Kuki Madoka, known as the silent killer in the Lullin bounty hunter community and is one of the elemental warriors from the Soshi Kingdom along with Aqua, Pyro, Dylan, and Arora. Her sister is Ruby.
Kuki has a similar appearance to Ruby, but she has black hair and green eyes, no cowlick, and is slightly taller than her. Kuki's outfit is a white tunic, brown boots, and a has black belt tied around her waist.
Kuki is silent and doesn't speak.
Tier: High 6-C | High 6-C | 5-C, higher with Akai blood form
Name: Kuki, Kuki Madoka
Origin: Neon Cavaliers
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown, possibly the same age as her sister
Height: 5'1
Classification: Human, Elemental Warrior, Bounty Hunter
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Energy Manipulation, Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery, Fire Manipulation, Energy Projection, Weapon Creation
All previous abilities
All previous abilities, Forcefield Creation, Transformation, Shockwave manipulation, Clone Creation, Stealth Mastery, Aura, Teleportation, Smoke Manipulation via smoke bombs
Attack Potency: Large Island level (Slightly stronger than Ruby) | Large Island level (Grew stronger after the tournament) | Moon Level, higher with Akai blood form (Ruby stated that her and Kuki were both equal in power)
Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Kept up with Ruby) | Massively Hypersonic, Sub-Relativistic+ with Matt's support skill | FTL (Can keep up with Ruby), Higher with Akai Blood Form
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Large Island Class | Large Island Class | Moon Class, Higher with Akai blood form
Durability: Large Island level | Large Island level | Moon level, Higher with Akai blood form
Stamina: Superhuman (Can fight for long periods of time)
Range: Extended melee range
Intelligence: Average
Weaknesses: None-Notable
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Flaming Overhead Kick: Kuki surrounds her left foot in a fire while jumping into the air. She then hits her opponent with an overhead kick.
Energy Blade: The technique of assassins. Kuki creates energy blades on one or both of her hands that can cut someone in half if they have low defense and are capable of cutting small energy blasts in half.
Energy Scythe: Kuki stabs her right hand with the energy blade on her left hand and forms it into a scythe.
Burst Strike: Kuki unleashes a shockwave from her hand, sending her opponents flying back. Far stronger than Ruby's own shockwave attack.
Barrier: Kuki creates a barrier to protect herself from attacks.
Akai Blood Form: Kuki's eyes and hair change to the color rosewood with a red aura surrounding her body. Powers her up 4x.
Key: The Castal Tournament Arc | The Last General Arc | Journey to Atlantis Arc
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: