FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Nihilosmog v2 by nihilego jelly reborn

Credit to Nihilego Jelly Reborn.


Nihilosmog is a mysterious Nihilego/Cosmog hybrid in Pokémon fanfiction made by Nihilego Jelly Reborn (aka truewitherextramode).

In its backstory, Nihilosmog was originating from the night. This beast has a seemingly perfect sense of rhythm. This has led to some disastrous mishaps (i.e. the time when it "borrowed" an experimental hat from the Aether Foundation that attracts nearby objects to it). This beast can latch onto people just like any other Nihilego, however his neurotoxins don't alter the host's thoughts and actions, allowing the host to have full control over their actions. The cross-shaped marking on its body is what he calls a "Rhythmic Core" which he describes it as his source of rhythm. The core itself is actually a separate being which he has nicknamed "Corevil." Nihilosmog, being part Cosmog, also has the ability to create Ultra Wormholes, however not all Wormholes that it creates don't lead to the Ultra Space. Nihilosmog doesn't even know how this happens. When enraged, Nihilosmog goes into a special form which he has called "FATE Mode". While in this mode, some sort of yellow bubble envelops Nihilosmog and it gains the ability to shoot bullets composed of an as of yet unidentified form of energy from its Rhythmic Core. There is only one recorded instance in which Nihilosmog has used it, and regrets every bit of it. It also has another form which only activates when it is fully calm. This mode in which it has dubbed "FLUX Mode" allows Nihilosmog to separate its soul from his body. Its soul is described as a small, glowing, purple cube with a star shaped marking on its front. Its soul only possesses a fraction of Nihilosmog's full power. Nihilosmog does this to "free from its horrible memories of the incident". This so-called "Incident" that it refers too is when Nihilosmog went into FATE Mode after losing all sanity during a fight with Mother Beast V2, which was Lusamine merged with a mechanical Nihilego that was created by Timdustries Earth Lurching Co. Its anger got the better of Nihilosmog as it nearly tried to finish Lusamine off, had it not been for Lillie to calm Nihilosmog down before it can do any more harm to her. After becoming champion, it decided to decline his invitation to the Champion Festival at Iki Town, stating that "Nihilosmog had rather just stay and enjoy the scenery from his newly claimed throne". The next day, its friends decided to check up on Nihilosmog, but all they could find was a substitute doll with a note attached to it. The note stated that it is on a "Weeks Vacation" and would come back in a week. However, when his friends returned the following week, the beast was sitting on the champion's throne as he explained that this was the true form of the Alola champion. He was curious to where his best friend Lillie was, only to be devastated to learn that she left for Kanto to help her mother. Since then, he has been searching throughout the Kanto region in hopes of reuniting with her.


Nihilosmog's appearance seem to have full body of Nihilego and Cosmog, and have a red crossing health on center of its body.

Personal Statistics[]

Alignment: Lawful Good

Name: Nihilosmog, UB-00 RHYTHHYBRID

Age: Unknown

Gender: Genderless

Height: 4'3"

Weight: 108.74 lbs

Origin: Pokémon OCs

Classification: Hybrid Pokémon, Nihilego/Cosmog Hybrid

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: 4-B

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight, Teleportation, Telepathy, Mind Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Telekinesis, Reality Warping, Forcefield Creation, Possession, Spatial Manipulation, Shapeshifting, Acid Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Energy Manipulation, Attack Reflection, Size Manipulation, Energy Projection via FATE Mode, Statistics Amplification via FLUX Mode, Resistance to Fighting, Psychic, Normal, Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire, and Fairy moves

Attack Potency: Solar System level (Stated to be constellation threat)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Able to cross distances in seconds, thus should be considered to be one of fastest Pokémon OC)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Solar System Class

Durability: Solar System level

Stamina: High

Range: Standard melee range. Planetary with projectiles and abilities

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: Above Average (Shown to have above average level IQ, though Nihilosmog able to trick other people and skilled at combat moves)

Weaknesses: Vulnerable to Psychic, Flying, and Fairy moves.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Combined with Nihilego's and Cosmog's attacks/techniques: Nihilosmog had attacks and techniques of Nihilego and Cosmog.
  • FATE Mode: Whenever Nihilosmog goes into a energy state, using a yellow orb like ball of energy envelops Nihilosmog. When in this mode, it gains the ability to shoot bullet-shaped energy projectiles to its opponents. This fan attack/technique was given by the creator.
  • FLUX Mode: Nihilosmog able to increase its stats to gain attacks & speeds, it is about 1/8th times attacks but its speed is multiplied by 4. This fan attack/technique was given by the creator.

Note: Please read the note that OC isn't mine, this OC was Nihilego Jelly Reborn. Here goes credit to Nihilego Jelly Reborn for it.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
