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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Articles About Jeff The Killer
GameFuelTV Version ā€¢ Jeff vs Slenderman ā€¢ Pastra's Rewrite ā€¢ K. Banning Kellum Reboot ā€¢ The Morgue Files ā€¢ The Creepypasta Collection ā€¢ Mr CreepyPasta Series ā€¢ Let's Kill Jeff The Killer ā€¢ ISOLATION ā€¢ UZB Server Games ā€¢ Royal Rumble
Jeff The Killer
ā€œ Go to sleep ā€ž
~ Jeff's traditional phrase


Jeff has extremely pale skin and his eyelids were burnt off, giving him an even more ghostly appearance. Jeff later got his most distinctive trait, the smile that he had carved into his face. His build is commonly described as slim but fit at the same time and reaching a height of around five to six feet. His clothing normally consists of a pair of black skinny jeans with a white hooded sweatshirt, sometimes stained with fresh and old blood from recent victims.

He has become one of the largest Creepypasta icons to date, even rivaling Slender Man. Jeff was a teenage boy, who was a caring youth and deeply cared about his brother Liu. As a killer, all that changed and he became a vengeful, dangerous, and a bloodthirsty psychopath. Completely nothing like his former self.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-C, higher with his Knife

Name: Jeff, Jeff the Killer, OMINOUS UNKNOWN KILLER

Origin: Jeff The Killer

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Classification: Human, Serial Killer, Psychopath

Powers and Abilities: Peak Human Physical Characteristics, Regeneration (Low: He healed from extreme burns[1] all over his body in a couple of weeks[2], which would have taken much longer for less extreme burns on normal humans, though his skin turned white[3]), Weapon Mastery (Jeff is capable of skillfully throwing his knife[4]), Berserk Mode (Jeff can enter a state of pure rage in which all he wishes to do is kill[5]), Limited Fire Manipulation (Jeff has access to a lighter[6]). Minor Resistance to Disease Manipulation (Was not negatively affected after burning his eyelids off to never blink again[7], which usually leads to infections and loss of eye health. His smile-shaped scars around his mouth didn't get infected, which shows that Jeff has a strong immune system)

Attack Potency: Street level (Jeff could easily break Randy's wrist[8] which would require him to be this strong. Punched Troy so hard the latter threw up[9]. Easily ripped a towel rack from a wall[10]), higher with his knife (Jeff could mutilate his own face with his knife, he easily gutted his parents with his knife and knives are usually of this level)

Speed: Athletic Human (He easily outran Randy and his thugs, even when Troy and Keith attacked him at the same time[11]. Can attack normal people before they can react.[12][13])

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (He ripped the towel tube off a bathroom wall and was able to use it as a weapon[14]. He outmaneuvered the likes of Randy and his goons with ease, Troy was able to pick up and throw Jeff through the patio door[15], and Randy was able to pick up Jeff and throw him across the kitchen of the house[16], was able to overpower his brother Liu, and held him immobilized with one hand[17])

Striking Strength: Street level

Durability: Street level (Survived getting brutally beaten up by Randy, Keith and Troy at the same time, getting punched through a glass door, getting a vodka bottle smashed on his head and then getting burned alive with alcohol and bleach)

Stamina: Peak Human (He managed to continue fighting even after taking a beating, being thrown through the patio door, being stabbed in the shoulder[18], being hit with a vodka bottle on his head to the point where the bottle broke[19], being kicked until he started to coughing up blood[20], he was able to continue fighting having bleach chemical burns to his eyes and skin[21], and remained conscious for a short time while burning. He also burned his eyelids and cut his mouth without much pain and was able to kill his entire family right after that)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Several Meters by throwing his knife

Standard Equipment: Kitchen Knife and a lighter

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: Jeff is mentally unstable


  1. ā†‘ "Whats so funny?" asked Jeff. Keith pulled out a lighter and switched it on. "What's funny," he said, "Is that you're covered in bleach and alcohol." Jeff's eyes widened as Keith threw the lighter at him. As soon as the flame made contact with him the flames ignited the alcohol in the vodka. While the alcohol burned him the bleach, bleached his skin. Jeff let out a terrible screech as he caught on fire. He tried to roll out the fire but it was no use, the alcohol had made him a walking inferno. He ran down the hall, and fell down the stairs. Everybody started screaming as they saw Jeff, now a man on fire, drop to the ground, nearly dead. The last thing Jeff saw was his mother and the other parents trying to extinguish the flame. That's when he passed out.
  2. ā†‘ Jeff's mother hugs Jeff and says her goodbyes. The next couple of weeks were those where Jeff was visited by his family. Then came the day where his bandages were to be removed.
  3. ā†‘ "What? What happened to my face?" Jeff said. He rushed out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw the cause of the distress. His face. It...its horrible. His lips were burnt to a deep shade of red. His face was turned into a pure white color, and his hair singed from brown to black. He slowly put his hand to his face. It had a sort of leathery feel to it now. He looked back at his family then back at the mirror.
  4. ā†‘ That's when my dad busted in. The man threw the knife, it went into my dad's shoulder.
  5. ā†‘ Once again he gets that strange feeling, the one in which he hasn't felt for a while. "Finally. He's up!" says Randy as he runs at Jeff. That's when it happens. Something inside Jeff snaps. His psyche is destroyed, all rational thinking is gone, all he can do, is kill.
  6. ā†‘ "I couldn't see my face. I got tired and my eyes started to close. I burned out the eyelids so I could forever see myself; my new face."
  7. ā†‘ "Jeff, your eyes!" His eyes were bordered by black, seemingly never closing. "I couldn't see my face. I got tired and my eyes started to close. I burned out the eyelids so I could forever see myself, my new face." Jeff's mother slowly started to back away, seeing that her son was going insane. "What's wrong mommy? Aren't I beautiful?
  8. ā†‘ Jeff popped the kid in the nose. As Randy reached for his face, Jeff grabbed the kid's wrist and broke it. Randy screamed and Jeff grabbed the knife from his hand.
  9. ā†‘ Troy rushed him too, but Jeff didn't even need the knife. He just punched Troy straight in the stomach and Troy went down. As he fell, he puked all over.
  10. ā†‘ He grabs the towel rack and rips it off the wall. Troy and Keith race in, knives ready.
  11. ā†‘ "Oh? And what will you do?" Just as he finishes the sentence Jeff pops the kid in the nose. As the kid reaches for his face Jeff grabs the kid's wrists and breaks it. Randy screams and Jeff grabs the knife from his hand. Troy and Keith rush Jeff but Jeff is too quick. He throws Randy to the ground. Keith lashes out at him, but Jeff ducks and stabs him in the arm. Keith drops his knife and falls to the ground screaming. Troy rushes him too, but Jeff doesn't even need the knife. He just punches Troy straight in the stomach and he goes down. As he falls he pukes all over. Liu can do nothing but look in amazement at Jeff.
  12. ā†‘ The man threw the knife in a Bowey knife style into my dad's shoulder. He let go of the gun, the man probably would've finished him off if one of the neighbors hadn't alerted the police.
  13. ā†‘ "Yes son," she said, "Yes you are. L-let me go get daddy so he can see your face." She ran into the room and shook Jeff's dad from his sleep. "Honey, get the gun we....." She stopped as she saw Jeff in the doorway, holding a knife. "Mommy, you lied." that's the last thing they hear as Jeff rushes them with the knife, gutting both of them.
  14. ā†‘ As they let out their final rounds of bullets Jeff ducks into the bathroom. He grabs the towel rack and rips it off the wall. Troy and Keith race in, knives ready. Troy swings his knife at Jeff, who backs away and bangs the towel rack into Troy's face. Troy goes down hard and now all that's left is Keith.
  15. ā†‘ Jeff screams and falls to his knees. Randy starts kicking him in the face. After three kicks though Jeff grabs his foot and twists it, causing Randy to fall to the ground. Jeff stands up and walks towards the back door. Troy grabs him though. "Need some help?" He picks Jeff up by the back of the collar and throws him through the patio door.
  16. ā†‘ "Come on Jeff, fight me!" He picks Jeff up and throws him into the kitchen. Randy sees a bottle of vodka on the counter and smashes the glass over Jeff's head. "Fight!" He throws Jefff back into the living room.
  17. ā†‘ His brother Liu woke up, startled by some noise. He didn't hear anything else so he just shut his eyes and tried to go back to sleep. As he was on the border of slumber he got the strangest feeling that someone was watching him. He looked up, before Jeff's hand covered his mouth. He slowly raised the knife ready to plunge it into Liu. Liu thrashed here and there trying to escape Jeff's grip. "Shhhhhhh," Jeff said,"Just go to sleep."
  18. ā†‘ "No-one interrupts or guts will fly!" they say. Randy pulls a knife on Jeff and stabs it into his shoulder.
  19. ā†‘ "Come on Jeff, fight me!" He picks Jeff up and throws him into the kitchen. Randy sees a bottle of vodka on the counter and smashes the glass over Jeff's head.
  20. ā†‘ "Need some help?" He picks Jeff up by the back of the collar and throws him through the patio door. As Jeff tries to stand he is kicked down to the ground. Randy repeatedly starts kicking Jeff, until he starts to cough up blood. "Come on Jeff, fight me!" He picks Jeff up and throws him into the kitchen. Randy sees a bottle of vodka on the counter and smashes the glass over Jeff's head.
  21. ā†‘ Troy swings his knife at Jeff, who backs away and bangs the towel rack into Troy's face. Troy goes down hard and now all that's left is Keith. He is more agile than Troy though and ducks when Jeff swings the towel rack. He dropped the knife and grabbed Jeff by the neck. He pushed me into the wall. On the top shelf a thing of bleach fell down on top of us. It burnt both of them and they both started to scream. Jeff wiped his eyes as best as he could. He pulled back the towel rack and swung it straight into Keith's head. As he lay there bleeding to death he let out an ominous smile.


Discussion threads involving Jeff the Killer


Homicidal Maniac (Halloween) Homicidal Maniac's Profile (Speed was equal and Homicidal Maniac's Teleportation was assumed to be game mechanics)

Jeff the Killer (Pastra's Rewrite) (Pastra's Jeff the Killer) Pastra Jeff's Profile (First key from GameFuelTV's Jeff was used, the speed was equalized, the fight took place in a store, both carrying their standard equipment, without prior knowledge and started 10 meters from each other)

Killer Rabbit (Portal RPG) Killer Rabbit's Profile (Original Story Jeff was used. Jeff did not have his knife)

Carla Golubev (2046: Prime) Carla's Profile (Speed was equal and Original Story Jeff was used. Jeff had a knife and Carla had a tire iron)

Clone Sonic (Five Nights at Sonicā€™s) Clone Sonic's Profile (Original Story Jeff was used)

The Earwig Creature (Pleasant Inn) Earwig Creature's Profile (Original Story Jeff was used. Both were 9-C. Speed was equal and Jeff had his knife. The Earwig Creature was possessing a 20 year old woman)

Jeff The Killer (Creepypasta Collection) Jeff's Profile (Original Story Jeff was used. Both were 9-C and speed was equal. Fight took place in a dimly lit house)

Starved (Twitter) Starved's Profile (Speed was equal. Fight took place on top of a 50 storey skyscraper)

The Eviler (The Eviler Fazbear Segments) The Eviler's Profile (Original Story Jeff was used. Location was a corn field and starting distance was 5 meters. Speed was equalized.)

Sonic the Hedgehog (Insane SonAmy: Anything) Sonicā€™s Profile (Original Story Jeff was used. Both were bloodlusted. Fight took place in the Backrooms and speed was equalized)

Ghostface (1996) (Scream) The Killers' Profile (Speed is equal. Billy and Stu appear in line of sight in-front of Jeff in an open field)

Marsh (A Girl in All Boy School) Marsh's profile (Both started 5 meters apart, speed was equal)
