Ignotus are a caste of bio-engineered soldier created at Molokar through the work of the scientists of the Weebscaler Accord- most notably Marshadow and Comiphorous. This particular superhuman project was developed to create easily-controlled and hyper-aggressive frontline soldiers- in a word, fodder. These Ignotus serve as the rank-and-file thralls that serve below the higher castes, and are often equipped with lesser gear. After an Ignotus death, Molokar will simply create another from a captured prisoner that has been mindbroken by one of the wardens.
Broadly speaking, Ignotus are treated as second-class citizens or objects within the society of the Accord, with one exception: Alpha, the first of the Ignotus, is given a wide berth and substantially better access to gear. The common superstition is that Alpha is technically "aware", whereas the rest of the Ignotus are psionically lobotomized. Of course, this is untrue- Alpha is equally as handicapped as the rest of her kind, but the rumor persists regardless.
After the dissolution of the Molokarian Overcouncil, many Ignotus were conscripted into Imperium forces, having grown numerous and powerful as the geneline was advanced and improved upon. While Victoria maintained direct control over most of their number, much of the Omicron generation was involved with the Molokarian Legion, and in particular followed Crabwhale during his service to the Imperium as one of their Lord Commanders.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-A | At least 9-A, likely 8-C | At least 9-A
Key: Ignotus Trooper | Ignotus Elite | Omicron Generation
Name: Ignotus, Demihuman Shields, Lowborn
Origin: Be My Rimworld Pawns
Gender: Varies
Age: Varies, most are between 17-39; they possess a human lifespan (although Omicron Ignotus have a life expectancy of only about 60 years)
Classification: Ignotus
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Martial Arts (All Ignotus are exceptionally skilled melee combatants- only prisoners who are already talented in combat are transformed into Ignotus, which then considerably increases their proficiencies in these fields), Bodily Weaponry (Ignotus possess sharp, retractable talons), Power Nullification (Ignotus are completely immune to psionic abilities and are "blanks", rendering them psychically deaf), Regeneration (Low-Mid, Ignotus can heal even lethal wounds remarkably fast, sometimes closing bullet wounds mid-combat), Self-Sustenance (Type 3, Ignotus do not sleep), Acid Manipulation, Breath Attack (Ignotus can spit acid), Self-Destruction (When an Ignotus dies, they rot incredibly quickly, affecting their gear severely as well), Adaptation (Ignotus are particularly durable against the rigors of hot temperatures, often existing comfortably in temperatures of 50 Celsius or higher), Damage Reduction (Ignotus have artificially thickened skin that considerably reduces incoming physical trauma), Resistance to Disease Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Pain Manipulation, and Corrosion Inducement (Ignotus have broken minds, totally preventing their own personalities from emerging and preventing mood shifts of any kind; their genes protect them from pain and many alternative forms of damage, including rot and toxins), since many Ignotus are taken from members of the Alliance of Peza and the Murderer Pack, many possess some or all of the following: Poison Manipulation (Many Ignotus naturally excrete a contact poison that covers their weapons), Corrosion Inducement (Some Ignotus spew a rotting gas that can rapidly shred internal organs if inhaled, leading to death in minutes), Reactive Evolution (Most Ignotus are stimulated by their own rotting gas and other adverse environmental factors, making them faster and stronger after exposure- similarly, many thrive in wet or humid environments), Empathic Manipulation (Many Ignotus emit pheromones to other humans that alter their stance towards the Ignotus to a more positive one), Animal Manipulation, Summoning (Some Ignotus have ties to bestial creatures and can summon them from far distances to serve them, and can turn beasts on their masters)
All base abilities (plus some or all of the optional base abilities) plus Ice Manipulation (Ignotus Elite use crypto gear to place their wounds in stasis to prevent death more efficiently), Smoke Manipulation, Forcefield Creation, Flight (Elite Ignotus have access to the same general utilities as typical Baseliner or non-noble Aetherius troops, with some exceptions- thus, they can don smokepop packs, shield belts, and jump packs), optionally may possess Light Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Durability Negation (Alpha, the best equipped Ignotus, wields a monosword and laser pistol- gear easily on-par with typical colony soldiers), Limited Fire Manipulation (Another Ignotus Elite, Mu, wields a persona chainsword that calms and abates flames around him)
Attack Potency: At least Small Building level (All Ignotus are equipped to the standards of high-end industrial soldiers, and can easily wipe out pre-industrial miners who can break apart stone and steel in only a few hits; due to bio-engineering, they are significantly above typical Industrial troops) | At least Small Building level+ (Ignotus elite such as Alpha are given typical weaponry and armor of basic space-age troops, and should be comparable to Janissaries who can physically tank and match mid-level psycasts), likely Building level (Alpha could harm and pose significant threat to Feralisk Clutch Mothers, although she was by far the strongest of the Ignotus) | At least Small Building level+ (Omicron Ignotus are substantially more powerful than their progenitors, and serve as the most advanced Ignotus geneline to date; they wield specially crafted explosive-armor piercing machine guns that can rip most enemies to shreds very quickly; although they are less well-armed compared to the Elites, they are physically superior)
Speed: Varies from Athletic Human to Peak Human (Ignotus are trained as shock troopers and are given many advantages in terms of speed- even basic units can walk at a pace of about 8.1 m/s, and peak units reach up to 11 m/s) | Varies from Athletic Human to Peak Human, Subsonic+ via Flight (Their jump packs match the speed of Comiphorous' jumps) | Varies from Athletic Human to Peak Human
Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Every colonist can easily pick up and haul a Paraceratherium, which weighs over 15 metric tons) | Class 25 | Class 25
Striking Strength: At least Small Building level | Small Building level+, likely Building level | At least Small Building level+
Durability: Small Building level | At least Small Building level+, likely Building level | At least Small Building level+
Stamina: Superhuman, the impact of their minds being broken has left them incapable of sleep and their biological enhancements have left them with a very tiny appetite, meaning an Ignotus can man his post in combat for hours or even days without rest
Range: Extended Melee, Tens to Hundreds of Meters via firearms
Standard Equipment: Various industrial-age firearms alongside a melee weapon- typically a saber, axe, or combat knife
Intelligence: Below Average, Ignotus are severely mentally handicapped by both their genes and the mindbreaking process they are put through upon being selected for the Ignotus program- this leaves them mentally deficient and incapable of pursuing even basic "complex" work- such as planting seeds or mining; they are still sentient to an extent, and react actively to their surroundings, but they are far enough below human baselines that they may be thought of as exceptionally intelligent animals, and are closer to the smartest breeds of dogs in terms of overall intellect
Weaknesses: Despite having no personalities to speak of, Ignotus show signs of extreme genetic aggression, which is modified into them under the belief that it will make them better soldiers- they are also hampered by extreme cold in their environments, and can easily die in temperatures below -30 to -35 Celsius | Same as previous key | Omicron generation Ignotus are less susceptible to cold weather, although they still prefer the heat; they similarly lack the mindbroken state of their peers, and also their extreme aggression, having that replaced with a certain quiet calm even in the heat of battle; however, Omicron Ignotus have unstable biologies, and are more susceptible to age and certain diseases, like cancer
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: