Ichigo Kurosaki[]
“ | It spins. The world changes. It turns. Each time it touches the sun and the moon it takes a new shape. The one thing that does not change is my powerlessness. It's turning. If fate is a millstone, then we are the grist. There is nothing we can do. So I wish for strength. If I cannot protect them from the wheel, then give me a strong blade, and enough strength... to shatter fate. | „ |
“ | "Difference… in power? Dumbass… just showing off your strength to your opponent isn't gonna be enough to get me to surrender… I knew you were stronger than I was, even from the start of our first battle. You really don't know me at all, do you? I am gonna go through as many battles as I can till I finally beat you, and then after that I'll go after one stronger enemy than the other. I'll go through endless bloodshed and survive for as long as I can, because I am determined to see this through the very end. And I fucking refuse to lose to a dipshit like you.I will find a way...to beat you...Ulquiorra…" | „ |
~ Ichigo to Ulquiorra. |
Ichigo Kurosaki is the main character of the Bleach crossover series Volume 1: Overflowed Ideal of Reality Made by the Author Combatlighting .
Credit goes to the author Combatlighting.
Appearance & Personality[]
- Pre Resurrection
Ichigo is a young man who's most distinguishing feature is his spiky orange hair, a trait he has been ridiculed about for years on end. He is a fairly tall, lean-built young man with peach skin and brown eyes. He likes to wear slim fitting clothes. He has a tendency to wear shirts patterned with the number 15 because his name is a homonym for the number. Since becoming a Shinigami, he has become noticeably more muscular, as noted by his sister Karin. When in his spiritual form, Ichigo wears the standard Shinigami attire, with the addition of a strap across his chest. Initially, it was a thick brown belt to hold his Zanpakutō sheath, but it later became a red rosary-like strap after awakening his own Shinigami powers. It is shaped like a kite with a flat top and bottom. Ichigo's appearance has caused several people, including Jūshirō Ukitake, to note a similarity to Kaien Shiba, the former lieutenant of the 13th Division. His vigilante outfit was given to him by Yoruichi, he wears a knee length black jacket with dark red accents, a beaked hood which covered his eyes and had two thick dark red lines from the end of the beak extending to the middle of the back. Underneath he wore a black tight shirt that accentuated his muscles and black gloves. He was using boots and cargo like pants to carry whatever equipment he chose. To top it off He seemed to wear a white scarf to cover up his face.
Ever since he was very young Ichigo wanted to become a hero, mostly thanks to the superheroes he saw on TV, being idealistic and naive until the day when his mother died, causing him to develop a form of Survivor's Guilt, causing him to repress his ideals. At 16, he was bitten by a spider that appeared to be magical. His personality compared to Canon he appears to be slightly more relaxed.
Unlike his Canon counterpart, Ichigo has spent more time with Orihime to the point where their relationship grew more that he even admitted he did love her. That said Ichigo is also far less prudish, rather than making a fuss about having sex with Nelliel he just questions her decision before obliging, he has also ogled other women before, more notably Tier Harribel/Tia Halibel when they first met.
Usually he will also appear to put on a mask of fake cheerfulness when he's affected by something, like the day his mother dies he will appear to be nonchalant or happy but in reality he feels depressed. Not only that but Ichigo also has a form of inferiority complex when he feels he's powerless to do anything.
- Post Resurrection:
His base appearance has not changed however his Hollowfied Transformation did. His lizard like form now appears to be more muscular and the lines on the mask have increased in number and thickness and Ichigo later transforms once again. This time, the full transformation is very physically different in appearance and far more powerful than the previous one. In this form, Ichigo has long straight hair, reaching down to his waist, and a Hollow hole, smaller than his previous one, decorated with markings stretching from the hole across his chest and shoulders. In this new form, he has a different Hollow mask. It covers Ichigo's entire head, and its markings are different, for it has four spike-shaped marks, two of them stopping by the forehead and the other two stretching past the eyes and teeth, going past his chin and joining with the marks on his chest. The mask features two long forward-pointing horns, with black strips extending from their center towards the tips.
Ichigo is still similar to what he was before the transformation as a person who wants to protect, at one point he almost let that desire extend to protecting every single person in the world, however he doesn't let that desire take over as he realizes doing that would be equal to being a thoughtless machine as he would end up prioritizing those around him more than himself which contradicts his desire as he would also count as part of everyone. Unlike his Canon counterpart he states that his Hollow isn't the one controlling his Vasto Lorde self but rather his deepest instincts and drive to protect Orihime.
After his transformations into a fully hollowfied being Ichigo had become notoriously more sharp and analytical into things, being able to properly point out and explain how Nnoitora’s hierro and that defeating Rudborn first would decrease the morale of his troops for instance, but in exchange Ichigo has demonstrated more outbursts regarding his battle Lust, such as in his fight with Grimmjow.
Personal Statistics[]
Alignment: Chaotic Good/Neutral Good
Name: Ichigo Kurosaki, The Shadow, Strawberry
Origin: Volume 1: Overflowed Ideal of Reality
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Classification: Quincy, Vizard
Date of Birth: July 15th, 2001
Birthplace: Karakura Town, Japan
Weight: 63kg
Height: 5'9 (175cm)
Likes: Chocolate
Dislikes: Fortune telling, Horoscopes, anyone whose trade involves taking money from people for things they cannot see and being deceived
Hobbies: Cooking
Values: Family, Friendship
Martial Status: Single
Status: Alive
Affiliation:His friends, Vizards, Gotei 13
Previous Affiliation: Ryoka group
Themes: Number One
Combat Statistics[]
Tier: At least 9-A, possibly higher | 7-A, High 7-A when boosted by White|High 7-A with Shikai, 6-C with Bankai, Higher with Hollow Mask | 7-A with Shikai, High 7-A with Bankai, higher with Hollow Mask | High 7-A, 6-C with Shikai, 6-C with Bankai, High 6-C with Vizard Mask | Low 6-B, 6-B with Vizard Mask | 6-A | 6-A
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses (Can sense spirits), Accelerated Development, Reactive Power Level, Pseudo-Flight, Chi Manipulation, Longevity, Statistics Amplification, Afterimage Creation, Dimensional Travel (With Senkaimon), Transformation (Can transform into a hollow), Multiple Personalities (Ichigo and Zangetsu are both seperate entities that behave completely different from one another), BFR (Shinigami can transfer the souls of the dead to either Soul Society or Hell depending on the deeds they've committed when they were alive with their Zanpakuto), Invisibility, Non-Physical Interaction(Can harm and interact with intagible spirits and objects), Aura, Resistance to Soul Manipulation.)
All previous abilities, Precognition, Extrasensory Perception(Can sense beings with Reiatsu), Surface scaling, Resistance to Possession (Can fight off Hollow Ichigo taking over his body), Regeneration (Regenerated a good portion of half of his body during his Vizard training), Berserk Mode, Natural Weaponry]] (Can grow extra appendages like arms or tails, even spawn creatures from his body, can lenghten his nails and produce webs), Instinctive Reaction (Zangetsu can save Ichigo from fatal wounds by deploying his mask at the targeted area)
Attack Potency: At least Small Building Level, likely far higher (Stated to have the level of power of High level Hollows wheareas most Hollows, even the weaker ones are easily capable of destroying entire rooms and small buildings with ease, moving at Hyper-Sonic speeds gives off this level of energy.). | Mountain Level+ (Defeated Kenpachi Zaraki, above Toshiro Hitsugaya, who can Create storms), Likely Large Mountain Level+ when boosted by White (Defeated Kenpachi without his Eyepatch) | Large Mountain Level+, likely Island level with Bankai (Fought Byakuya Kuchiki and Kariya Jin.), Higher with Hollow Mask (Pressed Byakuya in their fight) | Mountain Level (Defeated Yammy through a lot of effort, overpowered the Zzzax with one Getsuga Tenshou), Large Mountain Level+ (Can only keep up with Grimmjow and can't let him be able to fight back at all), higher with Hollow Mask. | Large Mountain Level+, Island Level (Fights the Vizards on a regular basis and keeps up with them), Island Level+, likely Large Island Level (Fought both Zaraki Kenpachi and Byakuya Kuchiki, defeated Grimmjow in their second match, effortlessly defeated Dordoni),Large Island level+ with Vizard Mask (Overpowered Byakuya's Sebonzakura Kageyoshi, easily defeated Kenpachi Zaraki)|Small Country Level (Effortlessly slaps away Grimmjow's | Gran Rey Cero), Country Level (Stalemated Descarron which Grimmjow considers more powerful than Gran Rey Cero or anything else in his arsenal) | Continent Level (His is this powerful), likely higher (Only has a part of his full Bankai Shihakushou) | At least Continent Level (Can easily handle the likes of Cero Espada Yammy who is above the Top Espadas who are able to | destroy Las Noches, Above the likes of Ulquiorra who used | Lanza Del Relampago)
Speed: At least Hypersonic (Fought Yoruichi for over a day, who is able to move at hypersonic speeds, cannot be seen by normal humans whenever he moves.) | At least Massively Hypersonic, Relativistic (Faster than | Uryu Ishida]) | Relatiistic, possibly FTL with Shikai (Blitzed three Lieutenants), FTL+ with Bankai (Could keep up with Byakuya), FTL+ with Hollow Mask | Relativistic with Shikai, FTL with Bankai (Can keep up with Grimmjow, who's more powerful than Yammy) | FTL+ with Shikai, FTL+ with Bankai, Massively FTL with Vizard Mask (Mask is a 5 to 10 times increase) | FTL+, possibly Massively FTL (Should be faster than before) | At least Massively FTL, likely far higher (Can blitz Ulquiorra in his Segunda Etapa) | Massively FTL (Should be Comparable to Halibel).
Lifting Strength: Likely Unknown, Class M with Webbing (Held a together a ferry when helping Iron Man) | Unknown
Striking Strength: At least Small Building Class. | Mountain Class | Mountain Class+, Large Mountain Class with Bankai, Island Class with Hollow Mask | Mountain Class+, Large Mountain Class with Bankai| Island Class, Island Class+ with Bankai, higher with Hollowfication | Large Island Class | Small Planet Class | Continent Class
Durability: At least Small Building Level (Is the level of a High Level Hollow), likely higher. | Mountain Level+ | Large Mountain Level+, Large Mountain Level+, likely Island Level with Bankai and Hollow Mask | Mountain Level+, Large Mountain Level+ in Bankai | Large Mountain Level+, Island Level+ with Bankai, Large Island Level+ with Vizard Mask | Large Island Level (Tanked attacks from Released Grimmjow) | Small Planet Level, likely higher | At least Continent Level (Took attacks from Yammy without issue)
Stamina: High (Trained with Yoruichi for around 2 days in harsh conditions) | High (Has been able to train with Urahara Kisuke for 5 days.)
Range: Standard Melee range. Extended Melee Range to tens of meters with his webbing. | Extended Melee Range, further with the shockwaves of his attacks, Hundreds of Meters to Kilometers with Getsuga Tenshō | Hundreds of Kilometers with Cero
Standard Equipment: Soul Reaper Badge
Intelligence: At least Average academically, Above Average in combat (Is a competent fighter, able to adapt against strange fighting styles like Ikkaku's that would confuse most novices, able to fight Byakuya to a stand still)
Weaknesses: High metabolism will slow and weaken him if he doesn't eat for too long in his human body | None Notable | Vizard Mask only lasts for 16 seconds
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Zanpakutou Powers[]
Shikai: After first being released, Zangetsu appeared as a massive, knife-like blade with no formal hilt, only a cloth-wrapped tang. In this form, Zangetsu is about as tall as Ichigo, and he can wield it by the cloth to swing and throw it opponents like a giant throwing knife.
- Getsuga Tenshou: Ichigo's signature attack, an highly condensed blast of spiritual energy released from the blade with a slash or however Ichigo so chooses, taking the form of a crescent as it rushes forwards, or even an burst in all directions.
Bankai : Tensa Zangetsu: Activated by pointing his Zanpakutō outwards and allowing its cloth to wrap around his arm, Ichigo's Tensa Zangetsu is very out of the ordinary for a Bankai. It shrinks Ichigo's normally massive sword down to a long sword, with a black blade. His Bankai's main trait is the overall enhancement of his physical abilities, most notably speed.
Vizard Powers[]
Shunpo: It is the Shinigami method of High Speed Movement, being a application of Hohõ. While Ichigo isn't the best at using it, he is particularly skilled with it in uses, even being capable of the utilizing the Afterimage technique.
Sonido: The Hollow method of High Speed movement, it is unknown how proficient with it Ichigo is.
Cero: The standard Hollow technique, it is a concentrated blast of spiritual power that can be fired in different forms.
- Unnamed Kido Cero: During his fight with Ulquiorra Ichigo attempts to use a Cero and ends up creating his own version of a Cero by mixing it with a form of Kido, this Cero is red with black lightning formed around it.
High Speed Regeneration: Ichigo can regenerate from extensive injuries, even when half his body had been blown off by Kensei.
Hierro : Tough Iron like skin, it's a ability most Hollows utilize allowing them to fight even armed shinigami.
Pesquisa : Allows Ichigo to sense enemies around him like a sonar.
Key: Base | Fight with Kenpachi| Post Bankai Training | Arrancar Arc/Restricted | Post Vizard Training | Post Hollow Transformation | Vasto Lorde fight | Post Vasto Lorde
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: