“ | Justice? You call what you do to these criminals justice? I'll tell you what it f*cking is. Mercy. Throwing them into a cell where they get free food, shelter, workouts and jobs? That isn't justice for what these men do. That is mercy. Mercy to what these killers and rapists and theives truely deserve, to be put into an unmarked grave and left to rot. Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent. And I seek to undo that cruelty. Unlike you, I want these monsters to experience true justice at the reciving end of a baseball bat swing. I want them to feel the pain and fear and dispair that they have put dozens of innocent people through. I want too see the life drain from their eyes slowly as I look at them and know that I have done more to fix the world than you could ever wish to do. That is real justice. That is what I stand for. True, raw, justice. | „ |
~ Judge Jerry in his speach to Officer Smith |

Jeremiah Nickleson is a standard college kid, living a rather uneventful life studying criminology and playing tennis. Jeremiah had always wanted to examine the minds of criminals and what makes a person a criminal, and hoping to change the world to make it so that there were less criminals. He was motivated to do this due to his father having accidentally been killed during a mugging gone wrong.
Jeremiah's life would then forever change when his girlfriend was the victim of an attempted assult and murder, barely making it out of the situation alive. The man who attempted this would end up not serving jail time due to a technicality and lack of evidence. Jerry, furious from what he saw as a false ruling and a complete dishonor to justice, decided to take matters into his own hands and hunt down the man. The man would end up fighting back, with Jerry seeing no other choice but to kill him. After his first kill, Jerry would feel a sense of pride and justice, beliving that he did the right thing and that the man had gotten what he deserved.
Jerry, being modivated by this and by a lecture his professor had given him, decided to become a vigillante that would kill criminals he believed didn't deserve to have lived or have been let out of/kept from jail. At first, Jerry would only target those whom had done horrific crimes, such as murders and assaults. Slowly overtime, Jerry would start to gain an addiction to killing criminals, going out more and more frequently and killing more people every day, often even skipping classes to go out and killing criminals. This would slowly start to destroy Jerry's mental state, making him more lenient on what crimes qualified for his justice.
Jerry would slowly start killing people who had done more minor or victimless crimes, such as drug dealers, felony shoplifters, and those that were accused of committing horrific crimes but didn't have any proof of it or were proven innocent with factual evidence. This slowly got worse, as Jerry would go on to kill those that had done very minor crimes such as petty theft and minor offenses.
After many months of these killings, he would offically have abandoned his own previous moral code in his killing of Jason, who he killed simply because he saw Jason as an unpleasant person, curbstomping him despite Jason not having broken any laws or done anything objectivley wrong. After this, Jerry would start killing people that were flat out innocent but were just unpleasant in his eyes. Jerry's killing spree would eventually be put to an end when he attepted to kill his girlfriends dad for not helping her with paying for a new car, only to be shot in the head by him, killing Jerry instantly.
Personal Statistics[]
Name: Jeremiah Nickleson
Origin: Terrifically Terrifying
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Classification: Human, College Student, Vigillante
Weight: 160 lbs
Height: 5' 11"
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Status: Deceased
Combat Statistics[]
Tier: 9-C, higher via weaponry
Powers and Abilities:
- Peak Human Physical Characteristics
- Stealth Mastery (Can frequently sneak past highly advanced security systems and break into homes without getting spotted. Snuck into a house guarded by several police officers, killed the man in the house, and snuck out without getting spotted. Stated to move with no noise and can stalk his opponent like a cougar)
- Weapon Mastery (Jeremiah frequently uses a wide array of weapons, such as knives, crowbars, baseball bats, machetes, pickaxes, brass knuckles, and even a chainsaw at one point. Can use everyday household objects as weapons, such as using a phone cord to strangle a man, using a pencil to kill 2 people at once, using a rake to beat a man to death, and even using a stapler as a proficient weapon. He has also used furniture to his advantage to kill people, such as making a man crush himself to death with a bookshelf or impaling a mans throat on a fence spike. He has also managed to use practical weapons far better than the criminals he is fighting, who all have a large amount of experience in using said weapons. Beat a former circus knife thrower in a knife battle and a former fencer in a sword based battle, and has stated himself that he can proficiantly use firearms, choosing not to due to not wanting his victims to die to quickly)
- Skilled Fighter (Could fight with a former navy seal in a hand-to-hand fight, albeit barely. Took judo classes in high school and still retains some of his skill)
- Enhanced Awareness (Has "felt" when he was about to be sneak attacked and react accordingly. Could "sense" where security cameras were in a house and know what they could see, managing to avoid them. Was able to figure out that he was being followed by an undercover police officer with a single glance and states that he is always completely aware of his surroundings)
- Supernatural Willpower (His will to inact justice allows him to push through his own physical limits, being able to fight and kill several people despite having life threatening injuries, kill 37 people in 6 hours, fight through crippling pain, and overpower and fight with those that are bigger and stronger than him)
- Sleep Manipulation (Through syringes of stolen Propofol, he can knock someone out with a single injection, with the knockout time typically taking less than a minute)
Attack Potency: Street level (Can easily overpower most of his victims with no effort and kill them with physical strikes alone, with many of his victims being able to casually overpower and kill regular people with their bare hands. Slammed a mans head against a table hard enough to destroy the mans skull. Destroyed a mans skull with a few stomps. Overpowered and one-shotted Jason with a curbstomp, who could punch through a locker as a freshman and fight with JR Perry when he was younger. Faught with and killed a former navy seal far larger than himself, albeit barely. Has easily broken through glass windows and broke a table leg with a kick. Can harm those that can harm him), higher via weaponry (Frequently uses knives, crowbars, machetes, and other various weapons in this tier)
Speed: Athletic Human (Frequently outspeeds his opponents and attacks them before they can properly fight back)
Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Broke a man's neck, which requires this much force. Could somewhat restraign a former navy seal far larger than himself. Can crush skulls)
Striking Strength: Street Class
Durability: Street level (Can survive being body slammed through a glass door, getting beaten by a baseball bat, getting an axe swung into his ribs, and a beating from a former navy seal far larger than himself. Easily tanked a punch from Jason, being uneffected by his hits)
Stamina: Superhuman (Can fight with people despite having grevious injuries such as having an axe swung into his ribs and severe beatings from the prior day. Kept fighting after suffering life-threatening injuries from a former navy seal, managing to still overpower and kill the man and go on to kill 3 other people that same night despite his injuries. Stated to have once killed 37 people in the span of 6 hours, suffering stab wounds, cuts, and even a bullet to the ankle and still continued to kill the next day. Could walk on a broken foot for over a day uneffected)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range With Weaponry
Optional Equipment:
- Baseball Bat
- Hammers
- Machetes
- Pickaxes
- Various Other Improvised Weapons
Intelligence: Gifted (Jerry has shown himself to be a very calculating and intelligent killer, outsmarting several other intelligent criminals and finding ways around highly advanced security systems. Can turn nearly anything around him into a dangerous weapon, even mundain items such as pencils and staplers. Avoided detection from the police for almost a year, despite having a large amount of murders that the police knew were him. Successfully learned how to use the Propofol injection by speed reading a medical textbook. Managed to get a full-ride scholarship to his university through his grades. Managed to make a plan to frame a classmate of his for his murders, though he was killed before he could execute it)
Weaknesses: Is very emotionally unstable by the end of the story. Chooses to not use guns, even when given )the chance too
Notable Victories:
The Man In The Suit (Unknowingly) The Man's Profile (Speed was equal. Jerry had prior knowledge on The Man. Jerry had a knife in his right hand and a syringe of Propofol in his left, with a crowbar and hammer on his sides. Fight took place in a dark movie studio and The Man was bloodlusted)
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: