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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
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The Accuser and Prosecutor, Lucifer.

You are wrong about me. I was not responsible for the death of your parents. Do you know who the real culprit is? Is God! He is our enemy! We are in this together, we are in the same boat. Join me, my granddaughter, and together we will destroy the "Most High"!
~ Lucifer to her granddaughter, Noemi.


The Devil.

Cursed be you, you abomination. I should have killed you when you were still a little baby, along with your damn parents. Or rather, I could have corrupted them by making your father beat your mother, or make your mother betray your father and have he take him anger out on you and your mother! Huahahahahaha!
~ Lucifer trying to put fear in Noemi.


The Red Dragon.

NO! I can't accept it! I am a God! I can't be defeated by a mere abomination, a walking abortion! This can only be His work again. WHY DO I KEEP LOSING TO HIM? DAMN YOU!
~ Lucifer before being killed by Noemi.


Lucifer, also known as Satan, Devil, Diablo in Spanish, Diavolo in Italian and Diabo in Portuguese, the Serpent, The Evil One, The Red Dragon, Belial and Beelzebub, among several other names around the Earth, is an Angel who rebelled against God millions of years ago, having been expelled from Paradise by the Creator. This version of Lucifer is the universe counterpart of Noemi, known as the Sigma Universe, of the main protagonist of Warriors of Eden, belonging to the Zeta Universe, known as Helena Smith. However, unlike the Zeta universe counterpart, this version of the Devil did not obtain redemption, having remained an evil and cold entity, having been the greatest enemy of the Daughter of Heaven and Hell. Lucifer was eventually defeated and killed by Noemi, being dethroned, having her throne usurped by her granddaughter.

This version of Lucifer is an extraordinarily evil, tyrannical and manipulative entity, being known by various names and titles across the Earth, each referring to her as a cruel and antagonistic entity, opposite of God. Although Christianity did not exist in this world, God decided to manifest as a 30-year-old man with greasy hair and beard and white clothes, a spiritual manifestation, and warned some of his children about the wiles of the Devil.

The Fallen Star took advantage of the Abrahamic religions not growing so much and decided to attack the Earth with their demons quite often, causing several natural disasters that did a great deal of damage to the planet, with most people around the world being in extreme poverty, and living in situations with terrible climates, like the city where Noemi lived, where it snowed all week and the temperature always dropped to minus 10 degrees or more. Lucifer mentions that she is everything Jews and other religious think about her, only much worse, not caring about her own granddaughter, seeing her as literally a walking abortion, an abomination, with her utmost regard for Noemi being to use her as a weapon.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 2-C | 2-C in her first form, possibly Higher | 2-C in her second form, likely Higher

Keys: Base form | Second form | Thrid form

Name: Lucifer, Satan, Satanael (by the Cathars), the Devil, Diablo, Diavolo, Diabo, Satanás, the God of this Age, Prince of Darkness, The Red Dragon, Fallen Star, The Cursed, The Evil One, The Serpent, Belial, Belzebub, Saklas, Samael and God of the Blind, among several other names around the Earth.

Origin: Warriors of Eden.

Gender: Genderless. Appears mostly as female.

Age: More than 13 billion years.

Classification: Angel, Fallen Angel, Demon, Rejected Facet of God.

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Incorporeality and Intangibility, Avatar Creation, Immortality (Type 8), Light Manipulation, Regeneration (Low-Godly), Abstract Existence (Type 2), Portal Creation and Space-Time Manipulation (Type 1), Self-Sustenance (Type 1, 2 and 3), Creation (Created the demons), Acausality (Type 1), Healing, Energy Manipulation, Disease Manipulation (Infected Job with sores and leprosy), Telepathy and Telekinesis, Darkness Manipulation (Standard ability of demons, and Lucifer being the creator of demons and a dark aspect of the Creator, can perfectly control darkness, being called the "Prince of Darkness"), Possession (Like demons, she is able to possess human bodies and use them as a vessel), Unholy Manipulation and Corruption, Absorption

Attack Potency: At least Low Multiverse level (She should be at least comparable to her Zeta Universe counterpart. Her battle with Noemi made all Hell tremble with her nine circles) | Low Multiverse in her second form, possibly Higher (Increased her power an unknown number of times, though she was still ridiculously inferior to Noemi) | Low Multiverse in her thrid form, likely Higher (Higher stronger than before)

Speed: Unknown, likely Massively FTL+ (Must be comparable to her counterpart) | likely Massively FTL+ | likely Massively FTL+

Lifting Strength: Unknown, likely Multi-Stellar with Telekinesis

Striking Strength: At least Low Multiversal | Low Multiversal | Low Multiversal

Durability: At least Low Multiverse level, possibly Higher | Low Multiverse level likely Higher | Low Multiverse level likely Higher

Stamina: Limitless.

Range: Standard Melee Range, Interstellar with Telekinesis, Low Multiversal with attacks

Standard Equipment: None notable.

Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscience.

Weaknesses: She is very proud, not being able to deal with someone going against her authority or defeat situations.


  • In this version of the original biblical story, Lucifer is more of a Demiurge and is much more dangerous than in Helena's timeline, as Christianity did not spread here, which means that Lucifer had not had her end decreed like Helena, who was threatened by Jesus. Because of this, she didn't wait for God and attacked first, determined to wipe out humanity.
    • This universe is based more on the Gnostic and Catharism views of the biblical narrative, with the appearance of God in human form but spiritual and intangible, as a "ghost", being based on the heretical doctrine of Docetism, and Lucifer as a type of demiurge being based on the Devil on the Catharismic view.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

Edenverse by Had3s1235
           Logo of Warriors of Eden

Isaac Smith | Helena Smith | Benjamin Smith | Jeanne Smith | Elizabeth Johnson | Berith Edwards | Samuel Smith | Esther Roberts | Isabel Smith | Noah | Naamah Edwards | King Solomon | The Detective | Robert Thatcher | Dantalion Edwards
Legion | Abaddon | Great Red Dragon | Asmodeus | Leviathan | Mammon | The Serpent | Lilith | Samael | Belial | Belphegor | Azazel | Bellzebub | Isaac Smith | Isabel Smith | Rafael Smith | Elias Smith
Michael | Lucifer | Gabriel | Raphael | Uriel | Jophiel | Sathariel | Shekhinah | Daniel | Mebahel | Ierathel | Hosana
Zeus | Poseidon | Hades | Chaos | Ouroboros | Odin | Loki | Izanagi | Izanami | Amaterasu | Susanoo | Tsukuyomi | Brahma | Shiva | Vishnu | Asherah | El | Ra | Bastet | Apophis | Anubis | Nun | Osiris | Isis
Sophia | Statue of Liberty | Christ the Redeemer | Golden Buddha | Statue of Unity | Colossus of Rhodes
The Author | Springtrap
Humans | Angels | The Stick Men
