FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Heros can come from anywhere
~ Inhuman Fist's slogan
Inhuman Fist


Adam Soule, better known by the public as the Inhuman Fist, is a professional hero and leader of the "Fighting 4" superhero team. He is often regarded as one of the worlds greatest and strongest heros. He is Cayla Soule's father.

Adam was born with a sollertia gene to have far stronger muscles than nearly any person with the sollertia gene, giving him superhuman strength even amongst other people with the gene. He uses this strength as well as his incredible intelligence to help protect the population from villians.

Personal Statistics[]

Name: Adam Soule

Nickname: Inhuman Fist

Origin: Hero's Oath

Classification: Human, Sollertia user, Superhero

Gender: Male

Age: 47

Status: Alive

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: 7-B

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Accelerated Development (People with the sollertia gene are capable of gaining muscle at incredibly fast rates, with Adam having superhuman levels in comparison to other sollertia users), Master Martial Artist (Is a professional hero with decades of combat experience. Was a student at Green Haul Academy for The Sollertia and was trained in martial arts there. Faught with Copycat and could hold his own for a long time), Regeneration (High-Low; While not nearly as impressive as his daughers, he did once regenerate his whole hand after 10 hours), Genius Intelligence, Electricity Manipulation (With Electric Knuckles)

Attack Potency: City level (Can break apart Black Ice's ice armor, which can withstand attacks from a full powered Henry Bylilly. Equal in strength to Copycat after he copied Inhuman Fist's powers, who was capable of fighting with and nearly defeating a full powered Henry Bylilly and was stated by WoG that he could match and possibly defeat Stage 3 Adam. Is refered to as the strongest hero on the planet and is activley compared to nuclear bombs in strength)

Speed: Subsonic Travel Speed with Relativistic Reaction and Combat Speed (Scalable to Liam)

Lifting Strength: Class G (Could stop metal thrown by Master of Metal, who can throw metal with this much force. Implied to have lifted Master of Metal's cube before)

Striking Strength: City level

Durability: City level (Tanked attacks from Copycat, who was equal in strength to him at the time. Implied to have survived Master of Metal's cube smash before)

Stamina: High

Range: Standard Melee Range

Standard Equipment: Electric Knuckles (A pair of brass knuckles Inhuman Fist made himself that make his punches taze his opponents as well)

Intelligence: Genius (Is the 3rd smartest student to have ever attended Green Haul Academy for the Sollertia, only being beaten out by Liam and Isaiah. Made the electric knuckles as well as several other impressive pieces of technology. Is an incredibly skilled fighter, having decades of combat experience and training from Green Haul Academy. Is the leader of one of the greatest superhero teams on the planet, being considered the brains of their operations. Is a successful businessman. Has outsmarted various supervillians such as Master of Metal and Point Blank)

Notable Attacks/Techniques: None Notable

Weaknesses: None Notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
