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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Joe Wright


Joe Wright is one of the player characters of Paradise City, he's an old, grumpy man, who spent his day gardening, making maps and yelling at people, that is untill the day he encountered 6 other Stand users in Woodstock's library and found himself caught in the schemes of a colossal crime organization.


Grumpy, stubborn, considers all young people to be lazy and worth for nothing if he doesn't have proof against it. Coldened by the time in the war and by the loss of his wife, will often act rudely and mockingly, but will take action to protect the things dear to him, which in all honestly, aren't a lot.

Personal Statistics[]

Alignment: Neutral Good

Name: Joe Wright

Origin: Paradise City

Gender: Male

Age: 73

Classification: Human, Stand-User

Likes: Woodstock, Maps

Dislikes: Germans and youngsters

Eye Color: Black

Hair Color: White

Hobbies: Map Making, Gardening

Values: History

Marital Status: Widowed

Status: Dead

Affiliation: RV Crusaders

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: 10-B, Unknown with Hello, Goodbye

Powers and Abilities: Some Degree of Martial Arts and Gun Proficiency (Had military training and fought in WW2), Extrasensory Perception (Capable of seeing Stands, along with other supernatural forces like ghosts and spirits, normally invisible), Aura and Summoning (Of his Stand). Hello, Goodbye has Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses (Hello, Goodbye has senses far more attuned than those of a human and it can see far better and with that far greater detail than one), Extrasensory Perception, Size Manipulation (Can shrink in size down that that on an insect), Limited Creation, Portal Creation and BFR (Can create doors, of varying shapes and sizes, which act as portals between two points), Transmutation (Can turn normal doors into Portal Doors), Non-Corporeal (Stands are the incorporeal manifestations of one's vital energy, and can only be harmed by other Stands), Non-Physical Interaction (Stands can interact with ghosts and other Stands), Invisibility (Stands can only be seen by other Stands and Stand Users), Selective Intangibility.

Attack Potency: Avarage Human Level (Had military training, but old age wore him down), Unknown with Hello, Goodbye

Speed: Avarage Human Level with Massively FTL reaction speed (Reacted to My Name Is Mud, who by having A speed should be comparable to Star Platinum), likely Massively FTL speed with Hello, Goodbye (Should be able to hit enemies as fast as Joe)

Lifting Strength: Avarage Human (Had military training, but old age wore him down), Unknown with Hello, Goodbye

Striking Strength: Avarage Human Class, Unknown with Hello, Goodbye

Durability: Likely Building Level (Should be able to survive hits from Close-Quarter Stands, such as Don't Stop Me Now, who send a small bunker flying high in the air, or Shoot to Thrill, who collapsed a building), likely Building Level with Hello, Goodbye (Has B Endurance and should be more durable than his user), Unknown for Portal Doors (Stands like Never There were completly unable to damage them.)

Stamina: Average

Range: Standard melee range, tens of kilometers (up to 20 Kilometers) with Hello, Goodbye's ability

Standard Equipment: Various Maps

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: Standard human weaknesses. Any damage dealt to Hello, Goodbye is reflected onto Joe. Portal Doors cannot be closed if something is in-between them and they are visible to non-stand users. Joe is stubborn. Being an old man, Joe can also get very tired using his Stand ability a lot.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Hello, Goodbye is a purple tarantula-like stand, around 30 cm in size, with mechanical grey legs.
    Hello, Goodbye stats
    • Portal Doors: Hello, Goodbye's ability is to create doors everywhere in the user's eyesight or ever more remotely by using a map of the chosen location, with the maximum range being enough to cover a whole city. These doors are purple, can be of vast selection of shapes, can be up to 10 feet big and can be spawned in multiple pairs, thought the more doors there are the more concentration is needed to keep them up. 「Hello, Goodbye」can also convert pre-existing doors in to his, turning them purple in the process, but it's not an istantaneus trasformation. This stand has no major flaw, but the doors cannot be closed if something is in-between them, as such not allowing the user to cut things up between them, and they are visible to non-stand users.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
