FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Don't Touch It.
~ Joseph to Eleanor on his mask.
I'm sorry. We never thought to know it would happen. I think the evil survived.
~ Dr. Howard Martinez to Wren on her brother Joseph.
If so... The evil won't this time...
~ Wren Martinez on Joseph.


Joseph Murphy, Better known as The Shadow or The Boogeyman, is the main titular antagonist of The Devil Of Los Angeles creepypasta story and its upcoming sequel Samhain. Joseph after being possessed by The Shadow (Joe's true personality) The Shadow on other hand is opposite to other self completely, He's a silent and remorseless serial killer who kills people for no reason other than assumed and take joy in what he does. He's the arch-nemesis of his younger sister, Wren Murphy and the Uncle of Daisy Murphy.

Powers and Stats[]

Powers and Abilities:[]

  • Superhuman Physical Characteristics
  • Stealth Mastery (Joseph almost cannot be spotted, allowing him to sneak into his victims and murder them, He can sneak into Eleanor's house without almost being spotted by Eleanor, manages to sneak behind Rome, Sneaking into Hazel's House and mostly anyone, As seen when Hazel turns and saw Joseph despite he never made a sound)
  • Immortality (Type 2: Survives some attacks that would kill normal humans such as stabs and bullets, Example of it when Sebastian shoots him 5 times on both of chest and belly, Type 4: Was brought back to life somehow.)
  • Very High Pain Tolerance (Was unfazed by bullets and stab wounds by Sebastian and continues to move on)
  • Regeneration (Mid-Low: Recovered from scars and burnt skin that the explosion caused to him as can be seen 7 years later, his hands shown to be completely fine and possibly other wounds)
  • Enhanced Vision (Was able to see Wren inside the car in mere seconds, despite the fact Wren was slightly far from his sight.)
  • Multiple Personalities (XRayaneGamer55X confirmed that Joseph has two sides, one is the true Joseph aka The Shadow and the second is the other self.)

Attack Potency: Wall level (Breaking in Eleanor's room door within one minute, easily breaks the baseball bat that Eleanor tried to hit him effortlessly with one single arm, snapped Arthur's arm and neck and overpowers Rome in easy)

Speed: Peak Human

Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Manage to lift off Rome and gouge out his eyes with just his thumbs)

Striking Strength: Wall level (Able to break into Eleanor's room and possibly manage to break into Hazel's room easily)

Durability: Small Building level (Took hits from bullets and stabs as well from Eleanor's baseball bat)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with various weapons under his arsenal

Standard Equipment: A kitchen knife

Intelligence: Above Average (Joseph is a cunning serial killer who uses his stealth to kill his unsuspecting victims, always sneaking into them and almost without anyone spotting him, as he manages to kill 15 people in one night, another example when he drops a water nearby stairs, allowing Hazel to fall down stairs, allowing him to easily catch her, he always gets away without the police catching him.)

Weaknesses: None notable.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

