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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

If not for Grand Majesty's command to bring you back home, I wouldn't be above killing you right were you stand.
~ Froze upon her first reunion with her brother

That damned Blizzara... Why has Grand majesty put so much trust into some hick he's never even met before?
~ Froze expresses frustration about Blizzara

I guess changing my heart isn't something that will happen overnight, is it...
~ Froze upset after hesitating to help Frosslo defend the Divine Flowers, realizing she still has a lot of work to do to truly rid Kozan's influence from her life


Froze is an important character who debuts in the 'Kamihana Saga' of Venefica Chronicles. A product of her upbringing, Froze meets the very definition of a cult member. She behaves according to all the codes applied to her, she possesses zero tolerance for criticism of her home or for certain questions from anyone and is the stoutest supporter there is of her God: King Kozan, the man to whom she attributes the creation of all there is.

Her family, the ' Zorfen family', was an important family which resided in Sector 5 of Snow Cult Land. Her parents, both pastors for the king, were very high ranked and even knew the king personally, which provided her and her brother with various benefits throughout their young lives. Ever since she was a child first learning of and studying these feats of divinity from pastors, her parents, and through various sermons, Froze proved herself to be something special even amongst others similarly as dedicated from the moments they could walk. She studied and memorized more than anyone; there wasn't a single story of Kozan she didn't know and not a single rule that went unfollowed. Because of her sheer dedication, she was selected as a candidate for Kozan's Royal Guard, an elite corps designed only for the most dedicated members of the cult. Members were granted high authority and far greater access to the inner sanctum of Snow Cult Land. The Royal Guards purpose was a simple one: enforce the law of King Kozan and ensure not a single soul ever doubted him. This is what she longed for, a position in society where Kozan himself would witness and appreciate her. She wanted to be like her parents, but at the same time, she wanted even more.

As a candidate for the guard, Froze's beliefs only became even more secure. She got to bear witness to guard protocol and what exactly they do those who stand against Kozan, they who are referred to as 'Devils.' They use punishment, deprivation, scolding, hazing and more to break down any suspects, however, for those who are genuinely caught disobeying the rules, a far worse fate awaits them. They are cast out from society and locked deep into the Ice Prison, where they are lost and forgotten to time, destined to exist as a nothingness no one remembers until their final breath. Froze saw this befitting of a Devil, as one does in the Snow Cult, however, she didn't think that it was good enough. So, she pledged that she would rise up and lead the Guard herself and turn Snow Land into what she believed was the truly ideal paradise of Kozan. The training was extremely difficult in order to weed out those 'unworthy' of wielding the hammer of Kozan's judgement, but it was no problem for Froze. She soon became an elite prospect, a contender for some of the highest positions in all the land, amongst the very, very best of the guards. Because of all of her effort, she made the Zorfens proud despite her very own brother flaming out early.

Now an elite prospect she got to meet prodigies from other sector's, too. There was Avalo, a man of immense stature from Sector 6, Wintor, a man of cunning from Sector 8, and Samui and Snowra, both impressive fighters from Sector 3. These four individuals were just as loyal to the cause as she was and even had their own unique aspects. Snowra possessed an unforeseen speed, Avalo an amazing might, Wintor immense cunning and an eye for hierarchal structure, and Samui the only psychic in the entire world (as far as Snow Land was concerned) and a boy whose entire family had been 'shunned'. Shunning was something beyond punishment, beyond the Ice Prison entirely, which only King Kozan himself knew the truth of. Despite this, she embraced him and the rest as friends. Over the years, the five became nearly inseparable. Once they were adults, all five of them were the highest ranked among the guard and each granted positions as elite, but only as long as they could undergo the 'special ritual' without losing themselves to madness and blasphemy. The ritual was called the Elite Conjugation and consisted of each selected elite drinking the Bitter Congius. It was a drink designed to utterly shatter the spirit and will of those who made it to the finish line yet could not fully implant their resolve. In previous years, many promising candidates had succumbed to the Bitter Congius, being driven into total madness as their bodies became worthless, lifeless, soulless husks. Froze survived the experience and went on to thrive, eventually taking over the guard itself just as she'd always dreamed. She believed that in order to truly appreciate and appease the king, she needed to run a tight ship, tighter than any previous commander. Nothing gets past her.

This eventually led to a confrontation with her brother, Frosslo, since she noticed his change in demeanor overtime. He was struggling with depression and the fear of spending life forever in his sister's shadow, but he also felt disillusioned with Grand Majesty because despite everything being "perfect", he was still unhappy. He told her that he didn't want to hurt their family by telling them these things and he was scared of what the truth about 'shunning' may be, so he was contemplating running away somewhere. These revelations stunned Froze, and she knew she could have him shunned for even the thought of such a thing, but how could she shun her own brother? For the first time, she stopped and questioned everything she'd ever known. Froze confirmed to him that she'd have to report him, but with one last promise to one day see her again, Frosslo ran out to the sea. This was the first instance of doubt Froze had ever experienced, something she carried with her throughout the Kamihana Saga and was a defining part of her character.


Froze has a more complicated personality than just 'obsessive cult member.' Although her life has literally revolved around Kozan and doing all in her power to dedicate herself and others to him at maximum efficiency, she is actually rather preserved. She largely keeps to herself unless discussing religious events or the furtherance of Kozan's plans, however, there are certain people she does open up around, namely her 'Frozen Guard', consisting of the four friends she made during her elite training regimen. In particular with Snowra, who Froze finds she can confide in those rare moments when she's feeling unsure of something. After being continually bossed around with glee by Blizzara the night she and her Frozen Guard placed Kozan's warp points around Kamihana, she voices her mistrust of Hyoketsu the Ice Witch and Blizzara (her familiar) and says that she thinks they might be feeding lies to Kozan, something that could be taken as a blasphemous statement. But on a deeper level the two have discussed family members lost to shunning on multiple occasions, particularly when Froze asks Snowra if it was easy for her to sever ties with her mom. Although Snowra is shocked that Froze would even think to mention someone shunned from Snow Land, she gives her commander an answer anyway because they have an unbreakable mutual trust. Her loyalty to her friends is just as strong as he royalty to Kozan himself.

As the commander of the guard, she is stern and often extreme in her ways as the most powerful elite due to her extreme faith in Kozan and devotion to the Snow Cult's cause. She can be prone to snapping at others, even at her Frozen Guard when they step out of line, especially if Avalo is going into one of his rages again, to which she often responds by breaking his spine (which regenerates relatively fast) which he holds no prejiduce for. However, when it comes to her friends, she does not punish or ostracize them the way she does anyone suspected of being against Grand Majesty. Even when Samui cracks a bad joke or too she doesn't shout him down or hit him, or when Wintor starts to rant. She's fiercely loyal not just to Kozan, however, but also to those she loves, striving to be the elite commander all for their sake, even if she doesn't fully understand what all they're going through. Despite being devoted to her Grand Majesty more than anyone save her own daughter, the part of her who never stopped loving Frosslo would have eventually led her to the truth even without her brother's intervention.


Samui is a member of the 'Frozen Guard', Froze's personal elite foursome of fighters. The two of them met shortly after they had been declared elite prospects for the Royal Guard, however, it became very apparent to Froze shortly after they met that Samui wasn't the typer of guy she imagined being an elite prospect. He liked to joke around and make light of situations, yet at the same time it was easy to tell he had depressed undertones. Besides his jokes, he was quiet like she was, so the two could bond over that. He didn't have a very good time with Avalo since he would rage upon hearing some of his jokes, or with Wintor because of how he'd sometimes rant, and Snowra found him pretty annoying, so he was most often by Froze's side. And then the training began, and as it turns out, Samui had an incredible gift: psychic power, the only one in the entire world. In his previous spars and challenges, he could easily best anyone in his way just by staring at them and preventing all movement. with his mere hands, he could manipulate his surroundings. He said that Grand Majesty himself explained this gift to him when he was much younger and that he had been a guard prospect ever since. Froze was stunned someone like him could have this gift and have been a prospect for so long, but her jealousy didn't last long. The ensuing training was extremely difficult for all of them, even for Samui despite being an Esper, and they were able to deepen their bonds over this.

I have something called 'Psychic Power', so I can control things with my mind... Grand Majesty told me it was a one-of-a-kind gift, a long time ago...
~ Samui explaining his condition to Froze

Samui and Froze have a lot of similarities. They are both devoted elites to Grand Majesty, both are typically reserved individuals, both are highly respected in Snow Land society. However, where their relationship truly shines is in their differences. Samui is often intimidated by others, especially Avalo, while Froze isn't afraid to stare anyone in the face, and he feeds off of that energy to boost his own confidence. In essence, when the two are close by, he 'comes out of his shell' even more, which in turn strengthens his psychic power. Going deeper, Froze understands that Samui is someone with a troubled upbringing. She could tell just by the look in his eyes, his tone of voice, just based on everything he did that although they were both in the same situation socially, their private lives were immensely different. And over the course of their budding friendship, he eventually confirmed her suspicions. He was a former member of the Salju family which was across the country from Froze in Sector 3. It was big news back when she was much younger, but the entirety of the Salju family had been shunned due to a conspiracy to rebel against Kozan, save for one child. This child was Samui, which she didn't know until he told her about it privately. Meanwhile, she had her entire family by her side throughout her journey, not a single skeleton in her closet. She was pristine, but he was 'dirty.' But because he was so devoted to Kozan, she didn't allow him to see himself as dirty. She promised to help Samui repair the reputation of the Salju family and build it stronger than ever.

Many years passed since that conversation and they remained good friends throughout, but they advanced to a new level just before the Snow Land parade where they would carry Frosslo around for the entire country to mock and spit upon and curse. As it turned out, ever since the previous attack where Frosslo had been defeated and captured by Froze, he had an encounter with someone that completely shattered all those years of built-up confidence. This someone was Akanumi, another Esper. Not just that, but she was stronger than him, he was overpowered and forced to the ground by her psychic power. After all this time believing he was the only one, what would happen if Grand Majesty found out? What would happen if he realized that his psychic power was not actually unique? Was his very existence a blasphemy against Kozan? It was a deep topic, but she hated seeing Samui in this state of mind. He looked terrible and scared. But Froze could go on and on about all the things she admired about him outside of his psychic powers, and so she did. She let herself be vulnerable for him and discuss both of their insecurities and families. She convinced him that his life was worth living. And afterwards when they returned to the parade, Froze didn't even tell the others of the Frozen Guard what they talked about, keeping Samui's insecurities safe from those not as trustworthy with that knowledge. From this, their friendship began to blossom into something even greater than mere friendship.

Samui, you're so much more than an elite guard with psychic capabilities. Your jokes always light up my day no matter what Snowra or Avalo think of them. Just... Even just being around you makes me happy, Samui. I wouldn't give you up for anyone in the world, even if every single one of them were psychics. Point is... you're special to me.
~ Froze opening herself up to Samui

Alveinia is the daughter of Froze. She gave birth to her during a period of time where she and her family were being forced to mend their status in society, one of the harshest portions of Froze's life. Because of this, and Kozan's lack of discipline when it came to caring for his daughter, Froze was practically all alone in being a mother besides help from her own parents, which was frequent. But like when she was a young girl, she bestowed all of her faith in Kozan upon Alveinia. However, this was a unique circumstance. She was the heir of Grand Majesty. This news spread throughout Snow Land like wildfire, putting more pressure on Froze to be the ideal mother. But Alveinia was a little bit tricky. As she grew up, Froze was determined to enforce all of the cult rules upon her daughter just as had been done to her when she was young. however, this created tensions between the two as she began to walk and talk. Alveinia was a girl filled with independence. She didn't instantly conform to all of the teachings about Kozan and all of the talks about the rules she had to follow. At her core, she was a rebel. Although being the princess did grant a degree of leniency, it put an immense frustration on Froze beyond the typically expected frustrations and setbacks caring for a young child provides. She didn't want her daughter of all people growing up acting like a delinquent.

So, she decided she would teach Alveinia discipline. And to do so, she would train her daughter to fight. Having been born with the power of Blessed Ice, her potential was incredible. And just like her mom, she excelled at the training she was put through. She helped her daughter develop good habits through the routine of martial arts exercises, assisting her with her impatience and turning her into a warrior of the people. This didn't get rid of her spoilt attitude, but it did help turn her into what Froze saw more as an ideal daughter. Alveinia also began to have a better relationship with her father around this time and started to take a similar path as her mother, although Kozan didn't demand she be a pastor or anything as he did truly view her as the princess. Froze and Alveinia, however, are far closer. Alevinia looks up to her mother more than she even looks up to Grand Majesty, calling her the 'smartest in the world' and the 'best fighter ever' multiple times while also gushing about how she taught her how to use many 'kickass' moves. Secretly though, Alveinia still felt trapped.

This changed following the defeat of and death of Kozan. Her father being killed upset her immensely but she'd learned the truth and knew deep down that he never, ever cared about her, so she focused entirely on her mother. With him gone and Froze being her very own person for the first time in her life, she took it upon herself to be a true mother to Alveinia and allow her to explore individuality, moving away from the cult mindset forever. Seeing as Alveinia was next in line for the throne and needed to be prepped to be queen of a divided people, Froze started to teach her about the real world alongside Frosslo while letting her daughter come to her own conclusions as they went along, refusing to enforce any specific belief over her child ever again.

Frosslo is Froze's brother. As the two were children born to the Zorfen family in Sector 5, both Froze and Frosslo had hefty expectations placed upon them from the very beginning of their lives. Their parents knew the king and had been pastors for years and similar goals were expected of then two siblings. For Froze, this was automatic. She instantly conformed to everything her parents told her about Kozan and she didn't break a single rule. Frosslo, on the other hand, while also conforming and being devoted to Grand Majesty, had a clearly different path. Frosslo followed Froze into royal guard training, however, he found it too difficult and was thrown out, the opposite of his sister who embraced and conquered the challenge.

Throughout the years following this blunder, Frosslo slowly became less and less devoted to Grand Majesty in contrast with her, who grew more and more devoted. He noticed inconsistencies in the stories told of Kozan's feats of creation and about how the rules being so strict didn't allow for the true freedom which Kozan and his own parents professed to exist across Snow Land. And this sickened him to the core. He didn't want to be blasphemous, but he couldn't get the thoughts out of his head. So, one day he requested a meeting with Froze by the beach where he finally let his feelings loose and told her about the thoughts he was having before he ran away, implanting a profound doubt into Froze's heart with his words which stuck to her.

Well over a decade passed before she would see her brother again. It was the day of the planned invasion of Kamihana, Kozan wished for the Frozen Guard to split off and return with multiple Divine Flowers so that he may absorb their energies to vanquish the Devils once and for all. The night prior to the actual invasion, Snowra asked if she would be alright with confronting him, since Froze new for as fact that she'd be on a collision course with her shunned brother. But by then she claimed she'd lost her capacity to care. She told Snowra that that she would face it as she does everything else. She would up and win in the name of Grand Majesty, and in the process prove that the 'Divine Power' of the Kamihanian devils was no more than a facade meant to scare the Snow Land civilians and that it simply amounted to zero next to the power she earned from Grand Majesty.

Froze first tested her brother by sending a wave of Snow Golems to his location. The golems, while not particularly strong ability wise, were a good test of physical prowess which he passed with flying colors, defeating them easily alongside help from his apprentice, Shade, and her friend Flare. To her surprise, he had proven himself worthy of her presence, so she descended upon him, to which he responded by commenting on how she appeared much more 'hardened' but that he'd always known the next time he saw her would end in a fight between them. The two had a fierce battle where Froze swore that she left him and everything he'd once meant to her behind as she sought to crush him as the Devil he'd become, and because of his insecurities about her and unwillingness to harm her, he didn't use his Divine Power and ended up defeated.

You could have had everything under Grand Majesty Frosslo. I just can't understand you.
~ Froze speaking to Frosslo after knocking him unconscious

After a humiliating parade, Froze was sure for a fact that she was finally finished with her devilish brother. However, instead of the relief she'd outwardly hoped for, instead she just felt a pit in her stomach. That sense of doubt from so long ago had remained for all this time, yet even now she refused to acknowledge it even slightly. That very night, Kamihana's naval forces arrived at Kozan's doorstep seeking to take back the stolen Divine Flowers as well as free Frosslo, who they had no clue was permafrosted. It was during this attack that Froze detected something no one else could, something which was calling to her specifically from the inner sanctum of the country, within Kozan's palace. So, she went to observe it, only to discover him again; Frosslo. Somehow, he'd escaped Grand Majesty's wrath which absolutely disgusted her. She insults him but to her surprise, he's the one who apologizes. He apologizes for holding back in their first battle. He spoke to her in the most genuine way he'd ever done, telling her that he couldn't bring himself to actually use the Divine Power because of just how much he loved her. But he told her that while he was frozen he'd realized that he'd need to save her from herself.

Froze loathed the sentiment and attacked him furiously, using powers she'd also held back in their first battle. She threw everything at her brother. Every possible combination of her blessed powers, every possible weapon she could make and every possible shape and size they could take, every ounce of strength in her body and even beyond that, reaching a point where she was physically splitting apart. However, none of it worked. Throughout the entire battle, all Frosslo did was talk to her, person to person, defending himself when necessary and proving without a shadow of a doubt that he wielded the power blessed by a true god, not a false on such as Kozan. Frosslo displayed complete faith in not only his own god, but also in Froze herself. He believed in her to save herself from Kozan, he didn't want to be her hero because he knew she had the power within her already. He wanted her to finally acknowledge the doubt she had possessed ever since he left her on the beach and that that doubt was far greater: it was the truth. By using the power of Negaigoto to unveil the truth to her on a spiritual level, he shattered all the mental walls she had erected over the course of her life, causing her for the first time to realize just how abusive Kozan was and about how much she and her family and friends have been taken advantage of for as long as they've lived.

This crushed her entirely. For the first time, she lost the will to continue. Frosslo understood the reaction but he knew she was beyond such a thing. Beyond Kozan himself. And he told her as much. He assured her that she had the power to take control of her own life and to sever her ties with Kozan. He completely believed that he had no control over her and that he never will again.

You know what I think about that Froze? I think one day you'll be stronger than him. Yes, you can. You just think you can't, because Kozan doesn't want you to think you can. Because once you start thinking that you can, he loses his power over you. He's only a god to those who believe he is. To me, he's just a tyrant. A tyrant who uses fear and manipulation to convince others that they love him. Because otherwise, they would hate him.
~ Frosslo gives his true thoughts of both Froze and Kozan, revealing to her that Kozan is a controlling tyrant and convincing her that she had the power to live life and thrive without Kozan iron grip over her
After the defeat of Kozan, Frosslo and Froze finally had the chance to start building a real brother and sister bond, rather than one which was strangled by cult rules and regulations. Now, for the very first time, thanks to her brother, Froze could begin to live.

King Kozan, referred to as 'Grand Majesty' by the denizens of Snow Land, once meant the entire world to Froze. From the very first breath she ever took, she had heard stories of the greatness of Grand Majesty. He was the one who had created the very snow they walk upon every day, the creator of the moon so that they would have periods of rest, the creator of all of life's luxuries, she credited everything there ever was or could possibly be to him. Although such was a common belief amongst Snow Cult Land, Froze always took it a step further. Her first words were a garbled attempt at worship to Kozan, her first drawings childish depictions of his 'feats', and more. Her parents, Rimerite and Fern, were both pastors of Grand Majesty and spread his words across the entire country for all to hear. They held sermons all the time, through day or night, all in accordance with what Grand Majesty desired of them and Froze looked up to her parents with glimmering eyes. She wanted to be just like them, so she became a candidate for the royal guard, something which paid off greatly as she would become an elite and eventually take over total command of the guard. Everything she had done, every last hardship, was in the name of Grand Majesty. And she wouldn't have it any other way.

But everything had changed after she reported Frosslo, her brother, for deserting Snow Land and running across the sea, likely to Kamihana, the land of Devils. It had effects on her life and the Zorfin family she never could have predicted. He was furious with her; no one had ever fled Snow Land at any point throughout its history until Frosslo. He told her that he would have no choice but to shun her and her entire family, as well as strip her of her authority over the guard. However, he did give her a chance to repair her and her relations with him on the condition that she and her family would perform immense labors for him, far more straining than any training she'd ever done. The tasks were borderline torturous, however, Froze swore upon her heart and soul that she would do anything and everything for grand majesty, no matter how difficult, demeaning, or even impossible of a task it was that he demanded of her. This included the events which led to the birth of Alveinia.

You're wrong! I will do anything for Grand Majesty, no matter what he asks of me!
~ Froze yelling at Frosslo during their first battle

Even the conception of Alveinia wasn't quite enough to 'mend their relationship.' Froze would be forced into whatever insane task he demanded of her for years before they finally slowed down, around when Alveinia was a small child. Despite everything, nothing outward showing that she was losing any faith in him at all. However, deep inside, that same doubt which Frosslo instilled in her so long ago had been building. This wouldn't culminate for a long time. During her second battle with Frosslo when he was using his Divine Forme, after defeating her and showing her the truth behind the world using his Divine Power, she was completely crushed by it. Not only was every story she was ever told of Kozan wildly untrue, but she could finally acknowledge just how badly she had been taken advantage of. He completely abused his power over her and every citizen of Snow Cult Land. The ultimate betrayal, Froze was left to herself by her brother as he sought to free everyone Kozan had shunned over the centuries.

Froze belongs to me. She'll quite literally do anything I ask of her!
~ Kozan flaunting his control over Froze to Frosslo

Eventually, Froze regained herself and sought to free the Frozen Guard from Kozan's grip as well. During Kamihana's attack of Snow Cult Land and as Frosslo faced off with Kozan's true form, Froze returned, determined to give him a piece of her mind. She attacked him with her Black Gates, an act so alien to Kozan that it halted a speech he was rattling off to Frosslo all about how glorious he was. Froze rebuked Kozan for what he did to her, her family, and to all the others of Snow land. She shouted about how he literally turned his people into raging beasts with his power just so he could wield them all as mindless weapons against Kamihana. Kozan called them his slaves, but Froze then called them his keepers.

There was a secret to Kozan's power, and thanks to Frosslo, she knew it. His entire divine basis was held on the pedestal of faith in him; every ounce of power he held was because of the people's unyielding faith in him, his untruthful stories, and his delusions of grandeur. Kozan’s power was based on the people’s belief in him, and that if the people finally saw him for who and what he truly was, he would lose this power and any influence he held over anyone EVER. He was nothing without the people, the complete opposite of his teachings. After Kozan knocked her out, he talked about how Froze was just some toy to him, she had never meant a thing to him, even after all of her devotion, worship, and work for his favor.

After the defeat of Kozan, Froze decided that she would forever leave Kozan behind as a memory. he still would be a part of her life as a memory because of the way he manipulated her entire existence, but that's all the respect she wished to give him. Relegated to the dustbin of history, fit only for future generations to look back upon. And so that is Grand Majesty's legacy with his most devoted follower, an end fitting for a true devil such as Kozan.

Stats and Information[]

Tier: High 6-A, up to 5-C via boosts, Far Higher with Rage Power

Name: Froze, 'Blessed Empress of Frozen Fury'

Origin: Venefica Chronicles

Gender: Female

Age: 36 years old

Classification: Elite Royal Guard, Frozen Guard Commander, "The Boss"

Attack Potency: Multi-Continent level (4.88 Exatons; Froze is physically more powerful than Wintor, Samui, and even Snowra, who can contend with the base versions of members of Flower Power. Froze herself is even relative to a beast of a man like Avalo, being capable of breaking his spine with one swift chop. During her first battle with Frosslo, as a true display of her current might, she generated an ice sphere which equated to 80% of the mass of the moon, which she then destroyed in one blow as a display of dominance); up to Moon level via boosts (39.04 Exatons; the extent of Froze's Blessed Ice power boosting makes her up to eight times as powerful as noted by multiple characters. Managed to one shot Frosslo after powering up despite his attempted defense. Capable of battling against her Frozen Guard even when they are sparring as if it's a serious battle. Managed to put a crack into Avalo's icebergs with a single blow); Far Higher with Rage Power (Generated a massive storm of Ice Lightning which enveloped the moon-sized structure at the center of Blizzara's pocket realm, which she later destroyed with ease. Frosslo stated that with her manifested anger, she would be able to take on Kozan, which is later confirmed when she managed to harm him with Black Gates not long later despite his ability to physically harm Frosslo and handle blows from him too, something Froze didn't manage a single time in their second battle. Boosted the power of all her attacks so much that her body was beginning to overload with energy too quickly, risking her own self destruction)

Speed: FTL+ (Froze is many times faster than people like Darox, being comparable to a newly upgraded Ako in this regard as well as directly comparable to Snowra, who traded '20,000 blows' with Maximus in a millisecond as a warmup. Repeatedly compared to the world's greatest Ninja, who battle primarily with speed. Surpassed the speed of Frosslo multiple times in their first battle while boasting that she could conjure a 'thousand moves before he had the chance to counter a single time.' Managed to outpace Gardneia until she used her Dragon Energy as well as catch Lillian off guard twice during Kamihana's attack on Snow Land. Cast multiple bolts of 'Ice Lightning' around the planet in just 0.1 seconds during her second battle with Frosslo), Far Higher with Frozen Rush

Lifting Strength: Class Z (Comparable to Kamihana Saga Darox, who is well beyond the point where he lifted the falling Dark Divinity battleship. Capable of overpowering Avalo in a direct contest despite his might being directly higher than that of Snowra, Wintor, and even Samui's telekinetic pull. Can physically push around her entire Freezing Emergent, even when it is used to form massive structures like her Ice Moon and effortlessly manipulate massive variations of weaponry she creates as well as ice limbs. Can physically wield the Supermassive Dominator, a scythe three times the height of the moon which sliced through Blizzara's moon-like structure in just one second.)

Striking Strength: Multi-Continent class, up to Moon class with boosts, Far Higher with Rage Power

Durability: Multi-Continent level (Took various types of attacking moves from Wintor, Samui, Snowra, and Avalo during a sparring session. Tanked attacks from Frosslo in their first battle as well as a branch of her own Freezing Emergent being slammed into her. Comparable to base Flower Power members), up to Moon level with boosts (Equal to her power, Froze's defenses can also be made eight times stronger through her boosts. Went toe to toe with a serious Dhalia, who could slash through Avalo's Iceberg Formation. Directly handled whips from Lillian's vines), Far Higher with Rage Power and barriers (Generated a barrier which took attacks from Gardenia's Red Dragon Energy, which multiplies all of her stats by ten times. Managed to survive hits from Frosslo's Divine Forme, although he was purposely holding back enough to avoid killing her. Should be as durable as she is strong when enraged)

Stamina: Superhuman (Froze's stamina is nothing short of extraordinary. Even early on during her training for the Royal Guard, she was better than anyone else in the arena of stamina. She trained the longest, trained the hardest, and still had the energy for more. Even when the training switched to an elite level, testing every inch of her body and senses, she was able to 'thrive' even moreso than Snowra, despite her literally request for her training methods to feel like 'torture.' Capable of sparring with her Frozen Guard for extended periods without tiring. Against Frosslo, despite unleashing great swaths of power and varying degree of her Blessed Ice techniques, she wasn't tired in the slightest afterward. Later on in her second battle with Frosslo, she used every single ability and combination of said abilities she could muster up multiple times, surpassing her limits in the process and physically contending with her brother while she was literally ripping herself apart through the stress and strain on her body, and at the end of it all claimed she was only 'marginally tired' and could have kept going after the collapse of Blizzara's pocket dimension), possibly Infinite in cold conditions (Cold temperature is described as revitalizing for the citizens of Snow land, but it is much more than that for trained fighters like Froze. During their Royal Guard training, they are taught how to absorb the coldness itself into their bodies, making for an endless supply of stamina in certain environments of if abilities like Frozen Terrain are active. However, very extensive use of powers and abilities can still lead to her getting tired despite this, as demonstrated in her second match with Frosslo)

Range: Standard melee range, Far higher with weapon manipulation, Planetary with Blessed Ice, Even higher with Rage Power (Can cast Blessed Ice across all of Blizzara's pocket dimension when enraged, which consists of space extending 300,000 kilometers southwards from the destroyed moon structure in all directions)

Standard Equipment:

  • Black Gates: Black Gates is a special scythe weapon Froze created after her first battle with Frosslo. It's an ethereal, dark weapon possessing her 'innermost power', something beyond any weapon she'd ever created up until that point. Through the act of remembering her life's pain, she managed to imbue the weapon with that power. It's essentially a torture device designed for the pure destruction of all of Kozan's enemies, ironically, by afflicting them with years of pain wrought by Kozan himself. Until Frosslo pointed it out, Froze had no idea of the irony behind her weapon. In addition to this, the scythe can act as an amplifier for certain Blessed Ice attacks and glows violently depending on Froze's emotions, but particularly, her rage.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Enhanced Senses, Extrasensory Perception: Froze's incredible battle sense and movements are so skilled that it's said to be like pseudo-precognition, even against an enemy faster than she is. her senses are so acute that she was able to 'sniff out' Frosslo's presence on Kamihana even through the midst of the massive blizzard she'd made, can easily see beyond very thick veils of blizzards, effortlessly battle within total darkness, and more. Perceived the invisible barriers of Divine Power generated by Lillian during Kamihana's retaliation against Snow Cult Land as well as the Auroura Clones Snowra created during sparring, which is difficult even for Maximus to do. Thanks to Kozan's Gift, 'Eyes of Hailstorm', she can even perceive opponents through their minds and souls to decipher information about them, even through the mental protections of Majin.
    • Instinctive Action: Froze's pure instincts allow her to sense danger, or incoming attacks, even if she is unable to see her opponent and is fighting in darkness, or even if her ability to naturally detect others is totally blocked. Blessed Ice gives Froze's body the ability to automatically fortify in response to attacks using various power. Blessed Ice barriers may automatically erect in order to halt attacks.
  • Martial Arts: Froze's battle skill is the highest in all of Snow Cult Land, only being comparable to Kozan himself. Froze is routinely able to beat her elite guard in 4 on 1 spars despite them all also being fiercely skilled in battle and surpassing characters like Darox individually. Masterfully outclassed Frosslo in her first battle against him despite his routine training with the likes of Maximus and Dhalia, both of whom outclass super prodigies like Cosmo Comet. For a short time, she battled against and pushed back both Lillian and Gardenia at once, with the former referring to her movements as 'nearly perfect.' Kozan called her fighting capability the representation of Snow Lands glory, stating she was akin to a massive and harmonious orchestra, generating many series of unpredictable blows without breaking a sweat. Far outclasses characters like Cobalt, who were skilled enough to beat Blood Sea Soldiers outright despite their abilities of precognition.
    • Weapon Mastery: Froze has high knowledge on how to wield dozens of different weapons at a master level. She has trained for many years in the art of swordfighting using various blades, wielding axes of varying shapes and sizes, maces, firearms, spears, bows, cannons, boomerangs, and even scythes. When she gets creative, she is also capable of wielding a far larger array of different and unconventional weaponry at a level which impresses even Basillios, who has a similar scale of weapons mastery and creation.
    • Acrobatics (All types): Froze's movements are described multiple times to be akin to 'something beyond' precognition. While in the midst of manipulating her Freezing Emergent, she effortlessly preformed very difficult flips and air maneuvers repeatedly. Superior to Snowra, who can battle equally with Maximus, who is superior in this regard to the likes of Light Suzaku and Grender Supervoltix, fighters who go beyond the skill of histories best ninja.
  • Analytical Prediction: Froze is a total expert at observation during a battle. During the 'Kamihana Blizzard', the Snow Cult's invasion of the kingdom, she was able to predict the way the Kamihana forces defensive would move. In sparring, she predicted the movement of twelve of Snowra's aurora clones despite their comparable skill. When she is actually attacking, Froze is able to predict the outcome of the many thousands of possibilities her vast arsenal provides her and wield them to maximum efficiency. Can easily predict the trajectories of tens of thousands of incoming projectiles
  • Supernatural Willpower: Froze's will is nothing short of incredible. She underwent the hellish training regimen required of all of Kozan's soldiers, which is designed to break them down both mentally and physically, overcoming each of his specified challenges all and then asking for more. Later, to be deemed 'truly worthy' as an elite member of the Royal Guard, she was forced to drink the 'Bitter Congius', a beverage imbued with Kozan's dark undertones capable of literally shattering the spirit and soul of an individual and leaving them empty husks, having done this to previous contenders, and she was able to choke it down without a complaint afterward despite the extreme pains. Her high willpower combined with her practically unwavering faith in Kozan as a deity gives her an unconventional defense towards certain abilities based on her will, such as those able to target the mind. She believes in the power bestowed to her by Kozan so much that it becomes increasingly harder to nullify or copy, and just as well, her will becomes impenetrable.
    • Immortality (Type II): Froze's 'Unwavering Faith' allows her to push through impossible pain such as organ loss and empower herself further and further simply based on this faith. Survived the rupturing of her own inner organs as she forced more and more power from her body to the point of nearly 'collapsing in on herself', as well as pushing herself to the point that she was literally splitting apart. Continued to fight Frosslo despite his negation of every possible ability she could deal out combined with immense blood loss and conventionally lethal harm.
  • Acausality (Type I): Froze's memories and mental state were completely unaffected after Frosslo reversed time to restore her condition following their second battle.
  • Empowerment: In snowy/icy areas or conditions, Froze's might grows. Certain abilities greatly increase the boost she receives or just power her up in general across the board. People of Snow Land are capable of absorbing 'coldness' into themselves for possible infinite stamina.
  • Danmaku: Froze is extremely capable when it comes to launching myraids of attacks all at once. She's more than able to create storms of tens of thousands of attacks at will, expanding upon this greatly with the higher echelon of her power.
  • Accelerated Development: Although she started as just a regular guard in training, Froze's potential was quick to show itself. She developed faster than any wishful guard ever had, even quicker than the likes of Snowra. After becoming the commander of the royal guard and receiving her Blessed Ice abilities, she quickly developed many techniques she could use and thousands of potential constructs she could create. After her first battle with Frosslo, despite stomping him she was disappointed in herself and so developed even further powers and abilities in just the few days between her first and second battles with her brother and a whole new series of techniques. Even Gardenia, who can copy master level ninja moves despite no formal ninja training after seeing them once, found Froze to be highly impressive.
  • Blessed Ice Manipulation: Froze possesses great powers over the manipulation of ice as an element and coldness in general. As she is also specially blessed by Kozan personally, she has the ability to generate ice from nothing as well as some other special powers only a select few of Snow Land can wield. Blessed Ice is an ability formed by Kozan which relies on his nature as a pseudo divine being and Froze's belief in him, which makes it much stronger. Just as well, when applied correctly, all of Froze's attacks can reach absolute zero.
    • Elemental Manipulation: Blessed Ice includes the outright manipulation of 'ice and coldness' itself, wielding the element at its most fundamental level.
    • Petrification and Willpower Nullification: Blessed Ice at a very high potency can inflict a special status Kozan refers to as 'Permafrost'. It's much different from traditional petrification, as it forces a drain of willpower from the opponent the more frozen they get, completely annihilating any trace of it upon 100% freeze. It also cannot be escaped by a resistance to traditional petrification or by something which heals it, as it requires something stronger, something which can overcome Froze's own will and belief in her blessed power. Each movement of her limbs releases a burst of blizzard powers which inflict smaller versions of the Permafrost status.
    • Matter Manipulation (Sub-atomic) and Regeneration Negation (Low-High): Froze uses Blessed Ice for her well named 'Fossilizer' move which is capable of eliminating healing factors due to its effect on individual cells in the body. This completely freezes blood and other fluids and inner bodily functions, shutting them down entirely with a direct hit. Blessed Ice effects all matter at a sub-atomic level, beyond conventional freezing and inflicting uncurable frostbites, halting all cellular functions.
    • Self-Biological Manipulation, Creation, and Additional Limbs: Blessed Ice allows for an 'extension of self.' Essentially, everything cast by Froze is simply another part of herself being manifested, allowing for masterful control over all of her attacks. She can generate extra limbs of Blessed Ice from her body, create and customize any form of weapon, such as 'Kozan's Stars', which are gigantic, spiked maces, constructs resembling arms and hands, massive ice trees, entire armies, celestial structures and more. Even if they aren't directly attached to her, by using the Blessed Ice, Froze can manipulate them just as well as one can control their own movements.
    • Size Manipulation: Froze and other users of Blessed Ice can change the size of weapons or constructs they create using it, most notably with Froze's Supermassive Dominator, which is a scythe large enough to slice the moon structure within her pocket realm in half.
    • Weather Manipulation: The use of Blessed Ice can completely alter the weather of any given location. Despite being in the summertime, the mere presence of Froze and her royal guard caused heavy snowfall across the kingdom, with said snowstorm becoming harsher and worsening in condition the more power Froze, and her troop let loose. Froze in particular, after being enraged, generated a massive storm of Blessed Ice which surrounded the entirety of a moon sized object within her pocket realm, and can wield the storm at will.
    • Statistics Amplification: Blessed Ice can be used for a boost in statistics across the board, but mostly pertaining to attack potency, durability, and speed depending on the user's application of it. By using her 'Frozen Rush' attack, Froze is able to temporarily convert her powers into pure speed, giving her a boost of nearly a thousand times, letting her outright blitz anyone comparable to her. The use of 'Frozen Terrain' greatly boosts all of her statistics at a blanket level which stacks with other moves.
    • Healing: Blessed Ice can be used to restore lost limbs and for the acceleration of natural healing.
    • Damage Boost: The damage output of Blessed Ice is inherently boosted when the area the user is in is colder; depending on the temperature, this can raise the power of all attacks to unforeseen levels.
    • Light Manipulation: Blessed Ice uses light itself in order to becoming a blinding, ethereal force according to the whims of the user. Because of this, Froze is able to make most of her attacks shine 'like the sun' according to Surami.
    • Power Nullification, Damage Reduction: By applying a similar principle from her Ultrafreezer, Froze can destroy enemy abilities with her own blessed power, a very high-level use of Blessed Ice which surpasses the rest of the Royal Guard. Not only can she null abilities, but also the 'strength' behind the abilities, turning them very weak even if she can't null them outright. She typically manifests this power in the form of a specialized scythe called 'Black Gates.' Blessed Ice itself can negate the abilities of weaker opponents, with this effect becoming more useful based on the users own will to enforce their faith in Kozan.
    • Deconstruction: Like Kozan, Froze is able to cast icy lightning from her hands and fingers using Blessed Ice which always inflict the maximum possible pain. They inflict both shocking and freezing damage upon contact and 'kill' cells through disintegration, leaving nothing in their wake and can concentrate her lightning all around her in the form of a miniature tornado. This even works against energy constructs and ranged moves.
    • Attack Reflection: Blessed Ice can create powerful winds which work to reflect attacks in other directions based on which way Froze twists the wind. In its wind form, the reflection remains passive and sends away physical attackers (literally twisting them in the desired directions, regardless of approach) and ranged moves without sacrificing ranged options or extra stamina like her 'Polar Striker'. Against a stronger attack, she can concentrate this wind into a genuine ice sphere that can reflect an attack that may even kill her outright, a move she dubbed 'Freezing Reflector.'
    • Durability Negation: Froze can use Blessed Ice to spawn weapons within her opponent's body, instantly shredding them from the inside.
    • Teleportation: Blizzard Warper is a special ability allowing Froze or other users of Blessed Ice to warp around as long as they are either in a very cold area, currently releasing blizzards, or have activated Frozen Terrain. Her ability to warp isn't very great when it comes to distance, alongside it being conditional activation, which is why she never uses it to travel. However, in battle, it can be extremely useful, especially when combined with her instincts and skill. Teleportation across networks of Blessed Ice is also possible, as demonstrated by Froze teleporting in and out of her pocket realm many times in rapid succession against Dhalia.
    • Non-Physical interaction, Soul Manipulation: Blessed Ice is capable of 'freezing Volt' in its tracks, as demonstrated by Wintor against Cosmo Comet, in addition to being able to freeze the souls of opponents at a higher level of exposure or Avalo's standard ability to harm the soul with all of his attacks due to his high mastery of that aspect of the spectrum of powers provided by Blessed Ice. Froze can replicate this to an extent but is also shown to be able to use blizzards to push Snowra's aurora's back despite their intangibility.
    • Statistics Reduction: Blessed Ice can be used for the creation of large, shaped structures and constructs of icy energy which blast out a terrifying light, encompassing all in a 'cold shine' which lowers an enemy's speed greatly upon enveloping them.
    • Time Stop: Blessed Ice is even capable of freezing time itself, although Froze in particular is the sole individual capable of doing so besides Kozan himself due to her sheer will and mastery over the force. By wielding all of her ice power blessing, she can generate a 'grand freeze' which freezes time itself for everyone and everything except for Froze. This lasts for a short time and cannot be spammed, as it results in great pain for Froze which mostly affects her heart, although using it multiple times in one battle is not out of the question for her.
    • Invisibility: Blessed Ice allows for the user to outright 'disappear from reality', becoming akin to nothingness itself in order to avoid detection. This works extremely well, as Froze used the maneuver to a point where she could hit Snowra without her own amazing instincts picking her attack up and even caught Frosslo off guard despite his use of his Divine Forme in their second battle, with him only being capable of reacting to her again after he figured out what was happening. However, it cannot be used to a large extent/for extensive time periods.
    • Power Creation: Blessed Ice is an ability which itself possesses many kinds of abilities, some potentially not even discovered yet. Froze and her Royal Guard all wield very different versions of Blessed Ice, yet all the same it is still the same power system. Through enough focus, training, prayer to Kozan or outright will, new applications of Blessed Ice will be born.
  • Aura (Overwhelming, Explosive): Overtime, Froze has conjured an immensely powerful aura which is often compared outright to Kozan's first form. Although it isn't active at all times, it requires hardly any stamina and is amazingly useful, especially for defense from foes attacking from farther distances.
    • Explosion Manipulation: Froze's aura is explosive and casts consistent shockwaves which can hold comparable opponents back, including Snowra. This also allows for constant damage of the enemy when they approach her without the need to take a single action against them.
    • Reality Warping: Froze's aura outright warps reality around her, causing a cascade of effects around the world to her benefit, including the alteration of the landscape into strange forms, altering the construction of matter, destroying physics, altering probability, and more.
    • Spatial Manipulation, BFR, Sealing: Physical touch of Froze's aura transports them into her pocket realm, at which point Froze is capable of sealing them within, something which even worked on Divine Forme Frosslo for a time. Froze's aura also routinely bends space, making her very hard to see clearly and allowing her to redirect attacks.
    • Illusion Manipulation: Froze's aura generates illusory phenomenon to extreme realness to the point of Frosslo thinking she might have known Genjutsu somehow until he managed to see 'beyond her'. These illusions are extremely vivid and can consist of nearly anything but get less effective if the opponent is farther away, unlike Genjutsu.
  • Rage Power: Froze's power skyrockets as a result of unleashing her rage, far surpassing the boosts her Blessed Ice is able to provide her. When she is truly enraged, her power over ice goes into overdrive, greatly accelerating all of her desires effects and empowering her will to overcome all of Grand Majesty's enemies.
  • Mind Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Limited Possession: Thanks to the 'Eyes of Hailstorm', when Froze glares at an opponent, they can 'feel their cells shaking'. Her glare alone is enough to halt Avalo's rage, which can get to the point of near insanity if he's allowed to rampage and can scare brave fighters who may have held zero fear about facing her prior to seeing her face, including the likes of Lillian and Majin, both of whom are known for fearlessness. In extreme cases, Froze even outright possesses her opponent, supplanting them entirely and conquering them, something which worked on a scale of over a hundred Kamihana soldiers at once, rendering them husks until she left them behind.
  • Paralysis Inducement, Sound Manipulation: Froze is able to unleash a devastating wave in the form of an eruption of icy power. It can inflict a near total paralysis upon contact with opponents via its generated shockwaves. It does this via blocking off the enemy brain from even sending signals to the rest of the body to move. At a higher level, shockwaves constantly shatter the innards of opponents, causing instant death for those without willpower to survive fatal injuries or regeneration. The shockwaves also fly out in many different ways besides just horizontally, making it harder to avoid, alongside its increased range.
  • Limited Invulnerability: Armoring formed by Blessed Ice is notably incapable of being conventionally harmed, even by far stronger attacks from individuals who faced off with the Bloodborn. Its defense factor can become even stronger based on willpower, even blocking durability negating attacks without issue.
  • Morality Manipulation and Empathic Manipulation: Froze is one of the 'preachers' for King Kozan, which gives her voice a special power. When she speaks to others of the glories of Kozan, their hearts begin to change and their mindsets morph into what Kozan views as an ideal slave to the Snow Cult. This turns her enemies to her side and against their former allies, hardening their hearts and resolving them to serve Kozan.
  • Summoning: Froze, as the commander of the Royal Guard, is also in charge of the vast majority of Kozan's forces. As such, she has the ability to summon thousands upon thousands of Snow Golems at the snap of her finger.
  • Duplication: Froze is capable of creating icy duplicates of herself as doubles to take damage for herself, swapping her position with any given ice clone. These clones aren't very useful on offense, however, via her "Tenfold Froze" move, she can make ten legitimate clones to do dirty work for her.
  • Forcefield Creation: Froze can create very potent defensive walls as well as having excellent control over these barriers. She can alter their shape, elasticity, size, and more of any given barrier she creates to fit a situation. In particular, her 'Cryonic Sphere' is a highly enforced barrier capable of taking damage up to ten times as powerful as her strongest punches without a scratch.
  • Black Hole Creation, Existence Erasure: Froze is able to generate what resembles a black hole and event horizon, before casting it all out in the form of malleable beams which appear similar to the energy which surrounds Black Gates. These beams are able to erase her opponent with explosions on higher level than Black Gates can nullify power, entirely ridding herself of enemies upon the beams contact.
  • Absorption, Gravity Manipulation: Froze is able to absorb the power behind attacks by generating icy spheres around her fists. The attack bends gravity around her as well as its absorption, giving her a layered defense. On offense, it can easily rip through an enemy's defense by absorbing it, converting her enemy's power into her very own. Can generates icy bubbles which greatly bend gravity and can absorb attacks to a similar extent.
  • Pain Manipulation, Deconstruction, Life Manipulation: Black Gates is a weapon imbued with Froze's innermost power, the strength of all the pain Kozan has inflicted her with over the course of her lifetime. In addition to its ability to nullify other abilities, Froze can use Black Gates to force her pain onto her opponent, making them suffer at mercy of the pain she's felt while destroying them and stripping lifeforce from anything its slices cut.
  • Portal Creation: Froze is able to generate portals to Blizzara's pocket realm. When using Black Gates, she can generate 'dark portals' that erase a wider array of attack moves at once, such as a danmaku from Frosslo, vacuuming them in similarly to a black hole.

  • Cosmic Radiations: Effortlessly withstands the environment of the pocket realm gifted to her by Blizzara for many days, which possesses a moon-sixed structure and wields the effects of being in space.
  • Blessed Ice Manipulation: Froze is capable of withstanding all the standard effects of Blessed Ice on her own, however, can also manifest defenses against more esoteric variations such as Snowra's Aurora Attacks and Avalo's soul punches, and even Kozan's own use of Ultrafreezer.
  • Power Nullification, Power Mimicry: Froze's Blessed Ice is unable to be nullified by other users of Blessed Ice, and she even held on against the passive nullification induced by Lillian throwing up a barrier. Blessed Ice cannot be copied as it is derived from a faith in Kozan, as well as just inherently belonging to the king himself.
  • Illusion Manipulation, Perception Manipulation: The 'Eyes of Hailstorm' allow Froze to see through even the most potent of illusions, making many moves from Snowra lose their effectiveness. She can even use this to see beyond Genjutsu, but even with her powerful gift this can only be done to a limited extent against someone as proficient as Maximus.
  • Extreme Heat: Blessed Ice, and by extension Froze herself, are unable to be harmed by even higher extremes of heat. Even Cosmo Comet's Electrojutsu attacks, which reach around one million degrees Celsius, have zero notable effect on Froze or any of her ice based attacks.
  • Paralysis Inducement, Biological Manipulation, and Electricity Manipulation (Sub-atomic): Froze is capable of withstanding the base effects of getting hit by strikes of Electrojutsu from Cosmo Comet, who himself was able to increase the power of his Volt to paralyze machines built by Kyofu that themselves were evolved multiple times to stifle and outright resist previous uses of the same Volt attacks.
  • Empathic Manipulation and Morality Manipulation: Froze resisted the effort from Frosslo to turn his own words into power just as her words possessed the power of Kozan, as such, his attempts to 'soften her heart' to heed his words without a fight were unsuccessful.
  • Telekinesis: Froze is capable of tanking and breaking free from Samui's telekinetic grasp, however, this was prior to the outburst where his true power was unlocked.


Gifted - Froze was an excellent student. Although the Snow Cult never leaned into the teachings of genuine science, she displayed the ability to remember information better than most and apply it on her tests, very often excelling and topping her classes. In addition, she managed to defeat fully grown guards in contests of martial arts prowess, her stances being perfected very early on after first learning of them. She has a wealth of understanding of the bodies of various Monsters over the course of her study of 'Devils' as well as the physiology of herself and others like her. She's a great military strategist who accounts for every scenario, even those she believes are unlikely or something that may be unexpected. As a result, she led the charge which led to stealing a Divine Flower from Kamihana, something extraordinarily difficult.

Extraordinary Genius - Froze is an immensely capable fighter. Similarly to some characters, such as Cobalt, she's proven her ability to form complex plans and even backup plans on the fly. In addition, her martial arts are nearly perfected. She's been taught an array of different fighting styles and even created entirely new ones for herself, notably the Grand Blizzard Fighting Style, something she's now teaching the Frozen Guard to use. But where her battle intelligence truly shines are in her ability to produce thousands upon thousands of varying combinations for all of her Blessed Ice attacks. Capable of manipulating entire snowstorms of knife-like flakes, personally crafting pathways for every individual flake is something she considers casual, even as their numbers skyrocket through the tens of thousands. In order for her to be so precisive with so many moves she's constantly running calculations through her brain and accounting for dozens to hundreds of variables at once while also maintaining her rapid fighting style. During sparring, she has routinely managed to outsmart Snowra, someone who can fight hundreds of battles all at once without missing a beat against Maximus' Genjutsu. When it comes to actual Blessed Ice, she's the greatest of the Frozen Guard when it comes to discovering the depths of its potential.

Standard Tactics: When it comes to fighting, Froze is a pure soldier. No nonsense, no attitude, just the fight. Her approach to combat is simple. First, she will always create a snowstorm and asses her opponent with her 'Eyes of Hailstorm', deriving any possible information if she didn't have any prior, then using that info and her immense calculative speed to determine the right strategies and combination of moves to defeat her opponent. She'll do anything to defeat Devils.

Weaknesses: Froze can be exploited by enemies who are 'blasphemers' when it comes to Kozan. If they insult her way or especially Kozan himself, she'll be much quicker to rage and [possibly lose control over her attacks for a time. If she loses Black Gates, she can't simply recreate unless given uninterrupted time to do so. If she is convinced of the same truth which Frosslo showed her, she loses her will to fight and her Blessed Ice becomes far less effective as a result if it being based upon faith in Kozan. Wielding extreme heat in the correct fashion may prevent her from stockpiling stamina. Despite her weaknesses, getting through her mental blockages is extremely difficult.

Notable Attacks/Techniques[]

  • Grand Blizzard Battling Style: Froze's mastery over ice allows for her to also be a master of her very own fighting style, which she teaches to a select few at Snow Cult Land. The style involves skillfully wielding blizzard attacks in unison with pure martial arts prowess.
    • Frost Combo: Froze unleashes a series of extremely precise and quick blows. Each movement of a limb releases a burst of blizzard powers which inflict smaller version of the same permafrost effect as Kozan's Death Blizzard. At Froze's skill level, this can add up significantly even against other super skilled foes.
  • Eight Arms Froze Mode: Froze can wield her ice power to generate appendages. By using them to generate eight arms emitted from his back, Froze can give herself a more varied physical attack set and overwhelm her enemy with the might of ten arms total. Froze has high knowledge on how to wield dozens of different weapons at a master level and uses her eight arms mode to use this knowledge to its max potential.
    • Crazy Octagon: A martial arts technique developed by Froze involving her Eight Arms Mode (despite having ten arms total), preforming a great series of grapples and pressure strikes to overwhelm her enemy with the arms and crush them in her grips.
  • Freezing Emergent: Froze conjures massive ice power around her and generates a gargantuan ice structure resembling a massive tree, with dozens or even hundreds of branching limbs which can be stretched and bent at massive distance while Froze battles her enemy all across its length. She can manipulate it at will, turning the battlefield into a personal fortress. She can also summon spires along each branch to stab enemies.
  • Snow Lightning: Like Kozan, Froze is able to cast icy lightning from her hands and fingers which always inflict the maximum possible pain. They inflict both shocking and freezing damage upon contact and 'kill' cells which blocks cellular healing. She can expand its range significantly, but not nearly as much as Kozan can. The lightning also shreds barriers and armors on contact like they're nothing.
  • Polar Striker: Froze is able to concentrate her lightning all around her in the form of a miniature tornado. Concentrating her lightning in this way allows for ionization and something she calls 'ripping', which results in disintegration and the splitting of the bonds forming matter around her, forcing enemies to perish in more ways than one. This even works against energy constructs and ranged moves. However, Froze's own limited options becoming more limited for its duration.
  • Twisting Ice Smasher: Froze attacks by causing concentered winds of ice particles to form around her arms or legs, forming spinning drills of ice with many icicles protruding outwards from them. Not only does this raise her physical attacks power significantly, but it also lets her drill through barriers easily, even if they're stacked. Non-physically based barriers such as those formed from elements are also twisted up and tossed aside with the same ease. Froze is able to apply the drilling properties to most of her ice-based creations.
  • Barrage of Worship: Froze generates a series of hundreds of 'instant attack' fists that create icy quakes upon hitting an enemy like a cannonball. The quakes create chasms, from which huge ice spires are shot out. Each fist generates pressure waves which not only shatter all around it but can passively inflict confusion into an enemy via special winds. This makes enemies see light all around, which Froze describes as witnessing the glory of Grand Majesty.
  • The Slicer: Froze manifests a storm of snowflakes around her enemy's location, then has them all instantly slash through them, creating thousands of cuts and eliminating any physical trace of the opponent. She can manifest the attack depending on her arms, making it much more useful while her Eight Arms mode is on.
  • Deathly Blows: Froze is able to absorb the power behind attacks by generating icy spheres around her fists. The attack bends gravity around her as well as its absorption, giving her a layered defense. On offense, it can easily rip through an enemy's defense by absorbing it.
  • Glowing Vengeance: Instead of in her fists, Froze generates many icy spheres around her which have blade-like protrusions. These possess the same effects as her Deathly Blows, but they act like drones, flying around the enemy and slicing them in addition to their original power. They are able to ignore traditional defense but can be slowed by barriers.
  • Fossilizer Burst: A far stronger version of her Fossilizer attack. At medium range, Froze attacks with an icy wind which turns her enemy into a frozen husk. This attack is even capable of eliminating healing factors due to its effect on individual cells in the body. This completely freezes blood and other fluids and inner bodily functions, shutting them down entirely with a direct hit. Because of its reach and ability to go in every direction, it can be particularly threatening.
  • Shining Tatsumaki: A brand-new move Froze creates after mastering her control over Ice Lightning so well that she can wield it even better than Kozan can. While glimmering like snow in moonlight, Froze generates a huge surge of Ice Lightning that spreads around her and separates into multiple stretching whirlwinds of it, all the while imbuing her aura with it, making her incredibly difficult to approach at close range. The tornadoes then devastate their surroundings and draw in opponents and ranged attacks. Froze can further manipulate them with hand movements, stretching them upwards or to be wider as well as manipulation of their trajectory.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:

Momo Elric (The Shadow of Revenge) - Battle: Both characters 5-C with speed equalized. Dæinvorol was disallowed from Momo.

