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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Art by Rrrrrrice

This world is full of life, there are those who take advantage of it, and those who protect it. What we perceive as nature is the reflection of our own selves.


Khadir Wren is a minor character within Before the Sable Dawn, the leader of the Roots of Yggdrasil, a faction that serves to preserve and worship the idea of mother nature. In it of itself, Khadir is a being mentally in tune with nature itself, wielding mental and telepathic powers many would kill for. But it uses such to commune with the earth and hear of its wishes.

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: At least 6-C

Name: Khadir Wren

Origin: Before the Sable Dawn

Age: Unknown

Classification: Druid, Mother Earth's Herald

Gender: None

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Longevity (Implied to have lived for dozens of years and possibly being older than the demon's invasion into the mystical world), Immortality (Types II, III, IV, VII, VIII, and IX), Regeneration (Low-High, up to Mid-Godly overtime) (Khadir's physical body is merely a corpse controlled and crafted by the earth around it which can be easily repaired. Khadir's true form is its consciousness existing within the ground of the World Tree. Its consciousness is powerful enough to reconstruct its body from complete spiritual destruction), limited Abstract Existence (Type I) (Its consciousness is capable of acting on its own and is wholly separate from its spirit), Earth Manipulation, Plant Manipulation, Fungus Manipulation, and Metal Manipulation (Due to being able to commune with the earth, Khadir is capable of controlling its substance, plants, and materials within. Made fungus grow in an isolated area to prove a point), Extrasensory Perception and Non-Physical Interaction (Capable of seeing and interacting with spirits and abstract entities), Multilocation (Physical), Duplication (Can create other versions of itself which are all capable of thinking independently but still be part of the same hivemind), Resistance Negation, Mind Manipulation, Telepathy, and limited Precognition (Khadir's mental prowess allows it to control and read the thoughts of others, even breaking past normal resistances such as Nahum's), Instinctive Action (The plants that it controls can act on their own and protect their owner)

Resistance to Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation (Khadir's mental strength is enough to be unaffected by alterations to the soul and mind), Empathic Manipulation and Heat Manipulation (Unaffected by Melachiel's aura), Spatial Manipulation (Could stand in the midst of Nahum's presence), Biological Manipulation, Blood Manipulation, and Organic Manipulation (As the body Khadir puppets is merely made out of earth and stone, there is no blood, biological, or organic processes to manipulate), Absorption (Tiamat couldn't absorb its essence), Pain Manipulation (Has no pain receptors)

Attack Potency: At least Island Level+ (Comparable to other leaders of other factions such as Melachiel, with the two having fought on multiple occasions)

Speed: FTL (Fought against Melachiel on multiple occasions and kept up with him)

Lifting Strength: At least Class M (Far stronger than Ardaux)

Durability: At least Island Level+

Stamina: Superhuman. Could keep persisting after the destruction and burning of the World Tree's roots and soil, despite its true consciousness slowly beginning to die.

Range: Tens of Kilometers

Standard Equipment: A farming scythe

Intelligence: Gifted (Khadir has been able to commune with the earth and inherit a portion of its knowledge, allowing it to keep the Roots of Yggdrasil alive despite attempts by both the Heart of Progression and Gabriel's Voice, with the faction only truly being destroyed by the Pentavaust)

Weaknesses: Prideful and arrogant, listens to the voice of the earth which can be hard to decipher at times.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Voice of Gaia: Khadir's power over the mind allows it to commune with the very earth itself, having no need for any kind of Reasoning. This power allows it to manipulate and alter the very earth underneath its feet, constricting others within its grasp. But the most prominent feature of its abilities is the dominance over the mind, allowing it to alter, commune, read, and control the minds of others. Such an example was when it used its telepathy in combat to predict its opponent's next actions.
