“ | You come to me when the world is nearing its end and breathing its last. How desperate must you be? | „ |
~ Galen talking to Eljin |
Galen Darstellerisch is one of the secondary antagonists of Duplexity, being the very first and oldest out of all of the Heralds. His past is shrouded in mystery, and he even shares a strange connection with the other Herald of Knowledge. But that aside, he became the Herald of Knowledge in an unknown time period and used his newfound immortality to search for knowledge. In this time, he fought in many years and lived for hundreds of years, accumulating knowledge and intelligence along the way. Galen is known to be blunt and stoic, unafraid of his actions all in the goal of pursuing knowledge.
Combat Statistics[]
Tier: Low 4-C
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 9), Regeneration (High-Godly), Abstract Existence (Types 1 and 2: Heralds are beings reliant on their constants, being their physical embodiments while their true forms are their abstract versions. Heralds exist beyond life and death), Extrasensory Perception and Enhanced Senses (Heralds are capable of seeing their true forms and even sense things like heartbeat, breathing, and "smell" emotions), Automatic Translation (All Heralds are capable of communicating and understanding what they say, no matter what language they speak. Heralds were capable of translating ancient languages), Non-Physical Interaction, Void Manipulation (The Heralds are capable of tearing apart the Null Space, which is a pocket dimension of nothingness and strike their true forms), Instinctive Action (Heralds are capable of fighting on pure instincts without their minds even realizing what is happening), Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3) (Heralds were capable of surviving in Null Space, where nothing existed. Heralds don't need to rest), Aura (Overwhelming, Fear-Inducing), Mind Manipulation and Soul Manipulation (A Herald's presence can induce primal fear on the mind and soul of individuals around them), Invulnerability, Acausality (Type 4) (Heralds work on multiple levels of transcendent causality, making them immune to anything not working on those similar levels), Accelerated Development (Battle, Passive; Physical Statistics, Abilities: By unleashing their emotions, Heralds are capable of explosive growth in combat to the point of overpowering those that previously stomped them), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1) (Heralds are capable of harming their true abstract forms and use their constants to overpower reality and override it with their own), Durability Negation, Power Nullification and Resistance Negation (Due to working on multiple levels of transcendent causality, their effects are absolute and nullify/bypass any defenses on those that do not work on similar levels), Immortality Negation (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9), Regeneration Negation (Up to High-Godly) (Heralds are capable of permanently harming and killing each other. Due to their constants, they were able to kill the abominations of Reincarnation, undead entities that could hop minds and bodies), Weapon Creation (Heralds manifest their constants as weapons familiar to them)
Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant and Weapon Mastery (Wields knowledge of over ten thousand different martial arts. Fought in dozens of different wars across history and was capable of outperforming beings who fought for hundreds of years), Vector Manipulation (Capable of manipulating the vectors of kinetic energy), Attack Reflection (Was able to perfectly reflect Eljin's attacks back onto himself), Heat Manipulation and Fire Manipulation (Used his control over vectors to heat up and start fires), Acrobatics (Capable of leaping onto walls and manuever around in mid-air), Statistics Amplification (Raises his strength when using Breaker), Shockwave Generation and Durability Negation (Capable of unleashing the vibrations his heart makes by timing its pulses with his strikes, bypassing normal durability), Telekinesis (Type 1) (Can craft swords out of the ground with his mind), Order Manipulation (Type 3) and Fate Manipulation (As the constant of Knowledge, reality and fate bend to the natural order in order to gurantee his victory)
Resistance to Disease Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, and Organic Manipulation (Heralds are immune to diseases and poisons of any definition created by mankind, which would include things like biological and organic technology), Mind Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, and Madness Manipulation (Type 3) (Heralds were capable of staring into the Abyss, which annihilates one's mind into madness to the point of paralyzation. Can fight within the presence of each other), Corruption (Type 2) (Heralds are unaffected by the strikes of the avatars of the Abyss, which corrupts on existential levels), Soul Manipulation (Heralds can fight while in the presence of each other), Fear Manipulation (Heralds are unaffacted by each other's presence), Time Stop, Time Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Probability Manipulation (Due to them working on multiple levels of transcendent causality, Heralds are unaffected by the alteration to time, causality, fate, and probability), Durability Negation and Resistance Negation (Beings working on multiple levels of causality, Heralds are unable to be harmed or their resistances bypassed unless by beings of similar status to them), Void Manipulation and Existence Erasure (Heralds are capable of surviving in Null Space)
Attack Potency: Small Star Level (Comparable to Phobos, who was going to annihilate all of Asia on a subatomic level [2.3792857e+41 J]
Speed: At least FTL+ (Comparable to Honoka, who could cut a beam of light in half which was only meters away from her face [55c])
Lifting Strength: Stellar (Comparable to Eljin, who could still walk around and fight unhindered despite being under the gravitational weight of an entire star)
Striking Strength: Small Star Level
Durability: Small Star Level, Invulnerability, Immortality, and Regeneration makes him hard to kill. (Heralds are naturally unkillable to anybody else that are not them, being one-man armies that can change the world considered to be immortal beings)
Stamina: Superhuman.
Range: Extended Melee Range, Interdimensional with Abilities (The abilities of the Heralds allows them to reach and even attack each other within pocket universes and even into the higher vibratory space)
Standard Equipment: Various weapons, artifacts, tools, and much more gathered from old civilizations
Intelligence: Galen is easily one of the smartest Heralds, as the Herald of Knowledge itself. That said, due to his history, he is an immensely skilled and experienced warrior to the point of simply outclassing other Heralds by his sheer skill alone, claiming to have done so on numerous occasions before. In combat, he is one of the deadliest foes to go up against, having mastered thousands of martial arts in his years and even beating beings who have lived for hundreds of years in constant combat. His mind as a Herald is enhanced to the point where he is capable of remembering thousands of years of history and was the one to theorize what was about to happen to the world.
Weaknesses: Heralds are naturally tied to their Constants for strength and energy, and as such, if the Constants are weakened, so are they. If the Constant itself dies, then their Heralds are completely erased. Obsessed with obtaining knowledge.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
The Herald of Cognition: Much like the rest of the Heralds, Galen is a superhuman beyond mortal comprehension and recognition. His strength and speed are far beyond what anything humanity is capable of producing. As the other Heralds have done so, his very nature as a Constant bends literal fate and reality around him to ensure his victory as it is a vital component to humanity. Still, this is nothing when it comes to his mind. Unsurprisingly, Galen is unnaturally smart as the Herald of Knowledge. His mind is one of vast intellect, capable of storing information of thousands of years and even being perfectly capable of mimicking various martial arts humanity has come up with. It is only befitting for Knowledge itself, after all.