Fiona is a Half-Elf Druid. Living in the woods for most of her life, she has a large amount of experience with animals and nature. She is a sweet and seductive person, often trying to see the best in people and the world. She was assigned to help save the world along with the rest of her adventuring party and to stop Vecna from being summoned.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 8-C, Varies with Shapeshifting, typically between 10-C to 8-C
Name: Fiona
Origin: The Keyword Is Try
Gender: Female
Age: 19 in Half-Elf Years, 38 in Human Years
Classification: Half-Elf, Druid, Shapeshifter
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Skilled with swords and whips), Longevity (Half-Elves age at half the speed of humans, allowing them to live twice as long on average), Acrobatics (Is an incredibly skilled pole dancer. Has shown great skill with jumping and avoiding opponents though her acrobatics), Enhanced Senses (Can see up to 60 feet in the dark), Social Influencing (Is a skilled seductress, being able to seduce multiple enemies at a time while they were in the middle of fighting. Distracted 2 guards with her seduction skills, making the guards unaware of a fight that was happening around them. Managed to get an entire nightclubs worth of people to start fighting in order to win her affection with only a few words), Regeneration (High-Low; Regenerated from a bullet wound through her stomach after only resting for a few hours and healed from having her stomach cut open by a drowned), Statistics Amplification (Can increase her charm with "The Rizzler"), Surface Scaling (With "Drink of a Spider", she sprouts 8 spider legs from her hips that allow her to crawl up walls), Magic, Non-Physical Interaction (Magic is capable of harming ghosts and spirits that don't have a physical form), Energy Manipulation & Weapon Creation (Via Thorn Whip), Temperature Manipulation (Via Heat Metal), Animal Manipulation (Capable of talking to and understanding animals, and can often talk animals into helping her out), Shapeshifting (Capable of shapeshifting into a large assortment of diffrent animals), Power Mimicry (Fiona gains the powers of whatever creature she has shapesifted into), Limited Soul Manipulation & Resistance to Astral Projection (Could put her own soul back into her body after being astral projected by a powerful hag)
Attack Potency: Building level (Could decapitate a robotic clone of Bee, with the original Bee having the durability to survive hits from a Remorhaz. Harmed the Sea Hag, who could tank hits from Consif. Can fight toe-to-toe with Mimics), Varies with Shapeshifting (Her strength depends on what animal she is currently shapeshifted into), typically between Below Average level (Could overpower 2 rats while shapeshifted into a rat) to Building level (While in her Griffin form, she could plow through the side of a warship, which magical cannon balls are incapable of doing, which can generate this much energy. Is scalable to other griffins, which can harm a base Fiona & Bee)
Speed: Athletic Human Travel Speed (Can jump this fast, with her running speed likely being comparable) with Transonic Reaction & Combat Speed (Scalable to Lyndeer), Varies with Shapeshifting (Her speed can change depending on what animal she is shapeshifted into), typically between Average Human (Her rat form can keep up with Bee) to Superhuman Travel Speed (Griffins can fly at 60 f/s, or 18.288 m/s) with Transonic Reaction & Combat Speed
Lifting Strength: Athletic Human, Varies with Shapeshifting, typically between Below Average Human (Her bird form had trouble lifting a bone. Her rat form could overpower and throw 2 other rats) to at least Class 5 (Could throw a man with this much force. Comparable to other griffins, who can rip each other's heads off, which should require a simular amount of force as ripping off a human head)
Striking Strength: Building Class, Varies with Shapeshifting, typically between Below Average Class to Building Class
Durability: Building level (Can tank hits from Mimics, who can harm Bee, who can survive attacks from a young Remorhaz. Can tank attacks from firearms that can harm Velana. Survived a fireball spell that was powerful enough to vaporize a man), Varies with Shapeshifting, typically between Below Average level to Building level (As a griffin, she can survive attacks from other griffins, who can easily plow each other through roofs and damage characters such as Consif)
Stamina: High (Could keep fighting after getting stabbed in the stomach incredibly deep)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with Thorn Whip, Several Meters with Spells
Standard Equipment: Sword
Optional Equipment: The Rizzler, Drink of a Spider
Intelligence: At least Above Average (Despite often being called an airhead and a bit of a ditz, she had shown some great thinking in stressful situations. She is an incredibly skilled seductress, often managing to seduce opponents in the middle of battle and charm them into not attacking her and even sometimes helping her. She has also demonstrated great tracking skills, managing to track animals and people with great proficiency. Has a large amount of knowledge on nature and on many diffrent animals, being able to identify diffrent birds by their calls and identify animals by their tracks. Is fluent in multiple languages, knowing the most out of the entire party. Has decent medical knowlege, having enough to act as a mortician without any other morticians noticing simply by improvising)
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Thorn Whip: Fiona creates a magical whip
- Heat Metal: Fiona heats up a selected piece of metal until it becomes white hot
- Speak With Animals: Allows Velana to talk to animals and ask them for their help
- Wild Shape: Can shapeshift into nearly any animal that she sees, gaining the animals abilities and stats
Weaknesses: Often tries to be a pacifist, usually resulting in her getting hit first before taking action. Has a soft spot for all forms of nature and animals, making her hesitant to harm them. Frequently lets her emotions take control of her and massivley effect her judgement
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: