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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Fujiwara South


Fujiwara (full name Noh Fujiwara) was one of the original 13 colonists of the Weebscaler Accord, and in the country's youth served as the head chef as well as one of its more capable ranged soldiers. Due to her importance to the colony's continued function, however, she rarely saw combat until an alternative chef could be supplied (ultimately coming in the form of Palimentari). Fujiwara spent her freed-up time learning gardening, making her perhaps the most integral to sustaining the colony's collective stomach.

After a great deal of development, the colony saw Fujiwara once again join the ranks of the "kill team", consistently serving alongside Setsuna, Laila, and Marshadow as the firing squad of Molokar. She took part in a great number of campaigns, including being one of the more important figures present at the Siege of Beetings- after being critically wounded, she continued to man her post in the erected barricades, being one of the last remaining in that position. Fujiwara has been present for every major battle that the Weebscaler Accord has taken part in.

Fujiwara wed Azontr early into the colony's history, despite her later revealing herself as gay- the couple had a number of children, only one of which remains alive, a daughter named Glasya. Her other children- Mason, Nobura, and Lady- died tragically: her sons Mason and Nobura were lost early into their lives, never making it to adulthood, whereas Lady perished during the Siege of Shafter (one of two losses suffered by the Weebscaler Accord, the other being Vitaly).

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 8-C, likely High 8-C, Varies from 9-A to 8-B via Psycasts, at least High 8-C via Hollow Being, Low 7-B Environmental Destruction, at least 8-C via mount

Name: Noh Fujiwara, Blizzard's Bite

Origin: Be My Rimworld Pawns

Gender: Female

Age: 22 biologically, 32 chronologically

Classification: Aetherius

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Fujiwara is equipped with an arsenal of weapons that she shows legendary skill in, including a relic arc pistol and perhaps the most powerful firearm in the colony's armor, a bolt sniper rifle), Martial Arts (Despite being primarily a ranged fighter, Fujiwara maintains professional levels of skill in martial combat, including unarmed techniques), Genius Intelligence (Fujiwara is a certified genius, recognized by all throughout the region controlled by the Weebscaler Accord), Damage Reduction (Fujiwara is exceptionally tough, such that she innately reduces all incoming damage by a huge amount), Statistics Amplification (She possesses an eltex mace named Mickey's Dick Smasher that amplifies her psionic abilities while held), Explosion Manipulation, Durability Negation (Her sniper, Hollow Being, is a bolt weapon, which punctures through both physical and intangible armors with extreme efficiency and detonates on impact, dealing massive damage), Electricity Manipulation (Her arc pistol sidearm fires concentrated energy in the form of electricity), Forcefield Creation (Fujiwara possesses the colony's only Low-Shield Pack, which can be deployed at a moment's notice to erect a large bubble of force that those inside can fire out of but blocks entry from external forces), Information Analysis (She possesses a Targeting Assistant neural implant, which highlights information around her and points out weak points in enemy positions, massively increasing her combat abilities with ranged weapons), Cyborgization (She maintains two noteworthy bionic enhancements- the aforementioned targeting assistant, and a nuclear engine that has replaced her stomach), Mind Manipulation, Nanotechnology (Fujiwara is an extremely talented psycaster, and is experienced in a number of schools of thought; she gained her initial ability to use psycasts via a collection of nanomachines implanted into her eye; Fujiwara can assume direct control of a target for a short period of time), Pain Manipulation (Fujiwara can inflict incapacitating pain into others via Word of Pain), Ice Manipulation (Fujiwara can generate and control ice as part of her psycasts), Weapon Creation (Her most basic ice-based psycasts allow her to form spikes of ice to use as projectiles against enemies), Temperature Manipulation (Fujiwara can lower temperatures to such extremes that those afflicted almost instantly become affected by hypothermia), Power Bestowal (Fujiwara can dampen her own abilities to drastically enhance anothers, boosting their senses, speed, and others), Transmutation (Fujiwara can affect basic details about stone, including transforming it into an entirely different type), Energy Manipulation (Fujiwara has a unique level of control over her psionic statistics, allowing her to transform accumulated psionic heat into more energy to fuel her abilities, granting her functionally infinite casting power), Probability Manipulation (Fujiwara has a direct control over Probability- although the effects are still more or less random, Fujiwara can "reroll" probability to cause something else to happen, often to devastating effect for all present; she can swap her luck with another, causing negative possibilities to affect the other party and positive possibilities to affect her), Life Manipulation (Fujiwara can swap her own health to another target- this includes all wounds Fujiwara has accumulated in addition to "hit points"), Flight (Fujiwara, like all Aetherii, has an extremely limited form of flight that allows for short-range gliding at tremendous speeds), Regeneration (Low-Mid, Aetherii possess an extremely powerful healing factor that can close even lethal wounds in the heat of combat), Telepathy (All Aetherii are telepathic and can communicate over vast distances with one another), Longevity (The maximum presumed lifespan of an Aetherii is about 185 years), Enhanced Senses (All Aetherii can see perfectly in darkness), Accelerated Development (All Aetherius find a propensity to learn many new skills at an accelerated pace), Weather Manipulation (Fujiwara can conjure blizzards in the middle of summer via psycasting), Resistance to Disease Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, Fire Manipulation, and Radiation Manipulation (Members of the Aetherius caste, including Fujiwara, are naturally immune to or greatly resistant to poisons, diseases, fire, and rot, as well as radiation most often originating from their nuclear stomachs)

Attack Potency: At least Building level, likely Large Building level (Fujiwara is a member of the "Kill Squad", and is comparable to members such as Laila and Setsuna; she is far superior to typical janissaries and cataphracts, both of whom can output and tank devastating levels of damage; She is superior to Feralisk Clutch Mothers, who can survive a fall from orbit; Kill Squad members can collectively combat enemies on par with or superior to Chthonians), Varies from Small Building level to City Block level via psycasts (Her psycasts vary from ice spikes comparable to Comiphorous' flame balls to powerful waves of damaging freeze), at least Large Building level via Hollow Being (Bolt weapons are extremely devastating in terms of damage output, with Hollow Being being a particularly destructive version of these weapons, such that they can severely wound targets such as Azontr or Shmooply with a single shot and still reasonably threaten the likes of Crabwhale), Small City level Environmental Destruction (Fujiwara can create full-on blizzards covering a significant region of the world), at least Building level via mount (Fujiwara rides the thrumbo Cuthbert, which can gore space-age troops easily and is significantly superior to the likes of a Feralisk Clutch Mother)

Speed: Athletic Human (As an Aetherius, she is somewhat noticeably quicker-moving than her peers, and travels at a walk speed of about 7.8 m/s), Superhuman via mount (Her Thrumbo is significantly faster than a horse, and should maintain a pace of at least 20 m/s), Subsonic+ via Flight (Although only possible at short distances, it allows Fujiwara to move comparably to Comiphorous)

Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Every colonist can easily pick up and haul a Paraceratherium, which weighs over 15 metric tons)

Striking Strength: At least Building level, likely Large Building level, Varies from Small Building level to City Block level via Psycasts, at least Large Building level via Hollow Being

Durability: At least Building level, likely Large Building level (Fujiwara is extraordinarily resilient to damage, and as such is above certain other Kill Team members such as Laila)

Stamina: Above Average, Fujiwara historically has continued to stand in combat even missing entire limbs, and has shown a remarkable endurance in the thick of battle

Range: Extended Melee, Hundreds of Meters via firearms, varies, up to Several Kilometers via psycasts, Several Kilometers via Hollow Being

Standard Equipment: Hollow Being, Mickey's Dick Smasher, relic arc pistol, flak armor, low-shield pack, cataphract helmet

Intelligence: Genius, Fujiwara possesses an exceptional intelligence, in part thanks to her Aetherii genes that enhance both her raw knowledge and her capacity to learn more

Weaknesses: Fujiwara's pampered lifestyle has led her to believe herself above "dumb labor", which makes her averse to stressing her body to carry heavy loads as well as cleaning after herself


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
