Once an average joe, Joe Mando is a criminal parahuman who worked with Monolith for a brief time due to stumbling upon them while robbing Valor's house. While in the past he was a decent husband, becoming a cape has rapidly degraded his social skills, turning him into a horrible husband whose neglect nearly caused the death of his wife, and eventually lead to her undergoing a trigger event, with it quickly leading to her suffering a miscarriage
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 10-B in base, 9-C as a statue, Varies via Transmutation
Name: Joe Mando, Psychic Steve
Origin: Wokistan's Weaverdice Game
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Parahuman, Changer/Brute/Striker, Criminal, Divorced
Powers and Abilities:
Martial Arts (Is adept in combat, with him being trained in general brawling and blocking), Transformation (Can turn into his statue form)
Large Size (His statue form is 9 feet tall), Inorganic Physiology (Type 2; As a statue he's made from marble), Transmutation, Earth Manipulation (Can convert materials he touches into marble which he has total control over), Duplication (Can fashion transmuted matter into clones of himself which he can remotely control), Camouflage (Can alter his color and shape in order to blend into the surroundings), Enhanced Senses (Has created stone bugs to channel his senses through, letting him spy on others), Restoration (If his statue body is hurt he can use his transmuted matter and marble control to repair the damage)
Attack Potency: Human level in base, Street level as a statue (The material he's made from and his size should make him this strong), Varies via Earth Manipulation (Can control matter he transmuted, with him effecting entire chunks of a room)
Speed: Peak Human reaction speed (Can keep up with special forces operates who are at peak human condition), Peak Human reaction and combat speed as a statue (His statue form also becomes far faster, being on par with the likes of Valor who is a top of the line special forces operative)
Lifting Strength: Average Human in base, Peak Human as a statue
Striking Strength: Human level in base, Street level as a statue
Durability: Human level in base, Wall level as a statue (His sheer size and being made from marble should make him this durable)
Stamina: Average in base, Peak Human as a statue
Range: Standard Melee Range, Varies with Earth Manipulation (Has no range limit with the matter he controls, with the only limiting factors being that the matter needs to be connected to him and how much there is)
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Below Average emotionally (Joe is a horrible husband, neglecting his wife to such a degree that she triggered and became a parahuman, with a trigger event being the worst moment in a person's life. He pointlessly hid his cape life from her, lied to her face about not doing crime, and totally failed to attend to her during her third trimester. Also, when he returned to his house with his wife seemingly gone without a trace, rather than try searching for her he instead went out to buy a sandwich, only learning she was in the hospital due to his colleagues telling about it. After talking to him, Joe's boss said he should never get into any kind of relationship), Above Average in combat (Despite his dopey demeanor Joe is shockingly effective in combat, with him managing to trap Kleptokrap's summons. Generally adept in hand to hand combat)
Weaknesses: If he overuses his power he's liable to lose control and convert matter on mass
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: