FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
TM Fox Vector
~ Fox, during his fight with Link


Fox McCloud (also referred to as Melee Fox and Hiyaa) is a character who first appeared in Something About Super Smash Bros. He then appeared in Something About Star Fox 64 and later in Speedrunner Mario VS Melee Fox, where he would fight against Mario but eventually lose the fight. His first appearance in the channel overall is NoPUNintendo - Where do I park my ship?.

Personal Statistics[]

Alignment: Lawful Good

Name: Fox McCloud, Melee Fox, Hiyaa

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Origin: TerminalMontage

Classification: Anthropomorphic Fox, Smash Fighter

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: High 5-A, possibly 4-B

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Expert Marksmanship (Wields laser pistols and regular glocks, can also fire them when they are clenched between his buttcheeks), Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Fourth Wall Awareness (Via his N64 controller), Teleportation, Shapeshifting (Can shapeshift his body to be taller and much more muscular with a build similar to that Kenshiro's. Can briefly turn into Mew2King, and can also shapeshift his hand into a human hand), Elasticity (Can stretch and squeeze his body vertically or horizontally to avoid attacks), Forcefield Creation (Via Shielding), Attack Reflection (Via Reflectors), Electricity Manipulation, Fire Manipulation (Via Fire Fox), Afterimage Creation (Via Fox Illusion)

Attack Potency: Dwarf Star level (Should be comparable to Boshi, who could kick the moon at speeds sufficient to generate this amount of energy), possibly Solar System level (Can fight opponents who can damage him)

Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic (Cross the entire World of Light map in about five seconds) with Massively FTL+ combat and reaction speeds (Should be capable of dodging Samus' fully charged energy shot, which could cross a distance equivalent to at least hundreds to thousands of galaxies in seconds)

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Ran at least a distance of 226 miles while carrying ROB 64, who should weigh at least 150 kg, on his back)

Striking Strength: Dwarf Star Class, possibly Solar System Class

Durability: Dwarf Star level, possibly Solar System level (His Arwing can tank an explosion that wiped out an entire solar system without even being moved by itself, and survived a crash that completely destroyed it. Has also tanked a planetary explosion without being harmed), higher via shielding and reflecting (Can completely nullify attacks from opponents that would otherwise be able to harm him)

Stamina: Extremely High (Capable of running across an entire map while carrying a 150 kg robot. Is almost constantly full of energy and never tires out)

Range: Standard melee range, several meters with his blasters

Standard Equipment:

  • Reflectors: A pocket device that's capable of instantaneously creating a forcefield to protect Fox for a brief moment. It reflects any projectile that comes Fox's way, and anybody who comes in contact with it the moment it comes out will take electric damage.
  • Laser Blaster: Wields a laser pistol that fires bolts of energy. Sometimes Fox is seen dual-wielding them, or even firing one without his hands when its clenched between his buttcheeks.
  • 9mm Handgun: On rare occasions, Fox will also use a regular 9mm handgun like the kind one would expect to see in real life.
  • N64 Controller: When Fox rapidly mashes the A button on this controller, he can force people to talk quicker, ending dialog sequences and cutscenes much earlier.

Intelligence: High in battle (Easily one of the most skilled combatants on the Smash roster. Being strong in the meta of his game requires one to be good at reading opponents, and picking up on habits)

Weaknesses: Incredibly hyperactive and easily excited.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Dash-Dancing: When in combat, Fox's main tactic is to rapidly dash back and forth to throw his opponent off.
  • Teleportation: Fox was capable of rapidly teleporting over distances of several dozens of yards, which makes the Instant Transmission sound effect from Dragon Ball.
  • Shapeshifting: Fox was capable of stretching and squeezing his body to be nearly paper thin in order to avoid attacks, stretching his arms to greater lengths, morphing his hands into real life human hands, turning into Mew2King, and growing all of the muscles in his body to make him look like Kenshiro.
  • Shielding: Fox has the ability to conceal himself in a protective forcefield bubble. This shield will shrink as it stays out, and will shrink faster when it absorbs attacks. If the bubble shrinks to the point of breaking, Fox will get dazed for a few seconds and will be left wide open. Because of this, the shield needs time to recharge between each use. The shield also doesn't protect him from getting grabbed.
    • Perfect Shielding: When Fox precisely times the activation of his shield with the opponent's attack, it will completely nullify the attack as if nothing happened, and even blow the opponent back a little, leaving them wide open to be punished.
  • Fire Fox: Fox engulfs himself in a ball of flame and dashes in an aerial direction of his choosing. The startup time is slow, so it's best for Fox to only use this move when the situation demands it.
  • Fox Illusion: Fox dashes forward at high speed and leaves behind a trail of blue afterimages that damage opponents who make contact with them.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
