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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
It wasn't about the universe or whatever. I was simply tired of listening. Tired of taking orders from a goddamn sheep. Tired of being told what to do with my revenge. Tired of telling myself I had to get that revenge in the first place. As long as I've lived, I've never done what I actually want to. And the second I'm done with this, I think I fucking will!


The firstborn prince of the kingdom of Viola (The kingdom of Viola named all of its kings and first-born princes “Viola”, as it was considered to bring good fortune), Prince Viola saw the invasion of his father’s kingdom by Rethal, in his teenage years, led by the general Johanna. Not only was he present in the siege where Viola finally fell, but Johanna herself chopped off his arm and killed the king in front of him to force him to order surrender.

Alone and on the run, Viola’s next few years were spent obsessing over Johanna and his wish for revenge, a desire that would have proved fruitless on a less resourceful individual, but with his ability to induce illusions through his Projection and his own wit, Viola managed to stalk Johanna for years, slowly planning her death – only for her to beat him to the punch, and seemingly die on her own. Viola’s plans were thrown to the wind as he found himself devoid of his one true purpose for months, until, inexplicably, Johanna came back again, now wielding what looked to him like god-like power. Viola’s plans of revenge were now just fruitless, with Johanna herself choosing to spare him, feeling only pity and regret for his current state.

Broken, alone and without purpose, Viola was lured into a completely unrelated mission by a mysterious echoing voice, a long quest in a dark underground world inhabited by alien lifeforms that preyed on a cult’s seemingly endless acolytes. To survive this hellscape, Viola was forced to ally himself with four other people from his time, similarly drawn to this quest against their better judgment, with the last one of them being Johanna herself, finally in front of him and even depowered so that he might be able to kill her. He defeated her in a fistfight, but realized she'd be instrumental to finishing this task he'd been given. As such, she finally found an opportunity to talk to him: She promised him she'd come back to him and allow him to take her life if he wished, and he agreed to allow her to atone for her sins and save Rethal before that, realizing his endless quest for revenge had almost driven him past the edge: Having some time to clear his head would have helped.

Johanna and Viola’s conclusion came right before the end of his journey. Slowly, Viola had realized that his unusual dedication to the quest he was given came from the fact that he was being mentally controlled by the one who had assigned him to it, a mysterious cabal of faceless entities, who wished to use Viola’s power to awaken the nameless god sleeping within the Moon. Realizing this would take his life and put the world in jeopardy, Viola violently refused, instead sacrificing all of that potential to seal the god away while severely changing his physical appearance and giving himself new powers and a new name to symbolize his desire to put his past behind him: Labolas, (“King of Nothing” in Viola's language). This form resembled a demon, having subconsciously been created as a foil to Johanna’s angelic appearance and inspired by myths of demons that Viola had heard in his childhood.

Personal Statistics[]

Name: Viola | Labolas

Origin: World of Projections

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Classification: Human, ex-crown prince of Viola, Projection user | Modified human

Birthplace: Kingdom of Viola

Height: 175 cm | 177 cm

Values: Revenge and little else. | To be determined.

Eye Color: Black. | Red with black sclerae.

Hair Color: Black. | Grey.

Marital Status: Single | Still single

Status: Alive | Still alive

Alignment: Neutral Evil | Chaotic Neutral

Themes: Dazed and Confused, Communication Breakdown and Trampled Under Foot | Rainbow In The Dark

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: 9-C physically and with Dazed and Confused | 9-C, far higher with Rainbow in the Dark, High 7-A by removing its shield

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts (Despite his relative lack of experience and formal training, Viola is a fighter clever and quick enough to keep up with Johanna[1], though he is still at a disadvantage against more trained foes[2]) Weapon Mastery (Very skilled in the usage of daggers and swords, and has even developed a fighting style around his missing arm[3]), Accelerated Development and Power Modification (Unique among projection users, Viola’s Projection shifted and evolved at an unpredictable pace through time, likely because of his broken psyche. When finally reaching mental clarity, he was capable of finalizing its potential into his transformation into Labolas, though he could have finalized it into nearly anything), Power Mimicry (Learned how to perform an armbar[4] after only witnessing it once[5]), Supernatural Willpower and Resistance to Poison Manipulation (Powered through a deadly poison through sheer spite and grit[6]), Resistance to Soul Manipulation (The Essence of every being in World of Projections comes from splinters of The Third's being[7], with The Third being a deity comparable in size and power to Gea and Lucifer, who would then go on to become entire universes[8]. The Essence of Projection users is particularly large and more powerful than common people's[9]), Fear Manipulation (After encountering it a second time, Viola managed to power through the Osura's initially paralyzing fear aura, though it still affected him[10]) and Mind Manipulation (Resisted the Avatars' influence on his mind[11])

Small Size (Type 0, about 70 cm tall[12]), Flight, Natural Weaponry (D&C boasts large claws it uses for combat[13]), Illusion Manipulation and Pain Manipulation (D&C's illusions are extremely realistic and can even inflict pain, but no physical damage[14]), Soul Manipulation, Transformation, Telepathy and minor Mind Manipulation (Communication Breakdown was a small seed produced by Dazed and Confused that slowly drained away the souls of people within three meters of it. After it had drained enough, it could transform into an old-style phone booth, which will drain a user’s soul much more rapidly. This was used by Viola to gather information on his subjects, and eventually a degree of control over their subconscious), Memory Manipulation (Moving Through Kashmir allowed Viola to move foes into a room where their memories could become real. Multiple people could be thrown into his room but the memories could only be taken from one foe at a time, "locking" onto them, with effectiveness increasing with Viola’s knowledge of the target)

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Longevity and Regeneration (Low. Viola ages slower and heals faster), Martial Arts, Flight and Acrobatics (Labolas fights with an acrobatic hit 'n run combat style adapted around his flight abilities[15]), Weapon Mastery (Maintains his prowess in dagger combat, though he no longer carries one), Enhanced Senses (Labolas' vision is greatly enhanced, and his other senses are too though by a minor extent[16]. He can also see through darkness far better than a human[17]). Perception Manipulation and Statistics Amplification (Rainbow In The Dark allows Labolas to first slow down his own perception of time, allowing him to get a snapshot of the events surrounding him and decide what his next movements will be and "set" his body to execute them. Labolas then greatly speeds up, moving at near the speed of light to the point that his eyes are no longer able to perceive the light around them and he goes blind for the remaining duration of Rainbow in the Dark. This is not as crippling as one would imagine, though, as he has already decided his movements in the previous phase[18]), Physics Manipulation and Damage Reduction (Labolas is surrounded by an energy-dampening forcefield during Rainbow in the Dark- it protects him, but also greatly lessens the impact of his body moving at relativistic speeds, which would normally cause incredible damage, but also obliterate him in turn), Vibration Manipulation (Can unleash shockwaves by tackling the ground with Rainbow in the Dark[19]), Fire Manipulation (By using his powers to drag flammable materials against one another, Labolas can easily set them aflame[20]), Power Mimicry, Supernatural Willpower and Resistance to Poison Manipulation, Resistance to Soul Manipulation, Fear Manipulation and Mind Manipulation

Attack Potency: Street level physically (Hit a lead pipe against the ground hard enough to break it in a few blows[21]. Fought against Ghost and Jo), and with Dazed and Confused (Inflicted Jo with a deep wound[22]) | Street level (Stronger than before), far higher with Rainbow in the Dark (Much more powerful than his normal attacks, capable of greatly injuring The Deep Walkers), Large Mountain level+ by removing its shield (If Labolas were to use Rainbow In The Dark without the shield that reduces its energy to a survivable extent, he would be able of outputting at least this much force)

Speed: Subsonic (Kept Jo and Giovanni on their toes, almost overwhelming the latter [23]) | Subsonic (Swifter than before), Relativistic+ with Rainbow in the Dark (Labolas' Projection allows him to move at speeds nearly approaching the speed of light itself, though only in small bursts)

Lifting Strength: Unknown (Never wrestled with anyone, and his missing arm is a deficit in this regard), Below Average Human for Dazed and Confused (Due to its small size) | Athletic Human

Striking Strength: Street level, lower with Dazed and Confused | Street level

Durability: Street level, higher with prosthetic arm (Viola often uses his prosthetic arm as a shield, though it's frequently damaged when blocking powerful attacks) | Street level

Stamina: Peak Human. Able to fight through serious damage[24]. Can stand up and fight right after receiving nearly enough damage to kill him or knock him out[25][26]. | Peak Human. Higher than before

Range: Extended melee range with dagger. Below Average with Dazed and Confused, dozens of meters with its abilities (Able to cast an illusion that contains the entirety of a large castle). | Standard melee range

Standard Equipment: A traditional Violan curved dagger and a metal arm. | None notable.

Intelligence: Gifted. Able to use his ability competently though only after a lot of training, and managed to fight against two expert combatants at once, showing good tactical skill to prevent them from overwhelming him despite being under extreme emotional distress[27].

Weaknesses: Anxious and obsessed with vengeance. His Projection is generally unfit for direct combat and requires setup to use. | Rainbow In The Dark requires a brief pause between uses, and his eyes glow slightly when he uses it.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Viola: Unique among projection users, Viola’s Projection shifted and evolved at an unpredictable pace through time, likely because of his broken psyche.
    • Viola's first Projection was “Dazed and Confused”, a 70 cm tall red figure with a slight resemblance to a mosquito, but with two long arms with claws at the end. Though capable of combat, its real ability was the creation of illusions: they were perfectly accurate to the real thing, but required serious focus to project, and therefore were limited in scale. Damage inflicted by these illusions only caused pain, but no harm. Serious damage inflicted to the illusions could “break” them.
    • The first evolution was Communication Breakdown: a small seed produced by Dazed and Confused that slowly drained away the souls of people within three meters of it. After it had drained enough, it could transform into an old-style phone booth, which will drain a user’s soul much more rapidly. This was used by Viola to gather information on his subjects, and eventually a degree of control over their subconscious.
    • Viola’s second major evolution, Moving Through Kashmir, allowed Viola to move foes into a room where their memories could become real. Multiple people could be thrown into his room but the memories could only be taken from one foe at a time, "locking" onto them, with effectiveness increasing with Viola’s knowledge of the target. However, some residual memories might be accidentally taken from people related to the target, and if Viola used it while under extreme stress, he could accidentally include himself within its effects.
  • Labolas: Labolas' former Projection was removed in his transformation, as was his uncontrollable potential. Now, his powers are much simpler: First and foremost, his physique is somewhat superhuman, allowing him to hit much harder than someone of his size should, and his senses, eyesight in particular, are also enhanced, as are his lifespan and healing speed. His wings allow him to fly despite their somewhat small size- they aren't meant for long distance flight, but are great for rapid and acrobatic maneuvers which allow him to adapt his street fighting knowledge to a more versatile fighting style which often sees him overwhelming his opponents by outmaneuvering them and attacking them from unconventional angles.
    • Labolas’ new Projection, Rainbow in the Dark, allows him to first slow down his own perception of time, allowing him to get a snapshot of the events surrounding him and decide what his next movements will be and "set" his body to execute them. Labolas then greatly speeds up, moving at near the speed of light to the point that his eyes are no longer able to perceive the light around them and he goes blind for the remaining duration of Rainbow in the Dark. This is not as crippling as one would imagine, though, as he has already decided his movements in the previous phase. Labolas is surrounded by an energy-dampening forcefield during Rainbow in the Dark- it protects him, but also greatly lessens the impact of his body moving at relativistic speeds, which would normally cause incredible damage, but also obliterate him in turn.

Keys: Viola | Labolas


  1. "Viola shot forward again with his arms guarding his head, easily shoving away a jab from Johanna. He threw a punch himself, but she dodged, and he managed to avoid her counter-attack as well. Viola had the advantage of momentum on his side, though, and even if he wasn't landing any direct blows, he was constantly pushing Johanna back, almost chasing her around the rooftop."
  2. "Viola had little formal training. Back when he was a member of Violan society, he had mostly focused on the usage of his Projection, everything else he had picked up by himself, by watching or taking parts in brawls or street fights- it was more than good enough to deal with most enemies, and with the advantage of surprise and some luck, he could even keep up with a more trained fighter. But when that luck wasn't there... well, he had no idea what to do."
  3. "Another disadvantage that ailed the ex-prince was the fact that he'd regained his arm. While most would have seen that as a boon, he had adapted his fighting style around his disability, often using his metal arm as a shield against multiple opponents, and his muscle memory was screaming at him to do that, which obviously was a terrible idea."
  4. "Gasping for all the air he could take in, Viola shuffled backwards, rapidly locking his legs around Hugo's shoulder. By the time he could realize what had happened, Viola was already applying intense force on the arm, extending it more than it should have. Hugo tried resisting, but it only took a second before his elbow was dislodged."
  5. "[...] Very quickly, she was wrapping her legs around his arm, applying incredible pressure to it. Viola had never seen such a move, but he quickly realized it was basically impossible to break free. She wasn't pulling as hard as she could have, but if he'd tried anything, she could have easily snapped his arm."
  6. "He struggled to accept the fact, trying his hardest to look around, to find anyone, anything that could help him, but his eyesight was starting to get slightly blurry. Sitting down, Viola tried his hardest to fight the poison, but to no avail. [...] The lamb's eyes appeared in his mind, bloodshot in rage. They almost completely overtook his thoughts, reminding him of one unchanging fact. He had a duty to perform. Viola shot up, breathing anxiously once again."
  7. "Meanwhile, The Third was fractured beyond any hope of repair, and the shards of their essence fell onto Earth and Hell alike, giving their inhabitants power. Hell absorbed its part, turning it into fluid energy running across its rivers, which would go on to serve as the ichor feeding its inhabitants. Meanwhile, while all life on Earth is animated a tiny fraction of their essence, the “soul”."
  8. "The energy emanated by The Third's death was such that reality came to be, as Lucifer and Gea were shattered as well. Always in the process of reforming, yet never to be truly whole again, the two would come to become the two realms: Hell and Earth respectively."
  9. Meanwhile, while all life on Earth is animated a tiny fraction of their essence, the “soul”, a great minority of them gathered much larger amounts, which gave them abilities known to the modern world as Projections
  10. "Didn't matter too much, the result was the same. A complete sensation of fear had overtaken both him and his ally. The demon took a second to notice them, despite looking straight in their direction. When it did, it began moving (shuffling? flying? walking?) towards them, making no effort to hide its intentions. [...] Boosting his own confidence with this reasoning, Viola began to move forward, although every nerve in his body was screaming at him not to. He readied his sowrd, and began walking forward, meeting the Osura's challenge. [..] The Osura turned to try and attack Viola again, but he was out of its range- or so he thought, until one of its limbs stretched forward several meters, hitting the prince square in the chest and knocking him on his back. Struggling to breathe, Viola quickly summarized the situation to himself: it didn't look too good. Viola's aggressive fighting style couldn't work with the fear it projected on him, while any attempts at defense were nullified by the demon's constantly shifting nature: he was impossible to predict.
  11. ""One last thing," he asked, taking a step towards Viola, "Why did you not stick to the Avatars' plan? The effect they had on your mind must have been quite powerful." "It wasn't about the universe or whatever. I was simply tired of listening. Tired of taking orders from a goddamn sheep. Tired of being told what to do with my revenge. Fucking tired of telling myself I had to get that revenge in the first place. As long as I've lived, I've never done what I actually want to. And the second I'm done with this damn challenge, I think I fucking will!""
  12. "[...] a 70 cm tall red figure with a slight resemblance to a mosquito[...]"
  13. "[...] but with two long arms with claws at the end [...]"
  14. "Though capable of combat, its real ability was the creation of illusions: they were perfectly accurate to the real thing, but required serious focus to project, and therefore were limited in scale. Damage inflicted by these illusions only caused pain, but no harm"
  15. "His wings allow him to fly despite their small size- they aren't meant for long distance flight, but are great for rapid and acrobatic maneuvers which allow him to adapt his street fighting knowledge to a more versatile fighting style which often sees him overwhelming his opponents by outmaneuvering them and attacking them from unconventional angles"
  16. "[...] and his senses, eyesight in particular, are also enhanced."
  17. "His bright red eyes easily scanned through the darkness of the cave, spotting the lamb before it could retreat."
  18. "Labolas smirked as the world slowed down to the point that he could clearly count the muzzle flashes, and see the bullets slowly inching towards him. Reality slowed down more and more, until all was frozen for the smallest amount of time. The bullets had traveled about halfway through to their target, but they wouldn't get to move an inch more. His body shot forward at unmatched speeds, so fast that light itself warped around his eyes, causing a painful flash until everything lost color and eventually went blank. He closed his eyes, but kept moving as intended, curving slightly upwards to avoid the bullets and then back down to crash into their senders, smashing into the center of their formation with such strength that the entire platoon was knocked down by the resulting shockwave"
  19. "He closed his eyes, but kept moving as intended, curving slightly upwards to avoid the bullets and then back down to crash into their senders, smashing into the center of their formation with such strength that the entire platoon was knocked down by the resulting shockwave"
  20. "As light began to fail to keep up with his perception, he commanded his body to dive downwards, pick up a wooden plank, then drag it across the ground first, then against the living mass. He found himself on the other end of the room, holding the plank so hard some shards were beginning to embed themselves in his palm, which made him release his grip. It had actually only caught fire the moment his eyes opened, which made sense- he must have gone at such speeds that not even the heat itself could fully keep up."
  21. "And as the pipe hit the candid illusion, it smashed against the lamb's head, breaking in two and flying out of Viola's hands. He stepped backwards, flinching as if he had been struck by his own blow. [...] "It was right over you, did I hit you so hard you went blind? I tried killing you, and it smashed the weapon!" "That's... no, you simply hit the ground beside me again, and then fell unconscious.""
  22. "[...] he mistimed his offensive, ending up on the receiving end of a deep claw stab through the shoulder [...] and he had to take a moment to assess the gravity of his wound. Pretty bad."
  23. "From a standstill, Viola suddenly rushed at Giovanni before he could reach that position, almost moving too fast for the young thief's reflexes, who barely managed to deflect his quick dagger pokes, so fast that he couldn't afford to move on the offensive. Viola knew that if Giovanni had the time to attack, he'd have quickly won."
  24. "Meanwhile, Dazed and Confused's destruction gave Viola some painful feedback, but only for a second- more than enough for Giovanni to exploit, as he managed to get enough breathing room to send a straight jab into his opponent's face, crushing his nose and making him flinch, then rushing forward, ignoring Viola's attempts at guarding with a series of precise, rapid jabs [...] Furthermore, Viola's wrist, the one that had clashed with the punch, was swollen and red. Neither of these injuries slowed down the two fighters. "YOU WON'T TAKE MY REVENGE!" Viola's slashes were getting slower, but far stronger- he was fighting with everything he had. Giovanni found himself forced to move on the defensive once again- he could have attacked, but the strength behind those unpredictable thrusts would have spelled his death with the smallest mistake."
  25. "Instead, the prince stepped forward with a grunt of determination, shooting his sword forward and driving it through the demon's chest up to the hilt, prompting a shower of blood. Yet, the Osura held onto life, smashing both its arms into Viola with a ferocious grasp, effortlessly overpowering him and threatening to tear him apart. [...] Viola fell on the floor, vomiting blood, but his grip on the blade stayed iron-tight. [...] The creature's corpse was cut apart so fast it hadn't finished falling apart by the time the two put away their weapons."
  26. "Viola threw a hook, but it was easily halted by Johanna, who struck him once at the side of the neck, temporarily filling his vision with painful black spots, then twice at the base of his chest, trying to completely knock the wind out of him. She got pretty close too, but at the last moment Viola managed to lean backwards enough to absorb the final blow, then reached forward with both hands, grabbed her arm and unceremoniously threw her on the floor, falling right on top of her. She immediately rolled out of his grasp, but he still had the positional advantage"
  27. "From a standstill, Viola suddenly rushed at Giovanni before he could reach that position, almost moving too fast for the young thief's reflexes, who barely managed to deflect his quick dagger pokes, so fast that he couldn't afford to move on the offensive. Viola knew that if Giovanni had the time to attack, he'd have quickly won. Jo attempted to get behind him and hit him in the back, but Viola had expected such a move, and summoned his first Projection, Dazed and Confused. The small, red and insect-like summon's primary role wasn't combat, but it possessed quite a sharp set of claws and long arms. Showing them off, it made no attempt at Jo's life, as Viola was sure such an attack would have easily been dismantled and overpowered. So, it instead attempted to outmaneuver him, flying around him and attempting to slash at his back. Jo jumped forward to avoid it, but he knew he couldn't afford to take his eyes off of it."


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
