FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Herobrine is an entity that poses as a boss within the Minecraft mod: Voidcraft. He only shows his Avatar during the fight and supposedly can't truly be killed, though destroying his avatar weakens him enough that he is unable to fight. He is the incarnation of Chaos and Destruction and governs the Nether.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Unknown

Name: Herobrine

Origin: Voidcraft

Gender: Genderless

Age: Unknown

Classification: Voidcraft boss entity

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Extrasensory Perception (Can see invisible beings), Summoning (Can summon Wither Skeletons and Herobrine Creepers), Immortality (Type 9), Fire Manipulation, can shoot Wither Skulls, Status Effect Inducement, Statistics Amplification, Heat Manipulation (Can melt Nether Bricks into lava), Explosion Manipulation, Intangibility, temporary Invulnerability, Resistance to Gravity Manipulation (Can fly in the Xia world where it would typically be impossible), conventional 3-dimensional strikes (unless weakened), and Void Manipulation (Unaffected by Voidic Infusion) | All previous, Non-Corporeal, possibly Abstract Existence (Type 3: Is supposedly the incarnation of Chaos and Destruction)

Attack Potency: Unknown (Should be comparable to Dol and Zol) | Unknown

Speed: At least Normal Human with Subsonic combat, reaction, and flight speeds (Comparable to The Player) | At least Normal Human with Subsonic combat, reaction, and flight speeds

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown

Striking Strength: Unknown | Unknown

Durability: Unknown | Unknown

Stamina: Limitless

Range: Tens of meters

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Unknown

Weaknesses: "AIBlocks" and Null entity magic

Key: Avatar | True form

Note: This article is considered Word of God as it is stated by the creator of the mod itself: Tamaized


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
