Lemberg Clift is a Royal Knight of Wratholme and is considered to be its secondary garrison commander after Crabbius. A paladin by oath, Lemberg was an early adopter of the many possessed weapons gathered by Wratholme in their capital of Aegis, in particular attuning to the frozen greataxe Avatar of Frost. Equipped with this and other treasures of the kingdom, Lemberg is an extremely capable warrior, known for quick and clean kills as well as the divine protection that shields him from harm in most encounters.
Aside from his craft of war, Lemberg is the patriarch of the Clift family, which includes his wife (Ethorel, a nephilim xenotype the colony recruited early into its existence) and his daughters Glasya and Zariel. He serves as a competent combat medic (aided by his paladin abilities), a master builder, and one of the many farmhands in his spare time. Above all else, Lemberg is a survivor, having endured the death of his homeworld as a child and the loss of many colonies in the interim. In Wratholme, however, he has found permanence.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least 8-C, likely High 8-C, Low 7-B Environmental Destruction via Avatar of Frost
Name: Lemberg Clift, Stygia's Knight, Paladin of Frost, Brightbalm
Origin: Be My Rimworld Pawns
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Classification: Baseliner
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Martial Arts (Lemberg is regarded as a master combatant- although he has not had his essence heightened to be on-par with those like Mad Dog or Crabbius, he is still capable of matching entire squadrons of knights on his own), limited Purification (Even with a basic set of medicine, Lemberg can treat lethal wounds very rapidly, preventing infection and vastly hastening recovery time), Damage Reduction (Lemberg naturally greatly reduces physical impacts on his body, significantly reducing all damage), Ice Manipulation (Lemberg is most known for wielding the Avatar of Frost, an arcane weapon that induces hypothermic cold in those it cuts: the spreading ice through their veins is often sufficient to kill on its own, freezing the target from inside out), Matter Manipulation (His shield is cold enough to freeze atmos approaching it, slowing them before they can make an impact), Fire Manipulation (He carries fire pots that explode in flames similar to an advanced molotov cocktail), Temperature Manipulation (His axe emits an aura of chilling air that makes Lemberg more comfortable in warm environments but less comfortable in cold), Weather Manipulation (His Avatar of Frost is capable of warping the weather around him for miles), Damage Boost (Lemberg's axe has a chance to "double cut", allowing it to boost its cleave supernaturally to deal greatly more damage), Energy Projection, Soul Manipulation (He also wields the Soul Singer, an arcane staff that melts flesh, armor, and essences in a continuous beam of raw energy; he rarely wields this, however), Longevity (The Soul Singer greatly extends the lifespan of the wielder, such that Lemberg could realistically reach over 200 years of age), Magic, Holy Manipulation (Lemberg's paladin abilities derive from an unspecified heavenly font), Healing (Low-Mid, although he cannot grow back body parts, he can rapidly mend and even instantly close even the most grievous of wounds), Aura, Statistics Amplification (Lemberg can create a Ray of Hope, an aura around himself that periodically buffs him substantially- buffs range from a boost to mood to a considerable speed buff; Lemberg has this constantly active), Forcefield Creation (He passively generates a forcefield around himself that protects him from practically any threat), Flight, Explosion Manipulation (He can use Valiant Charge, wherein he creates temporary spectral wings and flies to a spot within range, optionally exploding on impact), Perception Manipulation (Lemberg can overwhelm a target to burn away their senses, removing all of them temporarily and dealing tremendous damage), Invulnerability (His Holy Wrath can render all allies within range invulnerable)
Attack Potency: At least Building level, likely Large Building level (Lemberg is comparable in raw damage to other Royal Knights such as Jebediah; with the Lacerating trait of his axe, he can outdo the others), Small City level+ Environmental Destruction via Avatar of Frost (When he kills an enemy, the weather can reformat, changing to some other condition- including rainstorms or flashstorms)
Speed: Athletic Human (Lemberg moves at a typical pace of about 9.75 m/s), Subsonic+ via Valiant Charge (Comparable to Sanguophages such as Mad Dog)
Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Every colonist can easily pick up and haul a Paraceratherium, which weighs over 15 metric tons)
Striking Strength: At least Building level, likely Large Building level
Durability: Large Building level (Lemberg is amongst the most durable of the Royal Knights, second only to Jebediah)
Stamina: Peak Human, Lemberg's weapons significantly boost his stamina regeneration and ability to remain active
Range: Extended Melee Range, Tens of Meters via Fire Pots, Hundreds of Meters via Soul Singer
Standard Equipment: Avatar of Frost, Soul Singer, fire pots, herbal medicine
Intelligence: Above Average, he is a capable medic and warrior
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: