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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


The Great Red Dragon

When Lucifer decided to abandon her hatred, her anger, her jealousy and her pride, she became light again.
But the darkness did not disappear, and the darkness that was inside her had to flee because of the light.
I mean, all of Lucifer's negative aspects had to escape when she became an Angel of Light again.
These aspects were personified in a chaotic and malignant entity.
That entity is Lucifer before being forgiven by God, before being purified.
It is the Red Dragon, who is called Devil and Satan.
~ Isaac Smith to Angel Daniel.

I was the first, little one!
I was respected and loved by all beings in heaven, not even Michael could claim to be bigger than me!
But now I am the one who dwells in the depths of darkness in each of your hearts, where the light of God does not dwell.
I am the embodiment of the most terrible and atrocious in this world. I am the true evil, the unjust and the cruel.
~ Great Red to Isaac Smith.

It's time to bring all creation to its primordial state from which it should not have left - in the beginning God created heaven and earth; and the earth was without form and void - and in the end, the earth and the rest of the universe will once again be without form and void!
~ Great Red announces the Apocalypse.

You are what I once was... You are all my hate, anger and desire to destroy humanity. But I don't have any of those feelings anymore, and it's time I put you to rest, it's time for light and dark to become one again.
~ Lucifer to Great Red before absorbing he.

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What is this plush?
~ Isaac Smith.
It's Satan, I mean Great Red.
~ Helena Smith.
~ Isaac Smith.
Yup! After the Apocalypse, I no longer wanted him inside me, inhabiting my soul. So I transformed him into an almost harmless plush.
~ Helena Smith.


After the human, Helena Smith, regained her memories that she was the fallen angel Lucifer, she expelled all of her negative aspects from herself, becoming an angel of light again and later returning to Heaven. However, the Morning Star's negative aspects haven't disappeared, and they ended up personifying themselves into an evil and powerful entity called of the Great Red Dragon. The Red Dragon was an evil creature and moved only by the destructive instinct to kill and destroy everything that was around him, including the Universe itself. Isaac Smith, prayed that Lucifer would return to Earth, but God would not allow the Bringer of Light to interfere, and sent the Angel Daniel to help him. However, the Dragon proved a real challenge to Earth's heroes, and Daniel called his sister, Shekhinah, who helped them seal the demon in the ninth circle of Hell.

After being imprisoned in Cocytos, not even Hell was strong enough to trap the Devil who began to devour the demons and souls that were there, thus achieving a much greater power due to the pain and suffering of humans in Hell.

Helena Smith after the Apocalypse turned him into a demonic plush with a life of his own.

Powers and Statistics[]

Tier: Low 2-C | At least 2-C

Name: The Great Red Dragon, Lucifer's Shade, Great Red, Dragon of Apocalypse, Satan, The Devil, Ancient Serpent, Lucifer

Origin: Warriors of Eden

Gender: Genderless (referred to as male)

Age: 1 Year and a few months

Classification: Demon, Aspect of Lucifer, Personification of Evil

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Large Size (Type 2), Abstract Existence (Type 2; Exists as Lucifer's shadow, personifying all of her negative aspects and thoughts, with Isaac saying that it is as if she were not a sinner, but sin itself personified), Incorporeality/Intangibility, Fire Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Corruption, Unholy Manipulation, Aura, Self-Sustenance, Immortality (Type 8; Daniel observes that it is not possible to kill the Red Dragon, as he is the personification of evil and will continue to exist and be strengthened by evil and sin, such as greed, lust, hatred, and so on)

Attack Potency: At least Universe level+ (He was stated that if he was not stopped he would destroy the entire universe. It exists as Lucifer's Shade, being the joining of all her evil desires and thoughts to destroy everything that was created by God) | At least Low Multiverse level (He became infinitely stronger than before, being prophesied battling Saint Michael during the Apocalypse, with the battle only ending in Michael's victory thanks to his much larger and stronger army)

Speed: At least FTL (Faster than Shekhinah and Daniel, angels capable of overcoming the speed of light to be able to traverse space-time through dimensional portals) | Massively FTL+

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown

Striking Strength: Unknown | Unknown

Durability: At least Universe level+ (Withstood the Shekhinah's attacks with her sword, Nelchael) | At least Low Multiverse

Stamina: Very High.

Range: Universal+ | Low Multiverse

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Animalistic. | Above Average. He merged with several humans and with several demons, becoming extremely intelligent thanks to the reasoning capacity of humans and demons, being able to even speak with Isaac Smith in his native language.

Weaknesses: Due to the fact that he is not intelligent, acting more like a force of nature, he can be tricked into falling into a trap.

Edenverse by Had3s1235
           Logo of Warriors of Eden

Isaac Smith | Helena Smith | Benjamin Smith | Jeanne Smith | Elizabeth Johnson | Berith Edwards | Samuel Smith | Esther Roberts | Isabel Smith | Noah | Naamah Edwards | King Solomon | The Detective | Robert Thatcher | Dantalion Edwards
Legion | Abaddon | Great Red Dragon | Asmodeus | Leviathan | Mammon | The Serpent | Lilith | Samael | Belial | Belphegor | Azazel | Bellzebub | Isaac Smith | Isabel Smith | Rafael Smith | Elias Smith
Michael | Lucifer | Gabriel | Raphael | Uriel | Jophiel | Sathariel | Shekhinah | Daniel | Mebahel | Ierathel | Hosana
Zeus | Poseidon | Hades | Chaos | Ouroboros | Odin | Loki | Izanagi | Izanami | Amaterasu | Susanoo | Tsukuyomi | Brahma | Shiva | Vishnu | Asherah | El | Ra | Bastet | Apophis | Anubis | Nun | Osiris | Isis
Sophia | Statue of Liberty | Christ the Redeemer | Golden Buddha | Statue of Unity | Colossus of Rhodes
The Author | Springtrap
Humans | Angels | The Stick Men
