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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
James Evans


James Evans is a 6th grader and the best actor within Marble Hills Elementar, always obtaining the main role due to his skill. During his last year however, he was refused the main role of a play due to numerous parental complains to the school about how unfair it was that one child was always the main role. This angered James and after being convinced by a mysterious masked teenager, he tried his best to ruin the play for everyone. unfortunatly for him, his plan was doomed to fail once Julia Lawson was called to the case, despite putting a good fight against her. James was eventually talked out of a fight due to Julia having seen right trought his loneliness and need of attention. James as since then apologize and been punished, having had detention for two weeks after school. However, he made sure to help out Cody Adams in repeating for the main role so that the nervous kid could shine on the night of the play.

Personal Statistics[]

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (James was a lonely kid who craved attention as his parents were unable to make time for him, not having the main role pushed him over the edge and he'd try his best to ruin the play) Neutral Good after being reformed (After understanding the errors of his way, James accepted punishment and has then helped Cody repeat for his role)

Name: James Evans

Origin: Julia Lawson: On the case!

Gender: Male

Age: 12 years old

Classification: Human, Theater kid

Weight: 45 kilograms

Height: 1.60 Meters

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Ginger

Status: Alive

Affiliation: Mystery Teen (briefly)

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 9-C likely 9-B

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Has trained in fencing in order to better play the main role of a musketeer. As such, James is adept at utilzing a fencing sword in combat), Acrobatics (Is fairly athletic and nimble, having trained in gymnastic in order to better understand some of his roles), Social Influencing (Deception: Is an extremely talented actor, capable of using his skills to lie and trick others. Was briefly capable of masking himself from Julia Lawson although she eventually saw through his deceptions)

Attack Potency: At least Street level (James could keep up with Julia Lawson who was capable of keeping up with Penelope Becker who can easily punch through a locker door, send a trash can flying with a kick and even snap a baseball bat in half alongside fighting on par with Gladis who could throw a knife hard enough to embed it into a concrete wall ) likely Wall level (James can harm Cody Adams who can tank getting ram in by the powered scooter)

Durability: At least Street level likely Wall level

Striking Strength: At least Street Class likely Wall Class

Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Comparable to Julia Lawson who can wrestle with Penelope Becker who could easily snap a baseball bat in half)

Travel Speed: Average Human

Combat Speed: Subsonic (James can keep up in combat with Julia Lawson who can ride her powered scooter which is equipped with a 900 cc motorcycle engine which can reach speeds of 220 mph)

Reaction Speed: Subsonic

Stamina: Above Average (James can fight with Julia Lawson for prolonged periods of time along with regularly training himself in sports to better understand some roles like a musketeer)

Range: Standard Melee, Extended Melee with his fencing sword

Intelligence: Above Average (James is a talented actor who could mask his guilt from Julia Lawson for a short while along with being trained in fencing)

Standard Equipment[]

Fencing sword


Standard Tactics: James will battle his opponent using his fencing skills

Weaknesses: James is quite lonely which lead to him emotionally lashing out.

Battle Records[]

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
