and Stats[]
Tier: 9-A | Low 7-C | 7-A | 3-B | Low 1-C, possibly higher
Key: Bounty Hunter | Scarab Infused | Enhanced Suit | Angelic Form | Twin-Faced Titan
Name: Logan Wildett
Origin: Utopia
Age: 28+
Classification: Human, Bounty Hunter, Angel, Cyborg
DnD Alignment: Neutral Good
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Weapon Mastery(Out skills most if not everyone in Utopia in weapons)
- Martial Arts(Out skills almost everyone in Utopia, rivaled only by Liam)
- Preparation(Is known to be the smartest battle strategist in Utopia)
- Explosion Manipulation(Via grenades and missiles)
- Fire Manipulation(Via flamethrower)
- Stealth Mastery(Able to sneak through Utopia unnoticed even without tech)
- Power Nullification(Via magic necklace blocking direct magical spells, it is unknown when he lost this, but future versions don’t have it)
- Pressure Points(Knows where and when to hit people to knock them out)
- Information Analysis(Can deduce certain things about the world to an extent, can guess opponents next move)
- Camouflage
- Electricity Manipulation(Via tasers and other electrical weaponry)
- Acrobatics
- Flight(Via jetpack and rocket boots)
(All previous abilities beside Power Nullification)
- Regeneration(Mid Via scarab armor)
- Weapon Creation(Can create mini scarab blades that can be homed in on opponents)
- Bodily Weaponry(Has built-in hand blades he can shoot and use in hand-to-hand combat)
(All abilities from Bounty Hunter form besides Power Nullification)
- Energy Projection(Via bolts and beams)
- Homing Attack(Via more advanced missiles)
- Time Manipulation(Can use time defibrillator to glitch out of the time stream to avoid time manipulation)
(All abilities from Bounty Hunter and Enhanced suit forms)
- Weather Manipulation(Has complete control over weather, be it clouds or from thin air he can bring rain, hail, acid rain etc, into existence)
- Air Manipulation(Can control wind and air itself. Can focus air pressure in certain locations and expand it to cause massive shockwaves, some even knocking opponents unconscious)
- Teleportation(Can teleport around as long as he can see where he’s teleporting to)
- Light Manipulation(Can increase light as much as lightning can allow, blinding anyone who looks too closely)
- Water Manipulation(Can change water through all three states of matter, and bend it to his will)
- Temperature Manipulation(Can turn the temperature of a chosen area to whatever he wants. Can also change the temperature of himself)
- Power Nullification(The holy sword can kill immortal being as if they were mortals)
- Immortality(Type 4)
- Time Manipulation(Can use time defibrillator to glitch out of the time stream to avoid time manipulation)
- Holy Manipulation(Is an angel)
- Nanotechnology
- Sin Vision
(All abilities from before increased significantly)
- Matter Manipulation(Can create and control his own quarks at will and bind them into different weapons and armor)
- Creation(Same as above)
- Antimatter Manipulation(Can create antimatter wherever he chooses)
- Durability Negation(Erased the Blinding One via antimatter, holy sword can injure the calamity)
- Size Manipulation(Can grow to be able to hold the universe like a baseball)
- Immortality(Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7)
- Cosmic Awareness(Knows he is in a slideshow and knows of his writers control)
- Camouflage(Can manipulate color to hide himself at will)
- Breaking the Fourth Wall(Can talk to his writers)
- Density Manipulation(Can change his own density at will)
- Duplication(Either via matter, or illusion)
- Illusion Manipulation(via color, sound, and smell)
- Paralysis Inducement(Via cutting nerves with antimatter)
- Regeneration(High, via matter)
- Self-Destruction
- Shapeshifting(Can change into practically everything)
- Sound Manipulation(Can manipulate the air particles sound waves bounce off of)
- Teleportation(Much more powerful than before, can now teleport anywhere in the multiverse except his home dimension)
- Transformation(Via matter)
- Underground Mobility
- Vibration Manipulation(Via air molecules)
- Weapon Creation(Can make any weapon he can think of)
- Weapon Manipulation(Can modify those weapons at will)
- Duplication(Can create clones instantly at will)
- Hive Mind(Can control all clones individually and transport main consciousness between them)
Attack Potency: Small Building Level (Has shown feats of destruction of buildings via missiles and bombs) | Town Level (Was able to damage the combined elemental via AM guns, and ARC cannons, the combined elemental was at least a Large town entity, so the figure of only damaging it checks out) | Mountain Level, possibly higher (Using his fully charged suit beam, he managed to decimate an entire mountain with one shot, could be higher but is not tested yet) | Multi-Galaxy Level (Kept his own in a fight against Liam, a character who scales to Universe level or higher) | Universe+ (Can increase density at will, and can send punches faster than light, Estimating that the density of his fist on the low end is the density of the known universe (seen during the fight against the calamity) this would put his punch at 1.9201517360248012e+117 Joules) , Low Complex Multiversal (Can use attacks through the 6th dimension, though it takes time to charge up)
Speed: Superhuman (Can fly at higher speeds using his rocket boots and jetpack, but modified it to be used for combat purposes) | Subsonic+ (After being infused with the scarab blade, Logan was able to upgrade his suit even more to properly use the abilities gained with the scarab) | High Hypersonic (Has enhanced suit to get up to speeds of 28 mach) | Can vary from Relativistic to Speed of Light (Usually travels at relativistic speeds, but when fully charged with lightning, can go the speed of light for some time) | Massively FTL+ (Can travel from earth to the edge of the universe in just a few seconds
Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Via Suit’s servo joints) | Class 25 (Can lift significantly more than previously, and is said to be able to lift around 20 metric tons) | Unknown | Class E possibly higher (Can move around the atmosphere like it’s nothing, but not many other lifting feats besides that) | Universe likely higher (A matter clone of his held the universe as if it were a baseball)
Striking Strength: Wall Level+ (Can easily burst through walls using servo joints, but might be capable of more) | Building Level (Can send buildings down using his newly formed scarab suit) | City Level+ (Can charge fists with high energy, amplifying his strength to higher proportions) | Multi-Solar System Level (In Logan’s duel with Liam, he had the ability to damage him, and while this didn’t occur because Logan didn’t go through with it, it makes his striking strength similar to Liam’s durability) | Universe+ (Can increase density at will, and can send punches faster than light, Estimating that the density of his fist on the low end is the density of the known universe (seen during the fight against the calamity) this would put his punch at 1.9201517360248012e+117 Joules)
Durability: Large Building (Could take hits from the elementals, who are capable of damaging buildings effortlessly, it took a massive nuclear reaction explosion to take him out, which leveled the building he was in) | Continent Level (Could take a few hits from Napa (Utopia) before getting damaged. Our version is comparable to that of the real one) | Large Star Level (Could take a few hits from Tritios, a being that could wipe out stars and planets) | Multi-Galaxy Level possible higher (Could fight Liam, who is Universal level+) | Universe likely higher (Can change his own density to whatever he wants, the largest density that has been seen was as dense as the known universe)
Stamina: Peak Human (Has vigorous training as to keep up with opponents) | (All other forms) Infinite (After the loss of his body, he doesn’t require energy to move as he is above tiredness)
Range: Hundreds of Meters (Via guns, bombs, and short range missiles) | Hundreds of Meters (Same as before) | Hundreds of Kilometers (Destroyed a mountain about 150 miles in length using his fully charged suit beam) | Unknown (Can be anywhere from Planetary to Galactic) | High Universal (Made a matter clone that held the Universe like a baseball)
Standard Equipment: Can vary; AM guns, ARC cannons, Holy Sword, Nordic Axe, Totem of undying/ender pearls (stolen from the Minecraft Dimension) and his various suits are to just name a few.
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (His battle tactics are unmatched throughout the entirety of Utopia, even surpassing that of the scientist, a being from the future who is often called the smartest person in Utopia. Besides battle tactics, Logan has a massive lead in tech and weapons design, creating multiple guns and weaponry ahead of its time. Examples would the Arc Cannon Mark V, a super weapon utilizing a singularity’s energy to its fullest effect into a laser beam. With the technological time period technically still being in the industrial age, with some advanced weaponry here and there, Logan’s weapons are a giant leap in technological advancement.)
Standard Tactics: Varies, Logan has unrivaled strategies and planning in Utopia, so his tactics fluctuate from opponent to opponent.
Weaknesses: He may be smart, but he’s just a human. | Armor can be destroyed via melting/explosions. | Armor can be caused to malfunction or melt with enough heat. | His angelic form can be corrupted by tricking Logan into letting it enter. But besides that, none noted. | None found yet, though power removal has been slightly effective.
Another weakness to all of his forms is Zerelium, a material in Utopia that cancels out any magical power if close enough.
Notable Battles (Canon in Utopia)[]
Liam (Logan was in his Angelic form, and Liam was in his heightened anime form) Winner: Logan
Blinding One (Logan was in Twin Titan form, and Liam was in his blinding one form) Winner: Logan
Omega (The Calamity) (Logan was in Twin Titan form, Omega had hacks) Winner: Omega
Notable Battles (Non-Canon)[]
- The image was drawn by ImFrogKnight
- Logan Wildett has 2 siblings; Arlinn, and an unknown sister
- Is Liam’s long lost cousin
- Is a proud Protestant Christian