FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Fleetway sonic my beloved uwu
FleetwayDefeatIcon GRAAHH! Hahaha, let's see how fast you can REALLY go!!
~ Super Sonic before Chaos
FleetwayDefeatIcon EAT THIS!!
~ Super Sonic attacking Boyfriend

FleetwayIcon GRAAHH! Hahaha, let's see how fast you can REALLY go!!
~ Super Sonic before Chaos
FleetwayIcon EAT THIS!!
~ Super Sonic attacking Boyfriend


Fleetway Super Sonic is an antagonist of the Vs. Sonic.exe mod, featured in the bonus song "Chaos". He's an alternate universe's version of the Super Sonic transformation, who, unlike the original Super Sonic, is a violent and psychotic being born from the corruption caused by the Chaos Emerald that wishes nothing but causing chaos and destruction for his own amusement. In the mod, he's awakened after Sonic accidentally falls into the Chaos Emeralds and absorbs their chaos energy, however unlike in the original comic, here, he challenges Boyfriend to a deadly rap battle right after awakening, attempting to kill him by carbonizing him with his laser beams during the rap battle, however he's soon defeated when Boyfriend uses the power of the Chaos Emeralds to obtain a Super form himself.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-A

Name: Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Sonic, Fleetway Super Sonic

Origin: Friday Night Funkin' (Vs. Sonic.exe)

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Superpowered Mobian Hedgehog, Malevolent split personality

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Body Control (Can curl himself into a ball to spindash), Natural Weaponry (Has sharp teeth), Flight, Aura, Energy Projection

Attack Potency: Small Building level (Can completely incinerate Boyfriend with his laser beams, which would require this much energy. Can also incinerate Super Boyfriend, who was able to shake part of the temple where he fought him by merely powering up. Claims to be more powerful than Sonic.exe)

Speed: At least Relativistic (Is far superior to Boyfriend, who dodged one of his laser beams), Speed of Light with lasers

Lifting Strength: Class K (Claims to be more powerful than Sonic.exe)

Striking Strength: Smal Building level

Durability: Small Building level (Should scale to his AP)

Stamina: High

Range: Standard melee range normally. Tens of meters with laser beams

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: He's very arrogant and cocky


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM Sonic Continuity) Sonic's Profile (Everything above 9-A was restricted. Location was the temple shown during "Chaos" and starting distance was 20 meters. Speed was equalized)

Inconclusive Matches:
