“ | You pathetic insects. The fight's been happening for a while now, and you've been getting your asses handed to you by me at every turn. Hah, weaklings. Everyone knows you're losing this war. Every time you fight, every time you try to stand against me, you lose and get decimated.. I'm standing infront of your capital city now, and I will taking it by storm. When I do, you're gonna be crying and asking for mercy, but I'm not showing any. Your country's not gonna make it much longer. When I'm done destroying your little place, all that's left will be ashes and dust, nothing more. | „ |
~ High Celebrant of Xial |
“ | The irrelevance to all is a realization that may be achieved through many means. Mine was a consequence of betrayal, betrayal omnipresent at every twist, Betrayed I was, by the very bonds of my bloodline who spurned their duty to tend to me, betrayed by a father consumed by avarice, a mere puppeteer seeking to exploit my power, and betrayed by brethren who craved naught but my demise. All these vermin are naught but forgotten morsels, dissipated into the ether, their remains crushed to insignificance beneath my boots. | „ |
~ High Celebrant of Xial |
The High Celebrant of Xial, often referred to as High Celebrant or Celebrant for short by her peers, is a character from Kadarjahan, Storiverse. She is a high-ranked Separian operating directly under the command of Xial, the Grasper of All, and formally the second-highest authority below Xial in Separia.
(This backstory will refer to character known as High Celebrant of Xial as "Cel", shortened from "Celebrant", to avoid confusion. Cel is a unique character who abandoned her former identity and name when she joined Xial and took the title High Celebrant of Xial, since she wasn't known as such in her past and the name she abandoned is unknown, her biopgrahy will refer to her as Cel)
Cel hails from the Island of Artocas located in the northern shore of Enthosts subrealm. She was born in 1205 AC, at a particularly unstable period on history of Artocas. Artocas was a small island with a surface area of less than 4 thousand km2, this island was unhabited prior to a group of Narians arriving there through its Obelisk. Narians, who could not operate Obelisk to teleport back to their homeland, decided to settle on the island in around year 600s AC, forming a city named Leskik around the Obelisk. Around year 700s. Narian Havaner and leader of Vasonra Organization Ushkara was able to unify other Organizations and established a State there, named Kingdom of Leskik with its capital in Leskik. This isolated Narian culture developed an unique religion revolving around the worship of the Obelisk, as Obelisk provided vitality to those lived nearby and cured diseases, Leskik Narians over time forgot about Teleportation functions of the Obelisk as they could not operate it, and started to worship it as a kind of deity due to its positive effects on surrounding lands, naming it Halla. Kingdom of Leskik never expanded northern parts of Artocas as it was not benefical to move away from Halla Obelisk, Leskik also defended against various mainland tribes who sought to conquer the land surrounding Halla Obelisk, but were consistently repelled by Kingdom of Leskik.
Over time, Leskik Narian learned to harness the effects of Halla Obelisks to craft weapons around early 900s, this was a controversal process as many worshipped Halla as a deity and did not approve usage of its blessings in warfare. This eventually led to a large revolt starting in year 1020. Between Leskik royal government and rebels who disagreed on usage of Halla blessings in warfare. This revolt came to end in 1050s, with a victory of Leskik royal government, survivors of the rebels were expelled or fled to northern parts of Artocas, where Leskik was not willing to expand to.
This event effectively formed a schism between Narians of Atrocas, Narians of the Kingdom of Leskik, centered around the city of Leskik and having direct control over about one-third of the island, and descendants of Narian rebels who fled and expelled to northern Artocas, gradually adopting a nomadic lifestyle. Leskik periodically raided and attacked these nomadic Narians which they referred to as Stoneheds, to keep them in check, while nomadic Narians referred to Narians of the Kingdom of Leskik as Leretics.
It was in such environment Cel was born in year 1205, from a Stonehed tribe. Her father, Reltenah, was a warrior who fought against Leretic soldiers many times in his life. Growing up a tough childhood, Cel questioned her own life and life of those around her as a child, due to battles that were common at time and she was familiar with even as a child. When she was just thirteen years old, she killed a Adnuh, a type of animal similar to Turkey, for food. Holding its body, she wondered how easy it was for her to kill an Adnuh despite being a child. Adnuhs were slow, weak, nearly blind, and not particularly intelligent. She wondered if something even deserves to live if they can be killed this easily and even asked about it to her father about it. Her father skipped the question, and the tribe in general was worried at Cel having such thoughts. Despite this, Cel loved her family and tribe, and would not wish them any harm, while her family secretly grew more and more vary of her, with the exception of her father, who appeared to have trusted her and even continued to train her as a warrior to defend the tribe against further Leskik raids, she would take parts in battles against Leskik as early as fourteen years of age.
Three years later, another raid targeting the tribe of Cel was launched from Leskik, a particularly larger raid force. The tribe of cel had allied itself with surrounding Stonehed tribes, but the battle did not end well for Stoneheds and many were killed in battle as well as Cel's father was captured. Cel attempted to save her father, but was beaten back and left wounded, left to die of her wounds. When Cell wake up some hours later, she still possessed her injuries, and wondered what happened to her family. She, despite being severely wounded, was able to treat herself and visited back to her tribe's location. Cell's tribe was fearful of her to the point of not taking care of her when she was wounded. When Cel arrived there, she questioned this and asked her tribe members why she was not taken with them and taken care of, while her tribe members, her mother and siblings, simply said they were too afraid and fled the battlefield without taking Cel. This was a lie, even though Cel did not wan to think it that way.
As years passed, Cel's father, Reltenah, captured and kept in Leskik. Cel became the de-facto leader of her tribe, as other members were too afraid of her to challenge the position. They did not like Cel, did not want Cel, afraid of Cel, but also relied on Cel to fight back further Leskik raids. One such Leskik raid, large similar to the one captured her father, arrived to attack the Stoneheds again five years later. Cel, now much stronger, could fight back, but once she fell, other tribe members simply fled, did not even bother saving her. So she too was captured and brought to Leskik, there she saw something she never wished she would. One of the Leskik soldiers standing near the entrance of Leskik capital, who was likely the one ordered this raid, was no other than Cel's father, Reltenah.
Cel was put on trial, to determine her punishment for crimes against Leskik, what a funny joke this was, Cel thought. Reltenah, using his influence on Leskik authorities, was able to make Cel avoid death penalty and instead convinced the court to make Cel a Leskik soldier under his command. Cel's life was spared, thanks to her father, the only person to ever have cared about her, but still a liar and betrayer, Cell thought. Cel looked at Reltenah with disgust. Reltenah later explained the situation to Cel, revealing that she was a Leskik soldier who infiltrated Stonehed tribes years ago as part of a mission. But during this mission, he had met Cel's mother and fell in love, abandoning his former identity as a soldier of Leskik and adopting Stonehed identity, even using an alias. Reltenah told Cel even though he loved Cel, other of his kids, and mother, it was futile to resist against Leskik. Reltenah revealed that this trial was just formality, Reltenah only had power to save one person, and he choose Cel. Reltenah now desired Cel to live her life as a Leskik soldier.
Although deep down Cel appreciated Reltenah's love towards her, she still saw his actions to be treachery, and deep down, did not want to accept. She thought death was better than this, but came to accept it eventually, just to infiltrate Leskik military and society just as Reltenah infiltrated Stonehed tribes. And she swore to herself Reltenah's death be by her hand, she would not forgive him. She started working for Leskik government for nearly a decade, in each year her disgust towards her father grew, a man who lived his life seemingly completely forgetting his Stonehed family, seemingly showing no remorse whatsoever. Cel, given the type of missions given to her by her father, believed that her father was a pathological liar and a traitor, who only made her into a Leskik soldier in order to use her. Reltenah not even once mentioned the family he left behind in Stonehed tribes, as if he never cared about them, even though he said he did.
Cel had enough, for a decade of working in Leskik, she eventually decided to act and kill the traitor of a father Reltenah was. During a time when Cel and Reltenah was rather isolated in northernmost areas under control of Leskik, Cel suddenly launched an attack on Raltenah in order to kill him, she aimed to kill Reltenah here and flee to north, to Stonehed tribes. Reltenah died in the attack, and Cel fled. Cel arrived near the location of her tribe, while likely being pursued by a large Leskik military. Her tribe was fearful of her as usual, and only reluctantly allowed her to get in. Few hours later, a large Leskik army arrived the scene and demanded tribe to give Cel, they did not wish a battle and all they wished for was Cel. Cel stepped ahead, and said she would not come and Leskik can only take her corpse. Cel, for a second, actually thought she would be backed by her tribe members, but not a single of them helped her during the battle. Cel was defeated and captured, when she looked back at her tribe, she saw their face was filled with relief, Cel finally understood her tribe never cared for her, a truth she did not want to accept for years.
Cel was captured and brought back to Leskik, where another she was put under another trial. This time no Reltenah to save her from execution, she was sentenced to death by End Pit. End Pit was a type of large hole in southernmost parts of Leksik, a hole that led to a large cave underwater, filled with large, aggressive sea creatures. She was thrown in the Pit and entrance was sealed, her punishment was to drown or be eaten by creatures.
Cel fell into the water, and was immediately attacked by sea creatures, she tried to fight out of this, but failed to do so. She felt this being her last moment, her legs and arms were ripped off and her chest was maimed by creatures trying to eat her alive, and she was alive for all of this ordeal. But, something suddenly changed, she, in her near-death state where she was reduced to a head and half a torso, she saw a shadowy entity arrive and kill all of the creatures nearby. The entity raised Cel above the water and healed her wounds, putting her near top of the cave.
"What are you?" Asked Cel
"At every twist and turn, treachery was your constant companion, weaving a web of lies and deceit that plagued your existence. Your noble intentions led you astray, as the cruel hand of fate now condemns you to a merciless demise. I was nothing but a Watcher, Watcher of your life, but I shall no longer only Watch."
Cel paused for a moment, but she led it off and responded "You spoke of the truth. These sea creatures. The Kingdom of Leskik, my treacherous tribe. They called themselves my family, my bloodline. But in truth, they were nothing but treacherous traitors. Not once did they hold love for me in their hearts, for their affections were naught but a hollow facade. When the chains of captivity bound me, and I gazed upon their wretched visages, a revelation dawned upon me. There, etched upon their faces, was not a hint of sorrow or longing, but instead, a perverse sense of relief. They rejoiced in my absence, glad to be rid of my presence, for I was a burden to their pitiful existence.", Dishing out in wrath her decades of hatred and rage, but rather continued and asked "But who are you?"
"I am your Watcher, a being that interacted to you in your dreams and books you read in the past. You know me Now, what path shall you tread, abandoned and forsaken? The faces you once knew, the ones who should have held care for you, proved to be nothing but deceit and malice. Your tribe, those who should have embraced you, yearned for your demise. Your own mother, the one who bore you, harbored the desire that you had never drawn breath. And your father, oh, how he reveled in the charade of love, all to exploit you as a mere tool in his grand design. But fear not, for I, the solitary figure who extended a helping hand, remain by your side. When all others turned their backs, it was I who offered solace in the midst of your desolation. Now, faced with this grim reality, what course shall you chart?"
Cel remembered how books she used to read would have texts in them that specifically looked like they were for her, and others could not read them or see them. She had forgotten these long ago, but she recognized and understood
Cel responded by saying "Ah, the Watcher of mine, forever fixed upon my plight. Throughout my existence, an insatiable hunger gnawed within me, yearning for the tender embrace of genuine affection, the solace of belonging, and the clarity of purpose. Alas, these simple treasures, bestowed upon many, remained but elusive mirages, forever beyond my reach. The very beings who should have nurtured me, those closest in blood, harbored a disdain, wishing my very existence undone, trembling at the mere sight of me, terrified of my presence. Now, I beseech you, the Watcher of mine, what course of action do you desire from me?"
The entity responded. "Such choices are not within my purview, yet I hold the means to bestow what you crave. I possess the ability to grant your deepest desires, to satiate the yearnings that consume you. However, before I bestow upon you such bounties, I demand that you understand the insignificance that engulfs this realm. Know that Leskik, Stoneheds, this land itself, reek of unworthiness and impurity. Their insolence shall not go unpunished. I shall empower you with the mighty laws of retribution, for you shall become my emissary of doom upon this accursed isle and all who dwell upon it. Pledge your unwavering devotion to me, assume the mantle of a follower of mine, Xial, and become the High Celebrant of mine, and by the laws, you shall never be alone again."
Cel paused for a moment, but deep down she felt the hatred boiling inside of her, and she responded "Indeed, these wretched beings are naught but detestable filth. I pledge myself wholly to you, Xial, the sole entity who has shown me a modicum of care amidst this sea of disdain. I renounce my former identity, casting it aside like a discarded husk. From this moment forth, I shall emerge anew as the High Celebrant of yours. With unwavering devotion, I shall wield the power bestowed upon me by your divine presence. This forsaken island, burdened by the weight of its abhorrent inhabitants, shall face the full force of my wrath. I shall enact a punishment so severe that it shall crumble under the weight of its own rot and decay. No longer shall it endure the presence of such repugnant refuse."
Xial gave Cel power necessary to punish the people of Artocas, both Leskik and Stoneheds. She destroyed the entire island, leaving nothing in return aside from a small land surrounding the Obelisk, which was turned into a small Separian Outpost several years after the birth of High Celebrant of Xial and her joining of Separia.
Over time, the High Celebrant of Xial, in an unprecedented ascent, experienced constant exponential surge in influence and dominion, eventually attaining the grand position as the paragon of supremacy within the vast tapestry of Separia. Positioned meticulously below the esteemed Xial herself, yet commanding a formal authority that soared above all others, the High Celebrant assumed an unrivaled mantle not solely predicated on sheer power, but rather anchored in the embodiment of absolute authority. As the earthly manifestation of Xial's resolute volition, the High Celebrant exerted an omnipresent agency, encompassing the intricacies and intricately interwoven subrealm of Entshost.
Powers and Abilities[]
Tier: At least 6-A. At least High 4-C, likely 4-B as Photon Encryption Integration Procedure
Name: High Celebrant of Xial
Origin: Kadarjahan (Storiverse)
Gender: Female
Age: Over 300 years old
Classification: Separian, Havaner, Soldier of Separia, Second-in-command of Separia
Powers and Abilities:
Havaner Physiology, Blade Canon, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (2, 3, 4 and 8; Narians can survive grevious injuries through sheer resolve; The High Celebrant can survive as a disembodied mind. She will be revived by Xial upon death, but this is not applicable for combat as it can take weeks), Regeneration (High-Mid; Celebrant's resolve allows her to heal through being chopped into dozens of pieces), Hair Manipulation (Narians can control hairs on their head as a limb and use it in combat), Supernatural Willpower (Narians are linked to their own resolve, the more resolve a Narian has, the more powerful they can get and can surive situations that would otherwise be fatal), Master Combatant, Master Gunner, Extrasensory Perception, Non-Physical Interaction, Analytical Prediction, Information Analysis, Accelerated Development and Power Mimicry (She is vastly above most Marauders in terms of combat prowess), Antimatter Manipulation, Danmaku and Explosion Manipulation (Can fire tens of thousands of bullet projectiles made out of antimatter. These projectiles annihilate whatever they touch, manifesting a large explosion as an aftermath), Data Manipulation and Hacking (Able to hack and intervene with technology through Hava, can access data of computers or hack to take control of sentient AIs powered and protected by Hava), Power Nullification, Sealing, and limited Creation (Can create large cubes that can engulf her targets, restaining them and restricting their Hava abilities), Shapeshifting and Matter Manipulation (Organic Molecular; Can generate vast spikes out of her body for various purposes), Attack Reflection (Able to redirect attacks back to their source), Immortality Negation (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 9) and Regeneration Negation (High-Godly; can cause permanent damage on Exalteds, a damage which then extends to their Dahakhud and, if sufficent, destroys it as well. Can also permanently kill off beings of Contour), Transformation and Statistics Amplification (Can transform into Photon Encryption Integration Procedure, which massively boosts her offensive and defensive capabilities)
Resistance to Analytical Prediction, Information Analysis, and Power Mimicry (Like many Havaners, High Celebrant of Xial is resistant to prowess on her own level), Damage Boost, Pain Manipulation and Statistics Reduction (Resistant to weaponry of Kanduhans), Causality Manipulation, Information Manipulation (Type 2), Corruption (Type 2), Possession, Body Puppetry, Mind Manipulation, Transmutation (She cannot be Grasped by Xial)
Attack Potency: At least Continent level (Stronger than Vakvaro) At least Large Star level, likely Solar System level as Photon Encryption Integration Procedure (While using PEIP, She is physically on par with Xial, her master)
Speed: At least Supersonic movement speed. At least Massively FTL+ flight speed, Massively FTL+ combat & reaction speed (She is vastly superior to most Marauders including some of the Exalted ones)
Lifting Strength: At least Class K (She is vastly superior to most Marauders including some of the Exalted ones)
Striking Strength: At least Continent level. At least Large Star level, likely Solar System level as Photon Encryption Integration Procedure
Durability: At least Continent level. At least Large Star level, likely Solar System level as Photon Encryption Integration Procedure
Stamina: Superhuman normally. Far more resillient than most of the Marauders. Infinite through tribute gain. Can continue acting as long as she has a flow of tributes
Range: Standard melee range normally, up to several kilometers with Hava blasts
Standard Equipment: None notable.
Intelligence: At least Extraordinary Genius. The High Celebrant's intelligence, capability, and prowess vastly outweigh most of the Marauder and she is comparable to Aktah, the Repulser, who himself was superior to Ravan, the High Ambition even in his youth centuries ago when it comes to intellect, cunning, and prowess. Even weakest of Marauders are far superior to Chelik, Bane of the Arasah, who himself is far superior to all other Belligers. Even weakest of Belligers are far superior to likes of Artashtaransalar, the Chief of Chiefs, who himself is far superior to all other Prowlers combined. Even weakest of Prowlers are geniuses in their own right with extensive knowledge in all forms of combat art in Jhana. Prowlers possess the remarkable ability to generate numerous afterimages, exact replicas of themselves, creating confusion and disorientation among their adversaries. Their exceptional reflexes and heightened awareness enable them to anticipate their opponents' actions with complete clarity. Augmenting their skills are their extraordinary senses, granting them the ability to perceive details down to the size of quarks, as well as detect sights and sounds from vast distances of kilometers away. With a mere glance, they possess the groundbreaking capability to gather information about individuals or objects, comprehending their abilities, fighting style, and even their current thoughts. This profound insight empowers them to mimic observed abilities, surpassing the original users in their effectiveness. The Prowlers have even demonstrated the astonishing capacity to easily comprehend and interact with emotions and ideas, allowing them to touch, harm, or even kill such things. Their mastery extends to physical phenomena as well, as they possess the ability to physically grab smoke or shadows, showcasing their dominance over the ethereal. Furthermore, their meticulous control over their own bodies enables them to manipulate their physical form at the quark level, reshaping themselves or generating weapons at will. Their graceful movements avoid disturbing the air or producing sound, further enhancing their stealth and agility.
Standard Tactics:
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Attacks/Techniques:[]
- Narian: The High Celebrant is a Narian. Narians have certain innate abilities that are enhanced through Hava.
- Haircontrol: Narians can control their hairs as if it is a third limb, can weaponize it in combat
- Resolve: Narians have a special relationship with resolve, the more resolve a Narian has, the more powerful they can get and can surive situations that would otherwise be fatal. This gives them an additional resilience.
- Hava Command: The High Celebrant is an Havaner, thus has command over Hava, which by itself grants set of innate abilities.
- Prowess/Sight: the High Celebrant's Prowess and sight is superior to most Marauders. She is superior to Ravan, the High Ambition in terms of prowess due to being comparable to Aktah, the Repulser, who was superior to Ravan even in his youth centuries ago. Even weakest of Marauders are far superior to Chelik, Bane of the Arasah, Commander-General of Belligers. Even weakest of Belligers are far superior to Artashtaransalar, the Chief of Chiefs, Commander-General of Prowlers, who himself is superior to all other Prowlers combined. Even weakest of Prowlers possess an unparalleled mastery of all forms of combat art, sword technique, and marksmanship in the realm of Jahan. Their knowledge of weapons is so comprehensive that they are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of every type of sword or gun in existence. Furthermore, the Prowlers are able to generate numerous afterimages that appear to be exact duplications of themselves, which can confuse and disorient their opponents. Their ability to predict the movements of their opponents with extreme clarity before they even act is a testament to their incredible reflexes and awareness. The Prowlers also possess extremely enhanced and precise senses, allowing them to see and hear everything down to the level of quarks and perceive sounds and sights from great distances of kilometers away. They have the groundbreaking ability to gather information on people or objects simply by looking at them, learning someone's power, fighting style, and even their present thoughts with a mere gaze. This incredible insight allows them to mimic the abilities they see and improve upon them, using them more effectively than the original user, to the point of being able to outperform those who outperformed them mere moments ago. The Prowlers have even been known to possess the ability to touch, harm, and even kill emotions and ideas, a skill that demonstrates their extraordinary control over the world around them. They can also physically grab smoke or shadows, which speaks to their mastery over the intangible. Their control over their own bodies is so precise that they have quark-level control over their own physique, allowing them to change their shape and grow weapons at will. They can move in a way that avoids touching the air and makes no sound, further enhancing their stealth and agility.
- Unmatter: The High Celebrant is able to weaponize Antimatter itself, a highly destructive ability as interaction of matter and antimatter results in annihilation of both, the effect is highly amplified by use of Hava abilities. She is able to fire tens of thousands of bullet projectiles made of antimatter, these projectiles annihilate parts of whatever they touch, and aftermath also generates a large explosion
- Hackery: The High Celebrant is able to intervene in technology through hacking, she is able to hack to take control of sentient AIs powered and protected by Hava, or can hack to access Data and steal well-protected knowledge from her targets.
- Cube: The High Celebrant can create a large cube-shaped black object that engulfs her targets, imprisoning them within and restaining their Hava abilities.
- Root: The High Celebrant is able to generate large, sharp spikes from her body for various purposes. She can generate them through her feet to ambush the enemy from ground, or plant them to have them activate later, attacking enemies that get near, effectively working as a trap.
- Backfire: The High Celebrant is able to repel all types of attacks targeted at her back to the source of the attack itself, be it physical attacks, or more sophisticated Hava abilities, all are repelled and sent back to their source.
- Photon Encryption Integration Procedure: The High Celebrant is able to transform into PEIP to massively boost her physical stats, making her comparable to her master
- Standard Blade Canon Abilities: Xial gained access to a Piece and belief in Warpath along with it made her access the Blade Canon, all Separians under her rule can access it (also see Blade Canon page for innate resistances)
- Blade Canon users possess the remarkable ability to engage in combat with a primal instinct that is beyond conscious control. Their instincts allow them to react seamlessly to incoming attacks by evading or obstructing them, and they can even launch counterattacks with an unconscious flair. Their combat prowess is so impressive that they can continue to fight even after enduring a catastrophic injury such as having their heads blown away
- Blade Canon users have the ability to enhance their powers by obtaining what are known as "tributes". These tributes are mainly acquired through acts of destruction, violence, bloodshed, and death. Causing Death is the most efficient way to obtain tributes. For Kanduhans, it is not uncommon for a low-ranking individual to ascend into a Marauder simply because they were able to kill someone of higher rank and thus acquire their tributes.
- Blade Canon users possess the ability to generate electrical energy within their bodies, harnessing this power to not only augment their physical capabilities but also to wield it as a formidable weapon. This electricity serves as a conduit of immense power that they can manipulate and channel through their bodies and their weapons, unleashing devastating attacks upon their adversaries. Moreover, the electric power coursing through the Blade Canon user's veins is not only used offensively, but also defensively. They can manipulate and control the flow of electricity to create a paralyzing effect that incapacitates their opponents, leaving them vulnerable to attack. This ability to not only attack with lethal force but also to incapacitate opponents demonstrates the versatility and adaptability of Blade Canon users, making them formidable foes in any combat situation.
- Blade Canon users can generate a specialized type of acid within their bodies. This potent acid serves as a devastating weapon that they can channel through their bodies and their weapons, dissolving any material it comes into contact with. The acidic nature of this substance is incredibly corrosive, capable of breaking down and deconstructing even the most durable of materials with ease. Blade Canon users can control the strength and intensity of the acid to suit their needs, from mild erosive effects to full-blown dissolution, leaving their enemies helpless and vulnerable.
- Blade Canon users are able to corrode objects or living beings with a mere touch of their left hand. This power is not only potent but also highly specialized, enabling Blade Canon users to neutralize their adversaries with astonishing efficiency. The corrosive agent generated by Blade Canon users is incredibly potent, capable of breaking down and degrading even the most durable of materials, leaving them weakened and vulnerable. The power of this ability is such that it can also corrode living beings, causing debilitating pain and disfigurement, and even death if not treated promptly. The corrosive agent generated by Blade Canon users only functions when in contact with their left hand. Once contact is broken, the corrosive effects immediately cease.
- Blade Canon users potent ability to generate poisons within their bodies. This power not only makes them formidable combatants but also grants them the ability to manipulate and control their adversaries in unprecedented ways. The poisons generated by Blade Canon users are incredibly potent and varied, capable of weakening or corrupting their targets, allowing them to control the their bodies after extensive application of the poison.
- Blade Canon users possess an aura that extends several meters around them. This aura is a passive radiation of their lethal and destructive abilities, radiating their potent poisons, corrosive substances, and acidic compounds into the environment; the abilities mentioned earlier, constantly active within the boundaries of the aura.
- Blade Canon users possess an immesurable level of endurance and resilience. They are tireless beings, capable of surviving indefinitely without rest, food, water, or air. Additionally, their incredible physical fortitude extends to the vacuum of space, where they can survive without any protection or life support systems. Due to this resilience, the internal organs of Blade Canon users, specifically those responsible for digestion and breathing, slowly erode and disintegrate over time. Since Blade Canon users do not require food, water, or air, these organs eventually become obsolete and wither away to nothingness. This remarkable adaptation allows Blade Canon users to focus their biological resources on more critical functions, such as the generation of their other various abilities. By shedding the burden of organs that are no longer necessary, Blade Canon users can optimize their physiology for combat and other essential activities. Attacks of Blade Canon users have a devastatingly potent effect on their targets. Their abilities are so effective that they can halt the natural processes of healing and regeneration that are possessed by many of their targets. Even the weakest attack from a Blade Canon user can inflict permanent damage or kill Arasah chiefs - powerful beings with the ability to regenerate their bodies even after complete destruction. This feat speaks to the incredible potency of the Blade Canon user's attacks, which can neutralize even the most formidable opponents with ease. The effect of a Blade Canon user's attack is more than just physical damage; it has an inherent ability to disrupt and disable the processes of regeneration and healing. This means that even if a target could regenerate or heal from their injuries, they would be unable to do so after being struck by a Blade Canon user's attack. The ramifications of such an ability are profound, as it essentially removes the safety net that most beings rely on to recover from injuries sustained in battle. The effect of a Blade Canon user's attack is so absolute that it renders the target vulnerable to subsequent attacks, making it a highly effective weapon in combat.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: