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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Ignus Fatui
H-hey mikey....
~ Ignus' last words


A Fire Genasi Bard found by the party in a prison cell, Ignus Fatui fell alongside them into a nightmare realm, where he met his demise at the hands of the master of that dimension.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-A

Name: Ignus Fatui

Origin: The Last Iteration

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Classification: Fire Genasi Bard

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (As a Bard Ignus is adept in using all simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, and light armor[1]), Enhanced Senses (Genasi are capable of nightvision[2]), Genius Social Intelligence, Fire Manipulation and Weapon Creation (As a 5th level Fire Genasi, Ignus is able to cast Produce Flame, which allows him to spawn a flickering bright flame and toss it at enemies, Burning Hands, which spews forth a cone of fire from his hands, and Flame Blade, which lets him create a flaming scimitar[2]), Magic, Reality Warping (As a Bard, Ignus is able to manipulate the Weave in order to to warp reality, allowing him to cast multiple different spells), Non-Physical Interaction (Magic in D&D can affect abstract, incorporeal, and beings that exist on multiple planes at once), Statistics Amplification (Via Bardic Inspiration, which allows him to bolster an ally's future action[3] and Mantle of Inspiration, which enhances his allies' stamina and speed[4]), Healing (With Song of Rest, Ignus is able to play a melody that increases everyone's healing abilities and allows them better regenerate[5]), Empathic Manipulation (Via Enthralling Performance, Ignus can perform a song that inspires wonder in up to five people, charming them[4]), Social Influencing (Ignus has 20 Charisma, placing his social skills at a level beyond the peak of what a regular human can achieve. Alongside that he is a master negotiator, having persuasion skills far beyond what even trained diplomats can achieve, and he is also quite skilled in intimidation as well. As a Haunted One commoners are naturally inclined to help so long as he doesn't present himself as a threat[6]), limited Stealth Mastery and Acrobatics (As a Bard Ignus has some level of proficiency even in skills he has not specifically trained at[5]), Extreme Resistance to Heat (Fire Genasi are naturally resistant to heat,[2] which allowed Ignus to survive for a short duration being dipped into a lava pool)

Light Manipulation and Invisibility Negation (Via Dancing Lights, which allows Ignus to create four hovering lights and move them around freely[7] and Faerie Fire Ignus can illuminate everything in a 20-foot radius, negating their invisibility[8]), Illusion Manipulation and Mind Manipulation (Phantasmal Force[9] creates an illusion so convincing that it can cause mental damage in case someone fails to realize its true nature. Minor Illusion allows Ignus to create an illusion of either a small image or a sound[10]), Mind Manipulation and Statistics Reduction (Vicious Mockery lets Ignus fling insults laced with magic at enemies, rendering their next attack less accurate and inflicting some psychic damage[11]), Fear Manipulation (Dissonant Whispers lets out a discordant whisper that causes terrible pain in those that hear it, forcing victims to run away as far as they immediately can[12]), Healing (Via Healing Word[13]), Status Effect Inducement, Statistics Amplification (Silvery Barbs allows Ignus to magically distract an enemy, and then empower an ally), Perception Manipulation (Blindness/Deafness allows Ignus to either blind or deafen a target[14]), Invisibility (Via Invisibility[15]), Sound Manipulation (With[16] Silence, which creates an area where sound cannot be produced[17]), Time Manipulation (Via Slow, which slows down time around creatures of his choice[18])

Non-Physical Interaction (Ignus wields various magical weapons which can hurt foes that exist in different planes of existence, as well as abstract, intangible, incorporeal, and nonexistent entities), Homing Attack (Flesh Dagger is a dagger that when thrown in the air, will fly towards a foe, specifically targeting its vital spots to perform a critical hit), Statistics Amplification (Murder's Decree is a magical rapier that allows Ignus to both amplify his movement speed and stealth abilities. Acquired a Heart of Darkness that bolsters his Constitution saving throws)

Attack Potency: Small Building level+ (As a fifth level caster he is on par with users of Conjure Barrage)

Speed: Hypersonic+ with High Hypersonic+ reactions (Capable of dodging short-range lightning)

Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Due to having a strength score of 8 Ignus can push a maximum of 362.874 kg)

Striking Strength: Small Building level+

Durability: Small Building level+

Stamina: Superhuman (Comparable to other adventurers who can keep fighting after losing limbs)

Range: Extended Melee Range to Tens of Meters via weaponry, Several Meters to Tens of Meters via spells

Standard Equipment: A magical homing dagger known as Flesh Dagger, a magical rapier known as Murder's Degree, a Heart of Darkness trinket that boosts his Constitution score, a regular rapier, light crossbow, shovel, crowbar, caltrops, rope, food rations, a mirror, a drum, a glass bottle, component pouch, a magical heart, and studded leather armor

Intelligence: At least Above Average (Has an Intelligence score of 12, making him generally above an average person intellectually. He is at least somewhat proficient in nearly every field, adept in the usage of various weapons, can speak four different languages, and play three kinds of instruments[1]), Genius socially (Ignus's Charisma score is 20, being the peak of most humanoid races can achieve. He is also trained in Intimidation and especially Persuasion, making it so that even his absolute worst performance will still be more convincing than the average person)

Weaknesses: Can not have Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, Flame Blade, Invisibility, Phantasmal Force, Silence, or Slow active at the same time

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Reach to the Blaze: As a Fire Gensai Ignus is capable of naturally casting several fire based spells:
    • Produce Flame:[19] This spell allows Ignus to spawn a flickering bright flame, and then lob it at enemies up to 30 feet away from himself. If not used as a projectile this flame lasts for 10 minutes.
    • Burning Hands:[20] With this spell Ignus spews forth a 15-foot long and wide cone of fire from his hands.
    • Flame Blade:[21] Ignus can create a flaming scimitar that lasts up to 10 minutes.

  • Bardic Inspiration: As a Bard Ignus can perform a quick music piece that amplifies a person's performance.
  • Song of Rest: While he and his allies rest, Ignus is able to play a melody that increases everyone's healing abilities and allows them to recover better.

  • Mantle of Inspiration: As a college of glamour Bard Ignus is able to sing a fey song that enhances his allies' speed and stamina.
  • Enthralling Performance: Ignus can perform for at least 1 minute in order to magically charm up to 5 targets for one hour.

  • Dancing Lights: This spell allows Ignus to create four floating lights, which he can then move freely within a 120 radius. This spell lasts up to 1 minute.
  • Minor Illusion: Ignus can create either a small image or a sound within a 30 feet range, which lasts up to 1 minute if not dismissed. The size of the illusion can not exceed 5-foot cube.
  • Vicious Mockery: Ignus can fling insults laced with magic at enemies, which causes their targets to suffer mental damage and make their next attack become less accurate.

  • Dissonant Whispers: Ignus can let out a discordant whisper that causes terrible pain in those that hear it, forcing victims to run away as far as they immediately can.
  • Faerie Fire: Ignus can choose a spot that he sees within 60 feet of himself, and afterward this spell will illuminate everything within a 20-foot radius with a light that cancels out invisibility of creatures exposed to it.
  • Healing Word: A spell that allows Ignus to heal a single target he sees within 60 feet of himself.
  • Silvery Barbs: This spell allows Ignus to magically distract an enemy, making so they are less likely to succeed in an action. Then in the same breath Ignus empowers one of his allies to make one of their next actions more likely to succeed.

  • Blindness/Deafness: Ignus can either blind or deafen a single target within 30 feet of himself for 1 minute, with upcasting allowing him to target one additional target.
  • Invisibility: The spell makes Ignus and anything he carries invisible for 1 hour, however if he attacks someone or uses another spell the invisibility wears off.
  • Phantasmal Force: For 1 minute Ignus can create an illusion so convincing, that it can cause mental damage in case someone fails to realize its true nature. The range of this illusion is 60 feet, with the illusion having a size limit of 10-foot.
  • Silence: This spells lets Ignus create a 20-foot radius dome of silence where no sound can be produced or pass by. The range of this spell is 120 feet, and it lasts for 10 minutes.

  • Slow: In a 120 feet radius Ignus can choose up to 6 creatures within a 40-foot radius of one another and slow time around them, making them slower.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


  1. 1.0 1.1 Player's Handbook 5e Page 52
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of The Multiverse Page 16
  3. Player's Handbook 5e Page 53
  4. 4.0 4.1 Xanathar's Guide to Everything Page 14
  5. 5.0 5.1 Player's Handbook 5e Page 54
  6. Curse of Strahd Page 209
  7. Player's Handbook 5e Page 230
  8. Player's Handbook 5e Page 239
  9. Player's Handbook 5e Page 264
  10. Player's Handbook 5e Page 260
  11. Player's Handbook 5e Page 285
  12. Player's Handbook 5e Page 230
  13. Player's Handbook 5e Page 250
  14. Player's Handbook 5e Page 219
  15. Player's Handbook 5e Page 254
  16. Player's Handbook 5e Page 275
  17. Player's Handbook 5e Page 276
  18. Player's Handbook 5e Page 277
  19. Player's Handbook 5e Page 269
  20. Player's Handbook 5e Page 220
  21. Player's Handbook 5e Page 242


Discussion threads involving Ignus Fatui