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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


The Serpent.

God is a funny little guy. "I am the Lord and besides me there is no God". Hell, I can think of at least 330 million gods in Hinduism alone. Honestly, he's very proud and self-centered.
~ The Serpent.


The Serpent of Light.

I admit that Eve was a beautiful woman with a very attractive body... But honestly, I think Adam was the most perfect and beautiful thing I've ever seen in my entire life.
~ The Serpent about Adam and Eve.


The Tempter.

Stop calling me Serpent! I have name! Which is Nachash (Serpent). What's the difference? I do not know.
~ The Serpent.


The Tempter.

Stop calling me Serpent! I have name! Which is Nachash (Serpent). What's the difference? I do not know.
~ The Serpent.


And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
~ Genesis 3:14-15.

The Serpent, also known as the Serpent of Eden, Serpent of Light and Nachash, is the most famous serpent in the Bible, having been the snake that appeared to Eve and convinced her to eat the forbidden fruit. The Serpent of Eden was a manifestation created by Lucifer, who after the Morning Star was expelled from Heaven, was left aimless and traveled to Hell along with their true self, where they became Sheol's Mascot. However, this little serpent should not be underestimated, as it is believed to have devoured the bodies of several demons that in the past tried to rebel against the Morning Star, such as Satanachia and Gremory.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 3-B | Unknown, possibly 2-A

Name: The Serpent, Serpent of Eden, Serpent of Light, Nachash, Satan, The Snake, The Tempter.

Origin: Throne of Heaven.

Gender: Hemaphrodite. Manifests themselves as Male and Female.

Age: + 10.000.000 Years.

Classification: Serpent, Mascot of Hell, Demon, Avatar of Lucifer.

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Darkness Manipulation, Embodiment Physiology (Type 0), Poison Manipulation, Immortality (Type 1, 2 and 3), Regeneration (High-Mid), Unholy Manipulation, Self-Sustenance (Type 1, 2 and 3), Disease Manipulation, Corruption, Possession, Social Influencing, Genius Intelligence, Absorption, Empowerment, Statistics Amplification, Shapeshifting | Same as before, but on an infinitely higher scale, as well as: Embodiment Physiology (Type 2), Breaking the Fourth Wall

Attack Potency: Multi-Galaxy level (Devoured several demons who opposed Lucifer, with the Princes of Hell fearing being devoured by them as well) | Unknown, possibly Multiverse level+ (Claims to have transcended their existence when also when Lucifer ascended to Buddhahood, due to the two being directly connected, being the direct Avatar of the Morning Star, having achieved unlimited power as their true self)

Speed: Unknown, with attacks FTL (is able to cast poison at demons faster than the eyes of the Princes of Hell) | Unknown, possibly Immeasurable

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown, possibly Immeasurable

Striking Strength: Multi-Galaxy Class | Unknown, possibly Multiversal+ Class

Durability: Multi-Galaxy level | Unknown, possibly Multiverse level+

Stamina: Infinite.

Range: Standard Melee Range Extended melee range with strikes.

Standard Equipment: None notable.

Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscience.

Weaknesses: None notable.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

Edenverse by Had3s1235
           Logo of Warriors of Eden

Isaac Smith | Helena Smith | Benjamin Smith | Jeanne Smith | Elizabeth Johnson | Berith Edwards | Samuel Smith | Esther Roberts | Isabel Smith | Noah | Naamah Edwards | King Solomon | The Detective | Robert Thatcher | Dantalion Edwards
Legion | Abaddon | Great Red Dragon | Asmodeus | Leviathan | Mammon | The Serpent | Lilith | Samael | Belial | Belphegor | Azazel | Bellzebub | Isaac Smith | Isabel Smith | Rafael Smith | Elias Smith
Michael | Lucifer | Gabriel | Raphael | Uriel | Jophiel | Sathariel | Shekhinah | Daniel | Mebahel | Ierathel | Hosana
Zeus | Poseidon | Hades | Chaos | Ouroboros | Odin | Loki | Izanagi | Izanami | Amaterasu | Susanoo | Tsukuyomi | Brahma | Shiva | Vishnu | Asherah | El | Ra | Bastet | Apophis | Anubis | Nun | Osiris | Isis
Sophia | Statue of Liberty | Christ the Redeemer | Golden Buddha | Statue of Unity | Colossus of Rhodes
The Author | Springtrap
Humans | Angels | The Stick Men
