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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Jeanne Ortiner


Jeanne Ortiner is a supporting character in Tales of the Red Wings. Like Aiden Aurum, she is a member of the Dragon's Crown guild, and is romantically involved with Aiden. Jeanne is a Reincarnator, her known past lives being Atalanta, the famous huntress from the Age of Legends who served on the Argo under the captain Jason, and Bedivere, the one-armed Marshal of Arthur Pendragon who returned Excalibur to the land of fairies. She is mentioned to idolize Skyla Ceres as a personal hero.

Personal Statistics[]

Name: Jeanne Ortiner

Origin: Tales of the Red Wings

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Birthday: February 14th

Species: Human

Race: Florencian

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: At least 8-B, 8-A with the Platinum Dragon armor

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Aetheric Physiology, Immortality (Type 4; As a hero-class, Aiden's soul is unkillable even by the grasp of Hades, and will reincarnate in another body when there are times of great strife. Non-Combat Applicable), Weapon Mastery (She is the most skilled martial fighter in Dragon's Sword, excepting perhaps the guildmaster himself, and is a master of all types of weapons including swords, axes, spears, bows, and more. As the reincarnation of Atatlanta, Jeanne is a master marksman, and as the reincarnation of Bedivere, she can fight at the level of a master, even with just a single hand), Acrobatics, Accelerated Development (Training and Battle, of Stats, Skill, and Abilities. Reincarnators are known to grow extremely fast as they tap into the knowledge of their past lives), Healing (Possesses enough knowledge of Life Magic to heal wounds, and was mentioned to be Aiden's personal healer on missions), Telekinesis (Jeanne's crest from her life as Bedivere, Knight's Raiment, allows her to control any piece of equipment she has touched through telekinesis, allowing her to change armor sets in a matter of moments by literally building the pieces up around her, and recall her weapons to her hand in an instant), and Preparation (She built most of her armor herself, using motes of her teammates' magic and the spoils from monsters she has personally killed). Her armor sets give her Statistics Amplification (Each of her armor sets is built around increasing a different stat, be it magic, speed, defense, etc.), Air Manipulation (Her Sky Drake armor can perform wind magic, creating powerful winds to blow her around and increase her speed dramatically and firing off), limited Electricity Manipulation (Created a burst of electricity when equipping the Sky Drake armor), Technology Manipulation (Her Iron Turtle armor was built with help from an artificer guildmate), Forcefield Creation (The Iron Turtle armor specializes in barrier magic, able to create forcefields in multiple shapes and configurations), Fire Manipulation (The Phoenix armor specalizes in manipulating heat and flames, focusing on enhancing her magic), Explosion Manipulation (Can generate a close-range explosion with the Phoenix armor's wings), Holy Manipulation and Energy Projection (The Platinum Dragon armor allows her to manipulate Holy energy and fire it as projectiles. Holy Energy possesses the unique property to negate demonic energy, cancelling it out in a way similar to matter and antimatter, which also rapidly burns through a demon's energy stores), Statistics Reduction (Holy Magic is capable of weakening those it strikes, lowering their physical, magical, and spiritual prowess temporarily), Resistance to Magic (The Platinum Dragon armor was made with some of the scales of Milas Baldwin, giving them high resistance to magical attacks)

Attack Potency: At least City Block Level+ (Decapitated Naomi's Aspect of Seiryu. Matched Skyla Ceres in strength and is comparable to Aiden Aurum), Multi-City Block Level with the Platinum Dragon Armor (Capable of breaking through Skyla's Valkyrie Armor)

Speed: Supersonic+ with Hypersonic+ Reactions (Should be comparable to Omega), Higher with the Sky Drake armor

Lifting Strength: Class 100, likely Class K with the Platinum Dragon Armor

Durability: At least City Block Level+ (Comparable to Aiden and superior to Omega). Multi-City Block Level with the Black Turtle Armor (It is an armor set that focuses on defense, and prevented Skyla's attacks from striking her). At least Multi-City Block Level, possibly Town Level with the Platinum Dragon Armor (No-Sold a point-blank attack from Skyla's Lance, when even her unarmed attack was capable of inflicting serious damage on her. Uses scales from Milas Baldwin, who has repeatedly been called the strongest being in Astiria from multiple reliable sources, which should make his scales stronger than Victor)

Stamina: Extremely High (Being a Reincarnator, she should be far beyond Zephyr Highwind in terms of Stamina)

Range: Hundreds of Meters with Telekinesis and Magic (Her attacks can cross large portions of the Arena of Valor)

Standard Equipment:

  • Greatsword: Jeanne's signature weapon, tough enough to clash against other fighters on her level without so much as chipping. This sword is notably non-conductive, preventing her from being zapped by lightning magic and allowing her to deflect electric attacks such as Naomi's lightning magic.
  • Sky Drake Armor: Jeanne's first shown armor set besides the normal equipment she wears. It was made from the scales of a Sky Drake, and has a focus on speed and agility. This armor allows Jeanne to use the wind-manipulating techniques of Sky Drakes, generating tailwinds and bursts of air to propel her around the battlefield at high speeds. This armor set typically comes with a one-handed, single-edged sword also enhanced with Sky Drake scales. Tatsuya Meisei was stated to have contributed a bit of his magic to it, increasing the power of her wind-elemental attacks.
    • Sundowner: A rapid, spiralling attack with her sword that generates a large slash of air, capable of cutting Seiryu's summoned hurricane in two.
    • Minuano: A ranged attack, where Jeanne swings with her sword, firing a blade of air that curves to hit her target. Upon striking the target, it generates a tornado.
  • Iron Turtle Armor: A mechanical set of armor, with multiple floating hexagonal constructs around it. An unknown artificer teammate contributed to this set, building extra technological implants around the iron turtle pieces she built this armor around. This armor slows Jeanne down considerably due to its weight, but vastly improves her defense, preventing Skyla Ceres from even damaging her with her attacks. Furthermore, it comes equipped with a pair of half-shields made from the turtle's shell, that when put together, forms a large hexagonal one, the two weapons usable as bludgeons due to their severe weight and the spikes on their edges.
    • Barriers: The specialty of the Iron Turtle armor is to generate multiple kinds of forcefields, including domes, walls, and individual hexagonal plates that prevent Jeanne from being attacked, letting her wear down her opponent in a battle of attrition.
  • Phoenix Armor: A light armor set made of gold-plated bones and feathers, formed from a famous type of monster called a Phoenix. The armor is self-repairing, and grants Jeanne vastly increased magic and pyromancy, aided by the staff containing the monster's magic stored within it. When Jeanne equips this armor, a set of fiery wings forms from it. Aiden was noted to have contributed some of his magic into it, giving her fire explosive properties and letting her manipulate the flaming wings more precisely.
  • Platinum Dragon Armor: By far Jeanne's strongest set. This armor was contributed to by Milas Baldwin, who donated some of his scales to form the suit, giving it high magic resistance and nigh-invulnerability. Alongside the armor set and its high increase in strength, Jeanne wields a massive warhammer, greatsword, lance, and nodachi, controlling them through telekinesis. These weapons, thanks to Milas' scales, are enchanted with Holy Magic, which has the property of weakening those it strikes and allow Jeanne to fire waves of holy light from her weapons.

Intelligence: Above Average, Genius in combat. As a reincarnator, Jeanne is a highly skilled fighter with knowledge of techniques from ages long past. She is a master of various types of weaponry, but prefers large and heavy weapons like greatswords and greatbows. Jeanne specializes in combat against monsters, having slain dozens of different types across her lives, and possesses a deep anatomical knowledge of them to the point where she can make their carcasses into armor. She keeps a much cooler head than Aiden, being a rational decision maker in the heat of battle.

Weaknesses: None notable.

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

  • Crest - Knight's Raiment: A Magic Crest is a unique collection of magic circuits, that forms a visible marking on one’s body. Those who possess a magic crest are capable of performing some manner of special spell or ability that doesn’t fit into typical magical categories, or would otherwise require large amounts of preparation and affinities. Magic crests can evolve over time, but are generally limited by the power of the one who possesses it. Most notably, they are especially resistant to anti-magic abilities. Jeanne's crest, Knight's Raiment, allows her to mark items with her magic, giving her the power to control them through telekinesis. Her control over marked equipment is incredibly versatile, letting her rain down weapons like raindrops and armor herself up by directly moving the pieces into place in an instant.
  • Healing: Though it is not true healing, as that is considered to be a lost art, Jeanne is skilled in Life Magic, allowing her to regenerate damage on others and herself.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
