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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Gabrazeba is a weapon developed by Kral Kaos in Chamber Room during the war between Kovan Undivided and the Nation of Nemenem

Despite the successful eradication or subjugation of Nemenems' possessions by Kovan Undivided under the leadership of Amalatro, the resilience they gained from Zisnerve, a structure that was a tool for Nemenems which existed in Authentic Palace, posed challenges in permanently suppressing Nemenems. In a negotiated agreement wherein Amalatro relinquished his position, Kral Kaos assumed power to decisively eliminate Nemenems and resolve the conflict once and for all. During his leadership, Kral Kaos was dedicated to first forming a distinct location named Chamber Room with distinct closure of time, and started the development of 1000 weapons, each surpassing its predecessor in terms of potency and reach. Although any of these weapons proved capable of obliterating Nemenem Zindans, Kaos did not use any of them until he finally successfully engineered Gabrazeba, the Thousand-Strong weapon, the 1000th weapon he made, which he decided to employ in the war against Nemenems.

The destruction of Zisnerve itself was the main purpose of Kral Kaos. However, this objective was ultimately decided to be unnecessary. Nemenems, as a collective, housed their essential attributes, encompassing their essence, consciousness, temporal dimensions, informational data, and all aspects of their existence, within specifically constructed chambers known as "Zindans" embedded within Zisnerve. The numerical order of Zindans corresponded to the relative power and influence of individual Nemenems, ranging from the lowest designation of R1 to an astronomical scale numbering in the trillions and ever-ascending, such as that of Empress Hersch. Kral Kaos believed Zisnerve could be useful one day and decided to leave it intact. Focusing on the eradication of Zindans alone became the pivotal requirement, effectively resulting in the annihilation of all Nemenems. This strategic approach yielded successful outcomes, as Kral Kaos effectively eradicated the Nemenem nation, thereby bringing a definitive conclusion to this protracted conflict. Kral Kaos deduced that the very first weapon he developed in Chamber Room was potent enough to annihilate the entirety of Zisnerve itself if he wished to, but with Gabrazeba he chose to only annihilate Nemenems' Zindans and did not target Zisnerve as a whole, thinking it as a structure might be useful for Kovan Undivided later on, and elimination of Nemenems was sufficient in his aims.

Following the success of this weapon he developed, Kral Kaos developed several more weapons, "Fake Gabrazebas" and called them Rivagabrazeba, these weapons, although weaker, had half of the power of the original Gabrazeba wielded by Kral Kaos used to destroy Zindans. These weapons were given to elite Kovans such as Amalatro, and, in the future, certain members of the Flurry of Kaos.

Powers and Abilities[]

Tier: 1-C | 1-C

Name: Rivagabrazeba | Gabrazeba

Origin: Storiverse

Age: Unknown, varies depending on timeline | Unknown, varies depending on timeline

Classification: Weapon | Weapon

Wielders: Amalatro, several Flurry of Kaos, Kral Kaos | Kral Kaos

Passive effects: Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; Can affect Essences that are unbound by the reality they govern, such as Nemenems), Mind Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Madness Manipulation (Type 3), Perception Manipulation, Reality Warping, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1) and Causality Manipulation (When not deactivated, Gabrazeba causes extreme fear, despair, and insanity, prevents nearby entities from taking any action and will undo anything they attempt to do, causes them to perceive themselves getting destroyed, which feels like they are in fact, destroyed, as they are fated to upon these effects that happen simultaneously. It affects not only the being of something but its very Essence)

Powers and Abilities: All passive effects plus Existence Erasure (Erased the Lifs, Essences of Nemenems exist in Zindans). Extrasensory Perception and Non-Physical Interaction (Destroyed Zindans, who exist beyond the regular Essences that affect reality such as Essence of Existence, Essence of Causality, or Essence of Distance, existing unbound by them), Immortality Negation (Types 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 9) and Regeneration Negation (High-Godly; permanently killed even the most powerful of Nemenems, including Hersch, who are able to reform after complete destruction of their Lifs, which contains their very Essence, birth, death, past, future, information, and all else that is not their physical body, as it is separated from it)

Attack Potency: Complex Multiverse level (Rivagabrazeba has half the power of Gabrazeba) | Complex Multiverse level (Gabrazeba is the Thousand-Strong weapon; The most powerful weapon out of 1000 weapons Kral Kaos designed to destroy the Nemenems' Zindans inside Zisnerve, with each weapon being far more powerful than the next, to the points of making the previous ones's abilities irrelevant. Even the weakest of the weapons made by Kral Kaos was potent enough to not only permanently annihilate countless Nemenems and their Zindans, including that of Hersch's, the most powerful Nemenem, but the entire structure of Zisnerve as a whole. Gabrazeba, as the Thousand-Strong Weapon, exists as the final and most potent of the 1000 weapons Kaos developed inside the Chamber Room)

Speed: Immeasurable attack speed (Comparable to Gabrazeba) | Immeasurable attack speed (Attacked and destroyed Zindans inside Zisnerve, who exist beyond Essence of Distance)

Durability: Unknown

Range: Complex Multiversal (Could reach the entire Zisnerve at once)

Weaknesses: None notable


  • Due to the fact that the weapon registers everything as a target, its presence alone causes a variety of side effects that are active at all times unless deactivated by the wielder, the wielder must also be able to resist those effects to be able to use the weapon and deactivate them, these effects include the fallowing
    • Causes extreme fear, despair, and insanity. Nemenems, despite their Lifts contained elsewhere, were affected by this
    • Alters the very flow of events in such a way that its targets will not even be able to act, and all acts they take will have no effect
    • Alters the perception of its targets that they experience their destruction, which turns into reality as all its targets are fated by the weapon to be destroyed by it
    • Affects the very Essence of its targets with all of its abilities
  • Is the Thousand-Strong weapon among 1000 weapons, all of which are far more powerful than one prior, and able to affect Nemenem constructions inside Zisnerve, all Zindans, the weakest of which, R1 Nemenems, by existing in Zisnerve, is equal to Authentic Palace in their nature, from where they view Kahanat, homeworld of Kahanites mentioned by Hersch to "see the Worlds (Universes) as infinitesimal grains of salt on an endless desert". Each Nemenem whose Zindan with a higher number is far more powerful than the one with a lower number and resisting abilities of anything comparable to one lower than themselves. The total number of Nemenems is trillions and ever-ascending to due them constantly multiplying within Zisnerve. Gabrazeba obliterated all of the Lifs at once and could annihilate Zisnerve as a whole if Kral Kaos wanted to do so.

Key: Rivagabrazeba | Gabrazeba
