Guile is a character from Street Fighter, featured on the animation Winter Soldier vs Guile by Zimaut Animation, in the animation he is send to fight the Winter Soldier, but during the fight, they're interrupted by Crossbones, and the two fight with him.
Powers and Stats[]
Name: Guile
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Human, USA Soldier
Tier: 9-B, 9-A with RPG
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Martial Arts, Energy Manipulation (with Sonic Boom)
Attack Potency: Wall level (Broke multiple walls during his fight with Winter Soldier, showed to be overrall stronger than him), Small Building level with RPG (destroyed an stone tower with an rpg)
Speed: Supersonic (comparable to the Winter Soldier, who can dodge an RPG, dodged a shot from an sniper rifle)
Lifting Strength: Class 10 (Punched through a Wall)
Striking Strength: Wall Class, Small Building Class with RPG
Durability: Wall level (took multiple hits from Winter Soldier and Crossbones, survived being crushed by an entire floor)
Stamina: High (fought for multiple minutes with Winter Soldier and Crossbones)
Range: Standard Meele Range, Several Meters with Sonic Boom, Tens of Meters with RPG
Standard Equipment: RPG
Intelligence: Gifted (is a trained soldier, managed to teamwork with Winter Soldier to defeat Crossbones)
Weaknesses: None Notable
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: