“ | Sure is hollow, huh. Knowing you'll never see them again... Well, gonna start over again? Sure hope it goes better this time... I do know what it's like, to try in vain. To never see them again... The ones you care for. But it was never meant to be your luxury. After all, you've never suffered. You only *inflict* the suffering. He never would have lasted with you, after all you did to him. So, what'll it be? What will your next world look like? That's what I thought. But now... It is the end...! | „ |
~ Ivlis to Etihw following the death of Kcalb |

Under the light of the bloody moon
Devil of the Flame World. He was created in the Land of Sun by the god Siralos from flame and lived there for an endless time as his son alongside his sister Igls Unth, who was born from the god's light. Even before being cast out, the Flame Underworld was a cesspool of anarchy, being in constant fear that at any time the sun god could have the demons vanquished. At any moment in time, if he so wished for it, there wouldn't be a prayer at all for the demons.
Ivlis noticed this, and even more-so witnessed firsthand the angel's utmost reliance on the sun, and their constant praise of it. Over time, it led him to believe that the angels had no freedom, no ability to think for themselves. These feelings were reciprocated by Rieta, who was commonly seen with him.
When he approached his sister with his concerns, she rebuked him, refusing to question her creator and father in any way, seeing him as supreme, and fearing what could become of Ivlis should he go about his plan to seek answers. And he did. Upon confronting Siralos with his worries, he was rebuked by his father, who was very disappointed that his own son would think this way. As a result, Ivlis was stripped of his wings, and viciously punished, being banished from his home, literally falling from grace deep into the Flame Underworld. Rieta followed him, for she was cast away as well for her similar beliefs.
Upon arrival, he got to truly see how bad it was. It didn't take long for him to assume the position of their devil, as it was vacant, and begin to lead them to become a 'real' society. However, he was traumatized by the experience with his father, who he still loved very much. He was consumed by that anger, seeking revenge against the sun which held them under its mighty thumb. He was far too weak to do anything, though. Feeling powerless, he finally understood the demons struggles and why they hated his father and the sun angels.
Then, one night, something came to him in a dream. It claimed to know of a world which had achieved his dream of a hopeful land, this being the Gray Garden. It explained the worlds past, showed it to him, let him understand it, and let him see why he should use them as a foil for his vengeance. The devil Kcalb had the powers to get it done. And so, Ivlis deduced that he must destroy Kcalb, steal his power, and wield it against the sun god.
The same being which appeared in his dream drove his direction throughout the Gray World invasion. It consistently pointed him in directions, gave him reminders, and ensured that it was successful. And it was: he destroyed Kcalb by consuming his soul and gained all of his powers alongside that. However, he also gained much more, as the "Power of Destruction" reciprocated with his anger and the being which held growing influence, granting him more power than even he imagined he would have upon taking revenge. And so, he set out to do just that, providing his armies with more strength, pledging for each demon to hold their own lives, a sunless life, by the time he was through. However, deep down all he really wanted was his old, happy life back.
When he did go to get revenge, he was no longer driven by that desire, though. Rather, he was slowly being taken over by Invlis, a higher-dimensional demon beast which was sealed away by the "Big 5" eons and eons ago. Invlis had taken a notice for Ivlis' longing for revenge, and as he too longed for revenge, he decided he would use the flame devils' ambition to free himself, by having him destroy the Gray Garden, and using that power in a fateful fight against the strongest god would break his seal and set him free. Ivlis was continuously corrupted, exploited by the otherworldly monster, eventually succumbing completely as the seal shattered, leading to the ultimate end for all space and time.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 2-C | 2-A
Name: Ivlis
Origin: The Suns Revolution
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown (Demons and Devils exist for seeming infinity)
Classification: Flame Devil
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Biological Manipulation (All demons and devils can alter their genitals), Heat Manipulation (All flame demons have naturally high body temperature, and alter the air around them) Dimensional Travel (Can warp to other worlds at will), Fire Manipulation and Magma Manipulation (Could blast flames and pure magma straight from his hands or Bident), Perception Manipulation (Can warp the land around himself to show past events), Regeneration (Low-Mid, all devils can regenerate), Creation (Created Poemi from fire), Soul Manipulation (Can consume power via the destruction of another's soul), Immortality (Type 1; devils cannot die of any natural cause), Rage Power (Exceptionally stronger when angered), Power Nullification (Prevented Reficul from opening portals in his underworld), Vibration Manipulation (Released shockwaves from his body), Forcefield Creation (Can use a barrier of magic fire), Extrasensory Perception (Could sense attacks from behind him, sensed Reficul in his Underworld, sensed Ethiw's escape would be imminent), Poison manipulation (Can blast flames which inflict poison), Summoning (Of Magic Flames, Flame Monsters, and Flame Familiars), Aura (Can use an aura of flame)
All previous abilities greatly enhanced, Sound Manipulation (Can damage foes with a yell), Breath Attack (Can attack with emerald flames from his mouth), Healing (Can heal himself and others with Flame Prayers), Ice Manipulation (Can combine his fire with ice for devastating attacks), Duplication and Martial Arts (With the power of Macarona, he is much better at hand-to-hand and can generate clones of himself), Weapon Creation and Weapon Mastery (Can create blades and Sun Beams alongside his Bident, all of which he is an expert with), Wind Manipulation and Weather Manipulation (Can create storms of fire and ice), greater Regeneration (His regeneration became much more potent, being comparable to Satanick's), Instinctive Reaction (Thanks to his greater sensing his body can react to things he doesn't 'truly' know of, like attacks from far, far away or even other worlds), Non-physical Interaction (Can destroy ghosts and souls even without consuming them), Mind Manipulation (Can attack others' minds and bring them under control), Light Manipulation (Can blast light via his sun powers), Thread Manipulation (Can use threads of Sun Energy), Energy Projection (Can blast sun energy), Power Bestowal (Granted new powers to Poemi, Emalf, and Rieta), Fear Manipulation (Can instill fear with a glare or point), Reality Warping and Matter Manipulation (Morphed the Land of Sun to be desolate and filled with hellfire, altered its suns), Danmaku (Can blast thousands of fireballs, ice beams, emerald flames and mini-suns), Explosion Manipulation (Can launch fiery explosions from his hands and weapons), Absorption (Of all fire-based attacks and even stars themselves), Telekinesis (Can freeze others via mental attacks and lift objects with gestures), Self-Sustenance (Can survive without breathing or in space without trouble), Smoke Manipulation (Can manipulate the smoke from his fires to attack), Black Hole Creation (Can spawn black holes by casting his hands), Portal Creation and BFR (Can trap foes in another dimension of his creation, can use portals to attack from all directions), Existence Erasure, Corruption, Corrosion Inducement, Dark Magic, Sealing, Paralysis Inducement, Illusion Creation, Darkness Manipulation, Deconstruction, and Death Manipulation with the Power of Destruction (Ivlis gained all the abilities of Kcalb, including new ones as they reacted to his body and motivation, as well as the dark influence pushing him. With these powers, he was extremely confident in getting revenge on his father)
Resistance to Temperature Manipulation and Radiation Manipulation (Survives in his own underworld and by the Land of Suns stars), Light Manipulation (Can look directly at suns with no problem)
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse Level (Comparable to other devils who could threaten entire worlds, which contain one infinite Heaven and one infinite Underworld, severely damaged Kcalb) | Multiverse Level+ (Far superior to ever other devil, including Reficul and Satanick. Easily defeated most of the Land of Suns army, which consisted of Igls Unth and Garva. Fought on par with Siralos, who is the strongest of the gods, for a time until his power grew again. Reficul stated his power threatened "every world".)
Speed: Relativistic (Dodged light-based attacks from Yosafire) | Likely Infinite (Faster than all other devils. Flew through the infinite Land of Sun in moments, and even eventually outpaced Siralos)
Lifting Strength: Unknown | At least Multi-stellar (Could lift the stars of the Land of Sun with telekinesis)
Striking Strength: Low Multiversal | Multiversal+
Durability: Low Multiverse level Multiverse level+
Stamina: Unknown | Extremely High (Doesn't tire at all after gaining his new powers until Invlis escapes, after which he loses his energy)
Range: Low Multiverse Level (He nullified Reficul's ability to make portals from another world) | Multiverse Level+ (His powers shook all worlds, and could have collapsed them all during his battle with Siralos)
- Bident: Ivlis' signature weapon is his Bident, which he will so often wield before any other weapon. He can channel his magic through it; though he can also do it with his hands, it is more effective with the weapon.
Intelligence: He used to speak much more formally, but since his banishment he has reverted to a more casual way of speaking, which may or may not contribute to the common moniker of "airhead" which others have gracefully placed upon him. His plans aren't perfect.
Standard Tactics: Ivlis can be cocky, and he will battle like it if he feels he can. | He will likely use other powers before resorting to the power of destruction unless angered/bloodlusted.
Weaknesses: Quick to anger, has a soft spot for his sister, will sometimes fail to process what is happening as he's being attacked | He will sometimes wait to use his most powerful abilities.
- Defeated Yosafire, Froze, Macarona, and Rawberry after being depowered and stole their abilities.
- Upon killing Kcalb, his power was sensed by Siralos in the Land of Sun, which was more than an infinite distance away, separated by entire worlds.
- Fought evenly with the sun god, and eventually overtook him (though not under his own free will)
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Magic Flame V: Ivlis spouts a magnificent flame from his mouth, hands, or bident which does significant damage to all of his enemies.
- Magic Flame VI: A much stronger version of the 'V' version, Magic Flame VI is more like a concentrated beam of magic magma then simple magic embers. It causes colossal damage to his targets.
- Fire Tornado: Ivlis spins a torrent of flame towards his enemy, usually from his Bident. He can catch them up in the tornado for constant and repeated burn damage.
- Burning Poison: Ivlis spits purple fire which not only burns his enemies, but also inflicts a magic poison which is much more potent than any mortal venom. It's a harsh poison that rips its victims apart from the inside.
- Burst Hurricane: Ivlis unleashes a massive storm of fire and magma that annihilates everything in an omnidirectional blast.
- Land of Suns Death: Ivlis creates a miniature sun, then blows it up to create a magic supernova, razing space and time with its divine shockwaves.
Key: Gray Garden | Power of Destruction
Note: Ivlis will use the power of destructions unique abilities quicker if bloodlusted. I take credit only for the profile pictures above, no gallery photos done by me or my sister, and all credit should go to DSP and the amazing fan artists.
Explanations (Optional)[]
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: