“ | Inequality is an expression of the divine will of Kanduhan Gods. Endeavors aimed at evading the duties arising from such inequality by rejecting allegiance to Kanduhana or harboring animosity towards the Harach system, is tantamout to an insurrection against the authority of Kanduhan Gods. Instead, one must strive to transcend the limitations imposed by their status, and amass sufficent power to diminish the amout of tribute demanded, thus ascending to a higher position, therebly reaping the rewards bestowed by the Harach system. One's will amplified by their power is the only thing that can diminish the inequality imposed upon them. | „ |
~ Inscription in Pereng written upon the order of Hazar Mazdabarzan |
Summary and Backstory[]
Hazar Mazdabarzan is a character from Kadarjahan, Storiverse
Hazar Mazdabarzan, often simply referred to as Hazar, was born raised in the city of Karada in 947 AC. She would be a trainee and quickly reach to being an Havaner, one of the most powerful in the region. She was seen as a threat by local Karada government, who attacked her household in 964, killing all of her family members and seriously wounding her, and setting her house on fire. Karada government believed she died in the fire, while she survived but was forced into hiding.
She, while improving her powers, also formed a secret spy network which eventually overthrew the government and made her de-facto ruler of it by 970 AC. She would later meet Shah Dozakh and Keresta and make alliance with them in 994 AC, joining Sherkat and eventually establishing Kanduhana about two decades later.
She is one of the three members Sherkat, highly venerated figures among the Kanduhan society, and were eventually venerated as Kanduhan Gods.
Fallowing the Great Purge, Sherkat was transformed from an organization to the ruling body of Kanduhana. She, Keresta, and Dozakh were only members left in Sherkat, the triumvirate, future Kanduhan Gods.
Ravan Radzhad being an hothead and not actually feeling any devotion towards the state is something that could not be hidden from future Kanduhan Gods, his time was up.
Several decades later in 1080 AC, she would send one of her duplications to save severely injured Ravan Radzhad from Rukud, Shield Recession. During her presence, the duplication casually stops Rukud's "Most Powerful Attack", demonstrating how far cry Rukud was from actually challenging Kanduhana.
She would later bring Ravan Radzhad to Shah Dozakh, where he is killed, made a Seized and sent back to fight against Shafrah.
Sometime after this, fallowing the near-defeat of Shafra led by Rukud, Shah Dozakh would reach Davabanda, and establish his Andishe there, along with help of Keresta, and requested Hazar and Keresta to do the same, which they do. This phenomenon was named Exalted, those Kanduhans who were able to reach Davabanda and establish Dahakhuds, and later foundation of Harach system was due to this reason.
Sometime after this, she would personally take charge in Kanduhan war against Mivoria, a major power and the most significant force to ever war with Kanduhana. She would dedicate all of her Brood's power against Mivoria, and war them to a stalemate for centuries. Even when she took charge, her Brood was unable to conquer Mivoria, so she decided to join the battle in front lines herself, after humiliating her own troops for failing to subjugate Mivorians. She would personally siege Mivorian city after city, slaughtering all Mivorians she came across, and leading an unopposed conquest against Mivoria in their own lands. This would last for decades, until she eventually would take on the overall leader of Mivoria's military forces, and meet her end there, quite irrecovably in fact. Hazar's death would cause havoc among her Broods who withdrew the region, as well as a major crisis in Kanduhana as one of the Sherkat members was slain in battle.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least High 4-C, likely 4-B | 1-C
Name: Hazar
Origin: Kadarjahan (Storiverse)
Gender: Female
Age: Over 600 years old
Classification: Exalted Kanduhan God, Marauder, Member of Sherkat
Powers and Abilities:
Blade Canon, Havaner Physiology, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Immortality (Types 1 , 2, 3, 8 and 9; Post-Peon Kanduhans will not age and can heal their wounds as long as they can acquire tributes. As an Exalted, Hazar will live and regenerate as long as her Dahakhud in Andishe remains intact), Regeneration (Low-Godly; can reform her body from her Andishe), Damage Boost (With Shredmaker), Explosion Manipulation (With Bombmaker), Fire Manipulation (With Burnmaker), Pain Manipulation and Statistics Reduction (With Painmaker), Forcefield Creation (With Shieldmaker), Master Combatant and Swordswoman, Body Control and Sound Control, Afterimage Creation, Analytical Prediction, Information Analysis, Accelerated Development, Power Mimicry, Extrasensory Perception, Enhanced Senses, Non-Physical Interaction (As a Sherkat, she is an extremely powerful Kanduhan and have these abilities on a far greater degree than any Marauder, even those far superior to Ravan Radzhad), further Fire Manipulation and Heat Manipulation (Can use fire of variety of ways including creating tools. Can control the tempature of surrounding area), further Explosion Manipulation and Smoke Manipulation (Can generate smoke in a wide area which can explode), Danmaku (Can launch omnidrectional blasts), Duplication (Can create copies of herself made out of Fires, though much weaker than her true self, these copies can detonate themselves and are strong enough to damage those comparable to Hazar), Size Manipulation (Able to shrink her own size, size of her attacks, and size of incoming attacks as well as size of her targets, could shrink), Statistics Reduction (Shrinked targets may have greatly reduced physical and ability weakening if Hazar activates this), Sealing and Power Nullification (Hazar is able to create a Fire Cage that resticts abilities of her targets within the size of the cage, Fire Cage can be large enough to contain entire countries), Regeneration Negation (High-Godly) and Immortality Negation (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9; Has much greater negation capabilities than likes of Wakushakk, the Hound of Ruin) Resistance Bestowal (Hazar was actively channeling her own resistances to other Kanduhans to make them resist Xial's Grasp for years)
Same as before minus Immortality (Types 8 & 9), plus Immortality (Type 5), Higher-Dimensional Existence (Residents of Davabanda see Kahanat, the realm that acts as a bountary between Jahan and other realms and exists beyond it, as an insignificantly-sized dot, and exist beyond it), enhanced Regeneration (High-Godly; Dahakhuds have comparable regeneration to Tsutsas, such as Kurukafa), Abstract Existence (Residents of Davabanda exists as "contours" and not made out of matter), Reality Warping, Subjective Reality, Creation and Existence Erasure (Residents of Davabanda declare their own existence and existence of everything around them themselves, having the power to create and erase, including eachother)
Resistance to Analytical Prediction, Information Analysis, Power Mimicry, Existence Erasure, Information Manipulation (Type 2), Space-Time Manipulation, Corruption, Possession, Body Puppetry, Existence Erasure, BFR, Sealing (Sherkats can resist one another; unaffected by Shah Dozakh's abilities), Regeneration Negation (High-Godly; Hazar's Dahakhud cannot be destroyed by Tsutsas like Kurukafa as well as others comparable to her, such as Shah Dozakh) }}, Damage Boost, Fire Manipulation, Pain Manipulation and Statistics Reduction (Kanduhans can resist effects of their own weapons when used against them)
Attack Potency: At least Large Star level, likely Solar System level (As one of the three members of Sherkat, she should not be any weaker than Shah Dozakh) | Complex Multiverse level (Exists in Davabanda on the same scale as Payeh, a structure that is beyond Kahanat)
Speed: At least Supersonic movement speed, at least Massively FTL+ flight speed, at least Massively FTL+, likely higher reactions and combat speed (Comparable to Shah Dozakh) | Immeasurable (Incalculable due to existing in Davabanda)
Lifting Strength: At least Class G, likely higher (Comparable to Shah Dozakh) | Immeasurable (Incalculable due to existing in Davabanda)
Striking Strength: At least Large Star level, likely Solar System level | Complex Multiverse level
Durability: At least Large Star level, likely Solar System level | Complex Multiverse level
Stamina: Infinite. Exalteds use their Davabanda as an endless fuel source
Range: Standard melee range normally, tens of kilometers with Hava attacks | Complex Multiversal
Standard Equipment:
- Shredmaker
- Bombmaker
- Burnmaker
- Painmaker
- Shieldmaker
(Check Blade Canon page for information on these weapons)
Can create more tools out of Fire
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius. Hazar is a member of Sherkat and her comprehension should not be any weaker than other members like Shah Dozakh, she was able to comprehend Davabanda, an extradimensional realm related to Payeh which not connected to Essences that influence reality, she was able to establish her own Andishe, which requires extensive knowledge on Hava and Payeh, both of which are not connected to regular laws or causality of the reality. She developed her own Fire abilities that allow her to create objects out of fire
Standard Tactics
Variable depending on the target and due to her ability to learn about her target's abilities and power. Against weaker targets Hazar enjoys toying with them and may allow them to attack her, as evident by her allowing Rukud to attack just to show how weak he is compared to her. Against comparable opponents her primary ability is Size Control. Her shrinked attacks are very hard to notice and dodge even for other Sherkat members Keresta and Dozakh, and can also weaken those shrinked by her. Her Fire Cage, that can restain even those comparable to her, is also a very powerful ability of hers. These abilities are combined with rapid relentless ranged attacks fused with standard Blade Canon user abilities, making a deadly combination with her shrinked attacks
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Abilities:[]
- Kanduhan: Hazar is a Kanduhan, a species that have access to Pieces, which in turn gives them access to the Blade Canon, which gives her an innate set of abilities
- Exalted: Hazar is a Exalted Kanduhan, meaning she established an Andishe located in Davabanda, a self-confined realiy as her domain inside Davabanda, and located her Dahakhud there, making her far more difficult to kill
- Hava Command: Hazar has command over Hava, which by itself grants set of innate abilities. All of his other abilities are also based on this
- Prowess/Sight: Hazar is a Sherkat, a Kanduhan God, with extreme levels of prowess, far above any Marauder, even those who are far superior to likes of Ravan Radzhad. Even weakest Marauders are far superior to Chelik, Bane of the Arasah, who is far superior to all Belligers comined, whose members are far superior to Artashtaransalar, the Chief of Chiefs, who himself is far superior to the entire all other Prowlers combined. Even weakest of Prowlers possess an unparalleled mastery of all forms of combat art, sword technique, and marksmanship in the realm of Jahan. Their knowledge of weapons is so comprehensive that they are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of every type of sword or gun in existence. Furthermore, the Prowlers are able to generate numerous afterimages that appear to be exact duplications of themselves, which can confuse and disorient their opponents. Their ability to predict the movements of their opponents with extreme clarity before they even act is a testament to their incredible reflexes and awareness. The Prowlers also possess extremely enhanced and precise senses, allowing them to see and hear everything down to the level of quarks and perceive sounds and sights from great distances of kilometers away. They have the groundbreaking ability to gather information on people or objects simply by looking at them, learning someone's power, fighting style, and even their present thoughts with a mere gaze. This incredible insight allows them to mimic the abilities they see and improve upon them, using them more effectively than the original user, to the point of being able to outperform those who outperformed them mere moments ago. The Prowlers have even been known to possess the ability to touch, harm, and even kill emotions and ideas, a skill that demonstrates their extraordinary control over the world around them. They can also physically grab smoke or shadows, which speaks to their mastery over the intangible. Their control over their own bodies is so precise that they have quark-level control over their own physique, allowing them to change their shape and grow weapons at will. They can move in a way that avoids touching the air and makes no sound, further enhancing their stealth and agility.
- Fires: Hazar's Hava takes the shape of Fires that can be used in versatile manners.
- Fire Creation: Hazar can create various objects using fire, such as tools, smoke, or duplications, all of which can explode after sometime.
- Crowded Fire: Hazar can launch omnidirectional Fire blasts
- Explosive Fire: Hazar can launch Fire bullets that explode upon contact
- Fire Cage: Hazar developed this ability based on Dozakh's Hava Cage, she can generate a cage made out of her fires, these fires are able to restain and restain all targets trapped within it, including their healing abilities as well as immortalities should they have it. The cage completely blocks out connection between inside and outside, causing her targets to be trapped there and gradually wane away, or just be sealed forever. Hazar repeatedly stated that Fire Cage never goes away even if she is killed, and only way to undo it is to make her undo it
- Size Control: Hazar is able to control size of herself, her attacks, enemy attacks, and her targets. She can fully or partially shrink herself to avoid damage, or shrink her attacks to make them harder to detect. She can shrink so much that even Quark-noticing Kanduhans her attacks can be very hard to notice and deal with. She can also weaken the powers of her targets via shrinking them. Anything she is able to "see" could get affected.
- Dahakhud: (Inside Davabanda only): Hazar's Dahakhud exists in his Andishe inside Davabanda, able to reshape her own Andishe and invade other Andishes or Tsutsa Domains
- Standard Blade Canon Abilities: All Kanduhans have various innate abilities due to having access to Blade Canon (also see Blade Canon page for innate resistances)
- Blade Canon users possess the remarkable ability to engage in combat with a primal instinct that is beyond conscious control. Their instincts allow them to react seamlessly to incoming attacks by evading or obstructing them, and they can even launch counterattacks with an unconscious flair. Their combat prowess is so impressive that they can continue to fight even after enduring a catastrophic injury such as having their heads blown away
- Blade Canon users have the ability to enhance their powers by obtaining what are known as "tributes". These tributes are mainly acquired through acts of destruction, violence, bloodshed, and death. Causing Death is the most efficient way to obtain tributes. For Kanduhans, it is not uncommon for a low-ranking individual to ascend into a Marauder simply because they were able to kill someone of higher rank and thus acquire their tributes.
- Blade Canon users possess the ability to generate electrical energy within their bodies, harnessing this power to not only augment their physical capabilities but also to wield it as a formidable weapon. This electricity serves as a conduit of immense power that they can manipulate and channel through their bodies and their weapons, unleashing devastating attacks upon their adversaries. Moreover, the electric power coursing through the Blade Canon user's veins is not only used offensively, but also defensively. They can manipulate and control the flow of electricity to create a paralyzing effect that incapacitates their opponents, leaving them vulnerable to attack. This ability to not only attack with lethal force but also to incapacitate opponents demonstrates the versatility and adaptability of Blade Canon users, making them formidable foes in any combat situation.
- Blade Canon users can generate a specialized type of acid within their bodies. This potent acid serves as a devastating weapon that they can channel through their bodies and their weapons, dissolving any material it comes into contact with. The acidic nature of this substance is incredibly corrosive, capable of breaking down and deconstructing even the most durable of materials with ease. Blade Canon users can control the strength and intensity of the acid to suit their needs, from mild erosive effects to full-blown dissolution, leaving their enemies helpless and vulnerable.
- Blade Canon users are able to corrode objects or living beings with a mere touch of their left hand. This power is not only potent but also highly specialized, enabling Blade Canon users to neutralize their adversaries with astonishing efficiency. The corrosive agent generated by Blade Canon users is incredibly potent, capable of breaking down and degrading even the most durable of materials, leaving them weakened and vulnerable. The power of this ability is such that it can also corrode living beings, causing debilitating pain and disfigurement, and even death if not treated promptly. The corrosive agent generated by Blade Canon users only functions when in contact with their left hand. Once contact is broken, the corrosive effects immediately cease.
- Blade Canon users potent ability to generate poisons within their bodies. This power not only makes them formidable combatants but also grants them the ability to manipulate and control their adversaries in unprecedented ways. The poisons generated by Blade Canon users are incredibly potent and varied, capable of weakening or corrupting their targets, allowing them to control the their bodies after extensive application of the poison.
- Blade Canon users possess an aura that extends several meters around them. This aura is a passive radiation of their lethal and destructive abilities, radiating their potent poisons, corrosive substances, and acidic compounds into the environment; the abilities mentioned earlier, constantly active within the boundaries of the aura.
- Blade Canon users possess an immesurable level of endurance and resilience. They are tireless beings, capable of surviving indefinitely without rest, food, water, or air. Additionally, their incredible physical fortitude extends to the vacuum of space, where they can survive without any protection or life support systems. Due to this resilience, the internal organs of Blade Canon users, specifically those responsible for digestion and breathing, slowly erode and disintegrate over time. Since Blade Canon users do not require food, water, or air, these organs eventually become obsolete and wither away to nothingness. This remarkable adaptation allows Blade Canon users to focus their biological resources on more critical functions, such as the generation of their other various abilities. By shedding the burden of organs that are no longer necessary, Blade Canon users can optimize their physiology for combat and other essential activities. Attacks of Blade Canon users have a devastatingly potent effect on their targets. Their abilities are so effective that they can halt the natural processes of healing and regeneration that are possessed by many of their targets. Even the weakest attack from a Blade Canon user can inflict permanent damage or kill Arasah chiefs - powerful beings with the ability to regenerate their bodies even after complete destruction. This feat speaks to the incredible potency of the Blade Canon user's attacks, which can neutralize even the most formidable opponents with ease. The effect of a Blade Canon user's attack is more than just physical damage; it has an inherent ability to disrupt and disable the processes of regeneration and healing. This means that even if a target could regenerate or heal from their injuries, they would be unable to do so after being struck by a Blade Canon user's attack. The ramifications of such an ability are profound, as it essentially removes the safety net that most beings rely on to recover from injuries sustained in battle. The effect of a Blade Canon user's attack is so absolute that it renders the target vulnerable to subsequent attacks, making it a highly effective weapon in combat.
- Standard Kanduhan Weaponry
- Shredmaker: A close range weapon akin to a sword. It has the "Shred" ability; can be charged by feeding from the power of its user for extended periods of time to launch a powerful attack on a small area, can be up to ten times stronger than the users own strength depending on how much it was charged. The effective range of Shred is about ten meters, effective against killing enemies with superior durability, but effects a small area.
- Bombmaker: A long-range weapon akin to a rifle. It fires rapid bullets, effective against greater number of enemies who are weaker. It has "Bomb" ability; can be fed power to launch explosive attacks that deal great damage to a large area, can be used to damage multiple comparable enemies. It's range depends on the power of its user, as bullets get weaker depending on user's power.
- Burnmaker: A long-range weapon akin toa rifle. It fires rapid bullets similar to Bombmaker. It has "Burn" ability; can be fed power to launch burning bullets that can inflict Burn effects to anything they hit, which starts to burn it away. Burn is capable of burning through other fires
- Painmaker: A mid-range weapon similar to a pistol. It fires bullets that have slower rate-of-fire than Burnmaker or Bombmaker. It has "Pain" ability; can be fed power to launch bullets that do damage as well as inflict severe pain and weakening to their targets. Pain is disproportionately greater than the amout of damage received from the weapon, a small cut from Painmaker can induce severe pain that is able to distract its target from combat, effective against even those who were highly resistant to Pain. A Painmakerer is able to weaken the powers of those who are several times stronger than themselves, to their own level of strength. Though the weakening lasts much shorter the more powerful the target gets.
- Shieldmaker: A shield that is able to block attacks that can otherwise damage the individual Kanduhan. It has "Shield" ability; can be fed power to crete a forcefield that blocks Hava abilities, can block abilities of those who are somwhat more powerful than Shieldmakerer.
Key: In Jahan | In Davabanda
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: