“ | I don't want to run 2b2t anymore. I am tired of it and it is boring to me and I don't want to spend any more hours fixing it when needed, I would rather just shut it down forever and move on. | „ |
~ The original Hausemaster's last message |
“ | Too-Bee-Too-Tee-Dot-Org is the best minecraft server. When you hear my name, you will know who I am. Everyone knows who I am. My name is on the server, it is, Popbob. And I am always online, because I have nothing better to do. Here(?)/And(?) I have, Autisms. Hausemaster, want to build a base together? Hausemaster? Hause! Hause! Hause. Hause. Hause... Hause.. | „ |
~ Big Man Tyrone describing Hausemaster |
Hausemaster is the owner of the Minecraft server 2b2t.
The username "Hausemaster" is actually a title that refers to the anonymous ownership of 2b2t, as there has reportedly been multiple changes in ownership as far back as 2014 with the original bearer of the Hausemaster name leaving[1][2].
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 2-C
Name: Hausemaster
Origin: 2builders2tools
Gender: Unknown
Age: Undisclosed
Classification: Server Administrator
Powers and Abilities:
By Themselves
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Acrobatics
- Enhanced Senses (Can pinpoint exact sounds and what they are even when they are extremely quiet)
- Survival Expert
- Weapon Mastery
- Preparation (Has prepared for numerous exploits when updating 2b2t)
- Immortality (Types 4 and 9. Can respawn after being killed, and be instantly resurrected when killed with a Totem of Undying. Hausemaster does not actually play on the server and can manage it even without logging on)
- Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2 and 3)
- Hammerspace
- Underground Mobility
- Regeneration (Mid. Can regenerate from several arrows through their skull)
- Non-Physical Interaction (Can directly damage intangible beings like Vex)
- Attack Reflection (Can hit and reflect a Ghast's fireball back at them)
- Animal Taming
- Age Manipulation (Can make baby animals instantly grow into adults by feeding them)
- Underwater Breathing (Types 2 and 4. Can use doors, stairs, and the other object that are affected by "water lock" to make air pockets. They can completely breathe underwater without any drawbacks)
- Information Analysis (via Console. Can read and see everyone's actions on the server)
- Reality Warping and Data Manipulation (via Commands and NBT editing. Can use multiple commands and tools to transmute and alter the entire server itself.)
- BFR (via /kick. Can boot people from the server)
- Death Manipulation (via /kill. Can instantly kill a player and even bypass any method of durability.)
- Electricity Manipulation (Created multiple thunderstorms at Spawn)
- Elemental Manipulation (via /setblock. Can create fire, lava, water, ice and air.)
- Explosion Manipulation (via /setblock. Can likely summon Primed TNT)
- Invulnerability (via Creative Mode. They are completely immune to all physical damage)
- Law Manipulation (Can change the laws and physics on the server, such as being able to disable and reenable redstone clocks)
- Magic and Curse Manipulation (via /enchant. Does not need an enchanting table to enchant items. Can curse items with Binding and Vanishing Curse enchantments.)
- Power Bestowal and Power Nullification (via /op and /deop. Can give and take other people's administrator access)
- Purification (Type 3. Can cure status effects with "/effect take" and by drinking milk)
- Status Effect Inducement (via "/effect give" and Anti-Cheat. Does not require potions to increase others' status effects and can use a command to both nullify and bless others.)
- Statistics Amplification (via Strength, Swiftness, Leaping, Night Vision and Regeneration effects)
- Statistics Reduction (via Slowness, Weakness and Slow Falling effects)
- Healing (via Healing effect)
- Gravity Manipulation (via Slow Falling effect. Can slow down their own fall or other entities')
- Poison Manipulation (via Poison effect)
- Underwater Breathing (Type 2. via Water Breathing effect)
- Invisibility (via Invisibility effect)
- Supernatural Luck (via Luck effect)
- Space-Time Manipulation (Can create materials out of thin air with multiple different commands, as well as transmute matter such as being able to turn all Bedrock on 2b2t into normal blocks. Can completely alter any form of space using the /setblock command into anything else. Can change the daylight cycle as well as it's rate of movement, even being able to freeze it and the entire server itself. Has made multiple backups of the maps and can likely load them in at any time needed.)
- Summoning (via /summon. Can summon any entity within the game)
- Teleportation (via /tp. Can appear anywhere so long as they know the coordinates or what player to teleport to)
- Void Manipulation (Can erase entire chunks from ever existing. Was able to completely delete the End dimension from existence and later made it reappear. Completely erased duped items such as End Crystals and Totems)
- Construction
- Portal Creation (Can make Nether Portals with Obsidian and a Flint and Steel)
- Summoning (Can summon a Snow Golem, an Iron Golem or even a Wither depending on the materials they have)
- Dimensional Storage (via Shulker Boxes and Ender Chests)
- Damage Boost (Deals extra damage to arthropods or the undead with Smite and Bane of Arthropods enchantments)
- Damage Reduction (via Golden Apples and Enchanted Golden Apples)
- Ice Manipulation and Water Walking (via Frost Walker enchantment)
- Damage Transferal (via Thorns enchantment)
- Supernatural Luck (via Fortune enchantment)
- Enhanced Fire Manipulation (via Flame and Fire Aspect enchantments)
- Limited Weapon Control (via Loyalty enchantment)
- Teleportation (via Ender Pearls)
- Light Manipulation (via Spectral Arrow. Can cause enemies to glow making them able to be seen through walls)
- Limited Resurrection (via Totem of Undying)
By Themselves
Resistance to
- Acid Manipulation
- Disease Manipulation (Can't get infected by Zombies)
- Death Manipulation (Can withstand the Wither Effect)
- Electricity (Able to survive being hit by lightning)
- Heat Manipulation (Unaffected by the immense heat of the Nether, which causes water to instantly evaporate)
- Poison (Unable to be killed with poison)
- Magic
Resistance to
- Explosions (via Blast Protection Armor)
- Fire (via Fire Protection Armor)
- Cold (via Protection enchantment)
- Enhanced Resistance to Fire, Heat (The Fire Resistance potion provides full immunity to fire and lava), and Cold (With Leather Armor)
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Can break bedrock and completely delete skyscraper-sized lag machines without a trace. Far more powerful than a Command Block. Has deleted and reloaded all of 2b2t multiple times, which includes the infinite End dimension. Can run a replica server identical to the main simultaneously)
Speed: At least Subsonic (Can easily hit Endermen, who can dodge 100 m/s arrows point-blank. Can fire arrows at 60 m/s in normal circumstances. Can fly at 33 m/s with the Elytra. Can change their flight speed with commands so he can fly far faster than before.)
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable (Can move the entire server of 2b2t, which contains the infinite End dimension. Can manage both servers at once.)
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level
Durability: Low Multiverse level (Is virtually invincible due to Creative Mode and God Mode. Exists outside the server itself and cannot be harmed by any player within the server unless when using certain commands)
Stamina: Infinite (Cannot feel pain due to being invulnerable. They can never run out of health or hunger)
Range: Several meters, Hundreds of meters with Bows and Crossbows, higher with Portals (Can travel to the Nether, a dimension with different rules than the Overworld), High Universal teleportation (Can travel across the entire server at once, as well as any place in the End dimension)
Standard Equipment: Wooden Axe (Used for WorldEdit commands)
- Optional Equipment: 32K Weapons
Intelligence: Gifted (Hausemaster is an extremely intelligent programmer who has been patching multiple different server breaking exploits for years. He was able to efficiently patch EntitySpeed and all non-entity related Speed hacks)
Weaknesses: Is often prone to manipulation, where players such as popbob and iTristian have gotten them to add unsafe plugins that allowed backdoor access. Often isn't good with responding to people and taking criticism. Non-splash potions take a bit over a second to drink and can be interrupted. TNT takes several seconds to explode, giving enemies some time to escape. They can be interrupted while slinging arrows. Death will cause them to drop all the items they were holding at the time until they can retrieve them from where they died. Shields are only able to be used when they're sneaking, which heavily decreases their mobility. They can have Creative Mode or God Mode switched off with commands.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Operator Status: Hausemaster has administrator privileges on the 2b2t server itself. He can do anything desires and even give and take this access to other players.
- /kick: Can remove players from 2b2t with this command.
- Priority Ban: Hausemaster can remove a player's access to priority queue, making them take longer to join the server.
- Anti-Cheat: Hausemaster uses dozens of Anti-Cheat plugins that negate the use of Flight, Statistical Amplification, and Reality Warping. These plugin also modify weapons that are seen as "Illegal" into normal items or straight up erases them automatically without Hausemaster's input.
- Player Data: Has the ability to know what items a player has on them, in their dimension storage, their coordinates, how long they've been on the server, etc.
- Server Queue: Those with the ability to respawn or those that has done something to harm the server in a significant way will have themselves "soft banned" in which they must wait in line before entering the server once again. The wait time that can last 8 hours or more.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches:
- ↑ 2b2t. Archived from the original on July 31, 2014. Retrieved on August 20, 2014.
- ↑ 2b2t. About. "2b2t is hosted and developed by a small team."
Discussion threads involving Hausemaster (2b2t) |