FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Summary []

This verse was created by Yung Manzi (aka KI)

About the Verse []

The KI verse is a verse the collective stories written by Yung Manzi, all tied together in one big story which branches off into many smaller ones. So far the current stories available on Yung Manzi's website to read are ASHTON, Dungeon High School, and Esper King. Each following different main characters with different goals and in entirely different situations.

Power of the Verse  

The power of the characters Varies greatly from story to story. Most characters in Ashton are 8-A with higher tiers having island level statements and gods being flat out 2-A and FTL. Dungeon high school's entire cast is in the tier 9 range, being far above humans and their speed is supersonic. So far the only character with actual feats in Esper king is Jesper Zuden who is far above everyone else shown so far, being casually country level and sub-relativistic with decent hax (Transmutation and limited Mind Manipulation)

Supporters and Opponents of the Verse[]

Supporters: []

Neutral: []

Opponents: []



  • Michael Allen

Dungeon High School[]

  • Junis Mitchell
  • Mckenzie Jeter

The Great Empress of Riona[]

(This is a WIP)
