Halfthor is a human viking warrior. He met the party after they visited Finia and got into a fist fight with Consif. He would then go on to support the party, often acting as extra muscle.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 8-C
Name: Halfthor
Origin: The Keyword Is Try
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Classification: Human, Viking, Barbarian
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Skilled Martial Artist (Was trained by the viking military in hand-to-hand combat. Could match Consif and even somewhat outskill her. Vikings grow up in a culture where fighting each other is a massive part of it and often seen as a way to even greet people, meaning that Halfthor has a massive amount of experience in combat due to this), Weapon Mastery (Is trained in using axes, swords, bows, and spears), Regeneration (Mid-Low; Regenerated wounds from a fist fight in mere minutes)
Attack Potency: Building level (Faught toe-to-toe with Consif, even overpowering her at points. Could fight with a young Remorhaz and survive, though he did technically loose. Is considered by the party to be one of the most dangerous people they've meet on their adventure)
Speed: Average Human Travel Speed with Transonic Reaction & Combat Speed (Can fight with Consif)
Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Even weaker vikings can overpower and wrestle with bears, with Halfthor being far stronger)
Striking Strength: Buiding Class
Durability: Building level (Can shake off hits from Consif and other comparable vikings)
Stamina: Very High
Range: Standard Melee Range
Standard Equipment: Handaxe
Intelligence: Average
Weaknesses: None Notable
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: