FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Florina, real name Julia Abrahams, is a young girl, no older than nine or ten years old. As young as she seemed, her shoulders carry a heavy load. Her power is the ability to manipulate plants and affect their growth, and was given the name "Florina" affectionately by Rush. And although she was one of the first to become part of Cole’s group, she still has some blossoming to do.

Her father was lost serving overseas in the army, and she worked with her mother in her flower shop before Beast Cole destroyed her town, activating her powers and leaving her an orphan.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 10-B. Varies with Plant Manipulation

Name: Florina, Julia Abrahams

Origin: InFAMOUS Multiverse: Legacy of The Beast

Gender: Female

Age: 9-10

Classification: Human Conduit, Member of Cole’s Conduit Community

Powers and Abilities: Normal Human Characteristics, Plant Manipulation, Disease Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Transmutation, Empathic Manipulation, Barrier Creation, Reactive Adaptation, Accelerated Development, Regeneration (Mid-Low. Possesses a weaker healing factor than other Conduit’s, but was still able to heal a large gash up her arm in a few hours), Rage Power (All Conduits get stronger with rage). Resistance to Disease Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, and Empathic Manipulation

Attack Potency: Human level physically. Varies with Plant Manipulation (Her plants are normally able to destroy skyscrapers and hold Alpha-level Conduits at bay. While they were able to overwhelm even Beast Cole for a short period while enraged)

Speed: At least FTL reactions and combat speed (Can react to Alpha-level Conduits and tag them with her plants)

Lifting Strength: Human Class physically. At least Class G, likely higher with Plant Manipulation

Striking Strength: Human Class physically. Varies with Plant Manipulation

Durability: Human level physically. At least Multi-Continent level, likely higher with Plant Barriers (Can take several hits from Beast Cole before breaking)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Hundreds of Kilometers with Plants

Standard Equipment: None Notable

Intelligence: Above Average

Weaknesses: None Notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
