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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

All you mortals do is make the world around you bleed. In my utopia, fantasy becomes a reality. No more pointless bloodshed, no more cruelty.
~ Goku Black lecturing Future Gohan about his ideology.

Black SSJ
All you mortals do is make the world around you bleed. In my utopia, fantasy becomes a reality. No more pointless bloodshed, no more cruelty.
~ Goku Black lecturing Future Gohan about his ideology.

Black SSJ3-1
All you mortals do is make the world around you bleed. In my utopia, fantasy becomes a reality. No more pointless bloodshed, no more cruelty.
~ Goku Black lecturing Future Gohan about his ideology.

Black SSJ4
All you mortals do is make the world around you bleed. In my utopia, fantasy becomes a reality. No more pointless bloodshed, no more cruelty.
~ Goku Black lecturing Future Gohan about his ideology.

Black SSG
All you mortals do is make the world around you bleed. In my utopia, fantasy becomes a reality. No more pointless bloodshed, no more cruelty.
~ Goku Black lecturing Future Gohan about his ideology.

All you mortals do is make the world around you bleed. In my utopia, fantasy becomes a reality. No more pointless bloodshed, no more cruelty.
~ Goku Black lecturing Future Gohan about his ideology.


Zamasu was once the Supreme Kai apprentice under Gowasu of Universe 10, who developed a loathing for mortals as he witnessed their actions across the universe, leading him to embark on a crusade against mortals after stealing the body of Son Goku using the Super Dragon Balls, gaining the title of Goku Black, or, as he is more commonly referred, simply Black.

In the What-If continuity, Black decides to traverse other timelines in order to train and get stronger, having come across alternate versions of Gohan, Vegeta and Broly.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least High 4-C, 4-B with Super Saiyan | 4-B, far higher with Super Saiyan Rosé | High 3-A, far higher with Super Saiyan, 2-C with Super Saiyan Kaioken, higher with Super Saiyan 4, far higher with Super Sayian 4 Kaioken X10 | High 3-A, higher with Super Saiyan, 2-C with Super Saiyan Rosé, higher using Super Saiyan Rosé Kaioken x10

Key: What-If #7 (Pre-Zenkai Boost) | What-If #7 (Post Zenkai Boost) | What-If #14 | What-If #9

Origin: What-If (Hyourinjutsu)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Classification: Shinjin/Saiyan

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Master Martial Artist, Acrobatics, Longevity, Flight, Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Ki Manipulation (Can be used defensively and offensively, to strengthen his skin or to fire ki blasts, which can home in on targets, and form defensive barriers), Explosion Manipulation, Accelerated Development (Training, Battle; Physical Stats, Abilities; As a Saiyan, Black grows stronger every time he fights and can become stronger in the midst of combat, vastly increasing in strength whenever he is mortally injured; being injured at all actually makes Black stronger), Transformation (Can transform into a Super Saiyan), Can create weapons or form Defensive Barriers that render Absorption ineffective, Weapon Mastery (He has showed mastery over weapons that he created), Ki Sensing (Can locate others by reading their ki, detect malicious intent, difference in power levels, and beings in different dimensions), Enhanced Senses (He is able to see far distances across the universe. Saiyans have exceptional senses, allowing Black locate small, distant objects by tracking their smell, see clearly over long distances, and track the movements of others even in pitch black conditions by feeling vibrations in the air), Shockwaves Generation, Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Space-Time Manipulation & Portal Creation (Traveled to a different timeline where Future Gohan survives the Androids), Dimensional Travel, BFR, Magic, Creation, Can possibly create dimensional rifts and destroy space-time and pocket dimensions with his energy via powerscaling, Fusionism (Via Potara Earrings), Portal Creation, Time Travel and Acausality with Time Ring (Type 1, Immune to changes to the past, allowing him to survive Beerus erasing Present Zamasu from existence), Statistics Amplification (Via Kaioken; Can amplify his power to fight against Broly.), Resistance to Extreme Cold and Cosmic Radiations (Should be capable of absorbing over 17 Million Blutz Waves to transform into a Great Ape without ill effects. Can fight in the upper atmosphere where radiation levels are exceedingly high. Can be traveled in space, which is cold and filled with radiations), gravity, Likely Light Manipulation, Afterimage Creation, Analytical Prediction, Possibly Sound Manipulation and Pressure Point Strikes, Paralysis, Poison Manipulation, Extreme Heat, and Harsh Temperatures (Due to having Goku's body. Claimed to possess all of Goku's abilities)

All Previous Abilities, Transformation with Super Saiyan Rosé, Resistance to Extrasensory Perception (Cannot be sensed by beings lesser than a God)

All Previous Abilities, Transformation with Super Saiyan 4, Healing, Duplication (Can create doubles of himself to serve as distractions)

Attack Potency: At least Large Star level (Fought for a time against SSJ Future Gohan who should be comparable to Post-Hyperbolic Time Chamber Future Trunks), Solar System level with Super Saiyan (Was able to seriously damage SSJ Gohan and made him use Super Sayian 2, a form that he was able to use to beat both 17 and 18 at the same time. Stated to be superior to Majin Piccolo) | Solar System level (Stronger than SSJ2 Future Gohan. Stated to be stronger than What if #14 SSJ Vegeta and Early SSJ Dragon Ball Super Goku in their Super Sayain forms while in Base), far higher with Super Saiyan Rosé | High Universe level (Stronger than before. Superior to a Post-Broly Second Coming Broly in Base), higher as a Super Saiyan, Low Multiverse level with Super Saiyan Kaioken (Was able to fight on par with SSG Vegeta, who should be comparable with Battle of Gods SSG Goku, by repetitively SSJ Kaioken while fighting), higher with Super Saiyan 4 (Despite being physically weaker, Black was able to Fight and eventually overwhelmed SSG Vegeta forcing him to unlock Super Sayian God Evolution. Was able to fight from a time agienst Super Sayian God Evolution Vegeta though was eventually overwhelmed), far higher with Super Saiyan 4 Kaio-ken x10 (Knocked Back SSGE Vegeta. Was stated to be superior to SSE Vegeta, a realatively inexperinced version of Goku with SSB, Gamma 1 and 2, Gokhan and a future version of himself in his own Super Sayian God form) | High Universe level, higher using Super Saiyan, Low Multiverse level using Super Saiyan Rosé (Was able to overwhelm Future Trunks Saga Goku, Vegeta and Trunks at the same time after his fight with SSG Vegeta), higher using Super Saiyan Rosé Kaioken x10 (Was able to trade blows with SSJ4 Broly who was stated to be stronger than Ultra Ego Vegeta)

Speed: Massively FTL+ | Massively FTL+ | Massively FTL+ (Should be comparable to SSG Vegeta) | Infinte (Comparable to Baby Vegeta)

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown

Striking Strength: At least Large Star level, Solar System level with Super Saiyan | Solar System level, far higher with Super Saiyan Rosé | High Universe level, higher as a Super Saiyan, Low Multiverse level with Super Saiyan Kaioken, higher with Super Saiyan 4, far higher with Super Saiyan 4 Kaio-ken x10 | High Universe level, higher using Super Saiyan, Low Multiverse level using Super Saiyan Rosé, higher using Super Saiyan Rosé Kaioken x10

Durability: At least Large Star level, Solar System level with Super Saiyan (Took hits from SSJ2 and latter SSJ3 Future Gohan) | Solar System level (Survived being blasted by SSJ2 Future Gohan unscathed.), far higher with Super Saiyan Rosé | High Universe level, higher as a Super Saiyan, Low Multiverse level with Super Saiyan Kaioken, higher with Super Saiyan 4, far higher with Super Saiyan 4 Kaio-ken x10 | High Universe level, higher using Super Saiyan, Low Multiverse level using Super Saiyan Rosé, higher using Super Saiyan Rosé Kaioken x10

Stamina: Superhuman | Superhuman | Superhuman | Superhuman

Range: Standard melee range, Extended melee range with God Split Cut, at least Planetary with ki blasts and attacks | Standard Melee Range; Extended Melee Range with God Split Cut, Low Multiversal with ki blasts and attacks, Low Multiversal with Kai Kai (He can teleport to other universes)

Standard Equipment: A Time Ring, Two Potara Earrings and a Senzu Bean | A Time Ring | Two Potara Earrings | Same as before | Same as before

Intelligence: Gifted (Even before he stole Goku's body, the Kai known as Zamasu was an abnormally skilled and powerful fighting prodigy who could put up a fight against Goku. After stealing his body and beginning his crusade against mortals, Zamasu, now known as Black, rapidly began to grow in skill. After a single fight with Goku, he was able to accurately replicate his style, and he is able to quickly adapt to new circumstances in combat, learning to even make use of the explosive power some Saiyans gained from their rage.)

Weaknesses: Does not know how to properly use Goku's body yet, though would later overcome this though battle | Incredibly arrogant and overconfident in his own abilities, especially against opponents who are not divine (as he looks down on all mortals). Due to possessing Goku's Saiyan blood, Goku Black yearns for battle and will drag out fights in order to fight longer, and will also let himself get injured in order to increase his power via Zenkai boosts. | If he were to lose his Saiyan tail, he will no longer be able to use SSJ4 | Same as What-If #7

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Ki: The fighting power and life force of a martial artist, a tangible energy derived from the user's vigor, courage, and mind. It can be used in a number of ways, such as to surpass the limits of one's body to greatly increase in strength, and it can be fired as blasts of energy or used to create defensive barriers. A fighting prodigy, Black was once the strongest Kai to ever live, a race that already possessed immense power, and his power only grew once he stole Goku's body and gained access to his Saiyan physiology, turning him into an extremely dangerous opponent. Due to his divine nature, he has godly ki and cannot be sensed by mortal beings as a result.
    • Black Power Ball: One of Black's signature attacks, an energy sphere with a black core that detonates with devastating force upon coming into contact with an opponent. He can fire an overwhelming barrage of these spheres as opposed to just one, or convert the spheres into energy beams. As a Super Saiyan Rosé, he can use the more powerful Divine Retribution variant, which can similarly be converted into an energy wave or be used as a slicing blade.
    • God Split Cut: Zamasu's signature attack, and one of the techniques most used by Black, a blade of energy that he forms around his hand to use as a slicing weapon. In his Super Saiyan Rosé form, Black can exercise such control over this blade as to shape it into various other weapons, essentially creating weapons from his own ki.
      • Sickle of Sorrow: A scythe made from Black's own ki, his most powerful weapon, which he can use to slice through space and time to open a rift from which mysterious clones of Black flood, each capable of reforming after dissipating. The rift can inhibit attempts to teleport and can spawn more clones if Black wishes.
    • Kamehameha: Goku's famous signature technique, which he learned after witnessing Master Roshi use it to extinguish the flames on Fire Mountain, successfully replicating it not long later on his first try. Naturally, Black has access to his own variant of the technique, the Black Kamehameha, which, in his Super Saiyan Rosé form, is colored pink by his immense power.
    • Instant Transmission: A teleportation technique that Goku learned between the Frieza and Cell Sagas on the planet Yardrat, which allows him to lock onto the ki signatures of others and teleport to their locations, and one of the techniques he inherited from Goku. Its use takes some concentration, which is aided by Black putting his index and middle fingers to his forehead, and he needs a ki signature to teleport to, otherwise, he cannot perform the technique. It can be used to teleport others as well, as long as they are in physical contact with Black.
    • Kaio-ken: A technique that greatly increases Black's ki for just a moment, boosting his strength and speed significantly for that time. However, this heavily strains his body, and if he overuses it, it will leave him in intense pain all over his body, leaving him incapable of moving without causing himself further pain.
    • Kai Kai: As a Kai, Zamasu can teleport across universes to reach specific locations or people, superior to Instant Transmission in that he does not need a ki signature to lock onto to utilize this technique. As a result, Black can even teleport outside of the universe.
    • Kiai: The ability to project an invisible burst of force with ki, which Black can perform with his hands and even with a glare.
  • Magic: As a Kai, Zamasu, and thus Goku Black, should have some knowledge of magic.
    • Magic Materialization: Black can create objects, often out of thin air, and utilize these objects as weapons in combat.
    • Healing: Black was able to heal himself multiple times fighting SSG Vegeta, having partially relearned it after losing the power.
  • Saiyan Physiology: The physiology of a Saiyan, an aggressive warrior race of conquerors. Saiyans have the natural ability to control ki and to fly. In addition, while his lifespan is comparable to that of a human, Black will remain at his peak strength for much longer. One of the most powerful abilities of a Saiyan is their ability to grow stronger and stronger through combat, allowing Black to constantly push his own limits during a fight and rise to higher and higher peaks in power - for Black, this ability is especially potent, allowing him to rapidly and constantly improve over the course of a fight, as he takes injuries. This ability grants a substantial boost in power when Black is badly injured, allowing him to reach a whole new level of power once he recovers.
    • Super Saiyan: A transformation all Saiyans can attain when training hard enough. Black was already able to utilize this form prior to traveling to Future Gohan's alternate timeline.
    • Super Saiyan 4: A transformation Saiyans can attain if they were to master the Oozaru transformation on top of Super Saiyan. After arriving in Vegeta's timeline, he trained in the wilderness to master this form.
    • Super Saiyan Rosé: A divine Super Saiyan transformation, colored pink thanks to Black already being divine beforehand, and named for this. The form greatly boosts Black's power and speed, requiring a perfectly calm mind and flawless ki control to properly utilize.


Notable Matchups[]

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Ruby Rose (Dragon Ball RWBY) Ruby Rose's profile (Future Trunks Saga (Final Future Trip) Ruby and What-If #9 Goku Black were used, fight took place on patch and Speed was equalized)

Inconclusive Matches:

