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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Articles About Hikari
Main Series Hikari's Light Festival
Royal Rumble Hikari - Circus Hikari
Non-canon Abandoned Creations - New Light - Crimson Festival
Hikari (New Light)


Hikari is one of the main characters of New Light a now cancelled project made by a 12 to 14 years old Volt12121. Born a Light Bringer that was once corrupted into turning into the demon Alpha until he was later on purified thanks to Volt's good heart and willpower, he however was reduce back into his infancy stage. Despite this Hikari became a powerful ally for the protector of New Light and his fullest potential would only be revealed turning the war against the demons where despite still being in his infancy, Hikari was capable of reaching powers far beyond that of a normal young light bringer.

Personal Statistics[]

Alignment: Lawful Good (Hikari is a Light Bringer which are beings that are kind and pacifist by nature, as such Hikari usually relies on pacifying his opponent and leaves attacking them as a last resort. He is also the perfect opposite of his corrupted self who was a being who wished nothing more than cause destruction)

Name: Hikari (Altought he technically has no true name)

Origin: New Light

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, within the Infancy stage of a Light Bringer

Classification: Light Bringer, Hero of New Light

Weight: 5 kilograms

Height: 0.50 Meters

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: yellow and white with blue stripe and swirls

Status: Alive

Powers and Stats[]

Keys: Restrained | Full potential

Tier: At least 6-C, Higher with Empowerment | 4-C, Higher with Empowerment

Powers and Abilities:

As a basic user of Vitality Hikari gains;

Magic (All living beings are capable of wielding magic by using their own Vitality.), Regeneration (Mid-Low; Vitality naturally allows users to regenerate minor wounds such deep cuts within mere moments.), Immortality (Type 2; Aslong as a being has an ounce of Vitality within them, they are able to live from wounds that would normally be lethal such as stabs to organs like the stomach without having to heal from them.), Power Bestowal and Healing (All living beings are capable of giving another being their own Vitality which allows them to heal wounds that they are unable to regenerate from on their own.), Non-Physical Interaction and Immortality Negation (Type 7; All living beings are capable of harming and even killing incorporeal beings such as ghosts.), Limited Resistance to Death Manipulation (Honey's father stated that "vitality is the energy that gives life, aslong as a living being has some within them, death can't take them".), Resistance to Soul Manipulation (Vitality is a spiritual energy that naturally protects the users' soul allowing them to survive direct strikes to it.), Willpower Manipulation (Vitality has been described as the "energy to act" as such aslong as one has Vitality they can not lose the will to act.)

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Type 1, 2 and 3; Hikari naturally has no need to breath, feed or rest), Small Size (Type 1, Hikari is 50 centimeters tall), Enhanced Senses, Natural Weaponry (Hikari has claws and fangs), Light Manipulation and Holy Manipulation (As a Light Bringer, Hikari can naturally harness the power of holy light, being capable of firing it in powerful beams), Social Influencing (Hikari is naturally highly charismatic due to his adorable apperance and kind nature, making it easy for him to resolve prombles through kindness, being even able to simply politly request that a monster stop his attack on New Light), Healing (Hikari can naturally heal others using soothing light), Limited Resurrection (Hikari can resurrect others as long as their soul is intact), Passive Purification (Type 2; Hikari's mere presence can purify corrupted grounds), Shapeshifting (Hikari's wolf form is merely for the convenience of a physical form, He can change the form at will if he so wishes), Incorporeality (Hikari's true form is merely light), Immortality (Type 1 and 8, Hikari can't die of old age and he will keep existing as long as light exist), Flight (Hikari is naturally capable of flight), Unconventional Precognition (Hikari had a vision of the war agaisnt the demon in his dream), Telepathy (Hikari is capable of sensing one's emotions), Summoning and Empathic Manipulation (Hikari can summon birds of lights which can bring calmness to one's soul if they were to be struck by them), Power Nullification (By branding people with a special symbol, Hikari can negate one's powers), Empowerment (As a Light Bringer, Hikari can naturally be empowered by hope), Forcefield Creation (Hikari can form barries of light to protect himself or ally from incoming attacks), Limited Plant Manipulation (By walking, Hikari naturally leaves behind flowers and grass patches), Sleep Manipulation (Hikari knows a special lullaby to put others to sleep), Resistance to Corruption (As a Light Bringer, Hikari is naturally resistant to Corruption), Morality Manipulation (As a Light Bringer, Demons are naturally unable to turn Hikari evil due to the lack of evil in his heart)

Same as before om a much greater extent plus, Power Bestowal and Statistics Amplification (Hikari can bless others, increasing their physical stats to be equal to his alongside granting them some new powers), Weapon Creation (Hikari can use his light in order to create weapons), Morality Manipulation (Hikari is capable of changing one's soul to render them good and turn them into an ally), Sealing (Hikari can entrap one in holy light, effectively trapping them in a bubble of light), Duplication (Hikari is capable of creating doubles of himself in order to more easily deal with opponents)

Attack Potency: At least Island level (Even in their infancy, Light Bringers are naturally stronger than mortals, making Hikari superior to Honey who could one shot Pyronick who claimed to be able to incinerate mountains which should be comparable to vaporizing them and Volt who after training a whole year to prepare himself for the war of demon had grown thrice his previous recorded analysis of Volt2'spower analyzer), Higher with Empowerment (As a Light Bringer, Hikari can naturally be empowered by hope, the more hope there is, the more Hikari becomes powerful) | Star level (Hikari can rivale high demons who according to him can "Snuff out stars as if they never existed"), Higher with Empowerment

Durability: At least Island level, Higher with Empowerment | Star level, Higher with Empowerment

Striking Strength: At least island level, Higher with Empowerment | Star level, Higher with Empowerment

Lifting Strength: At least Class 50 (Even in their infancy, Light Bringers are naturally stronger than mortals, making Hikari superior to Honey who could lift a semi-truck), Higher with Empowerment | Stellar, Higher with Empowerment

Travel Speed: Subsonic (Comparable to Volt who naturally moves faster than the eye can see), Higher with Empowerment | Subsonic, Higher with Empowerment

Combat Speed: Relativistic (Comparable to Volt who can dodge lasers) | FTL (Hikari can fight on part with demons who can dodge light projectiles thrown by Honey)

Reaction Speed: Relativistic | FTL

Stamina: Limitless (As a Light Bringer, Hikari naturally has a limitless pool of Vitality allowing him to have no need for rest)

Range: Standard Melee, Tens of Meters with magic

Intelligence: Genius (Despite being in his infancy state, Hikari is an highly inteligent being, being capable of rivalizing Volt2 in intelligence, someone capable of creating technology such as hoverboards, numerous laser guns etc. Hikari could also alongside the hero of New Light, fight thousand upon thousands of demons in order to save the human realm )

Standard Equipment[]

Nothing Notable


Standard Tactics:

Hikari is a passive fighter, instead of relying on brute force to subdue his enemy, Hikari will instead strike a conversation to try and pacify them while avoiding their attacks using his numerous abilites such as flight to keep out of their range, forcefield to protect himself and healing if he should ever be damaged. If Hikari sees that a normal conversation can't possibly calm them down he will instead rely on his powers such as the summoning of light birds which upon striking his opponent will bring calmness to their soul or if he can get in close, he will brand them with the Null symbol effectively negating their power until he removes it.

Hikari will attempt to change the person soul in order to turn them into an ally, if this was to fail, Hikari will attempt to pacify them as he would have done when restrained while also adding in the attempt to seal them if they refuse to calm dowm.

Weaknesses: Hikari is a pacifist and as such will almost never strike his opponent unless there is absoultely no other ways for him to spare them. Lost of hope will weaken Hikari alongside making him more susceptible to corruption.

Battle Records[]

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
