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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Articles About Jeff The Killer
GameFuelTV VersionJeff vs SlendermanPastra's RewriteK. Banning Kellum RebootThe Morgue FilesThe Creepypasta CollectionMr CreepyPasta SeriesLet's Kill Jeff The KillerISOLATIONUZB Server GamesRoyal Rumble

Go to sleep
~ Jeff's traditional phrase

There are no ghosts, those are fake terrors, imaginary, thought up by those who mistake them for real terrors. Now think of real terrors, like me. You can see me, touch me, hear the words I speak now. And now, I will unleash some terror on you.
~ Jeff to Sandra in Jeff The Killer part 2

Away from those who deceive you, who.. think that just because you have a different look...and mind set than others then you should be locked up. All the people who think, oh your face is different, and you have these so called "torturous fantasies" then you should be put in the psycho place! No, I'll never be locked away, never imprisoned. I'll live my life out here, fulfilling my "fantasies" of sorts. Now, Go to sleep.
~ Jeff to Bill in Jeff The Killer part 2

Did you ever have that little feeling that you know you really shouldn't do something but...? (Laugh) You really just can't HELP yourself
~ Jeff to a man in Jeff the Killer vs Jane the Killer

~ A message Jeff left for the protagonist in Right on Time, letting him know Jeff knew he would be there.

He watched silently as the man or animal or thing that had attacked him reached the bottom step and stood up on two feet, uncurling its spine like a cobra dancing for a snake charmer. The shaggy head of dark, matted hair turned in his direction and now he could see a face – a human face – or at least one that used to belong to a human. His stalker wore a skeleton’s smile – no lips and a set of flat white teeth that contrasted bitterly against purple gums. Like a rotting corpse, it had no nose and its pallid complexion looked snow white in the moonlight seeping into the living room. In its hand it held an eight-inch bowie knife, coated in blood.
~ Jeff's description


Jeffery Woods, also known as Jeff the Killer, is the titular main protagonist of the creepypasta story of the same name written by GameFuelTv, who loses his sanity and begins murdering to satisfy his homicidal urges.

Jeff was a 13-year-old who moved to a new neighborhood with his brother, Liu, and their parents. On their first day of school, they were accosted by 3 bullies named Randy, Keith, & Troy, whom Jeff brutally beat up. Liu took the blame for it and was arrested, sending Jeff into a deep depression. The bullies later attacked Jeff again at a party, and Jeff killed one of them, but not before getting covered in bleach and lit on fire by Keith. During this fight, Jeff's mind permanently snapped.

When Jeff woke up, he was at the hospital and his head was wrapped in bandages. When the bandages were taken off, it was revealed that his face had become disfigured and ghastly pale from the burns, with bright red lips and a leathery texture. Jeff said that he liked his face this way and laughed hysterically, but the doctor foolishly thought that this insanity was merely a side effect of the painkillers and let Jeff go home.

Later that night, Jeff's mother found him carving his face into a permanent smile so that he would no longer have to exert energy to smile, as he put it, and burning off his eyelids so he could always see his face. Jeff's mother went to her husband to tell him that their son had gone completely mad and needed to be killed, but Jeff caught them and stabbed them to death. This woke up Liu (who was recently released), with Jeff telling him as he was about to plunge the knife into his body, "Go to sleep".

11 years after what happened, Jeff is already one of the most wanted and deadly criminals in his area. Although his only concern would be murder, things would get difficult for Jeff when an old childhood acquaintance of hers would return to exact revenge on Jeff for ruining her life, Jane.

After barely surviving the battle with Jane, Jeff returned once more in Jeff is Back. He somehow acquired knowledge in hacking and regularly uses it for assassination.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-C, higher with his Knife

Name: Jeffery Woods, Jeff the Killer, "The Creature", "It", Jeffrey the Killer, Denbigh Asylum Killer, The Killer, "NightmareSLUMBER" (On YouTube), OMINOUS UNKNOWN KILLER

Origin: Jeff the Killer Series (MrCreepyPasta)

Gender: Male

Age: 13 years old in the original story, 14 years old at the end of "Jane the Killer", around 25 years old in "Jeff the Killer vs Jane the Killer", older in later stories

Classification: Human, Serial Killer, Psychopath, Brutal Murderer

Powers and Abilities:

  • Peak Human Physical Characteristics
  • Enhanced Senses (Easily stalked the protagonist, who also was skilled in stealth, when he is hiding in the darkness [1]. Unaffected by working in the dead of night)
  • Regeneration (Low-Mid: He healed from extreme burns[2] all over his body in a couple of weeks[3], which would have taken much longer for less extreme burns on normal humans, though his skin turned white[4]. He regenerated after being gutted by Jane[5])
  • Immortality (Type 3)
  • Weapon Mastery (Jeff is capable of skillfully throwing his knife[6])
  • Stealth Mastery (Easily broke into a house multiple times without being noticed, and stalked a the protagonist of Right on Time for many weeks without being noticed[7]. Can move completely silently, like the protagonist)
  • Rage Power and Berserk Mode (Jeff can enter a state of pure rage in which all he wishes to do is kill[8][9]. "The Feeling" is a sensation that causes Jeff to lose control and become violent, even preventing him from thinking[10][11], and can become so intense for him that he becomes desperate for human blood[12][13][14][15])
  • Limited Fire Manipulation (Jeff has access to a lighter[16]. He burned down Jane's house)
  • Dream Manipulation (Appeared in Jane's dreams every night to torment her)
  • Regeneration Negation (Mid-High; He killed Jane the Killer[17] and dealt great damage to her which she was unable to regenerate during their fight[18], and Jane had shown to be able to regenerate after being reduced to ashes)
  • Fear Manipulation (In Jeff is Back, it is said that his targets will be invaded by a sense of fear and dysphoria, and they will become anxious and frantic for no logical reason [19], one of his victims became paralyzed due to fear just by his presence[20])
  • Hacking (He hacked into the protagonist's computer to get their address in Jeff is Back[21]. With his hack he is able to obtain personal information from his victims, examples include their interests, people related to them, and their exact locations[22])
  • Body Control (Can contort and twist his spine like a snake[23])
  • Preparation (Is comparable, if not superior to the protagonist of Right on Time)

Resistance to

  • Minor Disease Manipulation (Was not negatively affected after burning his eyelids off to never blink again[24], which usually leads to infections and loss of eye health. His smile-shaped scars around his mouth didn't get infected, even after years and years of having them, which shows that Jeff has a very strong immune system)
  • Fire Manipulation (A coroner confirmed that Jeff did not suffer any burns after being in a house that had burned down[25])
  • likely Empathic Manipulation ("The feeling" can wash away any feelings of empathy that Jeff may be feeling[26]. Jeff mentioned that if his mind hadn't been broken, he might have thought twice about doing the things he did and might have felt emotions, which he doesn't feel any more and refers to them as "memories of what his emotions should be"[27]. The creator of Right on Time stated that Jeff doesn't have an ounce of humanity left, and he no longer feels emotions unlike us or the protagonist[28])

  • Attack Potency: Street level (Jeff could easily break Randy's wrist[29] which would require him to be this strong. Punched Troy so hard the latter threw up[30]. Easily ripped a towel rack from a wall[31]. He ripped a man's stomach open with his bare hands[32]. He easily killed two police officers, who were able to break down a door,[33] feat of this level. He threw a wooden chair at Jane with such force that the chair broke[34]. He overpowered and killed Jane, who is strong enough to harm him[35][36]. Superior to the protagonist of Right on Time, being able to casually man-handle him. The protagonist could easily overpower adult women, and could break a door down if he had to, feat of this level), higher with his knife (Jeff could mutilate his own face with his knife, he easily gutted his parents with his knife. He kidnapped, maimed, and killed hundreds, possibly thousands of children. [37] Capable of piercing skulls[38], open chests easily[39], the knife could easily pierce the protagonist's spine and could slice fingers, toes, and flesh cleanly off. The knives are usually of this level)

    Speed: Peak Human (He easily outran Randy and his thugs, even when Troy and Keith attacked him at the same time[40]. Can attack normal people before they can react[41][42]. He killed two armed cops easily[43]. Rushed the protagonist without him being able to react. The protagonist is stated to potentially be able to attack his victim before she could react)

    Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (He ripped the towel tube off a bathroom wall and was able to use it as a weapon[44]. He outmaneuvered the likes of Randy and his goons with ease, Troy was able to pick up and throw Jeff through the patio door[45], and Randy was able to pick up Jeff and throw him across the kitchen of the house[46], was able to overpower his brother Liu, and held him immobilized with one hand[47]. Overpowered a police officer[48]. Easily overpowered and knocked around the protagonist of Right on Time. The protagonist strictly relied on strength when making his murders, strangling and overpowering his victims)

    Striking Strength: Street level (Was able to pin the protagonist down with one foot)

    Durability: Street level (Survived getting brutally beaten up by Randy, Keith and Troy at the same time, getting punched through a glass door, getting a vodka bottle smashed on his head and then getting burned alive with alcohol and bleach)

    Stamina: Superhuman (He managed to continue fighting even after taking a beating, being thrown through the patio door, being stabbed in the shoulder[49], being hit with a vodka bottle on his head to the point where the bottle broke[50], being kicked until he started to coughing up blood[51], he was able to continue fighting having bleach chemical burns to his eyes and skin[52], and remained conscious for a short time while burning. He also burned his eyelids and cut his mouth without much pain and was able to kill his entire family right after that. He is able to continue fighting after having his leg broken [53], he lost so much blood that it seemed like more than his body contained[54], and he remained conscious after being disemboweled[55].)

    Range: Standard Melee Range, Several Meters by throwing his knife

    Standard Equipment: Kitchen Knife, 8-inch Bowie knife in Right on Time, and a lighter

    Optional Equipament: Gasoline

    Intelligence: At least Above Average, likely Gifted (Is an expert hacker and has gotten away with his entire life of crime countless times. Is at least comparable to the protagonist of Right on Time, if not a bit above. The protagonist memorized a woman's entire routine after watching her for three weeks. This was to the point of knowing the exact times she would do certain actions and how long the actions would take. This also includes knowing things like how she orders her coffee, what shows she would watch, who she hung out with, and her small quirks. He got away with killing nine other women, never even being suspected for murder. He always planned out every action of his murders with meticulous precision. He also planned for almost every outcome, accept he was outsmarted and killed by Jeff)

    Standard Tactics: Given time, Jeff will stalk his opponent, meticulously studying them. He will try to see how they operate, how they think, and how he can potentially exploit that. In a straight-up fight, it depends on the distance. He will start with stealth if he is out of his opponent’s sight, moving around silently until he gets the drop on his prey. From there, he will go for an attack that will cause a lot of pain, due to his sadistic nature. A move that will inhibit or impair the opponent from making a counter-attack. This is usually done with his blade. If he starts closer, he will rush his opponent and grapple them. He has been shown to use his strength to pin down or restrain an opponent, allowing him to open up with his knife. In all situations, he will finish off opponents, usually rather quickly, telling them to "Go to Sleep".

    Weaknesses: Jeff is mentally unstable

    Note: Complete series (narrated).

    Note 2: Semi-complete series (reading):


    1. He floated through the kitchen and into her living room. The shag carpet squished underneath the wet soles of his shoes as he walked across it. He moved through the shadowy house like a phantom. The darkness was his domain and he was the monster hiding in it.
    2. "Whats so funny?" asked Jeff. Keith pulled out a lighter and switched it on. "What's funny," he said, "Is that you're covered in bleach and alcohol." Jeff's eyes widened as Keith threw the lighter at him. As soon as the flame made contact with him the flames ignited the alcohol in the vodka. While the alcohol burned him the bleach, bleached his skin. Jeff let out a terrible screech as he caught on fire. He tried to roll out the fire but it was no use, the alcohol had made him a walking inferno. He ran down the hall, and fell down the stairs. Everybody started screaming as they saw Jeff, now a man on fire, drop to the ground, nearly dead. The last thing Jeff saw was his mother and the other parents trying to extinguish the flame. That's when he passed out.
    3. Jeff's mother hugs Jeff and says her goodbyes. The next couple of weeks were those where Jeff was visited by his family. Then came the day where his bandages were to be removed.
    4. "What? What happened to my face?" Jeff said. He rushed out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw the cause of the distress. His face. It...its horrible. His lips were burnt to a deep shade of red. His face was turned into a pure white color, and his hair singed from brown to black. He slowly put his hand to his face. It had a sort of leathery feel to it now. He looked back at his family then back at the mirror.
    5. CORONER Homicide plain and simple. Cause of death severe blood loss due to disembowelment. CORONER 2 Frank. You can't be serious. You heard they pulled this guy from a fire right? CORONER I read the police report yeah, but there is not a single burn mark on the guy. Do you see charring because I sure don’t? CORONER 2 So you're suggesting that someone burned his clothes and then dressed him in them and dumped his body in the house after the fire? CORONER I'm suggesting this guy was in one hell of a knife fight before dying of blood loss in that house CORONER 2 No man can die in a burning building and not get burned Frank. CORONER Well... look at the guy's face Elli... Does he look like a man anymore to you? NARRATOR JEFF's eyes refocused on the Doctor's face.
    6. That's when my dad busted in. The man threw the knife, it went into my dad's shoulder.
    7. It hadn’t been an accident that the woman he’d been following was murdered the very same night he decided to make his move. No, the killer had even sent him a message. The entire time he had been stalking her, someone had been stalking him. While he had been planning her death, someone had been planning his.
    8. Once again he gets that strange feeling, the one in which he hasn't felt for a while. "Finally. He's up!" says Randy as he runs at Jeff. That's when it happens. Something inside Jeff snaps. His psyche is destroyed, all rational thinking is gone, all he can do, is kill.
    9. In this neighborhood, you could expect a very low crime rate, and everyone who lived there were honest and trusted everyone. But from JEFF's point of view, this was the perfect chance to satisfy the feeling
    10. Who would go through all this trouble to not have the power shut off? Doesn't the city order a house which is condemned to have its power cut off and its water discontinued? JEFF thought. JEFF's mind could register that something didn't seem right, but twitching and shaking to put the pieces together, the feeling held any deep cognition at bay.
    11. The feeling that had begun so long ago was gone for now, but he knew it would be back soon. He could only think clearly for a short while.
    12. Memories began to conflict with the feeling that constantly dominated his mind. JEFF had come to love the feeling. It was a subtle pulling now; a small tugging at the back of his mind reminding him that he had something to focus on. That soon he would need to spill more blood. He walked along the sidewalk past the bus stop. This was the same bus stop that he had a fragmented memory of. A sound of wheels on concrete. A bully. Knives. The feeling. The feeling was growing stronger, but the fragmented memories were coming together.
    13. JEFF heard the scream but the blood of the police OFFICERs was calling him. He had to satisfy the feeling.
    14. The feeling was inching back into his mind. More violence. More blood. He wouldn't be able to think soon. His hands returned to his pockets. The edge of the knife that he had already cleaned and sharpened to a razor's edge. The feeling will be too much soon. He needed help, and maybe now there was finally someone who could help him.
    15. JEFF picked himself shaking off the ground. Putting pressure on his leg caused a sickening crack. The pain from it was blinding but not as blinding as the feeling was at this point. Fuck the tools. The power tools, the saw, the hammers, nothing would satisfy JEFF like this would. He withdrew the knife from his pocket.
    16. "I couldn't see my face. I got tired and my eyes started to close. I burned out the eyelids so I could forever see myself; my new face."
    17. JANE Do you see the pain? Everything you've lost? What you've done to yourself? Do you feel what I've felt JEFF? This is what you've done to everyone else! This monster that you've let your insanity become! This is- SOUND: Stab. All other chanting and music is cut. Only the sound of blood and the burning house. JEFF You give me way too much credit, JANE. I don't give a shit. JANE You....you.... JEFF Shhhhhhh.... Go to sleep...
    18. NARRATOR As he forced her arm in place, JEFF couldn't help be marvel at how her arm seemed to be made for the metal vice. It fit perfectly almost like it was made for this from the start. SOUND: crunch of bones and a scream. NARRATOR The sound of snapping bones and torn muscles from woman's wrist echoed through the home. JANE frantically griped in all directions reaching for a tool of some kind, anything she can use to escape the unbearable pain.
    19. Upon reading this message from me, you should start hearing odd noises and feel a sense of fear and dysphoria wash over you. You will become anxious and frantic for no logical reason.
    20. I whirled around and saw the figure in the video, head down and everything. I froze in fear.
    21. I jumped up and grabbed the bat again, when I heard my computer make an error sound. The computer then bluescreened at that point, saying it shut down for safety reasons. The screen then proceeded to make note of the fact that an unknown hacker had been obtaining information about my whereabouts.
    22. The detective is now dead. The journal is over. And it's quite hilarious, because, in viewing this document, I have logged every single one of your IP addresses and know exactly where you are. For example: One of you works at a Cousin's on Drexel boulevard, one of you lives in Burbank, one of you lives on East avenue, one of you goes to University and has a roommate named Becky, one of you is going to Iowa, one of you goes to is quite the whiz at the piano... The list goes on and on. I know where you work. I know your friends. Your family. Your loved ones. I know everything.
    23. He watched silently as the man or animal or thing that had attacked him reached the bottom step and stood up on two feet, uncurling its spine like a cobra dancing for a snake charmer.
    24. "Jeff, your eyes!" His eyes were bordered by black, seemingly never closing. "I couldn't see my face. I got tired and my eyes started to close. I burned out the eyelids so I could forever see myself, my new face." Jeff's mother slowly started to back away, seeing that her son was going insane. "What's wrong mommy? Aren't I beautiful?
    25. CORONER Homicide plain and simple. Cause of death severe blood loss due to disembowelment. CORONER 2 Frank. You can't be serious. You heard they pulled this guy from a fire right? CORONER I read the police report yeah, but there is not a single burn mark on the guy. Do you see charring because I sure don’t?
    26. Was what JEFF heard in his mind, echoing, becoming faint as he remembered everything that happened. A part of him just wanted to cry over the loss of his brother, but another part of him, the feeling, felt no remorse.
    27. With that, lost in what he could have said, or what he could have done. JEFF stood. He met eyes with his brother again. Thoughts filled his head thousands at a time. Had his mind not broken so many years ago at Billy's party, he might have been able to make sense of them. He might have been able to ask the questions that were still burning inside him. He might have been able to feel something more than the memories of what his emotions should be, but he couldn't.
    28. I’m not saying his DNA somehow mutated when he was burned in that fire, but MY Jeff doesn’t have an ounce of humanity left inside him. He no longer thinks like us or feels like us. He’s chaos incarnate and as violent as a supernova. The contrast between the two killers in Right On Time is noticeable. The unnamed stalker who becomes Jeff’s victim is emotional – he feels fear, anger, anxiety, confusion and a myriad of other emotions in the short time we, the readers, get to know him. Sure, he’s deranged, but he still exhibits human emotions. Jeff – at least Jeff the way I imagine him – does not, and that’s why he’s terrifying. Maybe he’s not emotionless, but perhaps the emotions he experiences are alien to us – beyond our comprehension.
    29. Jeff popped the kid in the nose. As Randy reached for his face, Jeff grabbed the kid's wrist and broke it. Randy screamed and Jeff grabbed the knife from his hand.
    30. Troy rushed him too, but Jeff didn't even need the knife. He just punched Troy straight in the stomach and Troy went down. As he fell, he puked all over.
    31. He grabs the towel rack and rips it off the wall. Troy and Keith race in, knives ready.
    32. Doctors and nurses found the PATIENT with a piece of duct tape over his mouth to prevent him from screaming or calling for help. The poor man's stomach had been ripped open by, what the CORONER's report would later reflect, someone's bare hands. Finger-painted above his bed in red. I'll be waiting. Go to sleep.
    33. OFFICER 1 Hello? Is anyone home? If I do not get a response I will have to break the door down. Hello!? NARRATOR JEFF's fingers went back to the sharpened edge of his knife. Finally. It'd been far too long since he'd been able to take a life. Far too long since he was able to taste blood. A creak from the closet door upstairs as the babysitter watched the scene unfold in front of her. Her trembling body drew cold as the realization that she would not be saved from this by police like she so hoped. VICTORIA (To the phone) Oh god. The police are here. I think they're going to be killed. SOUND: telephone click to busy signal VICTORIA Hello? Are you still there!?... God no.... OFFICER 1 This is your last warning! SOUND: pause VICTORIA Help me I'm in here! SOUND: door crash
    34. The blood leaking out of JEFF's mouth dripped onto his chest and arms granting him just enough wiggle room to split his hands out of his restraints and vaulted his foot into JANE's stomach knocking the woman the ground. Before she could move to pick herself up, JEFF continued the brutal assault by throwing the wooden chair itself at her, breaking it over her back; an act that would have crippled a lesser woman.
    35. JEFF turned around, and before he could say anything, LIU took a trophy off the shelf and a wet crack rang through JEFF's ears.
    36. The first handle that she can fine, she camps her hand on and swings with all her strength at JEFF's legs SOUND: CRUNCH NARRATOR JEFF fell to the ground from his shattered bone. Bewildered, JANE inspects the hammer that she now has clamped tightly with her left hand.
    37. Blood, one word but the most descriptive one to depict what he saw. Blood spread across the walls. Some in a splashed against pattern others in... hand prints. Pictures hung from the walls with pictures of hundreds, maybe thousands of children. Some of them live, riding a bike, some showing them crying with blood covering them, and others.... just lifeless corpses. Dan slowly steps back, not able to comprehend the gore that lied in front of him. As he does his foot hits another snag. He looks back to see what it was.... he vomits, while also letting out a gut wrenching cry. He stood there, puking and crying at what he saw. Behind him lay the mutilated body of a little girl. As th tears start o unblock his vision he can see more, poor children, some missing limbs, some with eyes gouged out, some even with the face of panic that they once had left on their face.
    38. JEFF pulled The VICTORIA to her feet by her hair. The poor girl’s cries grew louder as JEFF put the point of the knife between her eyes... and pressed in... Slowly. JEFF Just go to sleep... SOUND: squirts of blood and crushing of bone until with one final crunch her screams stop.
    39. The knife found its mark in the middle of this OFFICER's chest and sliced its way up to his chin.
    40. "Oh? And what will you do?" Just as he finishes the sentence Jeff pops the kid in the nose. As the kid reaches for his face Jeff grabs the kid's wrists and breaks it. Randy screams and Jeff grabs the knife from his hand. Troy and Keith rush Jeff but Jeff is too quick. He throws Randy to the ground. Keith lashes out at him, but Jeff ducks and stabs him in the arm. Keith drops his knife and falls to the ground screaming. Troy rushes him too, but Jeff doesn't even need the knife. He just punches Troy straight in the stomach and he goes down. As he falls he pukes all over. Liu can do nothing but look in amazement at Jeff.
    41. The man threw the knife in a Bowey knife style into my dad's shoulder. He let go of the gun, the man probably would've finished him off if one of the neighbors hadn't alerted the police.
    42. "Yes son," she said, "Yes you are. L-let me go get daddy so he can see your face." She ran into the room and shook Jeff's dad from his sleep. "Honey, get the gun we....." She stopped as she saw Jeff in the doorway, holding a knife. "Mommy, you lied." that's the last thing they hear as Jeff rushes them with the knife, gutting both of them.
    43. JEFF heard the scream but the blood of the police OFFICERs was calling him. He had to satisfy the feeling. The first OFFICER's weapon entered through the door to sweep the room. A bullet to the head or a tackle to the ground, a short drive to prison and the gas chamber, but JEFF had been doing this for years since he carved his mark into his family. JEFF slid his knife into the wrist of the first OFFICER and used the tool to pull him into the house. The OFFICER's hands twitched and spasmed forcing the gun to fire off two shots. The noises waking the baby upstairs and turning the babysitter's hysterical cries into screams of pure terror. JEFF stepped into the doorway, withdrawing his blade from the OFFICER's wrists and pushing it into his neck. His partner's wild, panicked eyes could only see the black rings around JEFF's and the gurgling, choking of dying friend. The OFFICER, horrified by the sight, and now with blurred vision fired his gun directly in front of him. Missing their mark, the rounds only succeeded in putting his partner out of his pain. JEFF dropped the dead body and with a quick motion of his left hand, grabbed the side of the OFFICER's pistol pushing off aim. The OFFICER still pulled the trigger as many times as he was able. It didn't matter the burns from the discharge against JEFF's hand only fueled his crazed frenzy. The knife found its mark in the middle of this OFFICER's chest and sliced its way up to his chin.
    44. As they let out their final rounds of bullets Jeff ducks into the bathroom. He grabs the towel rack and rips it off the wall. Troy and Keith race in, knives ready. Troy swings his knife at Jeff, who backs away and bangs the towel rack into Troy's face. Troy goes down hard and now all that's left is Keith.
    45. Jeff screams and falls to his knees. Randy starts kicking him in the face. After three kicks though Jeff grabs his foot and twists it, causing Randy to fall to the ground. Jeff stands up and walks towards the back door. Troy grabs him though. "Need some help?" He picks Jeff up by the back of the collar and throws him through the patio door.
    46. "Come on Jeff, fight me!" He picks Jeff up and throws him into the kitchen. Randy sees a bottle of vodka on the counter and smashes the glass over Jeff's head. "Fight!" He throws Jefff back into the living room.
    47. His brother Liu woke up, startled by some noise. He didn't hear anything else so he just shut his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. As he was on the border of slumber he got the strangest feeling that someone was watching him. He looked up, before Jeff's hand covered his mouth. He slowly raised the knife ready to plunge it into Liu. Liu thrashed here and there trying to escape Jeff's grip. "Shhhhhhh," Jeff said,"Just go to sleep."
    48. JEFF slid his knife into the wrist of the first OFFICER and used the tool to pull him into the house. The OFFICER's hands twitched and spasmed forcing the gun to fire off two shots. The noises waking the baby upstairs and turning the babysitter's hysterical cries into screams of pure terror. JEFF stepped into the doorway, withdrawing his blade from the OFFICER's wrists and pushing it into his neck.
    49. "No-one interrupts or guts will fly!" they say. Randy pulls a knife on Jeff and stabs it into his shoulder.
    50. "Come on Jeff, fight me!" He picks Jeff up and throws him into the kitchen. Randy sees a bottle of vodka on the counter and smashes the glass over Jeff's head.
    51. "Need some help?" He picks Jeff up by the back of the collar and throws him through the patio door. As Jeff tries to stand he is kicked down to the ground. Randy repeatedly starts kicking Jeff, until he starts to cough up blood. "Come on Jeff, fight me!" He picks Jeff up and throws him into the kitchen. Randy sees a bottle of vodka on the counter and smashes the glass over Jeff's head.
    52. Troy swings his knife at Jeff, who backs away and bangs the towel rack into Troy's face. Troy goes down hard and now all that's left is Keith. He is more agile than Troy though and ducks when Jeff swings the towel rack. He dropped the knife and grabbed Jeff by the neck. He pushed me into the wall. On the top shelf a thing of bleach fell down on top of us. It burnt both of them and they both started to scream. Jeff wiped his eyes as best as he could. He pulled back the towel rack and swung it straight into Keith's head. As he lay there bleeding to death he let out an ominous smile.
    53. The first handle that she can fine, she camps her hand on and swings with all her strength at JEFF's legs SOUND: CRUNCH NARRATOR JEFF fell to the ground from his shattered bone. Bewildered, JANE inspects the hammer that she now has clamped tightly with her left hand.
    54. Blood leaked from the walls. More than should have been possible to be in JEFF's body.
    55. Homicide plain and simple. Cause of death severe blood loss due to disembowelment.

