FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Justin Smith is the main protagonist of the SFM fan-film adaptation of Jollibee's.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B | 9-A

Alignment: Lawful Good, Neutral Good

Status: Deceased

Name: Justin Miller Smith

Origin: Jollibee's (a FNAF SFM horror fan-film based off the FNAF fan-game, Jollibee's)

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Classification: Adult, Security Guard

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, survivalist skills, Enhanced Hearing and Vision, Weapon Mastery (skilled in using tasers, ray guns, etc., and has experience with firearms), Combat Experience and Fighting Performance, Energy Manipulation via ray guns (can zap/repel animatronics), Light Manipulation with flashlight, Preparation (can craft weaponry and contraptions. Also Technological) technology knowledge, Hiding and Sneaking, Pressure Point Striking

Attack Potency: Wall level (can trade blows with animatronics, who can hurt him and survive strikes from a pipe. Can trade blows with Hetty. Defeated endoskeletons) | Small Building level (can harm animatronics. Can fight and overpower animatronics)

Speed: Peak Human (can outrun animatronics)

Lifting Strength: Class 1 (vastly superior to the animatronics in physical strength)

Striking Strength: Wall Class | Small Building Class

Durability: Wall level (survived Yum slamming him into a wall) | Small Building level (can tank hits from animatronics)

Stamina: High

Range: Standard melee range, higher with long-range weapons and tasers | Tens of meters with flashlight

Standard Equipment: Flashlight, camera tablet, phones, ray guns given to him by Jolly Entertainment, taser, etc.

  • Optional Equipment: Crossbow, shotguns, Uzi, BB Gun, toy guns, matches, etc.

Intelligence: Genius. Invents many machinery, weaponry, etc.. Also able to prepare. Shows competency in fighting. Has knowledge in technology and is very stealthy. Also very experienced in combat

Weaknesses: Arrogant, normal human weaknesses


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
